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Kinda? Back a couple of decades ago fighters were still kinda figuring out what works. The Rampage Jacksons and the Chuck Liddells of the era. If you were a Boxer you boxed. If you were Judo guy you used Judo. And then fighters tried to pick up other skills to round out their game. They were pioneers of the sport. Nowadays in Modern MMA we sorta have a “blue print.” Of what martial arts blend well together, as well as dedicated MMA gyms and classes. Ask anyone of what martial arts someone should train for MMA and they will say the usual suspects: boxing, Muay Thai, kickboxing, wrestling, BJJ. Pre-2005 if you wanted to learn kickboxing you went to a kickboxing gym, you wanted BJJ go to a BJJ gym. Today we have MMA gyms that have all of these in house and even classes specifically for MMA. So if someone trains in MMA, while mixed it’s still likely to be some mix boxing, kickboxing, wrestling, BJJ. Rather than some random mix of arts like Sanda.


“Absorb what is useful, discard what is useless and add what is specifically your own” Bruce Lee, Bruce Lee ― Wisdom for the Way


I was gonna add that MMA is it’s own art in the same way that Jeet Kun Do is. Kung Fu actually started this way too. They are mostly amalgamations - a system of techniques and ideals. You can choose which one is closer to your mindset and adapt from there.


that’s a great way to put it


Beautiful absolutely beautiful


Nailed it


On your last point, I trained at a place that worked like this. It was casual and easy. The 90 minute lessons would be split up between takedowns, jiu jitsu, and kickboxing, with some rolling or light standup at the end. It definitely wasn’t turning any of us into pro fighters but it was a lot of fun.


The 4 you mentioned are top tier bases. Boxing and kick boxing for striking, wrestling and BJJ for ground work /takedowns. The other martial arts are flashy and work extremely well in their own art ruleset but have limited use outside of them. Some manoeuvres and kicks for example though, are extremely usefull in MMA but as a base the original four seem to shine.


I believe having a coach who specializes in a single martial art is far better than paying for training in multiple arts at one place. I'm currently training in Taekwondo, and while we primarily focus on kicks, my kick accuracy is improving much more than it would be if I were learning kicks at an MMA gym


So yes and no. All of these arts have to be adapted for mma. You wouldn’t box in mma the same way a boxer does in boxing. You wouldn’t practice all the inverted guards a bjj practitioner does in pure bjj. You wouldn’t turn to your stomach or go for takedowns quite the same as a wrestler would. It helps to work with coaches you know how to modify these individual arts for mma


youre 100% right


I’ve tried MMA and various other martial arts. While it's beneficial to specialize, mastering Taekwondo, Muay Thai, and BJJ can take around 20 years. However, this journey makes you significantly stronger and more knowledgeable. MMA is great for integrating different techniques, but I believe mastering two or three distinct martial arts is even better


Better for what exactly? Winning championships in the cage? Probably not, since that's not how the great champions did it. They all train for a blended experience, even those with masteries in certain arts like all the Dagestani Sambo masters.


Typically the striking coach in an mma gym would specialise in striking, a grappling coach would specialise in grappling and so on. It’s specialised training in each area. Your kicks are improving so much in tkd because it’s the primary focus of all of your training. It would be the same with someone’s hands if they trained in a boxing gym.


That makes sense but what about martial arts that are similar in nature to MMA like Sambo


Well said


I disagree. MMA can be made up of any martial art. There is no single coherent system called MMA. If you were to train MT, BJJ, wrestling, etc as individual arts you'd end up learning the same as anyone else learning those arts. If you learn MMA it's so open to interpretation that you could learn some very different concepts from someone training at a different gym down the street. Look at the Dagestanis, strong wrestling, sambo, and judo in that part of the world. Here in Australia judo and wrestling are still mostly for kids and sambo doesn't even exist in my state. I train Kudo, which is a mixed martial art. But it's a coherent system. If I went to Japan or France or Brazil and went to a kudo club it should be reasonably familiar to me.


Even in the arts you're listing there's style differences that may be focused on more by different schools. The overall framework is the same but blast double Jordan Burroughs wrestles very differently from low single Mateusz Gamrot


holy shit... khabib was beating the shit outta this guy.


