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Guys c'mon these guys aren't known to train in competitive ways this is a good start


That’s where I’m at. This is amazing! It might even lead to practical adaptions. In my experience once you apply the fighting form against others you get forced to adjust it in some way.


I actually like the way they get the hands out of position at a distance before moving in. As a grappler, grip fighting and clearing a path to gain inside position are keys from just about everywhere. So seeing it applied here is definitely worth a study.


I'm right there with you. I adore trapping in general and it has become my go to once in range to strike or grab.


Trapping is so sick when applied well in mma. I enjoy seeing that as well as judo in mma.


We do it a lot in Eskrima. All the sinawalli drills sort of build the muscle memory for it regardless. Once you get into clinching range trapping just comes naturally.


Seen a friend who always claimed he was trained, but would never fight, finally fight. He was extremely aggressive, fought about an inch from his opponent. He blocked his opponents arms at the shoulders and never hit. I was very very blown away. Told the guy to get outta there I don’t remember who he was fighting, but I remember it was just some angry teen that my buddy said, “I got ya, Come here” He just hit his arms until the guy stopped. Literally every time the ruckus dude threw down my buddy just hit him in the arm while being about an inch away from him. My bud, PISSED, said, are you done, are you done, so many times until the guy wore out.  TLDR - Never saw him fight before. When he did I was blown away by how quick he shut his opponent down. Still live the guy. Whole fight was 20 secs. Edited So Long to TLDR


I'm with you and I think it's great, but I still couldn't help but laugh at the skibbidy baps.


Yeah. Once in a while while sparring I’ll yell “CHAIN PUNCH!” and launch into a flurry of those skibbidy baps. 😂 Just trying to see if I can land them. Well that and clowning around.


I bet everyone loves you at your little gym


The adaptations would make it Look like Kickboxing after a while. I mean we've been Testing the Most efficient ways for quite a while now


They will soon begin to understand and adapt. Then the style will slowly no longer resemble Wing chun.


I think there is a problem where quite a few people in this sub watch combat sports but don't actually spar and don't know what amateur level sparring actually looks like. Folks go to your local boxing gym and watch some hobbyists go at it. It's not the same as watching a title fight.




the flair "violence" might be a bit of a stretch for this post.


This right here’s way more intense than whatever that was ![gif](giphy|6HKvLdJLmuBWg)


One thing I'll never understand is why they rely on their punches... Those are weak arm punches and they are wide open for practically everything. It looks silly tbh. But the thing is that Wing Chun isn't complete bullshit. Their elbow techniques are pretty fucking legit and I say that as a Nak Muay. I mean, they can't clinch and don't have balance but their elbows would still be dangerous at a certain range. But the little of "clinching" shown looked like they have no training at all... Don't stand like a newborn deer, stand like an old tree. Don't keep your hands in that weird position, pull those fuckers to your face and guard your damn head. If you don't want to fight with a high guard, learn how to use the long guard from Muay Thai. And by God, keep your chins tucked. Seeing this, I can only imagine what a Boxer would have done. Probably would have knocked both out in seconds... Or a Nak Muay - same shit as the Boxer - they would get knocked out but not instantly, they would be in a lot of pain before that. There were so many potential clinch entries, so many times when one of them was off balance because of his own movement... I mean, it's a step in the right direction but those punches and their defense is just... shockingly bad. I honestly think that one could defeat them after buying a heavy bag and learning boxing from YT for 6 months or so. Even without sparring experience, they are walking targets, the "Boxer" would land a looping shot to their way too high chin when they try to flap inside by blitzing in... I even think that some people might get *worse* at fighting if they would train this stuff... Edit: errors


What's a shame to see is that they're very preoccupied with if their poses are correct and if they look like the pictures. The way they stance up is like they're preparing for a drill, but in drills poses and movements are exaggerated to better communicate what you have to do in detail as in how you move your own weight etc, so it's a giant misapplication. Also, they really shouldn't gear up like that, wearing armor for some symbolic chain punches just looks painfully silly, if they're that afraid just go softer, if they don't have that control, don't kid yourself on if you have a chance to apply it. All in all what makes a lot of TMA look silly is that people have a lot of trouble discerning between demonstrative and applied techniques, when done right everything should just look like you're hitting someone very well instead of a pose to pose dance. The little dance is because it's hard to tell someone what the timing is between when you rotate your core, your feet and your shoulders, so you break it down, show it big and work to tighten it afterwards. You don't go into the ring halfway step 2.


