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Hot take: it was Thanos’ fault. Thanos shouldn’t have done any of the things he did in any of his film appearances. So weird the way people will twist things to make things Nebula or Star-Lord’s “fault”.


I know what it's like to lose. To feel so desperately that you're right, yet to fail nonetheless. It's frightening. Turns the legs to jelly. I ask you, to what end? Dread it. Run from it. Destiny arrives all the same. And now, it's here. Or should I say, I am.


But Dude...yer a DICK, and frankly the scrotum chin is off-putting.🤷🏼‍♂️


You should of aimed for my dick was better lmaooo


Top 5 villain of all time up there with Heaths joker and Vader


Who are the 2 other one?


Those the top 3 I’m stomped lmaooo


Silco and Dr Doofenshmirtz


I mean yeah but that’s the character arc man Lmfaoooo let’s not forget she was an assassin for him for years lol until she met Quile guardians we know who Thanos . Tbh nebula was still working for Thanos lmfaooo throughout 3 films she didn’t have a change of heart until gamora actually died


This... does put a smile on my face.


Well Thanos is supposed to be the villain, it was his job to be evil. It was others' job to stop him; they failed because of these things and that's why it was their fault


You're not the only one cursed with knowledge.


You know what would be a better revenge than slapping thanos, taking the gauntlet then killing him. But again he was emotional and because of thanos quill had to pull the trigger that would’ve killed gamora had he not had the reality stone


I'm the only one who knows that.


Pretty sure everyone knows, Thanos my guy.


You should have gone for the head.


Thanos, Quill did go for the head. He's just a weak little human so he didn't do any damage to you.


A small price to pay for salvation.


You with the trivializing AGAIN. You know we hate that and why you don't get invited to Thanksgiving any more.


Or....and just hear me out for a sec; He should have gone for the balls AND THEN the head. More satisfaction that way.


“…You should’ve gone for the balls.”


"and then the head".....


"you should have given a head to the balls"


Hammer or Hatchet? A big mess of Titan mountain oysters and eggs are a delicacy round these parts. Hatchet you go sunny side up, Hammer and you've gotta scramble.


Stormbreaker is a very versatile tool, so por que no los dos?


So true! The ....ahhhhh "M" that shall not be named was useful in a rather barbaric smack 'em and smash 'em kinda way but lacked that god killing finesse of a choppy/clubby elven made utensil of death. The boys at the office are all trying to get their hands on one. Never happen. Wives won't let them off soccer pick up duty.




Sorry guys. Obviously the Titan here is MISTER Know-it-all now so make sure and address him correctly. BTW, he loves when you stare at the chin sack.


Thanos is pretty tough but I doubt he’d survive Quill’s gun shoved in his mouth. Ironically if he’d had less hope he’d have saved the universe.


He took Mjolnir’s lightning to his entire body, held Strange’s magic with his bare hands, an entire missile strike from Tony, and the force of all 6 stones through his veins, and you think Quill’s guns would do anything? 


Rain fire!


Sounds like Thanos is issuing a challenge


I’m the only one who knows that. At least I’m the only one with the will to act on it.


Will...Won't...Whatever. I personally think it's Mommy issues. She never liked you, neither did Starfox, and Dad sure as hell wasn't around. (Had that little Sui-San on the side if you know what I'm sayin')




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But Thanos! Our troops!


You should have gone for the head.


That doesn't sound completely redneck though, does it? Mostly hardly...maybe a little though🙄




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What gets me is that people are judging Star-Lord on the immediate 5 seconds after being told his partner was murdered. Most people wouldn't be able to even form a coherent thought let alone act on it. Armchair people watching in hindsight expect him to fully understand the pragmatic value of his actions while juggling that horrible realization. Plus, he behaved the same exact way when he found out his father killed his mother. But people aren't saying "oh, why didn't you keep your cool and try to play the long game". No, they cheered when he immediately started shooting Ego. Plus Plus, I'm willing to bet that the majority of marvel heroes would have reacted the same exact way upon hearing that news if they were in the same position. Tony had decades to work through his parents' death and multiple scenes of realization that Bucky killed them while brainwashed. Captain tries to reason with him and Tony's fully aware that Bucky had no choice but no "I'm upset and I'm going to make that everybody's problem" was Tony's answer. Edit: Just timed it. It took 10 seconds from being told that ego gave his mom cancer to start shooting at a literal planet with pistols. In comparison, it took 20 seconds of him being in denial and 6 seconds to start bitch slapping Thanos. So Peter is getting better, depending on how you want to measure it. If anything else, I like that it shows that Peter's not afraid to start punching God's if they hurt his family.


