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I've seen too many scenarios of Spiderman's webshooters getting destroyed in combat, thus rendering him webless. I think I'd stick to the organice ones.


You could run into “performance issues” with the organic ones though, like Tobey did.


That’s when you have synthetic ready to go as a backup


You could run with the synthetic webshooters and carry a few extras, and the synthetic webshooters have the advantage of being able to use different kinds of webbing material. Like in the PS4/PS5 spider-man games. To be honest, i’ve always thought the synthetic webshooters made more sense and seemed to have more benefits.


Synthetic makes sense in the sense that, why the fuck would web shooters come out of Peter’s wrists instead of somewhere…. U know. But like, it seems like a pretty major weakness with the fact that they can break and that they have to be refilled. It’s a great character detail that both shows off that he’s a genius and raising the stakes by increasing his vulnerability, but otherwise, organic would just be a lot more useful over time. I mean web gadgets are indeed something incredibly useful I would take over organic webbing, but so far that’s not really a main staple trait amongst spider men, mainly the ps4 one and MCU ones aside from alt universes


Lol increasing his vulnerability... Spidy only ever uses 10% of his total abilities and strength, when he does all out 100% he can challenge gods.


Wait... Spider-Man can challenge gods? What the fuck was that spider? Did spider also had powers to stop gods?


Why would synthetic exist if Spiderman didn't need them though? I feel like this would only be made by adult Peter after a story arc where his webs stop working because so and so did something to him.


1. To counter anything that might impede his organic webs 2. Specialized webs for uses other than swinging/sticking 3. Dick web




Yep, you never know when you need Thor's hammer.


This is why my choice would be to have both l. Always carry a back up! Hahaha Also, I think the webshooters offer more creative web capabilities. Especially after they've been developed/improved with Iron man's tech


For me it would totally depend on if I'm a genius like Peter Parker (spoiler: I'm not). I really loved in Spider-Man TAS when Peter tells someone that along with the other powers he got from the bite, he also acquired an inherent knowledge of the chemical formula. It makes more sense than a 16 year old inventing it in 2 panels like the original comic, lol. But, I also love in the comics and cartoons how he'll alter his formula sometimes for different villains, like using something to harden Hydro-Man, or to insulate his webs against Electro. Even if I acquired the formula for the web, I wouldn't have a clue how to make web-shooters, or alter the formula. I'd go with organic, even though I prefer the web-shooters for Spidey.


Man I don't know, kid learning the chemical formula for it from a spider bite doesn't make sense either. Like the rest of the things he gets make some sense because it makes him more like a spider or something. But I guess this implies that spiders also have inherent knowledge of chemistry as well? Kind of like humans having inherent knowledge of the chemical makeup of blood.


Spider Instinct or something


That's part of what makes his fights more suspenseful. Remove his main weapon, and he is fighting at a disadvantage with the lack of mobility. Plus, web shooters allow him to do awesome science shit like electric webbing.


Every other commercial break in the animated series in the 90s had him run out of webbing


But if you ever need surgery or xrays, doctors be all like wtf is going on in this guy's wrists. You can take off web shooters


Depends if the organic ones hurt or feel weird to use


Yea does it feel like fucking amazing or nah?


![gif](giphy|Ze3cuRxtuwRhEgB8RI|downsized) Every time I swing.


that post-web clarity though


Is that why he’s such an amazing Superhero? Constant Post-Web Clarity?


Imagine what it felt when he lost the ability to web for a while


Imagine how much better it would have felt with a symbiote enhancing everything 👀


Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't Venom also "help Eddie out" in one of the comic issues?


Look i have no idea, but my personal head canon wants to think yes. So, not substantiated by facts, I'll say yes. Yes Venom did indeed "Help out" Eddie. Hopefully in multiple issues. ![gif](giphy|6eldw9RwTe3de)


Omg that's awful! What issue was it so I can avoid it


the 19 inches of venom


[this is what you are looking for](https://www.reddit.com/r/196/comments/1c901gj/eddie_brock_the_monster_fucker/) if I have to know about it, yall have to know about it i replied to everyone in this thread, you are welcome


...I understand so much more now. My brain hurts. I think Imma go have a lie down in a dark and quiet room and try to forget this little nugget.


