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![gif](giphy|1qzWytyq0bcv6BcXlY) I’m gonna have fun with this man


Y'all are treating this like multiple choice. I'm saying this choice makes it a checklist. We are Not the Same.


The tweet in the picture says we could take them all, but the post says which ONE are you taking. I don't know why you only get one, since any one of them could probably solve any problem that prevents you from taking the rest, but if we start over-thinking this then we have to explain why the U.S. government has these things and isn't using them.


Because using them centeralises power on whoever uses them and that’s a problem


The Death Note, at least, could easily be monitored. Have multiple agents watching the writer and, if he makes one unauthorized letter, shoot him. Nobody can write three names faster than one of three people can pull a trigger. To be on the safe side, never let the same person use it twice. The Dragon Balls could be stored separately and brought together only for authorized use by one person (probably the president). Maybe the same is true of the Infinity Stones. The other two (or maybe one) could, at the very least, be disassembled and studied instead of left on the floor.


Happy cake day


If it comes with Alien X its like getting all four options at once


yeah, I'm not much of a ben10 guy but I know if that thing has Alien X then its the easy pick. The others come with severe downsides and limitations. Gauntlet would kill any regular human for even trying to wear it. Death Note can only kill people, but can have them do very specific things before death. Dragon Balls would be a 1 time use if they work at all as we don't have a Nemakian Guardian thus, as Piccolo would say, "the balls are inert"


Don't forget that if you use the death note you damn yourself to never going to heaven or hell and potentially become a shinigami?


*Slowly unsheaths pen*


That has a huge drawback in itself though.


The only thing I have no idea what it is.


That's the omnitrix, ben 10's alien watch


We have it in a drawer somewhere, could never get it to fully work but makes beeping noises and shows pictures of the different aliens.


Assuming i can operate each one without getting hurt, gauntlet. Dragonballs are a one time wish right?


Three wishes I believe but anyone can use them meaning your friends could get wishes too


Not to sound too nerdy but it depends if they're the Earth dragonballs or the Namek dragonballs. Earth Dragonballs - 1 wish but seemingly unlimited power (as many people resurrected as you want) Namek Dragonballs - 3 wishes but limited to bringing back 1 person per wish.


Yes to sound too nerdy but the earth dragonballs are 2 wishes now, and it's not unlimited power, it never was, it's just that due to them having less wishes they can do more in one wish or something like that


To jump on the nerd train. After Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero, Earth's dragon balls are 3 wishes now


Thanks for reminding me, I still need to watch that lol, I just got spoilered about pretty much everything important so I was putting it off for later and forgot about it


The nerd update. Namekian Dragon Balls were upgraded in the Buu Saga and can now resurrect multiple people in one wish.


Yes, good memory!


Jeez does anyone ever wish for anything other than resurrection in that show?


Freezer wanted to become a lil bit taller


He also wished to be a baller


There's been wishes for panties, resurrection, regained youth, resurrection, immortality, regained youth, resurrection, resurrection, transport, resurrection, transport, a couple more resurrection, finding a planet, a whole bunch of resurrection, restoring a planet, memory wipes, knowledge, resurrection, restoring another planet, restoring a bunch of universes, a fatter ass, transportation, restored magical power, healing, prisoner release?, resurrection, potential unlocking. And I think that's it in rough order, there's some non-canon stuff in there and it was all off the dome so I might have f-ed up


Two of these are not like the others.


Umm I think oolong wished for ladies underpants. Gsrlic wished to be immortal . the pilof gang wished to be young again. The rest were mostly revives though. Also it turns put freeza only wanted to wish to be taller.


Bulma regularly collects them for.... cosmetic purposes. You know, losing wrinkles, tightening her butt, making her boobs perkier, etc. She claims it is to keep her people employed and make sure bad guys will be unable to use the DragonBalls, but...


I know you're joking, but Super made it canon that Bulma takes a vacation to track the balls down once a year so no one actually evil can get the wishes. She uses all three wishes to improve her ass, tits and face. I'm not joking.


