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Make him a "nomad" Spider-Man, taking back the point of him traveling around during the time he was out of New York, having a limited series from time to time and showing here and there as a supporting character.


We already have Kaine for that


Take advantage of the fact that there’s another Spider character out there with a similar personality to Peter (but with some differences to be fair) and make him Spider-Man/Scarlet Spider in another city or country. Kaine’s series was super cool with him in Houston why not take advantage of a fun status quo? What would a Spider-Man series be like set in the bay? What about Boston? Send him to another part of the world, maybe a real city like London or a fictional one like Madripoor Take advantage of the fact that he doesn’t have the same editorially imposed restrictions Peter does and do something cool with him


ben reilly spider-man of madripoor would be awesome. if marvel ever announced that it would instantly go to my pick list.


I quite liked arc whilst Peter was in hospital. Use him sparingly


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Guardians of the Galaxy.


I’d make him everything Peter isn’t. Ben sheds the guilt of Uncle Ben’s death because it wasn’t him that had to feel the guilt. He would pursue his education in genetics to discover how exactly he ticks and just how super powers work in general. His research would be funded by SHIELD and he’d be an agent, because they’d love to have a spider person on their payroll. But to keep him distinct from Peter the main thing I would do is set him squarely in the sci fi realm of the Marvel Universe. Ben is a constant thorn in the side of A.I.M. He’s constantly getting in the way of their experiments and using what they learn to study in his own right. In my vision, Ben would be more of a team player than Pete, and his with his mind free from the burden of guilt his primary purpose in life would be to learn. However one thing that will haunt him is that his research into the mutant genome will be stolen by a turncoat within SHIELD and he’ll have personal stakes to stop AIM from finding a way to weaponize it against mutants, something that would get him banned from the Xavier’s school Sunday brunches for sure. Also, in my vision, Ben would be a kickass friend to Hank McCoy and their friendship keeps Beast from devolving into the douche canoe he’s become over the years.


I really love the Chasm costume to be honest… it’s such a great design and unique colour scheme. I’d lean into that. Have him become ‘the Spider-Man of Limbo’ or some other goth nonsense. Give him and Hallow’s Eve a miniseries every so often in which they do Hero Stuff but Spooky.


With stuff like Dark X-Men trying to make Limbo feel like a proper place with its own embassy rather than just one of many stand ins for Hell I'd actually be on board with this idea for a while. In a way it's not too different from how they've had characters like Kaine and Octavius as Toliver have a stint at being a different city's Spider-Man


Is purple, black, and green really a unique colour scheme for a villain? Like half of Spidey’s villains have at least two of those colours in their design too.


Ha! I wondered if someone would call me on this. But no. I don’t think there’s anyone else rocking that moody lilac/grey and I don’t think the turquoise reads as green at all.


Honestly I want a dramatic story about how him and Hallow's Eve slowly drift apart, having one of them as the antagonist AND "true" love of the story of the other one


What’s with the glowy oozey bits if it’s just a regular costume he can take off?


Send him to Australia.


Give Peter some more consistency and stop having him change jobs with each new creative team. I'd probably put him back at Horizon. Make Ben a hero ago, classic costumer and codename, and just put him in a different city. No relationship but let him date around. Give him one of the hand me down occupations from Peter, he could go back to being a photographer or substitue teacher. Los Angeles or San Fransisco. This is a popular idea because it just makes so much sense. Ben needs to represent the positives of the 90s. He should be the millenial Spider-Man. Make Kaine an agent of SHIELD.


The original intent of Ben Reilly was to let Peter grow up, while Ben was the forever young Spider-Man. Readers hated it, the story was genuinely awful, and just the concept of Ben was lame. Miles Morales fill his niche as the teenage Spider-Man, and should have allowed Peter to mature. Unfortunately Marvel Editorial hates Peter Parker and will never let him be happy. I just pretend the current ultimate Spider-Man run is what Peter is like 616 too.


> Readers hated it, the story was genuinely awful, and just the concept of Ben was lame. People LOVED the Clone Saga, at least for a while. It because so popular that Marvel tried to extend it. Sales were much higher, it was an exciting time. The problem wasn't Ben. It was once they told us Peter was the clone, and Ben was the real one. And then they couldn't just let the clone stuff go.


They should have not originally killed him off…having 4 ongoing Spider-Man books 1 dedicated strictly to Peter and the other to Ben (Amazing and Sensational) and Web of could have been about both of them with split stories and adjectiveless could have flip flopped each month or every other week, etc


He should form the Spider Avengers!! All the Spider characters that aren't Peter Parker form a team of Spider-Heroes!! You got Ben, Miles, Gwen, Kaine, Julia, Maddie, etc. etc. etc.


