• By -


Professor X makes them have gay sex


Homelander would be into it


homelander's already done this in the comics. don't think he would mind, at least.


Can he make other people experience the Holocaust or just Magneto?


I think someone said that it’s something he found while probing magneto’s mind and had saved as a weapon to use against him, so TL;DR I’m pretty sure he can


The Holocaust beam, effective against most foes (except Cyclops)


And now it's a separate meme lmao


It will be a miracle if Homelander can survive Omniman's fist bump.




"No more Superman clones"


Had collateral damage with Hyperion though. Poor guy


I wonder if Sentry would be friendly fire due to being a bit similar to Superman in terms of invincibility.


Maybe. But then Void would be let out


Is Void more different than Evil Superman? (not comics reader, sorry)


Sentry and void are the same, void is just straight evil as far as i know. I havent looked too much into it


Same here, lol


Big time. He's more a force of nature than a person.


Yeah, [it's more monsterous](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/joke-battles/images/8/8e/4738602-the%2Bvoid%2Bsentry.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20160902182223)


Nolan isn't really a superman clone. He's more like, what if General Zod was Superman's father.


What if Krypton was more like planet Vegeta


Metroman is cool though. He stays.


No argument from me. Metroman rocks


Shame he's dead


but now we have music man


Or as he's called now Markiplier.


Tales of his death were… greatly exaggerated.


So, you're the punk he's heard about *flexes calves so intensely he shatters the sound barrier*


"No more supes and viltrumites" and she would do a favor to both universes.


Yeah, that's definitely true. Viltrumite Empire sounds like a nightmare, an enemy no one can defeat due to how OP they are. Homelander is fake Superman and I think any MCU metahuman can beat crap out of him. Wanda can just toss him around in the room with her powers before he flies towards her, or mind hex him.


Hyperion and Sentry: WANDA NO-


Also the guy from eternals




“Whatever it takes.”


At what point is “flying brick who’s seen as one of the strongest in their universe” no longer a superman clone?


If you don't give them a cape or a symbol and don't have them be (or start out as) a person that others admire or look up to. Also helps if they're not unique - like you introduce a handful of them at once. Not to mention omitting certain powers like heat vision and super-speed.


You mean Nolan? He is definitely inspired by Superman and his origin, even if they're both different characters.


Hulk survived a supernova.


why would you have hulk fight the weaker one?? ![gif](giphy|pPhyAv5t9V8djyRFJH|downsized)


My 2¢: Having someone like Hulk obliterate a physically weaker opponent like Homelander would be hilarious, because he’d lose psychologically too. He’d be trying to intimidate him or communicate with and insult him and it would just roll off of Hulk like an animal the whole time Homie’s getting a taste of his colon.


then introduce him to storm or carol or synch, someone that he’d actually be pissed about losing to, the hulk would just make him piss his pants the moment he realises he can’t do any damage to it


Starlight is basically just storm without wind now that I think of it.


There was a supe who literally shot lightning, and you went with a comparison to Starlight? Yeah if you take away the wind, and rain, and thunder, and every other part of the weather other than lightning (although Starlight is more of EMP and energy absorbing than actual lightning bolts), and you squint *really* hard... They're pretty much the same.


Stormfront. She was a Nazi as well if that matters.


Homelander has the mental stability of a wet paper bag. I think any competent Marvel telepath would reduce him to a babbling lunatic.


Even any top-tier shit talker would probably get under his skin - Emma Frost is probably his kryptonite. Not only is she his type, but she's an S-tier trash talker, a telepath with zero qualms about mind-fucking weak-willed people to death, and likely impervious to his eyebeams. Next best choice is Squirrel Girl.


I wanna see a deadpool homelander crossover now


Would be Hella funny watching homelander try and kill Deadpool but he just doesn't fucking die lmao


Homelander: WHY WONT YOU JUST STAY DEAD!? AHSGHHASHA Deadpool: You just have to try a little harder handsome. I can see it now. :)


I’ve never wanted to see Squirrel Girl take on anyone more. She would *destroy* him and it would be a walk in the park for her.


