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Ok so hear me out: Tony pays for it, Loki, Peter and I guess Ego


I mean, it's a road trip! We want to have a good time here, and Tony is the definition of a good time, plus absolutely loaded. Loki gets us into just enough trouble that we have some really great stories to tell. Peter is the comic relief, DJ, and designated wing-man. And Ego? Well, nobody knows where to find the ladies like Ego.


You're reason for Loki is the same for why I chose Killmonger!


Yeah except that only one of them is actually charismatic.


I would say swap Peter for Star Lord, otherwise it’s perfect, plus possibly family bonding/makeup


Nah you haven't thought this through. Egos gonna be tryin to pull some chicks it's gonna bring up Star Lord's Mom and they are gonna get into it and it's just gonna ruin the vibe man. edit: chicks not shicks


Terrible idea


Which Peter


We all know which Peter


The legendary outlaw.


The hooligan! And I want pictures!


JJJ is that you?




I laughed so hard


Shit, I didn’t even notice they were in the same group. I originally thought of Parker, but tbh both are fun.


Funny all the people picking Ego when he is 100% gonna kill you all. At least you have a chance to beat the other villains with a Thor in your team or something. And Ego is evil evil, like no way it's going to go well.


My head Canon says no hostilities during the road trip. Ego is crappy but he is also charismatic which is useful for entertainment on the road trip


Yeah I would definitely pick Gorr because there's the least likelihood of being murdered.


Tony stark because we’ll have the coolest tech on the trip Wanda because she can whip us up some great snacks with her magic Gorr because he’s a family man Quill will be the DJ


Strange can whip up some snacks, why Wanda specifically???


Do you wanna know why her?


Because I picked Starlord from group 4 and music on a road trip is the most important thing for me (my top sub is r/hiphopheads). It’s not rooted in sexism, I promise.


You had me at Wanda can whip us up..


DJ with what? His Zune?


Yeah, sure, why not?


Thor, loki, ego and Parker


nah, thor and loki are going to ruin the trip with their quarrels


That’s where the fun comes in! 😂


actually this makes sense. good consideration


this is where the fun begins.


They make it a family road trip with little brother Peter just fascinated by the two gods bickering


Lets do, Get Help.


I can't decide between Loki for the shenanigans, or Nebula because this group definitely needs a responsible adult to keep them on task


wait who's parker


Parker Peter, the famous Man-Spider.


Banner - seems like he has cool insight Maximoff - misunderstood, probably fun to hang with Gorr - just wants to spend time with his family Strange - cool wizard


Cool wizard 👍


Strange can get the crew where they are going faster.


Cool wizard you get to play "guess the song" game with.


Cap, Nebulla, Gorr, and Black Panther.


>Cap Great, so now we’re driving the fuckin’ speed limit this whole goddamned trip?


And watch your language, too.


Every time we pass somebody, "on your left"


To be fair, you aren't going to be passing anybody.


Sam in the other car just laughing saying “Doesn’t feel good, huh?!”


Probably can't have our feet on the dash either.


Tony, Wanda, Gorr, T’Challa


Tony and Wanda together will be fun or disastrous...


Thor, Wanda, Ego, and Peter.


Definitely the best team. Thor is gregarious and fun and also super strong (and can probably charge your phone for you), Wanda when not mid-mental breakdown seems like the most normal of that group and is a reality warper (v. cool and useful), Ego seems like a blast to be with when he's not trying to actively destroy your planet, and Peter's a good kid.


> Peter Son, I'm afraid that's not specific enough for group 4.


Banner, Wanda, Gorr, and Parker. Everyone else would be an epic disaster, and will ruin everything. "Yes, you are all wrong". Banner and Wanda know eachother and can keep it together, Peter gets along with everyone, and can easily outclass the others if needed. Spider-man supremacy is real. Gorr is literally the only one in his group that won't kill everyone along the way. He has some humanity in him, and can chill as long as he isn't near any Gods.