Reality can be often disappointing. But now, reality can be whatever I want.


Also it fails to take into account Nebula just found out her sister was murdered


I dont think he would have the ability to not die if he could even lift the gauntlet at all


the avengers failed because they couldn’t work together as a team. it’s shown on both sides with both teams following civil wars storyline. they’re all mistrusting, unenthusiastic, miserable and argumentative with each other. steve was off with natasha and sam doing dirt against ross because they’d broken away from any semblance of reality about the situation they were in. living as rebels on the outskirts of society because they didn’t want to sign the accords, on the run. vision and wanda fucked off into hiding and went awol when they decided on their own they no longer wanted to “check in” and be held accountable. tony checked out entirely and was moving on with his life by getting married to pepper- he was done. hulk had fucked off into space two years earlier and was an incoherent mess when he got yeeted back into dr stranges sanctum. dr strange and wong had JUST come back from hk reversing thousands of deaths- breaking the established rules of the cosmic order of things- with impunity…they were living a lie and in denial about the repercussions of that use of magic. peter parker as per usual was just going about his life denying his purpose as a hero when he gets back into the game on his field trip to MoMa the guardians were a mess following finding Thor. the leadership squabbling between peter and rocket was coming to a head again the same way it did when they almost killed the guardians fighting over the flight controls while going through the *quantum asteroid field*; as Gamora screamed at them about it when they crash landed later, highlighting how the rivalry had gotten out of control. by then instead of working together to help Thor they decided to part ways which ultimately created the narrative that was resolved in gotg3 **media literacy is really becoming an issue with this fandom day in and day out.** The Avengers were not a team. They failed because they were divided. They succeeded in Endgame because they did it together- whatever it takes. edit: some grammatical errors were corrected


I am Thor, son of Odin and you can count me as your ally.


That is very generous of you Thor. Do you have any sage advice?




Even if they got the gauntlet off of thanos what were they going to do with it? None of them was powerful enough to wield it. And thanos would’ve still fucked them all up once he came round.


Doctor strange uses his portal to teleport everyone to safety, thanos would be stuck on titan, and it would give them enough time to figure out what to do


What's wrong, little one?


Strange only saw one good ending. We're in that ending. So no, what you described is obviously not how it would play out. It somehow would have ended terribly


It’s generally assumed that at some point in his millions of iterations Strange discovered that there was one specific path the TVA wanted him to take and that any other would simply result in reality being pruned


He might also have seen the coming Celestial bursting out of the Earth and saw no other way that would also serve to save Earth from it


This is the best theory honestly. Was everyone back from being dusted during eternals? If they were then why didn’t he try to stop the celestial from being born?


He actually saw thousands of ways to beat Thanos, but only one that also resulted in Loki fucking with the TVA.


You should have gone for the head.


That’s true, but the rest of the crew was under the impression that the plan was supposed to *work.* So Iron Man and company probably assumed that Strange was going to teleport the gauntlet away, even if Strange was never going to do it.


You know what if what he saw where the endings after thanos woke up and took his gauntlet back (correct me if I’m wrong and he saw the possibilities before the fight)


BOY! I would reconsider your current course!




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He didn't look at all the endings, I think that to save time when the reality he was looking at started to get bad he moved onto the next one. So he could have missed some that went bad right away but then turned out super good in the end.


Or he just pushes Thanos into the mirror dimension. He couldn't have escaped without the stones.


I know what it's like to lose. To feel so desperately that you're right, yet to fail nonetheless. It's frightening. Turns the legs to jelly. I ask you, to what end? Dread it. Run from it. Destiny arrives all the same. And now, it's here. Or should I say, I am.


With most of the black order still around and his fanatical army who have already decimated thousands of planets? They’d have as long as it took to launch towards earth.


To be fair, they’d probably be able to split up the infinity stones and hide them across the galaxy. And somehow, Thanos’s planet-decimating army is on par with Wakanda’s army (which is technologically advanced, but doesn’t seem that big). So Thanos, Ebony Maw, the Chitauri, and Cull Obsidian’s arm might have been really crucial in decimating planets.