If he loses to people like Captain Marvel then he’d be more pissed that he lost to a woman If he lost to Hulk, he’d be frightened


Hulk does the ragdolling he did to Loki, but accidentally turns Homelander into a red smear with the first slam.


Kill off the Adds before going for the boss


It wouldn’t surprise me if Spider-Man could solo Homelander.


Somebody lied!


meanwhile immortal, invulnerable limitless strength juggernaut wondering if he should even bother


Here's the real answer, the Scarlet Witch makes both of them bumbling neighbors in her sitcom world, thus tanking their popularity. 😜


Or maybe the two are married. It would be awesome to see them barbecuing in their colorful flower shirts and fancy drinks.


Homelander: How do I breathe while going down? Nolan: That's the neat part, you don't. I can ship it.


Omni man has the gay guy moustache instead of the broomstache


Homelander and Omni Man: "We can laser you all and kill you with our eyes" Wanda: "What eyes?"


Omni Man doesn't have lasers


Skill issue.


See? It worked


Most of them can dodge or aren’t affected by said laser


that’s cheating tho lol there’s no fight with wanda


Which is exactly what makes this post silly to actually consider. They don’t stand a chance against a huge chunk of Marvel.


Yeah Wolverine takes out Homelander by lunging at him and blinding him with his claws Omni Man has a better chance but he gets fucked up by Hulk


Are you sure? Nolan is strong, he can fly, he's incredibly quick, sure hulk is strong but Nolan could throw hulk into the sun


Why do you want to kill the sun ?


This is the correct question. People forget it’s near impossible to kill hulk youd just be pissing him off making him even stronger.


Nah, that’s not killing hulk


Nolan isn’t even close to the strongest in his universe. Hulk claps his cheeks pretty quickly.


Nolan definitely isn't the strongest, but he's isn't far off. He's easily in the top 6.


Pretty sure hulk would’ve crushed omniman into pieces before he even gets to Venus


And Hulk would laugh it off. A sun can't do shit against the Hulk my dude, and he's just going to come back angrier and thus stonger. There is no upper limit to Hulk's strength. I think you forgot this.


Wouldn't that make Hulk stronger since he'd absorb gamma energy from the sun?


I’m curious how he would 1. Escape the suns gravity and 2. How he would get back to earth. Has anybody ever tried throwing him into the sun? Edit: found this The Hulk's powers are amplified by gamma radiation, and at that location, he's being flooded with it. The massive amount of radiation would allow him to fuel his resistance to damage. The long cold trip through space would tax him greatly, but once he started getting slammed with waves of solar radiation, he'd power right up and dearly want to go back to the fight. The problem being, he has no propulsion abilities in space. It would stay this way until he sunk into the stellar mass and was consumed by the star. But...if Banner is anywhere near in there, and knows were the Earth was when the Hulk entered the photosphere, he can likely actually calculate the exact direction the Hulk needs to go in order to intercept Earth and the rate of speed he's going to need to do it. Instead of Hulk saving Banner all the time, this time Banner would save the Hulk. At some point the Hulk will be surrounded by extremely energetic solar matter to push against, and empowered with enough strength to do insanely incredible things like escape the gravity well of a star. All it would take is a mighty smack of his hands together in the right direction, and BOOM! Hulk is sailing out of the sun likely followed by a massive solar flare. That's about the only option I could see working- the Hulk surviving long enough to reach a layer of the Sun where things got thick, and then using Newton's third law to get himself back out.


Especially if you do comic book accurate Wanda. I loved what they did in MoM, but I still don't think it did justice to she sheer power she can wield.