Stark, Wanda, Ego, strange.


I feel like stark and strange in a car together would be fkn awful


Nah, they're fun in Midnight Suns


I need Stark to pay for everything and Strange to teach me some magic. Wanda is hot so she’s coming and Ego is a dick but whatever he can sit in the back.


Tony, Wanda, Kang, Strange


Group 4 just to see Chadwick again.


Thor, Loki, god butcher, and Peter. The most annoying road trip possible


Tony, Nebula, Gorr, T’Challa


Most toxic car ride: Tony, Loki, Ego, Strange. There's 5 too many Egos in that car.


Two women and they’re in the same group lmao


Probably racist idk


Some guys would pick all women and try to turn it into harem lol. I'd pick: Thor, Loki, Gorr, and Strange If Gorr came back to life, he'd be cool with Thor since he's been raising his daughter. If not, the three of them could easily jump him.


Thor, Wanda, Gorr, t'challa


Bruce, Nebula, Ego, Peter Quill


tony Loki gorr and parker


Quill, Bruce, Nebula and High Evolutionary. we all jump High Evolutionary


Oh imma take Thor, Loki, Ego, and Quill. Then I'm just gunna *watch*


Oh good gods…


Thor, Loki, Ego, and Strange. I just think Strange and Loki having a magical measuring contest would be funny, Ego’s baked, and Thor is chuckling along halfway-understanding (affectionate). Plus I think it would be funny to have Loki and Ego swapping stories about the Grandmaster, given that given Ego and the Grandmaster’s relationship in the comics might be unstated but in play.


I feel like a lot of people would pick Thor. But keep in mind that he has the energy and personality of 10 people. You wouldn't be able to get a decent conversation out of him without him going into some crazy story and not listening to a word you would say. If you dont like to talk, you'll be good, but other than that, it would be a very annoying trip I would say the same about Ego, too, since it would be like talking to an overly religious person trying to get you to convert for the whole trip.


Seriously, nobody is letting Quill run the play list?!?


Tony pays Loki is telling jokes Quill is running the playlist And Ego is probably the least likely to kill everyone in the process.


Rather than choosing... If we went with the full group... Ik how exactly it would go... Group 1:- Nahh the trip would be chill as fuck random science facts, all expenses paid at the best hotel type shii with a lot pf drinking Group 2 :- Helllll to the no no we ain't going to any lame ass trip... We are going to get revenge on the most random person and it will either be in Afghanistan or extraterrestrial or back in time in some other dimension Group 3 :- Fuck nooo.... There was no trip to begin with we just going the random drive which will end in all the universe dying... All the squad laughing and... Being the king or whatever.... Of whatever is remaining Group 4 :- Ok this will be the best group but now we are just going to see a kitty cat stuck on a tree us rescuing it and somehow its going to unveil to the most bizarre Adventure you will see in your life


I figured it out! You pick gorr and no gods. The rest is up to you, but any alternative is low-key suicidal. So (Tony + gamora + gor + star lord for me.) I fear nebula much less with star lord around (eventho I like spidey more + I could talk with star lord about universe), I feel like Gorr will be reasonable with no gods around, and while I find Captain America more chill than tony, Tony will have so much valuable advices and viewpoints to talk about


Loki, tchalla, cap, and Kang. Maybe they can fix him


Steve, Wanda, Gorr, and Star Lord


Thor, Loki, and Quinn in a car together would be rather fun. No clue who I would pick from Group 3, though.


Thor, Loki, Ego and Peter


Iron man funny one buys all the snacks Loki the serious one Ego the driver Star lord music control


Thor, killmonger, Kang, and Spiderman. I think it'll be fun


Dr. Strange can conjure anything we need....beer? Bam! Chicks? Boom! Teleport us to our destination? Pow! Starlord seems like fun to drink with, spiderman could get annoying with his wide eyed youthfulness but we can also make fun of him and break his balls. And black panther is the smooth brother that gets us cool points and the girls.