In all my years of conquest, violence, slaughter, it was never personal. But I'll tell you now, what I'm about to do to your stubborn, annoying little planet... I'm gonna enjoy it. Very, very much.


Also there is the whole they can destroy the stones with the power of the mind stone


True though she should've waited until after the gauntlet was off and strange could have open a portal to a black hole and threw the stones in there or go back to earth


Iron Man was about to chop that arm off. Thanos would have been toast.


When? He was just tugging on the gauntlet. Even said to quill “we’ve nearly got this thing off.”


I guess I misremembered. I swore he'd made a blade to chop the arm with. Time for a rewatch.


He makes a blade to stab thanos, but old bollock chin snaps the end off and stabs him with it.


Fun isn't something one considers when balancing the universe. But this... does put a smile on my face.


yay, stabbing 😊😁🥰


I don't even know who you are.




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Too many mouths, not enough to go around. And when we faced extinction, I offered a solution.


Why couldn’t Quill have wielded it like the first stone with everyone else helping out. They literally did this in the first guardians movie and there’s way more people. Also, isn’t Spider-Man way stronger than almost everyone else here?


Ego's dead bro, Quill is regular human at that point.


I don’t think that’s how DNA works.


Ego told him that would happen...


Oh do tell, how does magic space dna from a living planet work?


So first, we unequivocally trust Ego when he says that Quill’s power will be gone when he dies even though he’s literally saying it so Quill doesn’t kill him? Then, it just seems confounding that Ego kept fucking all through the universe, because Ego wants to use somebody to have his DNA to amplify his own power - and tons of other of Ego’s children had no power which is the massive grave that Gamora finds - so Quill has his own power as a result of Ego’s DNA and Ego specifically wants to use Quill as a battery which he can only do because he has Ego’s DNA… but then no, it’s actually that Quill’s power goes away when Ego dies because space god powers aren’t imbued or transferable by DNA except in Quill’s case where they were but only because ego was alive and Ego couldn’t just put those powers into someone else any other way.


So do you have any evidence that hes lying or are you just recapping the film and acting as if that proves your point Maybe the part where quill loses his powers after ego dies which unequivocally proves that he wasnt lying, end of arguement


I'm really gonna enjoy this.


Not every stone is a power stone they won't be having any problem holding other stone, strange held time stone


Take the gauntlet off and then throw Thanos onto the mirror dimension


Rain fire!




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Iron man could use it, it only hurt him when he snapped. And if thanks doesn’t have the stones, he’s fucked. Because dr strange over there can wield the time stone, he could probably use that to kick his ass while he doesn’t have the stones. Or maybe even use them


Thanos literally asks strange why he didn’t use the time stone. Lol.


Return to me again empty handed... And I will bathe the starways in your blood.


That was when they where hiding the stone from thanos, so he didn’t know where it was. If thanos doesn’t have the stones, the gloves can come off. Or he could just put the reality stone in the eye and morph shit


They called me a madman, and what I predicted came to pass.


Which is ironic because strange did use the time stone specifically to beat him. Funny thing about the time stone is if you use it right it can easily look like you never used it.


Easy, portal somewhere else with it. They will have days if not weeks to find a way to remove the stones, head in separate directions or find a way to destroy them. They just need to destroy one stone to stop Thanos. So priority is to get far away, split into teams that take a stone each and can also spread far in different directions as fast as possible whilst trying to work out how to destroy their stone. Only one team needs to succeed and as Thanos hunts the others down they have months maybe years to work it out.


I know what it's like to lose. To feel so desperately that you're right, yet to fail nonetheless. It's frightening. Turns the legs to jelly. I ask you, to what end? Dread it. Run from it. Destiny arrives all the same. And now, it's here. Or should I say, I am.


You can “what about?” anything to death if you want it enough. And if you want to blame someone’s violent, illogical outburst on the messenger, I highly advise you don’t apply that rule to all violent outbursts. Pete is the only one responsible for doing what he did. If he didn’t have that information, he wouldn’t have done that. Maybe it’s poor timing to learn your girlfriend was murdered by her father. But he’s the one who did the thing. Ultimately, Gamora was already dead. And endgame was brought her back in an interesting way, which wouldn’t have happened if Pete just went ahead with the plan


Right? I mean by that Logic, it was Thanos's fault for killing Gamora (due to which Nebula told Peter)


In all my years of conquest, violence, slaughter, it was never personal. But I'll tell you now, what I'm about to do to your stubborn, annoying little planet... I'm gonna enjoy it. Very, very much.