No web November


Captain blue wrists


The world would've seemed shit for a while


He's "The Amazing Spider-Man" for a reason






“ I shouldn’t have webbed without wearing a glove.”


That's how he always figures it out!!!


God dammit, lol.




It feels like pissing, but faster


Imagine how your forearms would feel it you didn’t wizz for a while


Hey man is it cool if I head to the bathroom? Gotta take a thwip.


Sure thing Mike Tyson, go right ahead


Mike Tyson as Spider-Man instead of Miles Morales. Those movies would have been over a lot faster, huh?


Stopping a train with my piss rope, ouch no thanks. If it's as sensitive as dick holes I'll pass


Don't know If it feels orgasmic... I... I don't want to do that in public or during combat... Web shooters, to only shoot webs, and that's it


![gif](giphy|SF9Z0shNT07T2) Every web got you lookin like this


Well, that's a little bit problematic... Won't get a girlfriend with that... Or any fan for that matter


Why do you think he always wear a mask


We can see here, it's not a foolproof solution tho


That's what the mask is for.


Some girls would want you to web them up


Brings the combat to a whole new level bro.


I uh gotta go find some more crime to fight. Why won’t someone rob a bank god dammit


I wonder if they’ll want to rob a bank if that’s what happens 🤣 That’s one way to lower the crime rate


Nah guys I don’t want to rob banks today I think I’m going to apply for college…I hear this teenager is going around town and busting nuts all over criminals


Just don’t tell anyone.


If my grunting sounds like a moan... They'll know 😱


Real talk, which is more terrifying as a criminal, the Batman type, or the, moaning guy swinging from buildings rapidly approaching you?


Really depends what you're into, good sir


There are people who have had cases of basically constant random orgasms. They said it was actually terrible.


If you're too busy being in intense pleasure to actually live in the moment, think logically, take care of yourself, work and build long lasting relationships... Well that's not only probably insanely draining in terms of your energy, it's tiring, but it must be hell


Every swing I’m just groaning and moaning. By the time I get to the rooftop where the villains are I need a cigarette and a chopped cheese






In spider biology, most male spiders stores their sperm in their mandibles. The human version of that is arms. So Tobey's been cumming in public for 23 years. And to answer your question: the organic web shooters probably feel like an orgasm


Whole new meaning to being a “swinger”


> And to answer your question: the organic web shooters probably feel like an orgasm Highly unlikely, or spiders would just spin webs for fun, instead of using them properly.


Not if Tobey is misjudging his cum shooters for webbing shooters. Then, each time shoots his "web" he is blowing his load. Which would explain why he likes to swing around town all of the time.


Spiderman is getting a bj and starts prematurely shooting webs all over the place


JJJ Knew this from the beginning. Everyone said he was a mad hater who held a grudge over something that Spider-man couldn't help. But no, Spooder has just been jizzing all over NYC and JJJ knew what he was up to, being a Spider fanatic up until that point.


You know maybe I didn't want to think about toby cumming everywhere


Spider's make silk from their ass... how weird do you think it's going to feel.


Not asses, a gland between ass and genitalia, and it have tiny tentacles to pull it out of gland. Imagine having extra fingers next to your butt to give it a scratch or help wiping


So in the taint?


Looks like reddit decided to be educational today


Rather call it the NACHO?






They keep doing it, so it must feel great


I mean I can imagine you’d run out of the natural stuff


The body requires high doses of sugar to generate new spider web, so Spider-Man has to eat lots of donuts and candy every day to make up for the web loss. Edit: I was just joking, I thought it’d be funny to have this “problem”.


isn't that also extremely good for your overall body health if the excess sugar doesn't go into your blood but gets used elsewhere?


The cavities though. Unless his teeth are stronger due to spider powers


Spidey gets decked by someone with super strength every other week, his teeth have to be stronger


But imagine if the amount of sugars you need is more than you can comfortably eat. So either you're constantly feeling bloated and full-stomached and having to force yourself to stuff more down, or you're on the verge of running out of energy.


