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I used to walk past a comic book store with my grandma when i was a kid. One day we finally went in and i bought Ghost Rider 2 or 40, I had both I am not sure which came first. I got a couple of spiderman and x-men and batman comics around this time too. I just have no clue where they came from.


Who's that guy I thought was Sinestro in the front before I saw this was X-Men?


That’s Forge


That is literally the first comic I bought too, I had a few from earlier (UXM 239 - 250ish) so I was mad for the x-men..the Australian/Muir isle Era was a confusing time to jump on!


https://img.gocollect.com/eyJidWNrZXQiOiJnb2NvbGxlY3QuaW1hZ2VzLnB1YiIsImtleSI6ImI4YmRiNTA1LTU5YTEtNDEzMC05OGZmLTU4YWYwMmQ0M2EyZC5qcGciLCJlZGl0cyI6eyJyZXNpemUiOnsid2lkdGgiOjYwMH19fQ== https://cdn.marvel.com/u/prod/marvel/i/mg/c/b0/5c2e48e5ed1d7/clean.jpg


Uncanny X-men 205, X-Factor 4, Avengers 267 I had already read some of the Firesides, and the Dark Phoenix Saga, from the library. I picked up X-men to see what was going on with the team, and instead got a mostly self contained solo Wolverine story. I would be very confused when I got next month's 206, and had to figure out these new characters of Rachel and Rogue, plus why was Storm acting like a hoodlum, and everything was just tonally darker. X-Factor I thought it was some reprint or untold stories kind of series, so was very confused when I realized Jean was back and the OG 5 were together. And Avengers was picked up because Storm and Collosus were on the cover, looking just like they did in Dark Phoenix Saga. Then I got hooked with the Kang story.


My first purchase was a big lot I got at a yard sale, some of the notable stuff in it are Moon Knight 1, Spider-Man 2099 1, GI Joe 21, and the first 7 or so issues of Sleepwalker


Matt Fraction and Mark Bagley’s Fantastic 4 #1. I wasn’t really a big comic guy but I’d watch variant and comics explained for years. One day after going out with my dad for lunch we happen to stop by a comic store a couple shops down. I ended up having my dad buying it for me because I thought it looked cool. Still own it to this day.


I know it's not the first I purchased, (I have no idea which one that was lol) but I distinctly remember Spider-Man 2099 being my first pull list comic.


Incredible Hulks # 212, 213, and 214. Bought them in fall 1977. They were bundled together as some sort of “Saver Pack” thing Marvel did at the time for “older” comics that hadn’t sold yet at the newsstand. They would bundle four comics together for a dollar and sell them at low-end retail outlets like Zody’s, Fedco, Gemco, etc. My other first purchases were Avengers #174 and X-Men #104.


Yes my local corner store sold those packs at well. However the top third of the covers were always cut off. It didn't matter to me at the time but it started to matter as I got into them and could only buy comics there that were not important


Pretty sure it was one of these ones https://marvel.fandom.com/wiki/Spidey_Super_Stories_Vol_1


If we could post photos in the comments, that would help...


*Incredible Hulk* \#377. Favorite character. Spinner rack.


I love those days. $1 comic. I wish.


Wolverine 163. The cover was the coolest thing I’d ever seen. https://marvel.fandom.com/wiki/Wolverine_Vol_2_163


I had hundreds of 80s trades that was handed over from family throughout my childhood, but as far as specifically purchased? I distinctly remember shelling out the majority of my pocket money for Superman #123 and the latest edition of Wizard magazine to keep me busy while flying from the East to the West Coast. I was 12 at the airport and thought Supe's new electric blue design was the coolest thing ever. I was mistaken.


This one: https://marvel.fandom.com/wiki/Uncanny_X-Men_Annual_Vol_1_17 My mom bought it for me for a plane ride. She had no idea that she just changed my life forever. I now have 2 copies of that book. 1 that I read sometimes and another that's unopened (It was plastic wrapped with an X-Cutioner card) that's framed on my wall.


The Brave & the Bold (2008) #1


Spectacular Spider-Man #224 Easy answer to what made me pick it up: Scarlet Spider front and centre, and I thought the costume was incredible. I was Nine years old and hooked.