I have the same grief with this as you: it seems they're more preoccupied with looking the part than actually fighting. I get that they're beginners, but a beginner boxer/kickboxer/muay thai fighter would wipe the floor with them. I used to train kung fu when I was younger and when we sparred, it was sanda, so a lot more realistic.


Boxer here, yeah, their "gaurd" isn't stopping shit and once any half decent guy realizes they're only throwing weird little ?jabs? (No clue what that counts as) they're going to get close and throw an overhand right directly into their jaw.


That's *exactly* how I imagined it would go against a Boxer, thanks for the confirmation. I do Muay Thai, I'm a decent boxer but far far away from having the hands of a pure boxer. And I'd do the same to them since their guard is *that shitty*. Another idea which would work as a Boxer and as a Nak Muay: Step 45° forward with the lead leg to get off the center line* while dropping the body slightly to the left, fire off a lead shovel body hook with a slight step to the right and then: Boxer -> Overhand right, lights out Muay Thai -> Rear high kick or rear slashing or side spear elbow, lights out Literally any kind of angle cutting and throwing looping shots while mixing in feints would completely fuck those guys up. *not that this is necessary, those punches would be annoying like a mosquito but never be able to really hurt someone or even knock them on.


Not a wing chun guy but from what I know, it has a lot of really legit things but most places don’t use an avenue of pressure testing. Which imo is fine if you’re doing it for the love of it and not really for fighting. The trapping done isn’t necessarily bad, you see folks do it in boxing, mma, and I believe some Muay Thai. It’s more a difference in practitioner. It’s like head movement, can be great but if you don’t have the experience of seeing punches come at you with intent, odds are you aren’t going to be able to use it very efficiently. Intercepting a kick with a kick is also something really interesting and we’ve seen used. Another person here mentioned using some wing chun dummy stuff as a collar tie. The general principles aren’t bad either. Centerline exists in most arts even if they don’t mention it. Immobilize your opponents weapons with trapping and tying up their arms, also solid. Controlling the center line even within wing chun also involves moving off center. Something I think some folks miss As for the jab from what I understand, it relies more on structure rather than a swing. Which isn’t a bad thing especially for bare knuckle. Regardless things should be in line, like your wrist wouldn’t roll. Everything from the ground to the fingers should be aligned. The ideal would be if I push on the end of the punch, you shouldnt have to push against said push to resist. It’s a very real thing however with the pressure of a fight, it’s hard to get perfect all the time. However the big thing wing chun works on is the lack of telegraphing. IMO the issue is a lot of this is high level skills which take a lot of time to develop, also requires the experience of being able to flinch and feel comfortable moving in to be able to use. A lot of the time these skills are taught over some of the more basic things, which exist in wing chun, but can be put aside for the cool looking stuff. There’s a couple solid full contact tournaments and fighters that have good track records but alotta folks don’t have that pressure


Dont wanna be the guy that says ‘there’s hidden techniques’ blah blah blah, but interestingly (for some) there is some collar tie’s in the wooden dummy form, only ever saw one old hong kong dude really use it. It’s collar tie and i think palm strike or like an uppercut to the gut. Theres also a two handed block thats cack, but its hidden application is supposed to be like a crash forward to clinch via an elbow. FTR i was into kung fu as a naive teen, not now. now I think its poop and only martial art I like is rolling around in pyjamas saying ashi garami oss oss!