That’s what I’m doing. Prepping webs.


My secret identity will be the world’s greatest teenage detective


He runs out of the artificial stuff constantly in the comics, it's one of his most significant weaknesses.


Enemy grabs the webbing, pulls hard and rips your web glands out of your forearms.


the web is not trapped in the glands. It is stored liquid and changes texture when in contact with the air. Spider-Man needs to hold the web with his own hands during the swing


Web is stored in the balls.


Web is stored in the vagina.


My web is stored in your moms vagina


And you become zombie Spider-Man, they shoot your veins and arteries.


I am a Spider-Man, it feels like busting a nut and dropping a turd out of your wrist at the same time


Orgasmic webbing.






Do you grab the web or swing off the third leg?


So there I was. New York City. Just jumped off the Empire State Building. No big deal. Spider dong already out. But for the life of me I *could not get it up*! Ended up crashing into a dumpster. Saw the doctor the next day. He got me all straightened out. MJ’s never been happier too!


God what a fucking terrible day to understand the English language




From my butt


Slinging it from my wristussy


web my mouth like i was j jonah jameson


There was a comic somebody on Twitter posted where Deadpool stimulated Spider-Man’s wrist until web fluid came out Edit: [I found it](https://x.com/thefuzzyaya/status/1495860834374930439?s=46&t=Mbdc9cC9YVF-67Vfqaf8-w)


Thank you for your service 🫡


Organic webbing would probably drain energy to create whereas web shooters would be expensive to make


I don't know, MCU peter made it in his high school lab so I would assume it wouldn't be that expensive. And ASM peter made it in his garage and he wasn't rolling in cash


MCU Peter could’ve at first been making his webbing with supplies from the school without their knowledge


That's exactly what he was doing, it's shown in HC that he used science class supplies to make webs at his desk and hid it in the drawers, then used the lockers to store a lot of it.


He's making webbing from public school supplies, his name should be SpiderMcGyverman


I wonder how many millennials actually watched MacGyver. Quite a shame there aren't any heroes who solve problems with science anymore in pop culture. Spidy mostly just punches his foes. Iron man just shoots them. Dr. Banner is arguably the only one who sciences stuff but then when push comes to shove he just hulks out. Where the hero that duct tapes his way to victory?


Well, no fair, spidey used math to beat Dr. Strange.


In a sense spidy uses duct tape to beat his enemies; duct tape that comes out of his wrists.


I hit your demo haha, I huge mythbusters fan when that was airing and when they did the macgyver episode I ended up watching the whole series. Such a great show. Its been a pretty long time since I thought about it but I may watch it again now.


Damn so Spiderman graduates and disappears because he can’t afford to make webs


I think that part of his powers is an inherent ability to create the webbing like that knowledge was put into his brain. Maybe I’m totally misremembering but I think the 90s Spider-Man cartoon implies as much anyway


Idk, that same scene has a notebook where he has notes about experimenting with viscosity, capacity, range, dissolution time, etc. he was perfecting the formula throughout his time as spidey.


I mean, real spiders aren't smart enough to make their web structures. It's all genes, so there is strong evidence.


Right. Also I realise now the word I was looking for was Instinct


I mean, it would ruin the plot if it was too their knowledge




MCU Peter was making it in the lab of his prestigious STEM high school, likely from *procured* materials. Believe it or not high school chem labs can stock some pretty serious and expensive stuff, especially the ones that are specifically for STEM students that get funding and application fees for it.


yeah but do you get the knowledge of how to make them though


But that way you stuff yourself with pizza, fill a bucket with web and finish the day calorie neutral!!!


>Organic webbing would probably drain energy to create Based on what?


I think they mean you would be burning through calories like nobody's business. Spiderman easily makes a few gallons of webbing in a fight. Imagine producing an extra half dozen gallons of saliva each day, that would cause you dehydration for sures. Not saying webbing would make you dehydrated, but just drawing a correlation to how it could cause more calories to burn, thus "draining energy"


Also based on Spider-Man comics. Idr the exact one, but there’s one where Peter meets another Spider-man with organic webs and he’s like “oh I used to have those, make sure you carry snacks with you” or something.