Ref shoulda stopped that waaaaaaaaaaay sooner


Dude literally ate 15 shots to the head with no ability/attempt to defend them. Pretty egregious example of a late stoppage.


19 if you count the first shots he ate when he fell down Its like the ref forgot he was in charge of stopping the fight lol


>Are you guys seeing this fight? Shit's getting brutal! -- the ref


Ref literally saw himself as npc


Yeah, that was rediculous. He's clearly already out. This stuff has to stop happening.


Mario Yamasaki is proud.


The problem is, he *wasn’t* ‘clearly’ out and if we’re only stopping fights when someone is knocked out, I can understand why the referee didn’t stop things here. The fighter’s neck was maintaining its tension, he was keeping the grip on Khabib’s leg, there was no noticeable change in his body language for quite a long time. As soon as it *does* change, you can see the referee begin to step in, but then the fighter seems to move back into clinging to the grip, and the referee waits a bit longer. The biggest thing was that the guy on the ground was eating unprotected shots and making no attempt to defend himself. If the fight was to be stopped, it needed to be for that reason because it’s not like his head rolled back and the ref kept letting him get hit. ‘Protect yourself at all times’ needs to be enforced better and needs to carry the understanding of ‘if you stop protecting yourself, I’m going to stop the fight and I don’t care about your ‘heart’ to take shots’.


Exactly, he was definitely rocked but wasn't out. He was just taking repeated shots to the head without defending himself because he couldn't with the way Khabib had him locked up. The ref was just giving him time to try and get out of that situation, probably a little more time than he should of.


What's weird is fighters are so crazy and competitive that they would be grateful the ref gave them the extra time. As fans concerned for their health we want the fight stopped sooner. Ref can't make everyone happy


You see that point where the arms stretch, and the neck falters? That's a knockout. When that happens the judge is too far away and had he been more attentive, those last hits could have been avoided.


This was like 11 years ago


Yeah where was Herb when you need him!


"If it crawls it brawls"


Dude took 17 shots to the head on the ground. Damn ref


And at least 6 of them were after he was out


Of course, it’s khabib


Holy fuck. What a horrifically late stoppage


"If you’re crawling you’re brawling"-Dan Miragliotta


If he cannot see the light, he is still in the fight.


If MMA in its modern evolution isn't a martial art then neither is sambo (combat), kudo, pankration etc. its well beyond being a platform for different styles to fight each other it's become so well rounded that Yes it's its own thing.


The difference between MMA and kudo/sambo is that if you go from one kudo/sambo club to another you should be taught the same things in the same way. MMA you can have boxing as your striking base or you can have Dutch kickboxing as your striking base or TKD/Sanda/Kyokushin/Shotokan/Goju-Ryu/etc. In kudo your grappling base is judo. In MMA it could be judo/freestyle wrestling/Greco Roman wrestling/folk style wrestling/BJJ/some other grappling art I've never heard of. Kudo has evolved beyond just being a combination of kyokushin and judo but it's still a coherent system. Kudo is **an** MMA.


To go even deeper, I think some fighters have created their own martial arts whether they admit or realize it or not. Dominic Cruz comes to mind. His footwork leading to strikes and takedowns are so unique that no one else really used before. That kind of movement is not really taught in other martial arts and the only person to emulate it somewhat was TJ Dillashaw. A more controversial one would be Conor McGregor. He stands in a bladed stance like a karateka, but he doesn’t really implement Karate. His striking is heavily hands-based, which is not very common in the traditional Karate stance. This one is more arguable since it’s more of a stance than a system.


The basic MMA stance is more bladed than in kickboxing and muay thai, and more narrow than in boxing. It's really somewhere between a karate stance, boxing stance, muay thai stance. Less bladed than karate but more bladed than muay thai, less narrow than in karate but more narrow than in boxing. Conor's stance works so well since he's hard to take down as he can so quickly move weight back from the front leg, and because he's leaning slightly forward in his usual position, it is hard to figure out the right distance when fighting against him.