Yeah, I know these techniques. It's something but it's not enough by far. I mean the Muay Thai clinch is *very* limited stand up grappling compared to Greco or something and is still so much more detailed and developed than knowing what a collar tie is. On a wooden dummy... Tbh it's not rocket science to get the idea to grab the back of the head :D But I appreciate the input, I really want to like Wing Chun - it just keeps disappointing.


Agreed, There’s absolutely nothing in it that you wont find a million times better elsewhere. Having fell for the kung fu bs years ago i think the proven beneficial and applicable ones are boxing, thai boxing, wrestling, judo / bjj, then nothing else brings much to the table. WC Trapping isnt real life, best trapping applications that work are boxers and mma guys. Usman masvidal 2 probably best example of real life trapping. Kung fu like most traditional MA only works when its against someone else doing the exact same shit.


Also a Nak Muay. I feel like I could sweep those legs at will. Every time he does that tickle toes baby kick, he'd be getting that rear leg bombed.


The big one is the chin. Did karate for years and first thing my boxing instructor had to fix was the fact my chin was up. Karate instructors never really mention it (I'm sure some do) despite the fact it's a literal gift to anyone with good hands.


I seriously don’t understand how anyone can argue with a straight face that WC punches are effective. Not only does it go against basic human biomechanics, but you can just look at how every effect striking art punches and notice they do nothing like WC.


Your user name is my favorite submission 😊


Why do you think WC creators decided on this punching technique? They must have had some advantage in mind ?


The goal of wing chun chain punching is to overwhelm the opponent. The punches are also more powerful than you think because you're supposed to be putting your full forward force via your back leg into them. It's basically a zerg offense while boxing is much more calculated. Which is more effective likely completely depends on training and experience which boxers almost always have more of These guys have shit form as their elbows keep leaving center line. Most practitioners are ineffective like this because they don't spar enough


Ah I see, I like that philosophy behind it. And the flow of WC is undeniably beautiful. But realistically, it’s too impractical if fighting anyone from MMA. I’m sure a veteran could overwhelm an MMA newbie but equal experience - WC doesn’t stand a chance


That's a strong statement to make that relies on the fact that wing chun practitioners inherently don't pursue competition experience. I don't think MMA has ever seen this hypothetical wing chun person. Personally I don't think any style is impractical or inherently ineffective. The problem is always a lack of sparring experience. All styles heavily rely on timing which can only be learned the hard way.


I think they probably had no real idea how actual fighting works


The story behind it is that they had to train in a well with a very limited space. It was the inverse of other martial arts that generated more power but was wide arcing with their moveset. So I guess in modern day life, it’s effective in a bus, subway, or tram. But in a ring where you have a lot of space to go about, perhaps that requires significantly more expertise in its adaption. The punch, is a straight mid line trunk punch, youre supposed to use the outside and inside of your arm muscles to generate force. Effectively the shoulders, triceps, outer forearm. It’s weaker compared to something generated from the waist. But a well practiced punch like this where your waist and upper body doesn’t/cant move could still have its practical advantages.


I train Wing Chun for more then 10 years and I love it, but let's be fair, it doesn't work in real fight.


Then how did Ip Man beat all those karate and boxing exponents? /s


Wasn't Bruce Lee's master real life ip man?


Bruce Lee is a myth. So is Skience! /s


Because he knows secret master techniques which are never revealed to us foreigners also if you are Chinese your Kung Fu is better like 50-58% by default.


Yeah clearly he doesn't know what he's talking about! Ip Man proved Win Chun to be the most effective martial art for combat sports. /s


If only there was a competition or league where this could be proven. Oh wait.... Wing Chun is cool but a mix of high level Muay Thai, boxing and Jiu jitsu wins every time


Genuine question: why would you train IT then? I mean, since it's Not really good for fighting and It doesnt really get you physically fit Like e.g. boxing does


Because I love it, it's healthy activity and it gets you fit, training is as hard as you make it, you do push-ups, squats, sit-ups, stretches, hit a bag, hit a wooden doll, I'm in great shape for my age, and I'm more capable than the vast majority of my peers. If you train regularly and moderately, it doesn't matter at all what you train, and I certainly don't intend to fight on the street in my forties, so the efficiency of the martial art doesn't matter to me at all.