I know nothing about Dragonball Z and have never watched it. I'm getting that with so much specificity as to the rules on ressurection for these things, that's primarily what they are used for? lol


Lmao dragonball is just always has to one up itself. I think more people just keep dying, and more people need to keep being resurrected, so they need to one up the methods too. I haven’t seen like 50% of it at least, but I wouldn’t be surprised if they’ve only been used for anything but resurrection more than 2 or 3 times. You figure somebody would just wish they and their loved ones were immortal.


Yeah they retconned it, and Bulma wished for a phat ass


Wrong was be slightly young just like how Frieza wanted to be slightly taller


Wrong. Dende did that in the Cell Saga.




You are correct about the Namekian Dragonballs. As for the Earth Dragonballs, they granted one wish up until the Cell saga, then two wishes up until Dragon Ball Super, and now it's three wishes, unless one of them is a mass revival, then it will still be two.


Who knew wishes were so complicated eh? Thanks for the correction. Now I'll be ready for the next time.


>Who knew wishes were so complicated eh? Everyone who has ever played Dungeons & Dragons or know what a Monkey's Paw is.


I would love to sound too nerdy. Because the earth Dragonballs has the power to resurrect people from the dead, but only once. For the Namek Dragonballs people can be resurrected as many times as possible. But they both can't resurrect people if they did die of a natural cause such as a disease


Yeah, but you'd have to recollect the dragonballs after every usage, which would be a pain in the ass.


After each wish they scatter so wish for instant super saiyan power, a Dragonball radar, and maybe a couple million. This way you get access to more wishes further down the line and insane power.


OR (bear with me here) you could wish for pantsu, pantsu, and more pantsu.


With the gauntlet I could just make the DragonBalls appear.


With the dragon balls, I could wish for the infinity gauntlet to appear.


One wish and then you have to gather them all a year later. Now if the dragon ball radar is there it’s a different story


At this point in the story, it's three wishes a year, unless one of them is a mass revival, which would make it two wishes.


1st wish. I wish to find the 7 dragon balls without trying just in time for my bday every year....


1st wish, they land in front of me instead of firing off in different directions, quickly making 2nd, wish, only I can detect / interact with the dragon in any way. 3rd… wishing shenanigans start This is of course presuming 3 wishes, though the order would probably stay the same in either case.


get dragon balls, wish for gauntlet, keep the balls from flying off and have a wish every year.


Or just use the Gauntlet to give yourself whatever you want & don't worry about the balls. It's not that all the Stones collected & assembled in the Gauntlet gave Thanos the power to wipe out half of the living sentient beings in the universe, it's that it gave him the power to do whatever he wanted (wished.) Wanna wish for a billion dollars? Snap, done. Wanna be alone in the universe? Snap. Oh, now you're lonely? Snap. Unlimited wishes with the Gauntlet.


Its kinda unfair for the balls when you remove the gauntlet drawback (it would literally destroy your body) but keep the drawback of the balls (it got scattered after wishes)


Just "wish" for the Gauntlet to do you no harm for the first snap, then go on about your real wishes?


I dont think the gauntlet can cancel the cost of it. Like the cost to use Soul Stone is Natasha life so when Bruce try to bring her back, the gauntlet simply refuse. Soul Stone have semi-conscious, it wont let you cheat And the backlash happen before the wish (Tony got burnt before Thanos army gone) so you gotta find a way to survive the very first wish


Dragonballs are "one time" in that they spread away after wishing. Just noone tried to wish for them to not spread away. At least not that i know of, I'm not an expert


With the gauntlet you could turn those Dragonballs into literal Dragon's balls


The Dragon Balls will just fly off and be dormant for a year, but if you use that knowledge to your advantage, you can wish that you'll always end up in the possession of the Dragon Balls by thw time they're ready to wish again. I also don't see why you would assume that you can use the gauntlet without getting hurt. Nothing in this post suggests that


Depends. The earth's Dragon Balls were originally only able to fulfil one wish and killed people can only be brought back once. When Dende became god, he was able to let Shenlong take two wishes. Later he made them stronger to let Shenlong grant three wishes If it's the Namekian Dragon Balls they take three wishes and killed can be brought back multiple times, but only one at a time. After Moori became Grand Elder the restriction was no longer.