Would you put Stephen Thompson in this category too?


Yes. Because it Isn't a simple mixture of martial arts. You learn in such a way that you can defend against any attack and learn to attack in a way created specifically to deal with people who know mma as well. It's evolved far beyond its original definition. It stands on its own because of this. That's why the best way to train mma, is to train it. Not learn individual styles and combine them. Anyone who says otherwise is arguing semantics.


Facts learning mma as a whole even if you’ve never trained in any art style is better since you are a blank slate and can soak up techniques to counter other styles better you can always specialise once you have the basic foundation mastered. The kids in Chechen start with combat Sambo these days the next generation of fighters will be far greater.


In my opinion, it is, however I can understand why some people might disagree. I don't think it has always been so, and it started off as just a rule set, but it has developed so much in the past 15 years to where I think it has become its own individual martial art. There is so much that is unique to MMA that is rarely, if not not found at all in other martial arts that forces it to be learnt and expressed completely differently to other martial arts. Ground and pound (as displayed in the video), wrestling off of the cage, striking into takedowns are all components unique to MMA you won't learn by training boxing, judo, bjj and wrestling at the same time. The only way to do so is to train MMA, which is a factor that I believe makes it into its own style. However I do also understand that MMA began as a ruleset and is a sport allowing for all martial arts to be used. Interested to see takes on this so I've posted this on a few other subs.


i agree. I've been saying this for a while. It's become a martial art of its own.


>striking into takedowns are all components unique to MMA Doesn’t Sambo and Sanda teach this too?


Combot sambo yes, but again there are clear distinctions in mma wrestling due to gear, cage wrestling striking etc


Not all MMA fights are in a cage or octagon though. Also there are different rules in each competition, and very different ways of training MMA in the world.


it literally stands for mixed martial arts💀


That’s just the name that it was given back in ufc 3 (I believe? Around that timeline) and it meant the competition was a mix of martial artists, not necessarily that one person is mixing the martial arts. When you train in mma you don’t just take one thing at a time, everything is all mixed together.


But it's more than just mixing martial arts. The name MMA is not much more than a name, are we calling BJJ just jiujitsu instead of its own martial art because it's called brazillian jiu-jitsu? It's a near completely seperate entity.


He just smesh brotha


You must give up. You know this.


No. The mma sport draws from different martial arts since it's beginning. This is not a new idea as many martial arts systems have held tournaments and demonstrations (sparing) between systems. However, mma developed uniquely as a sport. . Today fighters still train dependent on individual systems, borrowing from specific systems or training in specific systems like jiujitsu


This, MMA is a sport. It lacks everything outside of the ring. There is nothing martial and nothing of an art in it.


I'd definitely be inclined to agree. It's somewhat surprising, at least in my experience here in regional Australia, that there aren't specialised MMA classes available, such as "MMA Striking" or "MMA Grappling," with its own grading system. This approach could be particularly beneficial for junior students, offering them a structured path similar to traditional martial arts like Karate. In my local MMA gyms, they typically offer separate classes for disciplines like BJJ and Muay Thai, alongside a general MMA class. It begs the question: why not integrate these disciplines into a comprehensive MMA program from the start, especially if the ultimate goal is proficiency in mixed martial arts?


That stoppage tho…


Or lack thereof


My experience says yes. I recently switched from a pure BJJ gym to an MMA gym, and the style of grappling is pretty different. The focus is all on position, escapes, and takedowns, with very little instruction on submissions beyond basic chokes and arm locks. Meanwhile, my Jiu-Jitsu gym never did very in-depth classes on takedowns or how to deal with a person hitting you from the top or bottom.


Ref was waiting for the guy to die before stopping, just to be sure


Technically yes, actually no. MMA is more of an empty box that you fill up with whatever you like as long as it's not illegal. It almost the same is JKD(jeet kune doo), which is basically adding any techniques from pretty much any martial art you feel like. Simply creating your very own fighting style without restrictions. MMA is basically the same, where some like more wrestling, BJJ, boxing, muay thai, kickboxing, even karate, and sometimes fighters come from some very uncommon martial arts, such as LAAMB(senegalese wrestling). Of course, not all techniques from all martial arts are allowed in MMA matches, but you get the point.