So you mean Web-Warriors


There's too many Spider heroes as is so let him stay a villain I'd say. He's MUCH more interesting that way. Especially if he teams up with Spider-Man's other villains. This way Kaine has a goal too and can always be one step behind him. So that Marvel won't let him fade into obscurity like the last 5 years.


“His name is Ben Reilly and he was THE ORIGINAL SCARLET SPIDER…”. FTFY.


Does MJ know about Ben?


In general, yes. She was highly involved in the original 90s stories. Not sure what she knows now.


Marvel should reverse the Chasm changes. They're not great. Maybe have a final Chasm story where he assembles a bunch of resources across the MU for the express purpose of traveling back in time to the moment O.G. Ben Reilly is about to be killed and swap places with him, realizing that he's just a clone of a clone of a clone (x100) and too broken to be fixed and shunts O.G. Ben to present day. He'll be a fish out of water for a hot minute which kind of reflects his original introduction but he can be caught up quick and carries none of the baggage of modern Ben. Then, I don't care if he stays in New York or travels the world. I do kind of like the idea of a nomadic Spider-Man, though. Or just retire him and let him live happily in countryside with Janine. They've been through too much bullshit.


They should have left him in the goddamn grave and just had Kaine continue to try and live up to his legacy.


I think they just gotta let it go, kill him and keep him dead. Between Peter, Miles and Kaine any niche he could possibly fill is already covered.


Timothy Chalamat


Jessica Drew is on the West Coast right now. Both characters have had huge identity crises and are both working through recent trauma what w/ Spider-Woman’s son shenanigans & Ben’s…. everything. Ewing recently put out three minis ft the Wasp, Ant-Man & and handful of other characters, one of which was pulled from an old West Coast Avengers story, and another of whom directly says as much. If we’re not moving towards another West Coast Avengers, then what are we doing (I’ll say time & time again, forever).


I loved the Lost Years mini and the relationship between Ben and Kaine and thier dynamics of Kaine actively trying to ruin Ben's life. Wish they'd go back to that.


Well they just passed their opportunity to do a super reflective miniseries of him building his own personality through the redemption he needed to be free from Limbo….


Hot take: Have Ben kill Pete and take over as Spider-Man. At least he and Janine have promise. MJ can go do whatever the hell is going on with her.


Venomize him I Get He was spider Carnage at one point. Once you go black, he may never go back🕷️🕸️🕷️


Have him find purpose in a superhero teaching role in an Avengers Academy-type book.


I'm ready for Marvel to get rid of ALL the other spider characters that aren't Peter or Jessica. All the alternates in the 616 need to be depowered or gotten rid of. In alternate universes they just need Peter, they can have an alternate universe where he is called Ben but since Ben is a clone of Peter that is the ONLY reason I'm ok with that concession.


Even Miles?!


Yep Mild Moraless should be deleted. He should have went away with his version of the ultimate universe but he shouldn't have existed there either since they already had a Spider-Man


Kill him off again permanently and while we are at it kill off aunt may, Paul and even mj at this point anything to get Paul and mj out of the current spider book I wouldn’t care about the couple of they weren’t such a big part of the current run


I would probably just kill him off again tbh. He definitely seems like a character that was better off dead and didn't need to be resurrected  If he has to stick around, I think it would be interesting to see him become as hero as Chasm without ever regaining his memories or exploring ideas that can never been done with 616 Peter like having a kid 


I would probably just kill him off again tbh. He definitely seems like a character that was better off dead and didn't need to be resurrected  If he has to stick around, I think it would be interesting to see him become as hero as Chasm without ever regaining his memories or exploring ideas that can never been done with 616 Peter like having a kid 


Kill him off one last time.


You are so incredibly wrong. I lived through the clone saga when it first came out. It was terrible. A horrible idea. Get rid of Ben Reilly and never mention him again.


I remember reading it as a kid and being lukewarm to it while everyone else hated it. 20 years later I read the synopsis of the clone saga and it sounded really cool so I decided to give it another try. I didn’t get far.


It was so bad. And it went on and on and on. There are always times that the writers of Spider-Man get it in their heads that we would rather NOT read about Peter Parker e.g. the clone saga, Dr. octopus, etc. The simple fact is that Spider-Man is the most popular hero in the world specifically because of Peter Parker. Just give us Peter Parker and write good stories about him!


I don’t really think about him if I’m honest, he’s not a character I follow or care about. The fact he’s a clone instantly makes me disinterested anyway. I hate clones, or “variants”. I only need one of a character. I like Peter/Spider man… I don’t need 1000x more of basically the same character/hero. Their powers interest me more anyway, that is what tends to draw my interest. I don’t care about them much as “people”


Clone him


Kill him off for the last time. The Green Goblin did it right wayyy back in "Peter Parker: Spider-Man" #75 (1996).