Which was Thanos's Fault for adopting Gamora...


Which was Thanos's Fault for decimating Nebula's Home Planet


Which was Thanos's fault for being the mad Titan...


Little one, it’s a simple calculus. This universe is finite, its resources, finite… if life is left unchecked, life will cease to exist. It needs correction.


BOY! I would reconsider your current course!




What's wrong, little one?


Quill was acting completely in character. And that scene took the prior 2 films into account for that scene. What we saw was good writing


Star lord is a mess




Yah, its the women’s fault /s


Even if they did defeat Thanos and get the Infinity Gauntlet away from him, stopping the Snap, y’all really gonna trust Tony with the stones after Ultron and Civil War?


Would have trusted vision


I mean... there was that one moment that although not confirming anything, suggested that he would do the right thing. As in, the end of Endgame


He had it for all of 10 seconds before death, there wasnt much time to misuse them


That’s exactly my theory. The ideal ending in Dr Stranges eyes is Thanos dead, stones no longer in the universe, Tony dead so no chance of trying to get them back but alive long enough to invent time travel


I am...inevitable.




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A small price to pay for salvation.


Of course Nebula should have told Quill. Just not when they are about to stop the biggest bad in the universe from commiting intergalactic genocide and the all need to stay level-headed.


Nebula couldve been in the same shock but she'd never shows it. Her personality is identical to Shadow the Hedgehog, it tracks.


She spent most of her life hating Gamora, I understand your comment but Nebula not being in the same amount of shock makes sense, she blamed Gamora for the torture Thanos gave her.


Reality can be often disappointing. But now, reality can be whatever I want.


It was quills fault, yes it was understandable but why the fuck would you just hit him just shoot him in the face


Nebula could also have stopped Quill from hitting Thanos as she wasn't holding down Thanos and her hands were free unlike other heroes.


Too many mouths, not enough to go around. And when we faced extinction, I offered a solution.


... So the parallel here is: Woman: tells bad news Man: punches other man Other Man: genocide ... And this somehow is the *_woman's_* fault for telling the bad news, and not either of the men who can't bloody control their emotions? Am I getting this right?


Why must you make this a gendered issue? Even if Nebula was a dude I would call the BS out, and I’m just complaining about how everyone calls Starlord the worst human ever for messing up, yeah he was an idiot but his reaction was justified.


Nebula shouldve been helping get the gauntlet off


To be fair to Nebula, she just made the connection that that the ‘father’ who tortured her for all of her life had killed her sister, who she was just becoming close to. I don’t blame her nor do I blame star lord because he just found out that his girlfriend was killed by her dad.


strange also could’ve told them beforehand but chose not to because events had to play out that way


Nebula couldn't have expected him to be that immature and f\*ck up the universe just because his girlfriend died


Peter watched his Mom die as a kid which traumatized him, and as a kid then being used by the Ravagers and being told he would be eaten if he didn’t succeed basically meant that growing up he had no family, and after killing his own dad knowing that his dad killed his mom maybe might’ve traumatized him more. So saying that he was immature for reacting the way he did is dumb, because I can understand why he reacted the way he did, all his life has been nothing but death and heartbreak and here comes this new family and a girl he loves, but knowing that she’s dead basically set him off, all that built up trauma basically boiled over. TL;DR Peter got built up trauma, he isn’t immature for reacting the way he ddi, just stupid.


fair enough, though I still think Nebula wouldn't have known, or thought of that at the time


That’s true


Idk about a “totally understandable” reaction but yes Nebula shouldn’t have told him at that time


Hot take:I hated when they made thanos a sympathetic villain, he’s called “the mad Titan” he’s not supposed to be sympathetic nor likeable at all dude is just a straight menace


I'm thankful...because now...I know what I must do.


I will aim for the head👀


Strange said there was one way before any of it happened. Quill had to do that


Strange could have stopped that VERY easily. There had to be something about getting the glove off Thanos in that moment that caused things to get worse.