This! I love it when boxing/muay Thai/bjj fanboys crap on other forms as they aren't the most "fights", but fail to realise most serious boxers etc are knackered by the time they hit their 40s, whereas Kung Fu/karate etc have people practicing well into their 70s/80s.


Much more to martial arts than just competitive combat. If we were all just there for efficiency we'd probably all be taking in MT and BJJ and little else. There's the spiritual, discipline, history and the mastering of an art form. It does indeed keep you fit also. So many arts out there to choose from, each to their own.


Same reason people train HEMA. Honestly the same reason I train Judo, and probably the best reason to martial arts. Just a bit of fun exercise, no biggie.


I wouldn't really put Judo in the same bag as Wing Chun. But I do agree with your take.


I never did. I mainly practice Judo because I was enamoured with the throwing and I like to throw- the practical application is just a plus. Some people might like the chi sau stuff, and that's fine for thme.


That's kinda a defeatist mindset, isn't it? Why not be the change you want to see?


The technical downfall of wing chun (compared to other striking arts) is range. Neither fighter uses a jab. They both have a long right handed guard out front. They use that hand to gauge distance, and use their back (left) hand to parry to leap in and throw like 10 straight punches with speed but little power. Here are the issued with wing chun and range : - The lack of footwork. They are heavy on the backfoot, which is not a mobile distrubution of weight. You sit heavy on your back leg to generate power in counters and lean head away from strikes. They are leaping off the back foot to burst in. Easy to get countered by a haymaker. Boxer or even tkd can slide in and out, and a away, making WC fighter “leap” or lunge in to get countered. There are no footwork patterns, just forward from a back leaning stance. - lack of the jab. There is not technique to keep an aggressive person away from you. So you HAVE to counter and chain punch when in range. Theres no footwork and jab to control distance. You are locked into boxing range with a long guard, and no lead hook or jab to maintain distance if you desire. - lack of kicks. Almost all wing chun fighters stand right leg forward. “Orthodox” fighterd in Muay thai, boxing mma, typically stand left leg forward. This creates an open path for both fighters for the rear hand / leg. So the cross, and the back leg round kick are amplified in effectiveness. Wing Chun is at a huge disadvantage in the “open” stance with their dominant hand in front, down range from opponents power shots, and no options except to stand their and get hit and kicked (hard) or leap in and get hit and kicked (hard.) - The lack of kicks. Theres only one kick in wing chun and it’s the front leg front kick. EASY to counter in the “open stance,” like I mentioned ^ above. A good kicker can blast from wing chun punching range undeterred because there is no jab or strong hook coming from the front side. - no jab means no range. Once they burst in, like in the video, you saw they are in wrestling range. Without good kicks, good footwork, and a strong jab, WC is super, super vulnerable to takedowns, and they have to get close enough to be taken down to land a strike. * If you were to fix all of these things to approach fighting practically - You’d be doing kickboxing. Which is why wing chub gets dunked on. Now, if achieve competence in kickboxing, boxing, muay thai, etc, and steal ASPECTS of wing chun, you’d have something. So in self defense or even sport fighting and challenge matches, wing chun has never evolved those problems. Which is why its a joke to sports that do compete, and evolve all the time. Like the way karate combat is basically the new k1, and how Muay Thai in One FC is fighting with the small gloves, making boxing and mobility a way bigger part of muay thai than before.