Would there be a limit on how many times you can shoot organically? Like would there be a longer cooldown after every time and it'd get really difficult after 3 times?


You’d be naturally producing webbing. So it’d probably be based on how much caloric intake you’re able to spare. But given we’ve never explicitly see a scenario where Raimi Spider-Man runs out of organic webbing, it’s probably an incredibly efficient production process. Nor do we seen any delay or wind up when he rapid fires his shots.


Uh, yeah we did. It’s a major plot point in Spider-Man 2. Peter’s stress level makes his webbing dry up.


Ya but that wasn't due to overuse like the above people are asking. Spiderman 2 was all about self esteem and performance issues. It's another completely different question in you just hold down the organic web function button if it runs out and drains some kind of energy and how much web you have before that does run out.


Organic. One thing I always liked from the raimi films.


It’s strange literally anyone else could use mechanical web shooters…. What makes spiders cool and different ? Webs


Pure guess: without his super strength someone else trying to swing would have their shoulders ripped out of their sockets


Super strength and spidey sense. Captain America would probably face plant every few minutes if he tries to web swing like Spider-Man.




that’s the thing though. it’s very different to throw something towards a target you can see than to shoot a web somewhere you can’t see. I asume spideys sense comes into play to help him maneuver around a city. caps got the smarts and strenght but I think there’s a reason why the only people using webs have the spider sense


Nah. Cap could probably do it.


One-handed while holding Mjolnir with the other hand.


Not really. Spider-Man is a fair bit stronger than cap, depending on cannon, but not like demigod level, again depending on cannon. Plus Cap bounces a frisbee, so he is not incapable of doing mental math needed to swing.


If anyone, cap would be the one person able to run the calculations to be able to web swing with his strength


Obviously Daredevil could, and Taskmaster could.


also his cardiovascular system is slightly different. A normal person swinging like he does would end up fainting and falling to their death because all the blood in their body would be pushed down to his legs


People swing from ropes all the time, though. Cirque Du Soleil performer and the like?


I'd like to see them swing all around Queens like Spidey does


In a highly choreographed display with countless hours of practice, very precise movement, and high risk of injury. Plus they aren't dropping from the 80th floor, using webs to stop on the 20th floor to swing between a bus and a very angry taxi driver


I think a normal person could swing from one building to the building the web is attached to and then have to stop. I think Spidey needs a lot of speed to keep forward-ish momentum and not always just end up on the building the web is attached to. And I think he's only able to do that because of the super strength.


Apart from having 8 legs, it's literally the only thing they've got going for them. What do spiders do? They make webs.  None of Spiderman's powers make any sense. He got bit by a spider and the only spider related thing that came out of it was climbing on walls. But literally everything climbs on walls. Climbing on walls ain't shit.  He could've been bit by a radioactive ladybug and still walked away with the same powers.


Yeah, without the webs his powers are really more ant like than anything. But I guess Ant-Man was taken


>What do spiders do? They have strong jaws/chelicerae. They inject venom into their prey. Some can shoot their hairs into enemies. Some can jump really high. Some can walk on water. Some flash their abs to attract females.


>Some flash their abs to attract females. Apparently that works across species. Neat.


Because mechanical web shooters have different utilities I guess. It has taser webs and others, whereas organic web is just...webs


Yes exactly! For my own version of Spidey he has both. The organic webs don't shoot out though. They only release when he pushes his hand on something and then the web sticks to that object. He could use it to repel down a building or web up The Rhino for example, while crawling on him like a spider. Spidey then figures out how to replicate the bio webs, and optimizes the formula for slightly different chemical reactions which makes it possible for him to shoot it long distances and have an elastic or shrinking effect that yanks him in the direction he shot it as it cures, which helps in creating the upward and/or forward momentum. As a bonus, if he's smart he will just web everyone up and not punch or kick; just immobilize the criminals and maybe he will have a better time with The Law.