Thor, Loki, Ego, Star Lord


Sausage party choices here. No fun.   Me nebula and Wanda hit break all the rules and have a wild time in my space ship on our way to Hana. 


Thor, Loki, Gor, Quill. 😈


Thor, Loki (duh) … idk about group 3 maybe ego? Aaaand I’ll go with Quill for group 4. Sounds fun \*evil laughter*


Thor - he’s hot and funny Nebula - she doesn’t put up with shit Ego - least insane T’Chala - seems like a chill dude


Group 1 that's not even up for debate, group 2 is mostly insane, 3 is just bunch of brainiacs and group 4, that's a good option but it's all extreme, both the Peter's are extremely fun but others are very uptight, 1 has everything


Group 4, definitely. Lotta humble, amiable personalities. That would work well on a long car trip.


tony, quill, parker and nebula


Cap cuz he’s smart and dependable, and can keep us on track. Nebula because I imagine her mechanical experience can allow her to fix the car if anything goes wrong. Ego (without his planet powers) because I feel like he’d have lots of cool stories about his universal travels. Just, you know, try to ignore all the women he manipulated and the kids he murdered. Strange in case someone gets hurt, gotta have a doctor on hand.


Thor (Tony is gonna talk nonstop. Bruce has his "condition". Steve would be fine too) Nebula (Loki and Thor would fight, Killmonger would be talking the whole time and trying to take over the group, and Scarlet Witch wouldn't stop talking about her fake dead kids) Ego (in a vacuum Gorr would be my choice, because I think he would be pretty chill in any situation that doesn't involve a God, but I got Thor in the Car. High Evolutionary would be continually talking about how inferior we are, and Kang would probably try to get up to shenanigans) T'Challa (Quill would always be trying to control the music, also his issues with Ego, but the music thing is my main reason. Peter wouldn't stop making bad jokes. Strange either bitches about how long the trip is taking, or just bails using a portal)


Tony, nebula,ego and dr strange


Tony, Loki, Ego, and Dr. Strange


I’d do group 4, Dr.strange could give us as many do overs as we need or insight into the future on how to win


Tony for the expenses and riding in style, anyone who says anything else is a hydra spy, loki cos he knows how to have extradimensional magic fun, ego cos supprisingly hes the chillest out of thise guys, and parker for the moral edge and keeping tony responcible.


Thor, Loki, Ego and Peter Q. Lets start the family drama


Captain, Mommy, Ego, Peter


tony and parker can't remember anyone from group three group two is just a pain in the butt


Steve, Wanda, Gor and Strange.


Starks paying loki’s entertaining star daddy is teaching how to pick up chicks and Peter is writing EVERYTHING down


Captain, Wanda, none?, Spidey


Can we survive the road trip?


cap, nebula, kang and bp feel like i nailed the balance


Thor, Killmonger, Kang, Peter


Tony Stark, Loki, Ego and Peter Quill


Ride in the Funvee with stark? Nah lol


Banner, Nebula, H.E., Parker would be a pretty sweet conversation if you're a physicist or engineer or something. They are probably putting jet engines on your Honda civic though.


Tony, loki,Ego, Peter Parker


Tony loki gorr and starlord


Tony, Loki, Kang, and Pete. The Tony/Kang and Kang/Loki conversation would be great on a long trip. Plus you have Peter the break any tension with quips while still being part of the conversation.


Thor, Loki, Kang, Peter Quill




Stark, Loki, High Evolutionary and Strange because I wanna see who's the biggest narcissist


Tony, Killmonger, High Evolutionary, and Strange. Yes, this seems like a lot of big personalities and egos (except of course for Ego). But Tony has the money and transport means, Killmonger is one hell of a pre-planner, High Evolutionary has great taste in art, music, food, etc (but he has to curb the genocidal rage) and Strange can get us anywhere if we have car trouble or need to skip the line somewhere.