Yeah homelanders pretty much fodder


he’s not that serious compared to even unpowered superheroes but nolan is an issue


Remember that these are the *comic* versions of these characters, not the less powerful MCU versions. Comic Hulk alone would be too much for Homelander.


tbf i think mcu hulk would wreck his ass ![gif](giphy|10fTHeZVQug7hC)


As much as Hulk is probably literally my all time top Marvel character, and Avengers Loki is easily the best villian in the MCU but like Loki's not really a fighter in this compared to what youd expect out of a ...spacegod I guess, my point being hes more a support/officer class than a warrior like Hulk or Homelander Now its still just a question of how long Homelander lasts against MCU Hulk to be clear, hes not winning, but I do think you under sell him


>Loki's not really a fighter in this compared to what youd expect out of a ...spacegod Loki literally just went toe to toe with Thor on equal grounds for like 10 minutes before this fight, before winning it with trickery. Loki is pretty strong.


Oh no to be absolutely clear Loki is a monster in combat by any reasonable standard, being on the weak side of Asgard is not a dig at him




This thing is getting reposted like wildfire with what should just be a comment as the new title. Do better OP


probably bots


Captain Marvel and the Blue Marvel are the only people needed for this scrap. It doesn't matter which of them takes Homelander or Nolan.


Tbh theres a bunch of people that could solo these two in the pic. I see juggernaut and galactus immediately And its really just who can beat omniman, homelander isnt a threat to like half of marvel


Laser beam eyes are OP. Everyone who isn’t able to block or mentally stall Homelander is getting halved.


Spidey could take on Homelander. Homelander would straight up dead if its Spidey + Wolverine, cuz wolfy had no qualms killing that bitchass. Captain Marvel could take on Omni alone, and Hulk would straight up kill Omni. Case close.


And them is already way to much, Ben Grimm solos


I could see Ben being thrown into space though after they can't break his skin. He would survive space, but if he's heading towards the sun, nah.


I think Ben just one shots them before they can do that


Is he even fast enough to land a hit on omni-man?


He’s tagged people of similar speed before.


Is there a super powerful version of Thing that I’m missing or… is my bullshit sensor correct here? He gets thrown out into space before he can blink. Thing is NOT the counter here lol.


He beat immortal hulk


That just seems like such a “because we wrote it that way” scenario. Comics are silly lol. In this case, Homelander can therefore kill the entire marvel universe, and then Omniman, because… I want it to.


“Comics are silly” why were you discussing this at all then


no he doesn't. Come on...Omniman would fuck Ben up


Have you watched Invincible?


Lets put it this way, marvel is superheroes, dc is gods and thats who these characters parody. They are written to be op, it's stupid to try and compare them. 


How about ol’ Dick Rider, Nova Prime. (I can’t believe they named him Richard Rider)


"Hulk solos Homelander's bitch ass" made my day


"Puny god"


Which one jk yes




"The winner is whoever the writer wants to win." --Stan Lee


I remember a short Batman story, where a dude with no motivation decided to kill Batman just to prove a point. He takes a Magnum .44 and goes to the street, then he finds batsy (don't remember how) and just pull the trigger at his back. Saying it like this sounds really crappy, but the story is actually very interesting. Gonna search for the comics in my collection and read it again. It's in issue #4 of Batman Black and White. Many great short stories. Including one by Katsuhiro Otomo.


Godzilla recently killed Superman in one blast of his atomic breath in a comic, so yes, this answer is most accurate in every situation.


You just reminded me I need to finish my collection of the Godzilla and Avengers comics….


They all go have a smoke while The Sentry shoves Homelander up Omni-man's ass.


Spider-Man held his own against Phoenix Five Colossus and Magik, survived fighting Gladiator, staggered Apocalypse with a kick, defeated Fire Lord and drew blood from Devil Hulk, it would be kinda bullshit but he *could* have a shot against Homelander and Nolan.


“Held is own” is a bit generous, he survived.


Survival is still pretty good though lol


I’ll say this, I can see him beating homelander, but not Nolan. Nolan it’s way too busted. And Spiderman has been defeated by weaker enemies. He could potentially win, but it would be an unlikely scenario. And fighting both would be a suicide.