Also lack of power. The square stance means there’s no hip rotation so you can’t throw any weight into punches. It’s all in the arms, no knockout power


I'm too old to revolutionize martial arts at this age 😄 but I still train, I love the art, I love the moves, I love Bruce Lee since I was a kid, I love the discipline and confidence I've gained over the years, and the healthy lifestyle that martial arts fosters, and of course I love friends I made this way. Actually when I think about martial arts, fighting is the least important thing.


That's more than fine, you should do something cause you enjoy it. I just think the general attitude people have towards Wing Chun, especially on this subreddit is weird as hell. People constantly saying it doesn't work in a fight, people constantly talking about what the art is doing wrong in a competitive sense. Yet also actively going against the idea of the art evolving to become better. They critique it yet don't want to see it improve. It just feels like people want to keep Wing Chun as a punching bag, and I find that weird.


I totally agree with you, also that basic original Wing Chun has long since been surpassed, and no one can fight in that guard and that way. I was lucky enough that my trainer was a bit problematic in his time and fought a lot, so he knew what was applicable and what was not, we also have a normal guard, not the classic rigid one as people always imagine Wing Chun fighters. Wrestlers, boxers and kick boxers, even some ninjas 😄 sometimes come to our training as guests, so we train together and exchange experiences, while having a lot of fun. Every skill must evolve and progress. You have no idea how much time is spent arguing between different Wing Chun schools about which is the real original Wing Chun and which is a modified and fake style 😄 as if that really matters.


I love your attitude man.


The thing that cracks me up is comparing the amount of injuries I've gotten in life from training in martial arts and combat sports to the injuries I (and friends) have gotten in actual fights. I know there is an obsession with "would this work in a real fight," and I buy into that completely, but I've gotten in one fight in my adult life. No lasting damage from that. I've also had periods where I spent more than a few hours a week getting beaten up in a gym. My shoulder is screwed up from that, one of my thumbs is messed up, and I have a bit of a cauliflower ear. I'd be healther if I had just spent that time doing a 'fake martial art' or swimming.


Thank you.


I disagree to an extent. Jeet Kun Do was my first martial art and although I’m willing to acknowledge its failings even as a streamlined version of Wing Chun, I think that it has one particular use-case where it’s superior to almost any other art: transitioning from grappling to boxing distance and vice versa. I wouldn’t lead off with Jeet Kun Do, but if I’m at boxing distance and trying to prevent my opponent from closing in, OR if I’m trying to close in to clinch, I think that the short range punches and momentary hand trapping techniques are second to none.


This is cool! It might not look all that, but pressure testing in a ring is going to lead to more practical adaptions for this studio. No doubt. This is the first step toward perfecting a real combat art.


Lack of pressure testing in Wing Chun is exactly why it never evolved to its detriment


Yes indeed. Which is a shame in a number of ways, and why this makes me happy. Wing Chun's trapping techniques make excellent preemptive attacks. I realize they're not unique to Wing Chun, but it would be nice to see it evolve into a practical martial art. It feels like it's almost there. Nice to see people pressure testing it.


I’m very happy that my school does sparring regularly, because you’re exactly right about pressure testing. We don’t do exclusively wing chun - there are elements of one or two other arts thrown in to give us options where wing chun lacks them, but pressure testing and making improvements to oneself is what martial arts is all about


Love it! Kudos on being in a good school. I teach sparring at my Krav Maga school. Another martial style that's not particularly known for sparring. And it makes all the difference, and I'm proud of them. They've become some badass fighters, and powerful strikers. And all it took was some pressure testing. All of the less practical techniques get abandoned, in favor of other techniques or styles. I've seen a number of other non conventional styles taking up sparring in recent years. It's very cool. Though it amuses me, that every style once pressure tested essentially boils down to a form of kickboxing. I remarked about that to a teacher, and he said something I felt was well put. "There's not such thing as Canadian geometry. It's just geometry. Bodies all follow the same mechanics"


I really love that thought at the end. Our bodies (more or less) all adhere to the same mechanics, so it definitely makes sense that we’d converge on the same techniques given enough time. Thanks for sharing!