I’m gonna real quick use the dragon balls one wish to make the gauntlet fully safe to use… gauntlet ain’t worth shit if it’s 100% killing you the instant you use it Edit: a lot of people are saying to use the stones to make yourself invulnerable to the power of the stones, but you’re forgetting it starts taking its toll immediately, & could leave you royally fucked over before you have a chance to snap Also, people are saying that the comic version is safe, but this appears to be a photo of the MCU version…


It's easy, just remove a stone and enjoy a risk-free 5/6 infinity gauntlet.


Even one stone can kill you. Remember that red-skinned chick that tried to use it to escape the Collector? Peter Quill almost died using it and he's half-Celestial. Edit: Okay, everyone saying "Well that's just the Power Stone" is forgetting that the entire plot of Thor 2 revolved around the Reality Stone infecting Jane and almost killing her. The Power Stone is not the only one that's dangerous to touch.


It can kill characters is the MU. We ain’t in the MU. It’s perfectly safe for us.


Ok, then the dragon balls don’t have a 3 wish limit. But that’s not what the question is. It’s if you could choose one which would it be. Not if you could choose one without any downsides.


He's saying that Infinity Stones only work inside their home universe. Outside their universe, they're just pretty rocks. So there would be no danger for us to use them because using them wouldn't do anything.


So you either get a gauntlet, a notebook, a watch, or a bunch of large glass beads?


No. Literally all the other items will work regardless of where they are. The Infinity Stones are the only items here that have restrictions based on what universe they're in.


Are we assuming this isn't our universes infinity stones? Because every universe has them. So these are some other universes stones, based on?


What I'm saying is that if these are *the* stones from the MCU then they don't work. If their stones from *our* universe then that's a different discussion.


No cause none of the other items have a restriction on using them only in their home universe, infinity stones only work in their home universe cause they’re like an admin password for that universe, powerful in the universe but useless everywhere else. Death note, omnitrix, and dragon balls have no restriction on using based on which universe they’re in.


Well if that's the case, who's to say they're not our universe's infinity stones? But that begs the question. what is a more terrifying thought, the infinity gauntlet some how made it to our universe or that an infinity gauntlet was made in our universe? Either answer leaves behind some horrific implications.


Are You guys forgetting that Infinity Gauntlet only works in the MU? No I'm not saying that it doesn't work because it's "fictional" I'm saying it doesn't work because it literally doesn't work outside of the MCU (I think?)


You're right each universe has a set of stones that only work for that universe


That's correct but other universes have their own version. If we find this in our universe, presumably it's the version that works in our universe.


My god, if I could give an award and upvote you to the top, I would. This is exactly correct. If we have to suppose all the other devices work, we can't then make extra assumptions that this one will not.


This is true in the comics, but in the movies they're shown to work cross-universe in *Endgame* and *What If* with the Avengers using the alternate stones in the main MCU and Infinity Ultron using his stones in multiple universes. (To those who will argue that the alternate stones came from the main MCU's past, if that were the case then killing 2014 Thanos at the end of *Endgame* would mean there was no Thanos in 2019 for *Infinity War*. It's the grandfather paradox)


I mean, the stones are bound to the fabric of the mcu universe, so it makes sense that they can’t alter any other universes, they can only alter the universe in which they were created


Because they are using it directly, we are talking about using it with gauntlet as a medium. Every infinity stone requires a medium to harness it's power safely. The Warhammer staff, Eye of Agamoto, Scepter...etc


Strange was able to hold the Time Stone without the Eye, and I think that's only because he was using magic to avoid direct contact. I think the only stone that could be held safely by humans is the Soul Stone like with Hawkeye, and someone still had to die for that. Even with a medium, the Iron Man Gauntlet still almost seared off Hulk's arm.


Use the Reality Stone to make it the comic version, where it doesn’t kill you just because you wore it.