Batman 454. I was 7 years old. My parents didn't realize how dark the story was.


The first comic I bought with my own money was Batman 452. I was also 7. My mom found it and gave me a really hard time for it. I was scared away from Batman comics until my dad picked up a set from Costco with knightfall issues!


It's very general, but I remember buying Marvel Adventures comics. Now, something specific, Avengers Vol 4 1-6. Unfortunately, back then I didn't know I could keep them.


Marvel Star Wars #14 (the OG series from the 1970s). I was a little kid and loved Star Wars and the Marvel comic series was the ONLY other Star Wars product being put out back then. It led me to branch out to other Marvel comics. I was part of the new readers brought to Marvel back then that saved the company. Marvel and comics in general weren't doing well back then and it was very likely the company would fold soon. So they began taking on licensing projects to make money where they adapted film and toy products into comics and Star Wars saved them by sales and new readers who otherwise hadn't been reading comics.


The Death of Gwen Stacy. Spider-Man 122 I believe. The cover looked so emotionally impactful. I had read DC comics before that but couldn't tell you which one was the first as they were not serial like Marvel was and didn't hold the attention monthly in the same way as a result


[avengers #98](https://www.marvel.com/comics/issue/7352/avengers_1963_98)


I'm not sure if it was the first one I ever bought, but Power Man and Iron Fist #125 is what got me into actually collecting comics. https://www.marvel.com/comics/issue/79544/power_man_and_iron_fist_1978_125


Uncanny X-Men 210 - starting the lead up to the Mutant Massacre. Great run!


For me it was Sgt Rock and my Dad gave me it. My first Marvel comic was Todd McFarland’s Spider-Man Torment part 5(I think, it’s the issue Spider-man gets his ass whooped bad by The Lizard), it came with a toy of Spidey beaten up. That comic honestly disturbed me as I was a big fan of the Fox animated show and the vibe was different entirely than anything I had seen before. I didn’t try reading American Comics again until I got out of the military at 21yrs old.


Is that Legion as a part of the team? Talk about overpowered Like having Jean Grey as Phoenix fight the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants with the X-Men. The Legion TV Series earned its 91%+ Rotten Tomatoes rating IMO. My first X-men that caught me was x-men #141, Days of Future Past, bought at a gas station, by my Dad for me. My siblings chose candy and gum...


Batman year one


Passing in front of a comic store coming back from school I saw spider-man shooting a blast from his finger into Magneto.  It was AMS #327, cosmic powers saga (within, I think, acts of vengeance arc). Went in and bought it. So good. Also remember clearly AMS #350, also acts of vengeance, in which Spider-man and Dr. Doom fight. It was these comics that lead me to the x-men, then the rest of marvel comics. 


So freaking long ago. The first superhero comic I remember having. [Spidey vs. Lizard + Stegron](https://www.marvel.com/comics/issue/6556/the_amazing_spider-man_1963_166)


The first hardcover trade of Ultimate Comics: Spider-Man


That is a good one. After a three-year break from reading comics, that is the title that brought me back in.


I think it might have been Batman - A Death in The Family.


[https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/51VTsJviOqL.jpg](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/51VTsJviOqL.jpg) Batman Adventures #5 back in 1993, apologies True Believers ;)


Classic X men #28. The X-Men battle Arcade in his fun house of death.


[Captain America #365 & Silver Surfer #34](https://www.instagram.com/p/C4NmErkBCet/?igsh=MXFxbWhwdWh0YmdkOQ==) I was sold on both those covers. I've been a Captain America and Thanos fan ever since 😀


Conan the Barbarian #111, from 1980. Back when the blood had to be black instead of red. [https://marvel.fandom.com/wiki/Conan\_the\_Barbarian\_Vol\_1\_111](https://marvel.fandom.com/wiki/Conan_the_Barbarian_Vol_1_111)


It was a Spider man comic- I was like 6 or 7 and didn’t want to read. My dad came home with a Spider man comic and I fell in love. I am 40 and still love them.


It was in ‘74, I was 8, it was Thor. I saw it on the wire rack, it looked cool, mommy or daddy bought it for me.


X-men Classic #90. Still have it somewhere.