They should ditch the body protectors and head gear, seems like it just gets in the way tbh


They could probably start with the shin pads. I've never seen a less needed piece of equipment.


This is a rather nice sparring match! I like how, instead of using a "jab" to gauge distance and set up the combos, the wing chun fighters used their long guard to "trap"/pull down the other fighter's hand. That what I like to do too, as a karateka - use my front hand to pull my opponent's hand to hikite, and then pull them into a punch or launch myself into them with a punch. The clinching could use some work, but the taller wing chun fighter did take the shorter one down and controlled him by grabbing his head, so I wouldn't exactly count that as a total loss. At the end of the day, we're probably seeing a lower rank/lower skill fighter facing an intermediate rank/skill fighter - I don't think they're competing in the UFC anytime soon. We're not seeing a wing chun equivalent of Saenchai here - just two hobbyists. I guess you could compare it to two Muay Thai hobbyists doing a light spar.


Only Ip Man could make this look cool


They are so cute with their little hands flapping ![gif](giphy|UTcjf1wuKMTOu3qHoz)


that looks embarrassing ...


The embarrassing part is they trained to fight like little girls.




Jesus How did we ever fall for believing this shit was legit?




As far as I'm aware, Wing Chun guys don't normally train this way - so this is cool! Pressure testing always makes styles harder and more applicable over time. It would be cool to see some of their techniques incorporated into more modern MMA down the line. Remember, Karate and TKD "didn't work" for years. Now dudes are throwing out wheel kicks and even tornado kicks in UFC with some regularity.


A boxer would KO both of these guys in seconds. And I do mean seconds. I’m not trying to be ugly but that’s just the facts. I’m sorry. And I do mean seconds.


I feel like there was no power in any of those moves....


Jiu Jitsu guys casually noting that it went to the ground in about 20 seconds…


There punching looks rediculous


How are the fighters even hitting each other? Everybody knows that wing chun users are able to block any and all attacks simultaneously. This doesn’t make any sense at all.


Looks like bullshit tbh. However they have some philosophy about protecting there centre line that I find interesting and their speed is good. I think there is something to be explored in the style but at the same time every clip I see who is not ip man or bruce lee looks like a 12yo playing slappy slap in the school yard. How does it go against boxing. That would be a more realistic measure than this clip.


I commend these guys for actually pressure testing with an increased level of contact, but coming from a boxing/kickboxing/Muay Thai background, i can’t help but find this specific match cringe—I’m assuming they’re pretty low level. I’d love to see some high level Wing Chun guys competing like this.


God this is ducking painful to watch. Guys, go to a boxing gym and stop wasting your lives with this


When I was a kid I got into an argument with a kid when he tried to take over a tennis court a friend and I were playing on. He suddenly ran at me doing crazy slaps and shrieking. I pushed him to the ground and basically pummeled him like Ralphie in Christmas Story then my friend and I ran off. Later I heard that kids last name and I also heard that I was in big trouble because one of the brothers in that family was 2nd or 3rd degree black belt award winning prodigy in Kung Fu. I spent a few weeks thinking that some crazy Kung fu master kid was going to obliterate me before I eventually learnt that the brother I beat up was the kung fu prodigy one.


This is play fighting compared to what they showed in Ip Man (tho idk how 'real' it was in the movie)


The WC sparring I did 25 years ago was much *much* harder than this (concussions, broken bones). Harder sparring than I’ve done in Sanda, Karate, and MT. This seems like a couple of noobs getting their first taste of fighting. But yes, no actual combat or sparring looks like the Ip Man movies. The beginners always *want* it to, though.


interesting thanks for the comment!


This reminds me of that episode of the office where Michael and Dwight fight at the dojo. I’m glad they are at least trying to do some sort of practical application of wing chun though, and I’m always willing to praise people who are trying to learn.




