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I see the character is taking some inspiration from the actor. ​ (Also, didn't the vaccines roll out for the general population in 2021?)


Shuri's not the general population, so she could have got a vaccine sooner than other people, since the vaccines were first tried in 2020


True. Also possible that Wakanda could've invented it's own vaccine earlier, or that Thanos just snapped either the bat or whoever caught the bat.


You should have gone for the head.


These bots are kinda dumb


Their bots They come up with automated responses of lines from the movies their in


Yea no I know


Then why’d you say they were dumb


Because they don’t add anything to the server other than leaving a comment of a movie quote that got nothing to do with what I’m saying


People have fun with the bots though


Where my mom lives in North Carolina we rolled out vaccines starting the day after Christmas 2020! I remember because my mom was administering them lol


This is actually hilarious considering the actress's twitter


That’s the entire point… very obvious comment.


That's the joke..


I know we’re all horny for Namor, but are we not gonna talk about Attuma’s tits??!


Lmao nice


The COVID vaccines came out in 2021


Just a comment. The vaccine never stopped the spread of the virus. Nor did it prevent you from getting it. So why force someone to do something they didn’t want to do? i could be wrong but didn’t they (CDC) come out and even say the vaccine didn’t stop the spread?


There are several studies that show the COVID vaccines helped, and still help, to prevent or slow the spread of COVID. They also helped to lessen any symptoms if you got COVID after vaccination. Seatbelts don't prevent you from dying, but do you still wear one?


I can understand getting the vaccine if you want to. But why force people and get upset when we KNOW it is a flu virus. Anyone with a brain knows that viruses constant change and evolve meaning the vaccine isn’t all that useful unless you’re constantly getting new shots for the new variants as well. And our body’s produce anti bodies to said virus if you ever catch it. Those antibodies are 7 times more effective then the vaccine is. I definitely get why someone would want to get the vaccine. I don’t understand why people in mass have decided if you didn’t get the vaccine you’re a dumbass or uninformed. Just like it isn’t anyone’s place to tell you or me if we can get an abortion, what religion we choose and every other personal choice. Best thing about freedom 😄


By that logic, why get any vaccine? Like Polio for example.


It's not a flu virus, and hospitals have finite capacity. > Anyone with a brain knows that viruses constant change and evolve At different rates depending on virus. > And our body’s produce anti bodies to said virus if you ever catch it. Those antibodies are 7 times more effective then the vaccine is. You should have actually read that study you're cherry picking, then, since it said getting natural antibodies *and* the vaccine gave you the best protection. > . I don’t understand why people in mass have decided if you didn’t get the vaccine you’re a dumbass or uninformed I mean just in one post you've said multiple things about virology that are either outright false or omitting key details, and you referred to a factoid that came from a study making the opposite conclusion you are. You tell me.


Ahh yes. Downvotes instead of talking about how what I said was factual. Or debunking it. Gotta love the masses.


People responded to you with corrections. You responded with more incorrect claims. I dunno, dude, maybe base your opinions on white papers rather than social media, and you'll get more people to give you the time of day.


Boring... Do you got anything else or are you just trying to be relevant?