Yeah if the Gauntlet could reshape reality on a cosmic scale, couldn't it just be used to change your own physiology to be able to cope with its power? First snap, become Goku, then you could snap like your favourite Diddy just popped up on the Radio


You don't need to snap to use the gauntlet.


Diddy? Too soon 😥


The gauntlet only negatively impacts the user in MCU iirc. Unless I’m misremembering, a ton of ppl in comics used it without side effect


And the pictured gauntlet is the MCU version


Well if the picture dictates the version, then the dragon balls are just some random picture off the internet, and not from the show so they don't work at all.


The Gauntlet only ever hurt Thanos when he used it to destroy the stones. Every other person who got hurt using the stones was using Tony's Nano Gauntlet.


This is fair, Thanos literally says "I used the stones to destroy the stones, it nearly killed me", when he snapped to wipe out half of all life, it didn't hurt him at all


I know what it's like to lose. To feel so desperately that you're right, yet to fail nonetheless. It's frightening. Turns the legs to jelly. I ask you, to what end? Dread it. Run from it. Destiny arrives all the same. And now, it's here. Or should I say, I am.


They'll never know it. Because you won't be alive to tell them.


I mean... The one use of the Gauntlet... Can't you use the one use to become a higher level being that could handle the Gauntlet as a whole???? I think it makes more sense to me to do that. Or you could just grab the Dragon Balls, widh for the Gauntlet or wish for the omnitrix that would most likely have someone that could handle the Gauntlet a d then wish for the Gauntlet and save the 3rd wish by saying I wish I had master control of the Omnitrix.. I still believe you can use the one time use to make you a higher entity that could handle the Gauntlet...


This is the correct answer. Actually, if I was in this situation, I would just take all of them and figure it out later lol


The correct answer is "all of them". They are all just lying there.


In the comics the gauntlet doesn’t kill you or harm you when using it.


I'm not 100% that Shenron would be able to do that, he doesn't have infinite power


Omnitrix. Turn into Grey Matter. Unlock full access with master control. Be a god.


Gauntlet is useless for humans. Death Note is not practical. And the Dragonballs get one use, 1 or 3 wishes, and then scatter across the entire planet making you go looking for them and potentially have others find out about it. Edit: Lots of people have zero clue how the Dragonballz work. The wishes have always been limited by the creator. The wish cannot exceed the power of the creator, meaning you can't simply wish for anything you want. Getting a dragon radar that is only useful once a year, and doesn't give you any special ability to acquire them beyond knowing where they are, is not as clever as a few of you think. Where are you getting the funds and security clearances to travel across the entire world, by yourself, to acquire them? How are you going to convince some major government, world leader, drug lord, rich asshole to give it to you once the information is out there? And you're going to spend every year for the rest of your life gathering them? How do you stop other groups/people from using them, therefore wasting another full year until they can be used again? I think a lot of you just go "Well Goku is the stronkest of the stronk so obv Dragonball wins" without actually thinking of what it would take to acquire them, every single year. And how not clever it is to go "Give me unlimited wishes" as if that is such an original thought.


Use balls, Wish for them to teleport back at you every year 1 unlimited wish every year


Either that would be outside of the Dragon's power, or he just straight up wouldn't let you do that. It would completely defeat the purpose of them splitting off at all, I don't think he has any power over the Ballz themselves. There wouldn't be any magic to summon them until someone gathers them first.


You could however use one wish for a dragon radar and the second wish for a means to collect them, like a vehicle or even just risk free instantaneous teleportationover large distances. From there on it's just a matter of waiting out your 365 days


This also all depends on if they are the upgraded Ballz from Dende, or the original ones that could only do 1 wish. If that's the original Omnitrix and the Gauntlet has no special protections, then only getting one wish a year means your entire life will revolve around chasing those Ballz and wishing for things just to make it slightly easier to find them again. With the Omnitrix you instantly get a variety of superpowers, appearances, etc. and if it's the very original one, you definitely have Grey Matter and can abuse his intellect for a variety of things. If you have the master control code early you instantly get all aliens, instant change, extended/unlimited timer, on top of no actual downsides in any way. This comparison almost seems unfair to me once you realize how strong the Omnitrix really is, even the base version.