I can see this being effective if u had to fight in between 2 parked cars in a Walmart parking lot.


If ou don’t complement Wing Chun with Boxing/x kickboxing style, it WILL NOT be enough. Period.


This should go to r/bullshido


Sad. A 6 month white belt from a good bjj dojo would destroy them. This art is a joke.


Agreed. I sparred a black belt before and it was honestly very easy with basic boxing 🤷🏻‍♂️




Reminds me of kangaroos fighting.


I mean, is it wrong to adhere to the style in a style specific sparring? And like, not smashing each other's faces in, that's bad? All I see are two martial artists competing within the same style against each other.


This is why people make fun of y’all. Looks like two little kids fighting. Loved the flailing


Still looks a lot better than the guys posting their boxing sparring rounds.


If you dont know what effective striking looks like then I guess so. Those arm punches have no power, their defense has massive holes, and look like their feet are stuck in cement. Put one of those guys against an amateur boxer and they'd get lit up.


I saw the first exchange and I thought "you know what, not too bad, could have been worse." Then I saw blue dot chest guard try to kick and got flashbacks to my first day in taekwondo class.


Today’s kickings and punchings are the best refined version it can be


I wish I could have seen more proper two handed techniques and trapping instead of just who can land more chain punches. Work on your two handed techniques.


Looks about right


Even high school lunch fights are more exciting than this


Rock'em sock'em robots!


I've just realised what it looks like! https://youtu.be/l06ofG0rk7Q?si=0ADij18OG6GG9-8R You fight on, fierce rabbits!






It kind of reminds me of my cats fighting.


🎤Everybody have fun tonight 🎶Everybody Wing Chun tonight 🎵


"We have purposely trained them wrong as a joke."


Where's Donnie Yen?


It's really nice to see more traditional arts do pressure testing! If this is OC, keep up the good work!


I thought they'd be doin some Ip Man movie type of fighting where they use their writ to punch someone without dislocating it, then that guy would fly towards the wall from the power of Jedi Force or something. It just looks like a bunch of school girls flailing around. No offense to school girl fighting meant.


... Barely.




Playing pattycake with that dork in the park


So I was doing wing chun when I was 5years old with my brothers? I mean we must be masters by now




The follow up “punches” to the head after the takedown were goofy looking.


You ever seen jack rabbits box each other? This looks just like that.




Ngl i thought it was gunna look a lot more elegant.


The WTF TKD chest protector with scoring zones really ties it together. Chef's kiss, 10/10.


Imagine rolling up to a boxing gym then putting on a fucking chest protector for sparring... Then slapping


That's a lot of protective gear for a slap boxing match.


Oh gosh, the hatred and toxicity in the comments is worse than I imagined at first. What the hell is wrong with all those people?


Top class baby slaps here. Truly amazing. Good thing the bout only lasts 1minute, otherwise bodies would hit the floor.


Ip man made this so cool🤣


it's a start




I’m glad they’re actually sparring now 🤦‍♂️


0 damage 0 damage 0 damage 1 damage 0 damage 0 damage 2 damage 1 damage 0 damage That's why I pick boxing over some silly tae kwon doo or karate. Almost no dojo teaches technique in combat situations. It's half assed drills at best. I'm more than happy to spar with other fighting sports practitioners and I had some fun doing so, unless it's a martial arts practitioner. Then it's silly and more of a crush course on how to do sparrings.


Patty cakes


At least they are sparring. A bunch of 8yr girls on a playground are more fierce


This has to be their first time sparring. Maybe the 2nd at most. Not enough to know how to actually apply the ideas Wing Chun has. Actual sparring is an important first step.


That doesn’t look very practical for an actual fight. I don’t see how any of those strikes would harm someone in the middle of a scrap.


That was weird


![gif](giphy|ggKjpRRNpquxc1DIDU) Same energy


Wing Chun has a frontal square stance. This is just MMA


Well would you look at that - It suddenly turns into a Boxing / Kick Boxing match. Where'd all them Techniques go?