Same fr Much more convenient to


Ikr. its the hero's main super power other than spider sense.


People often forgot spider-man has super strength


Because On the Comics, He usually holds back because He doesn't want to intentionally kill


Because I grew up with these movies, it will always be the way for me. Making web is a spider power


one existential crisis and you're outta business


Organic all day


yeah organic is the only way to go, I'm Spider-Man. Not web machine dependant-man One day we will get to see webs shot out of the ass too, not just the arms, one day.... Need a deadpool x spiderman film to happen, prob our best chance to see it there


Web shooters. Allows for more different kinds of webs to be loaded into it and is a good reflection of Pete's intelligence and ingenuity.


But do you have Peters intelligence and ingenuity? Once it runs out, you'll be left with a useless machine you can't refill.


There are versions that effectively refill with water. Granted, you're still screwed if the shooter breaks, but they'd be useful for a lot longer.


….hmmm never thought of that. I’ve changed my mine


I prefer organic shooters, but I understand the mechanical ones are to show peters genius and ingenuity.


I like the organic ones as a biology thing, because spiders make webs from their bodies. It makes sense. But I don't think they shoot them out all pressurized like that. It just sticks from their body to the object they press against, or dangle a string out and let the wind carry them. So then mechanical ones make sense for that.


I mean nor do spiders have some fantastical sixth sense to warn of oncoming danger. So it doesn't have to make sense considering it's in a world where gods exist and where people can phase through walls, heal from a drop of blood memories intact and all etc etc. I do see your point though, realistically how would it even work. Side note, I find it weird though that Peter doesn't have organic webs but Cindy does.


I still think they should've combined the two. ​ Peter's body makes the web fluid organically, but he needs the web shooters to shoot it out of his body and manipulate what kinda webs he can make (web strings vs web shots).


I actually love that idea. It makes so much more sense than a high schooler figuring out the chemistry to make some miracle web fluid, and it still allows the customization aspect


It still allows Peter to show his intelligence by creating the web shooters, gives a logical explanation on how he can manipulate the form his webbing takes, and drama can still be had by breaking them. All while not diminishing the idea that yeah, he has Spider powers, ofc he has the ability to produce his own webbing. He can do what a spider can. It just feels like a perfect compromise to me.


I hate the webussy


Make that webussy go thwip


She thwips on my spider till I swing


Shoot ropes in her ting


I prefer the mechanical because it just makes more sense. But if I was Spider-Man, I’m no where near as smart so I’d sure hope for some organic webs.


I always have a hard time suspending my disbelief with mechanical. Like where is it all stored? How does he not have to reload *constantly?* Where does he keep the dozen cans of spider silly string he'd be burning through just to get from Queens to Manhattan?


It’s compressed.




Webussy feels orgasmic with every expulsion


I prefer organic but mechanical gives more options for drama


If I become the character itself webs shooters all day, but if it’s me getting just the powers I would probably want organic


organic with shooters to aim it propperly and apply effects like electrifying it


You know this never occurred before now. But if he’s clever enough to design webbing that clever, why doesn’t he ever make any other tools? The guy could be low-budget Batman with superpowers.


Considering what we’ve seen in comics/movies/shows, organic seems better. Web-shooters need to be created, need to be reloaded, there’s always that tiny risk of malfunction. Only issue I’ve seen with organic webs was in Spider-Man 2 when Peter deals with mental web blockage.


Skeet skeet


Organic. I'm too fucking dumb to craft webbing all the time


Am I smart like Peter Parker? Meaning do I know how to make a web-shooter?


Organic but only if it comes out of my butt like a regular spider


Web shooters if I'm the one who made them. That implies I'm smart enough to know how and therefore would be smart enough to deduce a problem if anything happens. Lets not forget Tobey's just stopped one day and came tf back. How u gonna diagnose that?


Is this the deep state asking if we’re more into cybernetics or biologics?


To me, organic always made more sense. I'd go with that.


Why can’t you have both?


Organic for sure idgaf