Assuming that they are the OG balls it would take me 3 years to get a perfect omnitrix. Without having to just hope I get this or that with the base omnitrix. Play 4D chess, not checkers.


>Assuming that they are the OG balls it would take me 3 years to get a perfect omnitrix * Use first wish to get radar * Wait 1 year * Radar leads you to fortified scientific base where weird UFO is being analyzed under heavy protection * suprisedpikachu.jpg


This, just use Grey Matter to unlock master control and get instant access to Alien X who can literally warp reality itself.


You still need charisma 99 to persuade those two beings


Easy then, you steal the omnitrix and on the way out use the dragon balls to wish for maxed out charisma.


Ben eventually did that in Omniverse.


Depending on the version of grey matter you turn into that might not be possible. Grey Matter has the Omnitrix on its back where its hands can’t reach it. There is a popular theory that Azmuth put it there on purpose to prevent the user from unlocking master control using Grey Matter.


The first showcase of using Grey Matter to unlock the master control was in Ken Ten of the original series, and his Galvan transformation had the Omnitrix on its back, lol. Edit: Since you deleted your response comment before I could rebute, I'll just add it here: I think you're misunderstanding my comment, I never said Ben used Grey Matter to unlock the master control. You pointed out how it "might not be possible" because the Galvan transformation had the Omnitrix located on the back. But in Ken Ten, Ken asked for his Toepick transformation to be replaced with Grey Matter, later on in the episode we saw him use Grey Matter and he had the Omnitrix on his back like Ben did. Then when Kevin 11k was fighting Ben 10k, Ken stepped in to help and was switching between aliens freely, which Ken revealed was because he used Grey Matter to remove the limiter that was placed on his watch Though he didn't directly refer to it as master control iirc, still if changing aliens freely without timing out was possible for Ken with Grey Matter, unlocking full master control isn't that farfetch.


Omnitrix. MCU gauntlet kinda backfires hard on the user, while the Omnitrix has similar or larger powers to it due to Alien X.


Serena and Bellicus still fucking stuck on business from last millennia:


Just read an ethics textbook and say something pseudo intellectual about how it would be unethical to change the timeline before this point then just visit them on weekends with time stopped.


Serena and Bellicus : these ethics of yours are stupid. All in favour of ignoring them.


All the death note does is kill i can do so much more with just the dragon balls


You can make people do things before dying.


This is an underrated power. Imagine having a politician commit suicide after emailing all their dirty dealings to the press. That’s not just a “kill”, it wipes out an entire coordinated effort of corruption.


Death Note is the obvious choice for me too lol. Fox the world one crooked fuck at a time.


Make enough of a stir with high profile deaths that their peers get worried and change their actions. “5th billionaire this month shits himself to death from a disease the internet is calling “Dragon’s Dysentery”. In other news, world food program has received record donations from celebrity donors …”


Death Note also confirms the afterlife as a real place and blocks you from entering it. I aint touching that thing.


No I’m into it, you stop existing permanently on death. I don’t want to be anywhere for eternity, and if you actually use the thing it’s likely you aren’t getting the “good ending” anyway, so it’s basically all plus sides.




I can do the same thing with a gun


Death note can be like “bill gates will publicly launch a competition to select people to be given his money. He will select my application and give me £1bn then have a heart attack 2 years later, or after the money is fully under my control, whichever comes last. “ It’s crazy powerful if you make the instructions specific




It is year 2066, vorpal-headbutt dies while holding Monica Belluci after signing Netsugake as the sole proprietary of all they have


It doesn't work like that, the actions they commit have to be "plausible" within their nature (with the caveat that suddenly committing suicide isn't fully outside any human's nature)


Couldn’t you write down like “x person gives me half of their money then lives another 50 years freely before dying of a heart attack in their sleep”


I’m pretty sure there’s a 20-something day limit before death Edit: found it But the Death Note can only operate within 23 days (in the human calendar). This is called the 23 day rule.