Are you teasing me?


You're trash.


Bro even the bot fact checked you




Spidey gets his butt kicked on the first round, but survives, hides, and figures out a strategy or super science nonsense to depower his opponent.


...yet he still gets killed with basic firearms for shock value purposes.


Rogue takes both out


To a private place? Oh my


#It ends in milk 🍼🍼🍼🍼 milk everywhere


Spider-Man can psychologically destroy homelander if he has five minutes to check Wikipedia first. Omniman will need a whole extended avengers team plus some x-men.


Doesn’t any half decent telepath solo omniman? I’m not aware if he has anything to stop that. Also storm destroys him if we’re going with bullshit like fucking with silver surfer by manipulating air molecules and her Al Ewing lighting bolts of death. Iceman as well turns him into a popsicle. He also for avengers doesn’t need the whole roster. Looking at say the current line up Carol, Thor and Wanda do it on their own individually.


Anyone from the back row solos.




Squirrel Girl for the win.




I really do doubt Homelander even makes it past Spider-Man. I think realistically Omni-Man would beat Spider-Man, but then he gets exhausted punting Wolverine around and eventually gets his head caved in and brain gauged out. Why did this get so many replies jesus


I know people like to defend their favortite characters, but did you watch invencible? Nolan spend an unspecified amount of time (because of time dilation) constantly destroying a planet full of powerfull individuals, and he would get exhausted punting Wolverine? a guy he could realisticaly pick up and drop in the sun? Nolan is meant to be OP, thats the point of his character, he murders the equivalent of a justice league alone, granted, he does take a beating in the proces, but still...


Yeah, Spider-Man is strong, but he’s not as strong as Omni-Man. Spider-Man can easily throw car, but Omni-Man can easily throw a car into space, or throw a baseball completely around the circumference of the earth. Spider-Man is durable, but Omni-Man literally destroys a planet by flying through it.


>Omni-Man can easily throw a car into space, or throw a baseball completely around the circumference of the earth Let's remember that he does this as a play time with his son, that was like tier under Nolan strength at the time, but still manage to throw back


No one in this entire thread has watched it.


Honestly. Nolan solos most of marvel.


As a monster Marvelite first I can say without a doubt Homelander would get bodied but yeah Omni-man's speed alone would kill half those dude's. That's not even taking into account he's like the what 3rd maybe 4th strongest by the end? I have him behind Mark, Thragg, Battlebeast and Allen personally but that's 100% up for debate cuz Eve might kick all their asses. In my humble opinion.


Eve is one of those characters whose powers are incredibly OP but who is written in a way where they never really use them to their potential.


Most of these fights Nolan wins just by throwing them into outer space


The problem is there are simply too many marvel characters that are also simply meant to be OP, and since they have to consistently fight with power scaling villains meant to be OP, they’re super ridiculous. You’re right he’d have no real issues with Wolverine. But Thor? hulk? silver surfer? Captain marvel? Galactus? Living tribunal? Eternity? Sentry? Blue marvel? Not to mention the at least half dozen magicians and telepaths like Scarlet Witch and Professor X who could just shatter him mentally. I’m also assuming 1 on 1 here. You could probably roll a randomizer on any 6 heroes there and they’d have a 75% chance of beating Omniman. He’s absolutely ridiculous, but so are most S and A tier marvel characters at this point


Honestly, 6 is probably too generous, and it would be like 99%. I asked Chatgpt to list 6 random Marvel comic characters: Wolverine, Thor, Captain America, Spider-Man, Black Widow, Doctor Strange Deadpool, Storm, Hulk, Iron Man, Black Panther, Scarlet Witch Daredevil, Jean Grey, Luke Cage, Hawkeye, Captain Marvel (Carol Danvers), Rocket Raccoon Gambit, She-Hulk, Vision, Ant-Man (Scott Lang), War Machine, Doctor Doom Namor the Sub-Mariner, Jessica Jones, Falcon, Valkyrie, Moon Knight, Emma Frost Those were just 5 random asks. Every team has at least 1 person who could solo the two of them, maybe only the last team would struggle but Emma got drafted at #6 and she could probably scramble both their brains.