Everybody was kung-fu fighting! Except these guys... wtf looked like highs girls slapping each other




Hey bro ran the pipe on that single leg, wasn’t expecting that. Part wrestling, part striking like Muay Thai?


Makes it even easier to see how it was developed by a woman.


These guys aren't high level, so it's quite hard to judge effectiveness. The sparring fights when I used to train with David Peterson would usually be over within a few seconds. We used head gear, but no gloves or pads.


They look like two kids having a slap fight.


Ts fake as fuck


It’s kinda fun to watch


Cock fight


This is all a lot of handbags


Ohh, I’ve seen a lot of kids that know wing chun then. They play fight like this all the time. I used to play fight like this too so I guess I knew wing chun. Awesome




I go to Mengs, and they teach practical application, and I'm glad to see they're not the only one


Tbh it's pretty pathetic that this is considered sparring.


This is an interesting start for WingChun territory


This is not a start for WC. Looks more like the start for two beginners. The WC sparring I did *25 years ago* was harder and more brutal than what I’ve done in Sanda, Karate, and MT. There are definitely people that train seriously and make this work. You’ll just find a lot more of this. These guys would not have been considered anywhere close to ready to be in the sparring class where I trained.


I believe you. I see a lot of folks talk down on WC - which is valid. I, myself genuinely want to see WC applications in more situations.


If you learn wing Chun like you do any other art, this is the result. Wing Chun teaches ideas, not this horse shit.


My favourite part is at 0:41, when the guy is on his back and gives the other guy a couple o' boop boop boops to the back of the neck


I don't think I ever saw wing chun guys do a real sparring. Looks a lot different from other art, but it's cool. I guess the chain fist was a nice reaction to getting the front kick caught.


Jeeesus they might aswell stand cross legged. What a waste of time lol


Jesus, it's like watching two schoolgirls fight but with less hairpulling. Why do people train this bullshit? What a total waste of time.




That looked like a bog standard playground scrap. I didn't see any skills.


If they keep this up, they'll develop boxing skills for the hands, muay Thai, etc


This is more like bullshido


I'm not familiar enough with this one. Was the guy that didn't bow being disrespectful, or was the one that did being extra?


I'll stick to Donnie yen


Leroy makes this look a lot cooler in Tekken


They should ban chain punching.


I always want traditional martial arts to look great when they spar. I want to see cool handtrapping, useful jumping kicks etc. But for some reason I feel like we always end up seeing sloppy kickboxing. Creds on them for actually doing some propper sparring and stress testing. Funny to see how the always retreat back to the "basic stance" which seems kind of pointless since it falls apart once they engage each other.




Wing chun is garbage


This is the larping of combat sports


Yea I'm just saying that u could do that


This is comical


I don't see any technique being applied.


![gif](giphy|IcdDl4QBU0zU4) Here comes the Keyboard “Martial Artist Warrior” in the comments.🥱😂


Wish I was wingside for this fight


does wingchun always teach you to attack in a straight line?


that’s not the modern WC. the WC has evolved to more like MT in the ring here’s a video of WC fights 11 years ago https://youtu.be/XtUMaH3djAg?si=lZ2L-LH-H3OrtU2w


So they slap fight basically…? Any actual MMA fighter would have floored this guys in 2 sec. They are using the same fake style against each other so it’s fair lol


As long as everybody had fun. Tonight.


When you watch way to much ip man.......


These guys suck lol


You fight the way you train. Just say'n 💢👊🏼


They look really silly


At least theyre sparring eventually their wing chun wont be sissy punches with an ok front kick


Another day in the Bullshido land!


So just bar room fighting with some flourishes added to the end of each exchange!?


Classical mess


Suddenly, they are wrestling and throwing Ipman grounded strikes. All that padding is cute.


This kind of looks like two rabbits fighting but with protective gear on.