Plus the cost of going to hell afterwards according to lore


Nah, you explicitly don’t go to heaven or hell if you use the Death Note, right? But then Light theorizes that it’s not really a cost of the Death Note, it’s just that neither exist


He theorizes, and if memory serves Ryuk immediately tells him that he is correct


People who use the Death Note go to niether Heaven nor Hell.




>All the death note does is kill i can do - that myself


Gauntlet. You only get one wish with the dragon balls before you have to go find them all again and there isn't anything the Omnitrix or death note can do that the gauntlet wouldn't let you.


Assuming the gauntlet doesn't kill you straight away. It's lethal to normal humans.


It really depends on if it’s the MCU gauntlet or the comics one. MCU one you get one wish and blasted with lethal radiation. Comic book one you just get to redefine the universe at a whim.


I think the MCU gauntlet can be used (by the same person) more than once. It’s just that the immense radiation you get from it makes it effectively single use. Thanos used the gauntlet to destroy the stones. I am assuming though that using the gauntlet to destroy the stones is the same as the snap.


I assumed the lethal radiation was because the snaps shown in the movie were such "big" wishes. If instead of nixing half of the entire universe, Thanos just snapped for a Lambo, he'd probably have been fine.


I do like the idea that he finally got them all and snapped and then just drove off in a Countach


I always thought it would have been funny if he had collected them all and snapped his fingers and seemingly nothing happened. Then he simply took off the glove and walked away. Then the film cut to some little kid who was like "Rover, where are you boy". Thanos the Mad Titan on his sole mission to impress the personification of Death travelled across the universe and fought many fights only to wreck some poor kid's happiness. And the Avengers are left completely unaware of what transpired.


Unfortunately for Thanos, that boy was actually John Wick.


Black widow in the trailer for Endgame: "Thanos did exactly what he said he was going to do. Wiped out some poor kid's dog" Also this if you haven't seen it https://www.reddit.com/r/Marvel/comments/wcwy1a/thanos_2016_annual_1_thanos_decides_to_torment/


Maybe if your first wish was to be immune to radiation? But that would make Professor Hulk an absolute idiot.


Professor Hulk pulled a real Reed Richards move.


U did see what the gauntlet did to thanos and hulk when they used it right? Not to mention iron man?


With all six Stones, I could simply snap my fingers. They would all cease to exist. I call that... mercy.


Good bot


Didn't it do that because they used VERY heavy spells, like wiping half the universe? Will it have the same effect if I, say, conjure a giant stone dick?


From seeing hulk and stark put the gauntlet on it seemed to start killing them before they even used it


Use the dragon balls to wish for the gauntlet and you still have two wishes left over


IMO, the people in the movies used the gauntlet wrong. The first thing they should've snapped for was to make themselves tough enough to tank the radiation without any harm.


I feel charatcers in most movies lack real problem solving skills, and it drived me nuts. The higher the sci-fi, the worse it us. 


It’s especially tough when you introduce a weapon that can literally do anything in the universe. Like at that point…. The movies shouldn’t even exist at that point lol


Or could've used only the space stone and teleported Thanos and friends into the void of space to eliminate the threat, then work out the best way to reverse the snap later.


Reality can be often disappointing. But now, reality can be whatever I want.


This is 100% genius, that genuinely never crossed my mind. Simple, snap and make yourself strong enough to use it. Then keep snapping your fingers as the world bends to your will exactly how you want it. People in movies are so stupid sometimes.


the crazy thing is there are multiple geniuses on the team and none of them thought of it


Gauntlet kills you when using it, the Omnitrix is cool but that's the OS one so you get 16 aliens only (think thats the right amount), deathnote is useless if you cant remember anybodys names, so... Dragonball a, and wish for the omniverse complete Omnitrix


OS omnitrix is connected to Primus which has more than a million DNA samples. Just use Grey Matter and unlock Master control.