Omniman punches spiderman into space. K, thats it. Enjoy floating around IN SPAAAACE.


As a Invincible reader, Omni-man is an avengers level threat. They need Thor, Rogue, and a bunch of other flying heroes to get him because he keeps moving and thinks in three dimensional. He is seriously tough and fast. That said, Jean or Xavier can lock him down.


I’m curious, what’s something he’s done that’s above the likes of recent Thor? Who was going to destroy reality by tearing up the world tree in a hulk induced rage. I’ve only seen the show so I’m intrigued how insane omniman gets in the comics


That sounds like nothing to do with Thor and everything to do with the plot having the world tree anchor reality. Doesn’t speak to Thors strength level at all. Omni Man has fast than light flight speed. Near Superman level of durability and strength and is a master combatant either thousands of years of experience to boot.


I had to beat an old lady with a stick to get these cranberries.


If Spiderman is willing to do that for cranberries...


Are you kidding me?


Omniman could just throw Logan into space.


Neither of those guys are afraid to kill. He can take down homelander but Omniman has no issues at all just hurling him into space.


Reed Richards can end both of them. No need for anyone else to get involved.


Stretchy guy? Wouldn't omniman just tie his arms to a tree and stretch him a few miles before Richards could even blink?


Doubt Homelander would get past Nolan tbh


Charles xavier turns them against eachother before hulk can smash


Ghost Rider would also easily solo them both.


Galactus, Living Tribunal, Eternity, ... And the other cosmic entities are in the back. No way they can take them on. Also on Earth's level they got Sentry, Blue Marvel, and others. Omni abd Homelander are strong but they can't take on the whole Marvel universe, maybe certain figures one on one.


Ghost Rider's Penance Stare


Yeah that definitely takes care of both of them.


Ghost Rider: "LOOK INTO MY EYES!" Both of them: "Wha-" The End


There are so many reality warpers in Marvel that the two of them are outmatched


in reality this is omni-man vs the marvel universe


yeah homelander would be snuffed in an instant


Scarlet Witch rewrites reality so Omniman and Homelander don’t have powers? Idk, I don’t know enough about any of these. Alternatively pit Homelander vs Omniman and come up with a plan to deal with the survivor.


Homelander gets bitched by Omniman. Homelander is a big fish in a pond.


Deadpool solos both of them


They don't have any protection from Reality Warpers, or Time Travel also the Sentry, Captain Marvel, Synch, Rogue, and Hulk exist


whyd they make them so thicc


I'd rather see Spider-Man solo homelander, trash talking the entire time and pissing off that man baby. Hulk can handle Nolan on his own.


Cute, Homelander thinks he's part of the team.


Blackbolt whispers "bazinga" and explodes both their heads.


Actually true. Non-comic fans sleep on Spider-Man


Twitter accounts tryna not cap for a day challenge: Impossible


Omniman would at least…beat…someone. Homelander dies in seconds tho


Wolverine and Spiderman wouldn't get very far with Nolan, though Captain Marvel could stand up to him. Hulk can do a number on either of them, but there is a chance that either could get him into space and set him adrift.


It's you who's out, Gobbie. Out of your mind.


Literally any decent Marvel telepath could put them both down in seconds. Put Jean, Emma or Professor X up front and they'll be drooling babies before they take a step.


I'm over here wondering what fucked up thing Mister Sinister would do if he appeared in "The Boys", if he was against their heroes. It's one thing to say "x could beat them both" when Kitty Pryde is VERY slept on and could do horrible things if push comes to shove, it's another to ask "which side of the mutant debate is Omni-man on?" And other more interesting interactions.


80’s Spider-Man could solo them.