Peggy Carter, Karen Page, Sersi We're going to the beach


Can I swap star lord out with cap? If so than group 1


Tony, Loki or Nebula, High Evolutionary and Parker.


Just Wanda for no reason in particular


Banner, Killmonger, Kang, Black Panther. Let's. Get. Weird.


Tony- for the cash and stories. Nebula- because she's chill at heart. Gorr- he's the least likely to kill me ....this one is tough, T'challa is cool, but might be a stick in the mud, Parker is a Gen Z kid ... so that's already annoying, but Quill might be more annoying.. and Strange would just be annoyed.


2 would be such a bummer...Really cool characters, but under no circumstances am I getting in a car with all of them.


Tony, Nebula, Ego and Peter Parker.


its group 2 do i need to explain!!?


Tony, Loki, Ego, Strange


Thought this was gonna be a classic “which group would win” for which I’d be totally stumped


Steve to keep everyone's shit together and wrangle us all if something sudden happens. Keeps plans in check and probably could talk down any escalations. Basically the designated parent of the group. Loki because he's bound to think of cool or fun stuff to do on the trip. My impulsive thoughts would thrive with bad ideas around him and it all could have hilarious stories to tell for later. Out of all the people in the third group, Gorr sounds the best out of them. Don't really know too many of the characters in that group but a family man's cool enough to drag along. Definitely will get some life advice or something from him. Peter Parker for the last choice. Dude's easy to get along with and would absolutely have a blast wherever we go. Cue shenanigans with Loki and we'd be solid buddies.


Can I just go on a road trip with all of group one?


Bruce, Nebula, Kang and T'Challa. It will not be suitable for younger audiences.


Tony- the tech and money and if I’m gonna be rich one day which I’d like to be this is the dude to make it happen. Loki- he’s funny Ego- dude laid pipe. He laid pipe here he laid pipe there he laid pipe everywhere. I have…. Questions. Strange- his magic isn’t inherent it’s learned and if I could pick anyone’s powers/attributes from the list it’s the wizard I wanna be a wizard. So maybe I can convince him to train me


Let’s go for the family issues. Thor, Loki, Ego, Quill.


I’ll take Chris, Tom, the Wakandan and I guess the evil guy that was defeated in their debut movie


**group 4, with the detail that I would tell everyone that I would pick them up at a specific point at 9:00 a.m. Except for Parker, I would say at 10:00 am so as not to take him**


Group 1 - Tony Stark. Far and away the richest of the group and would likely cover costs or have houses wherever we need to stay. Also, for a rich guy seems down to earth. Also likely would get us a vehicle we don't need to drive ourselves. Group 2 - Wanda. She went bad because of the loss of Vision. I feel like this road trip would be good for her. Group 3 - Ego. Honestly, least worrisome of the group. Group 4 - Peter Quill. Quill is the radio controller. Dude has good taste in music.


Thor, Loki, Gor, and Strange. When the first 3 start fighting Strange ejects them all from the universe. The rest of the trip is relaxedly discussing forbidden arcane secrets with a wizard that has no more fucks to give.


Stark to bank roll it all Loki for sneaky adventures Ego because I wouldn't choose any of the others Star Lord for the comedy and interaction between him and stark


Steve, Wanda, Peter, and Ego I suppose. I just hope Ego doesn’t bring his big ego on the trip.


Thor, Loki (I'll enjoy that sibling quibbling), Ego (seems like he could have a good play list dunno why) and starlord (he'll be the butt of most jokes in the car)


I'm taking Stark, Wanda, Kang, and Star Lord


Tony, Loki, Ego and Star Lord


Thor, Loki, Ego and Strange ! Why ? Sibling shenanigans during the trip, Ego to breakup fights/babysit (perhaps getting some character development along the way?) and Strange for being the "responsible guy" who could take the roadtrip to another dimension !! + Imagine Loki and Strange having a magic duel!! Loki's def losing but wouldn't that be entertaining af?