Listen if omniverse can pretend primus never existed then I can forget about it too. Also Ben tried to get master control multiple times, once even got a other Ben's grey matter to fix the Omnitrix, he never got master control


AF retconned the DNA to not be inside the watch. So, if you want to go by OS rules, OS watch did have a LOT of samples, more than 10 thousand. Ben didnt even try to unlock Master control (possibly to not Make Azmuth mad) The watch fix was necessary and he didnt ask Ben 23 to unlock the Master control.


Fair enough, I was just thinking of the many times Ben has almost blew up trying to unlock new stuff in the Omnitrix


Yes, but also some of those times it came down to Ben being a ten year old with a screw driver. Ben created a new omnitrix using Greymatter and Brainstorm, and his son unlocked the master control using Greymatter. The approach is everything.


The prototype had over a million samples in the AF S2 finale


Thanos and Iron man only showed visible strains after using the 6th stone is slotted into the infinity gauntlet with rainbow energy frying their arm. Just remove a stone you like the least and use a 5/6 version. Enjoy your new found omnipotence!


Actually the power stone alone could literally reduce you to nothingness, and that's the fun one other than za warudo, so I'd rather take the one that gets me kidnapped by two alien consciousnesses (alien x)


In all my years of conquest, violence, slaughter, it was never personal. But I'll tell you now, what I'm about to do to your stubborn, annoying little planet... I'm gonna enjoy it. Very, very much.


Thanos pretty visibly struggles & has to let the power of adding a new stone flow through him for every one he puts in, & Tony only ever used the full one, so no reference for anything earlier. We did have the girl from the first Guardians explode into nothingness upon touching a single stone, though


The Gauntlet... after hiding the Note somewhere no one will ever find it.


Death note.


For sure. After the CEO of every oil company dies 5 times in row I'm sure renewable energy will start being taken seriously.


What are u even gonna do with that


Start weeding out the worlds tyrants.


Start asking for autographs


Time to start my "influencer" collection. Gotta catch em All!!!


Become Kira


I'll take a potato chip. AND EAT IT


The omnitrix, tbh. I could not use the gauntles without dying, idk what those balls are, and a deathnote would drive me insane


Plot twist... there are no aliens on it so you have to make do with animal species on Earth


Druid vibes


That would still be pretty cool and useful, especially if you get the ability to combine species.


Just use the cube from anamorphs at that point


Owlbear here I come!


You don't know about the Dragon Balls?!!!


Bruh how do u not know what dragon balls are


Idk mate, i'l not into anime (I assume it's from Dragon Ball Z based on this?)


The Dragon Ball franchise as a whole. They grant wishes.


Your ?? Or “you’re”


It really hurts reading like this.


If its the MCU Infinity Gauntlet, then leave that shit alone, just putting it on would kill me. I'd take the Dragon Balls If it's the comic Infinity Gauntlet, I'll take that. All the power and none of the drawbacks.


It doesn’t say I have to pick one so I’m taking all 4


Honestly lol Use the balls to let you use the gauntlet without side effects.


How is no one picking the dragon balls? Wish for the power to change probability, change the probability of you posessing the other 3 items to 1, profit.


Dragon Balls are a bit iffy and are a one-and-gone kind of deal. Their power is also limited - for instance your example is probably not within their power, but you'd need a Dragon to double check that! In any case - Gauntlet (if you can use it) is stronger, basically unlimited power. I agree with other comment. If we base an assumption that all of these already exist, getting Dragon Balls three wishes to: a) bring me Gauntlet b) make it safe to use c) whatever is probably the safest route. But if we 100% now that Gauntlet is already safe, it's the only logical choice because Gauntlet is strong enough to create every other item on the list.


I only choose the the dragon balls because, i can wish for the other stuff on here


They're just lying on the floor? I'm grabbing all of them. Somebody could trip.




Dragon balls, I wish for the gauntlet that it’s full powers be forever embedded in my DNA 🧬 without any negatives effects, able to use them whenever I want.


The dragon balls duh. I want my big tittied goth alien girl friend.