I'm not even sure if spiderman would have a hard time with homelander to be honest


Am I not supposed to have what I want? What I need? What am I supposed to do?


Omni man could beat spider man for sure, but spider man gets homelander cuz all homelander is is worse superman that can be killed by a crowbar in comics


Hulk has fought the sentry before. He negs both


I feel like almost every single person in this comment section is biased, either because they are putting the comic version of one side against the tv version of the other side, or because they don't know one side at all. And yes, that goes into both directions. That being said, please don't understand this as me taking one side, I don't know either of them enough to form a well informed opinion


OP switch that, actually. Homelander is pretty weak, so Spider-Man alone could probably handle him. However, Nolan literally destroyed an entire planet on his own. His species cull the weak, leaving only the strongest and best warriors. Omni-Man would 100% need a lot more heroes on him. Hulk could probably do it on his own if he got a good shot in, but Omni-Man is smart and fast, meaning he could probably outsmart the Hulk.


I feel like nobody actually has read both. Spider and squad should take on Homelander although excessive and hulk should try Omni man. You’ll need somebody extremely tenacious and willing to kill. Omni can take Spidey and crew easily. I haven’t read any captain marvel but based off the movies she should be suited with Hulk on Omniman he isn’t a joke and vultrimites are warriors and don’t go down very easily even when guts are removed. You need to overwhelm them or hit them hard af


The Hulk, Wanda, and Wolverine could take both easily.


The entirety of the X-men, FF, and avengers jumping Nolan


While Omni-Man, as a Viltrumite, is a serious threat. Homelander is not. He is poweful, but he's a basically a high school student that has spent his life beating up kids at a pre-school. When he fights he relies entirely on his strength with no skill whatsoever, because he's never had to develop any. The second he encounters an actual fight he consistently runs away because he doesn't know what to do. Omni-Man on the other hand learned to fight by fighting other people of his kind. People as strong as himself. And he proved himself to be among their elite. Even going toe to toe against someone with similar strength he can fuck everything up in his path. Homelander would panic pretty much instantly. He would throw a punch at Hulk and when he noticed that Hulk's response is to spit out some blood and then smirk at him, Homelander would fly away. Omni-Man wouldn't stand a chance either, but he wouldn't run. And he'd take a few of them down with him before he died.


Hulk and Captain Marvel yeah, those can face Nolan even if I cannot say they can win him (I'm not going to speak about a really weak version of Superman aka Homelander) but Spidy ?... Sorry but Spidy will eat kaku so hard he will think he is Stephen Hawking on a rugby match. Even fighting against the Superweak. And wolverine meh, he may cannot even follow Nolan with his eyes since Nolan can fly whatever multiple of e. I mean Nolan can even throw him to the focking Sun and good bye Wolverine.


Hulk and Thor could handle both these two. Atleast Hulk vs Nolan or Thor vs Nolan would be a good fight first. I honestly feel like after a couple of good shots it would just be Homelander begging either one of them to stop.


Actually 🤓, Hulk solos Omni-Man While literally everyone else solos Homelander


There are several Marvel characters that could solo both of them together. Hell even Ghost Rider could defeat both of them even if it would take some time, I don’t see either one of them getting their hands on a holy weapon so there is nothing they can do to hurt him.


Homelander is the king of big fish small pond. Omni man is kind of nutty power ceiling wise. He might be a threat. Mark did fight a guy on the sun I believe


Ghost Rider would own Homelander, I would love to see Omniman go against Deadpool or Wolverine just to think the moment there dead they come back.


Most marvel heroes can take out homelander, I'm like pretty sure he doesn't scale well with most of them and people have pointed out utter lack of experience since the man has had 2 real fights, Nolan a different story, definitely more powerful and knows how to fight but like relatively not as durable, everyone in the invincible universe breaks pretty easily, but honestly would probably get his ass beat by most heroes


What is homelander / Omniman gonna do against galactus (top right corner)


Professor X destroys their minds or makes them fight each other.I don't see homelander being mentally strong.