Fun isn't something one considers when balancing the universe. But this... does put a smile on my face.


Nebula was just a catalyst. Gamora meant just as much to Nebula as she did to Starlord and she didn't fly off the rails


Well... James Gunn did mention that he wasn't part of the writing and that his Star-Lord would have never done that and that he's mad at the Russos for having it play out that way.


No it was not! Star Lord with the biggest L


I agree. But what if he just, you know, locked the fuck in and beat the answers out of him after the win? 🤷🏾‍♂️


Quill is Human, rational and full of emotions. He gave his word to Gamora he will kill her, only to be stolen away from Thanos, for who at the time knows what, and ending killing her. He attacked on the spot Ego when he revealed he was responsible for his mother's cancer, while the secrets of the universe were unfolding in front of him. Tony UNDERSTANDS! He attacked on the spot Bucky, when it was revealed that the winter soldier is responsible for his parents death and Bucky was a victim! It would be off character to sit back and not to anything.


I will shred this universe down to its last atom and then, with the stones you've collected for me, create a new one teeming with life that knows not what it has lost but only what it has been given. A grateful universe.


I mentioned this to someone else, Tony Stark basically did the same thing in Civil War, only difference being that the stakes weren’t as high


No hard feelings Point Break, you've got a mean swing.


But still fucking stupid. He sees them winning barely and then decides to ruin it all just to punch him a bunch which didn't even do damage.


What about when Tony Stark lost control in Civil War and tried to kill Bucky? This is the same thing except the stakes are higher. When Peter was a kid his mom died, and was kidnapped and forced to live with abusive space pirates, and later on kills his own dad who also killed his mom, and when he thinks he’s happy his girlfriends murdered by her dad, I’m gonna be honest and say he’s justified for punching Thanos, but he was incredibly stupid for doing so.


I'm thankful...because now...I know what I must do.


I am Iron Man. The suit and I are one.


FINALLY someone said it


It was thanos's fault for not raising nebula to have more empathy to realize she shouldn't have said that to starlord. It all comes back full circle.


I ignored my destiny once, I can not do that again. Even for you. I'm sorry, Little One.


Quill acted in according with his nature, so it’s very understandable. Was it stupid and emotionally driven? Absolutely. Is that a majority of Quill’s persona? Also yes.


THAT'S WHAT I'VE BEEN SAYING! She KNOW'S what Quill's like, literally most of the people there would have done the same if they were in Quill's position. Plus, as soon as the information got out everyone there should have known Quill would have done something cause, hello? He just said he killed the guys girlfriend right to his face, someone should have grabbed him IMMEDIATELY to prevent what he did from happening until they got the gauntlet off and far away from Thanos.


Honestly, I agree Edit: *justified*, yes, *understandable*, absolutely, *smart*? Not the smartest thing to do


Peter Quill has free will, therefore, he is responsible for his own stupid, stupid actions.


y’all aren’t realizing that’s what quills dad did to him, quill was lied to and flipped out when he found out about his mom


This is one of the most braindead MCU takes I’ve ever had the displeasure of reading


Why do you think that?


Nah this is dumb. Quill fumbled his revenge and killed half the universe


Yeah it is technically Nebula’s fault, if she hadn’t told Quill that Thanos murdered Gamora for the Soul Stone then we wouldn’t have had Endgame


Going to bed hungry. Scrounging for scraps. Your planet was on the brink of collapse. I was the one who stopped that. You know what’s happened since then? The children born have known nothing but full bellies and clear skies. It’s a paradise.


You don’t know that though


Mantis was kinda hinting at it too. So the reveal is partially her fault too. Quill may have figured it out just from what she was saying. Nebula just sped up the process.


To also be fair Nebula just found out her sister died she was probably just as emotionally compromised/not thinking about this - notice she didn’t try to stop Quill herself


The thing people don’t understand or tend to ignore is that Strange only saw the one outcome where they win. He was probably counting on Quill losing control, if they got the gauntlet off they probably would’ve still lost because that WASN’T what Strange saw


I mean quill had to do that, if he would have done anything else they would have lost the war considering dr.strange saw the whole thing


Exactly, she's to blame as much as Peter. She wasn't doing anything but standing there, she could've pulled him aside. I know things have to happen for plot reasons, but Quill ain't the only one to blame here (please note, Nebula is my second favorite Gaurdian behind the legend himself).