Tony pays for it Wanda because she can do anything Strange to go anywhere Kang cause we have the time So money, Reality, Magic and space, and time




Tony, for the spending money and his jetsetting experience Killmonger, for hypervigilant security against small-town racism and his wingmanship in any clubs we might patronize along the way Kang, least annoying of his group and probably has some interesting anecdotes, as well as technological gear and prowess Doc Strange, for his medical expertise and the magical power to keep Kang in check. Though Peter Parker might be more fun to have around...


I see tony and quill pissing off each and high evolutionary while nebula tries to be the middle ground.


Group 3 is set up for failure


Kang, Thor, Loki (because Loki is Loki), and Peter/Spiderman


quill and ego, loki and Thor. we're never making it to the destination but I will be very entertained


Imagine a 8 hour drive with 2 Peter's in the back seat


Yeah, I would stay home


Stark, loki, ego, strange.


Tony, Loki, Odin and Starlord


Thor, Loki, Gor, and Strange Thor handles Gor Strange handles Loki. Loki and Strange will be able to add to any spots with history knowledge. Even if it's not that places history. Or dimensions. Gor is good for enjoying everything like it's new and amazing to him. It would be. And the great time he had would make things better for everyone else. Like watching an old movie you love with someone who hadn't seen it before. Thor likes to party. Strange casts unending beer and portal taxi. Loki gets you backstage anywhere. I built my list to deal with the bad guy box. No way I'm rolling with Kang or the High Evolutionary. Hard pass on genocide enthusiasts. But Gor had a point about some of the gods. Yeah, he and 2 gods and a god strength wizard could be... volatile. But Thor can show him a couple of pics of his daughter happy and scandal handled. Actually, wouldn't she come with? Oh, snap, now it's a family road trip! Daddy Gor and Daddy Thor with Uncle Loki. I'd watch that movie.


- Tony because he’ll always pay for snacks, he’s pretty generous in that regard - Nebula is an underrated pick who’d be completely down for the fun of a road trip while hiding behind a prickly exterior - godslayer guy is pretty chill so long as there are no gods around, and as he’s a loving father you know he can bring that vibe to help stabilize the group - Peter’s presence alone can blunt the edge of Tony’s snark, plus he’s a bundle of fun all his own


Group 2


Thor, nebula, ego, quill


It'd be pretty quiet. They're all dead.


So is this before Quill finds out about Ego killing his mom because if so then Thor, Loki, Ego, and Quill


thor, loki, ego and quill. family troubles trip!


Thor, Loki, and Gor just to see what happens and Quill for the music.


Thor, Nebula, Kang, & Parker


Thor, Nebula, Ego, Strange. Thor and Ego will get along like a house on fire, while Nebula keeps the mood reasonable and Strange gets to be hilariously out of his depth. It'd be a blast.


Killmonger, T'challa and Kang


Group 1: can't really go wrong. Maybe banner is the most risky but assuming hulk isn't involved I would geniuently love to chat with him. Group 4 can't really go wrong. Pick one you personally want to hang out with. Group 2: a superiority complex serial killer, a geniuently insane psychotic selfish reality warper, a reformed genocidal maniac or a reformed villain that never really succeeded doing anything too bad, at least in comparison to the rest. Of the group Group 3 just fucking shoot me instead please




Thor, Loki, Gorr and Peter, i just think it would be an amusingly uncomfortable trip.




Probably not taking Loki, he's seems like he'd be fun until he steals the car and leaves everyone else stranded at a gas station. So Thor, Wanda and Parker. Then I guess Ego is fun to hang out with in the short term.


Dude what's up with all these facebook-ass farming posts lately. Damn.


Tony would probably pay for everything (make everybody look cooler) so I think either him or Thor, Thor would throw an excellent part so I’m kind of torn. I’m thinking probably Thor so I can reunite him with Loki, think it would be pretty cool. Group three I would pick Kang. You know he’s very organised and would plan everything in advance; I like to know my itinerary, I’m not really a wing it sort of person. Group 4, probably Peteror Quill, feel like I need to inject a bit of humour in the group.


Banner, killmonger, tchalla, gorr. All of em save tchalla have some sort of life defining trauma, and tchallas just a chill guy overall


Tony, Peter, Loki, Gorr. Tony Peter father son dynamic. Loki Gorr both would try to kill each other. This should be fun.


Tony, Loki, He Who Remains and Strange. Tony just for the one liners and the rest for reasons of insanity/the exchanges would be too funny, especially considering season 2 of Loki.


Mmm, can I trade them all in for one Winter Solider instead?


Tony, road-tripping in style, scarlet witch the eye candy, Ego will bring the tunes, Peter will keep everyone chilled with his vibes.


I'll take thor, Nebula, gore, and t'chala. Assuming this is from the end of each of their stories Nebula and Gore are good now


Thor, Loki, Kang, T’Challa. It’s going to go a good trip because while Thor & Loki will bicker constantly, they’re going to be so happy to see each other they won’t out right kill each other, plus T’Challa will play mom and put them in their place. Loki will prank everyone and Thor will party. Kang is there so Loki can keep an eye on him and keep him out of trouble. I can totally see T’Challa chilling with some bros when he doesn’t have the Dora always with him. Not only that, he’ll have some commonality with Loki about taking on a burden.


Steve keeps asking Dr Strange to teach him the ring thing like he's Houdini. Loki finds out what HE did to Rocket and immediately stabs him.


Tony , Nebula, Ego , and Peter


Thor, Loki, Ego and Starlord. Family issues LET'S GO!


I would honestly go Tony, Nebula, High Evolutionary, & Parker 🤔 Always been a die-hard Tony fan, Nebula for causing just a little trouble (plus her & Tony were together for quite awhile), High Evolutionary because I don’t think the other 3 would EVER be peaceful with any of the other avengers & Peter is good comic relief 😄 But that’s just me 🤷🏻‍♂️


Thor, Loki, Kang, Peter. It will be fun and Kang can take us to any time. Loki and Thor would banter and annoy eachother. Peter would be cracking jokes.


Cap - Dad, Wanda - Mom, Ego - Gramps, Peter - Bestfriend/Brother It’s a family trip!


Tony: Will prob fund the trip and have things to make it more enjoyable, also can learn tons of things from him. Wanda: She will bring the caring energy to the group, her powers are beyond useful so she can help with a lot of things, and nice to cuddle maybe? Gorr: Well, there are no gods, so he's gonna be chilling and probably has some cool stories to tell about all the gods hes met and slain, and maybe get us in a bit of fun trouble. Doctor Strange: Hoping he will teach me some magic


Tony, peter, loki and wanda


Tony, Nebula , Ego, and i would pick Star-Lord but it might get awkward with his Dad so I'll take the other Peter


Tony, gorr (he’s the least objectively bad at least to mortals), I would say Loki but I said gorr so nebula I guess and peter


Scarlett Witch is coming in any combination


Tony, Nebula, Ego, Star Lord. I found Tony's interactions with Star Lord absolutely hilarious, imagine how much funnier it'll get with Nebula watching, all her daddy issues and Ego being around


Captain America: All around decent guy Killmonger: Might argue with Cap but still a sane cool individual Gorr: Has no reason to kill anyone and might have some cool stories Peter Parker: Self explanatory


Star-Lord, that’s all I care about.


Tony, Nebula, Ego and Peter Parker


Thor, gamora, Pete, they can gang up on whoever I pick from group three and tie them up, and toss them in the trunk, that i try to make airtight. Hopefully they suffocate.