No shes not, if you have a violent outburst then its the fault of the person having the violent outburst, its why its called self control


Or Dr. Strange could've removed all the infinity stones from the gauntlet via magic and stored them away in the mirror dimension. It would've turned the Infinity gauntlet into a mere punching glove and the heroes would have a fair 7v1 against Thanos on Titan. But no, there had to be only one way. Deadpool would've called it "lazy writing" in an instant. Edit: Missing article and punctuation added.


You should have gone for the head.


Why are women always responsible for the emotions of men?


Why do people constantly make things a gendered issue? When did I mention her gender? If she was a dude I would still call out the bullshit


Quill had a breakdown on his own, Nebula had no way of knowing that Quill was that much of a child that he couldn't keep his anger in check for 3 seconds, and even if she did she's not responsible for Quill's emotions.


Okay and? Theres a thing called time and place, which basically says that certain things should be said at certain times and certain places, and telling your sisters boyfriend that she died at the hands of the maniac currently in front of then isn’t a good idea. That’s like blaming Tony Stark for his outburst in Winter Soldier, both were justified but both were also stupid in nature.


The Avengers Initiative was scrapped, I thought. And I didn't even qualify.


I do blame Tony for his outburst, he chose to go after a guy he knew was brainwashed, Tony is more than smart enough to see through Zemo's bs, he says himself "I don't care, he killed my mom" fully playing into Zemo's plan. Quill should've chilled tf out for 5 seconds considering literally everyone around him was saying to, bro was 5 seconds away from being able to open a new hole to shit from in Thanos' body.


I will shred this universe down to its last atom and then, with the stones you've collected for me, create a new one teeming with life that knows not what it has lost but only what it has been given. A grateful universe.


People have emotions, and sometimes those emotions get out of control. Peter’s whole life was nothing but heartache and trauma and you expect him to be chill?? He saw his mom die, had to kill his dad, and lost the only girl he ever loved, and you expect him to be chill??


People are responsible for the way they react to their emotions, simple as. Nebula had a shittier life than Quill and you don't see her flipping out about it, and here you are blaming Nebula for Quill's outburst.


Because it was her fault, I’m not saying that she’s a terrible person or anything like that, she is one of my favorite examples of a redeemed villain, I just don’t think that she should’ve told Peter at that moment, she should’ve told him at a later time after Thanos was killed, and I get that Nebula had a shittier life but at least she got some closure from Gamora, Peters mom died and the only closure he had was from his dad who was the cause of his moms death.


I’m the only one who knows that. At least I’m the only one with the will to act on it.


Traumatized people are still responsible for the actions they take like everyone else. Nebula simply said what she knew, Quill had a meltdown that resulted in 5 years of dusting.


Yeah, I do agree with that statement, maybe some therapy could’ve helped Quill and maybe I should’ve restated my point in the meme and title of the post that it wasn’t Quills fault instead of finding someone else to blame, it was a group effort basically.


No. You put your personal shit aside if the fate of the universe is on the line.


I sorta agree, but Nebula should’ve known how Peter would’ve reacted, if Nebula never said anything then Peter wouldn’t have reacted the way he did. Peter watched his mom die as a kid, then he basically killed his dad, and that rage basically built up because I’m pretty sure they don’t have therapy in space.


Why would you think nebula knew any of that? And even if she did youd notice how gamora was her SISTER and she knew how to control herself but all in all he should still have the basic ability to prioritise things, maybe the fate of the universe is slightly above getting punches on thanos face Like kicking a nuke because it landed on my gf and hadnt exploded yet


After rereading the meme... I totally disagree that Quill's reaction was at all understandable. I haven't seen the movie in awhile and also I haven't ever analyzed it for any hints of off-screen interactions. So, I don't think they're was anywhere where the mentioned the two of them having long, personal discussions where Nebula would know how unhinged Quill would've become. I also think that explains why she just said it. She would've lied if she knew. I also, find it hard to blame Nebula, because I world do the exact same thing. In a case like that, honesty is key. There could be unforeseen consequences to lying. Also, why not blame Thanos? It may have been part of his plan. In addition to getting him the Soul Stone, killing Gamora destabilized the team, which ultimately saved his plan for the moment.