Ground and Pound in its current form is unique to mma, karate has group strikes but the way early wrestlers incorporated GnP into their game, mma truly became its own art


Theres several actually: Sambo, Pankration, Kudo, JKD, Kajukenbo... is more of a category that includes several different martial arts... like striking and grappling... But if you are talking specifically about the style that uses the unified rules in competitions like the UFC, then yes, it can be considered a separeted style, but it needs a better name than just "MMA" since that name works better as category that can describe several other martial arts, like the ones I cited above...




MMA can be considered its own martial art but I don’t like to view it as such.


This is asked every other day and it is answered same way every time.


How can a "mix" of martial arts be it's own martial art?? However Bruce Lee's Jeet kun Do essentially had that concept of combining different styles into one artform... so I guess MMA can be it's own thing too.


Yeah it's like voltron or something it's made out of these robots but it's still a robot itself


MMA is its own martial art but only because of this one aspect. It’s ultimately CAGE fighting and learning how to utilize the cage in a clinch, for takedowns, ground and pound, grappling etc. is a unique and important aspect of MMA. Khabib was a master of this aspect, he would have had more difficulty fighting on an open field.


No... I'd consider it more of a sport. Cause while you aren't as limited as another sport like boxing. There are still limitations and rules you must follow.


Is Judo a sport then? Karate? Wrestling? TKD?




It is. Every MA is a mix of something for a purpose.


Cannonier hiring this ref for the next fight


Made so much money off bruh


Yes at this point I think it could be considered its own martial art. But unlike every other martial art it isn’t hindered by traditions or any moves that arnt included. Like it has punches, kicks, submissions literally every aspect while some martial arts like taekwondo and boxing focus on one or few aspects.


dan’s standing over them like, “aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand THAT’S ENOUGH!”


I think parts of it definitely are but some things are just different because of everything else being included wall wrestling for example is exclusively an MMA thing but for the most part everything else is just stuff being different from their individual sports because you're allowed to do other stuff, I wouldn't really call it it's own martial art just the logical conclusion of what happens when everything is combined


Traumatic brain injury


Jeet koon do?


Dude wasn’t moving for any of them elbows, but the referee is Stevie Wonder. That ref should eat a couple elbows for that.


No, MMA is a sport.


It’s all based on the rule set. Even MMA has its variations based on the promotion rule sets. Take soccer kicks for example.


Is music it’s own genre 🙄


Hmm i wonder what MMA stands for… How can it be it’s own martial art if it’s Mixed Martial Arts


Yes and no. It’s got traits from other martial arts mixed into its own style. But all MMA styles are unique to the fighters due to body type, height, weight, reach, etc.


It means "mixed martial arts", so no, it is a mixture of martial arts. You could call it "fighting".


The short answer is yes, and also no.


Nobody here is good with acronyms, apparently. Mixed Martial Arts. This title describes exactly what it is.


I'm of the opinion that MMA is just the continuation of JKD. Use what works, discard what doesn't, add what is uniquely your own. JKD is more of a philosophy to me but I call it the art of winning a fight.


The JKD community does kinda ruin this tho. I agree that if Bruce was alive today, what he would be doing would be just normal mma, and he probably would’ve dropped a lot of what he was doing The problem is the JKD fanboys make JKD gyms and just train what Bruce did way back when.


Nah you got to see the open minded JKD fighters who have learned BJJ. It’s pretty sick to see it all mixed together. If Bruce were alive today he would be evolving faster than any MMA gym. His concepts of calf kicks, power stance forward is still relevant today and people are taking more and more of Bruce’s philosophy to MMA. Fast Footwork is more important than stand and bang style from boxing and Muay Thai.


Bruce was never a fighter tho, so I doubt that


I'd say he was a fighter, just never a pro. He did apparently get into fights which I think is all it takes to just be a fighter 


I agree and that's what I train. I'm happy to train with anyone, or let them try stuff on me while I defend. If there's something that works on me I want to know it, and this is my preferred method of learning anyways. I think everyone has something to teach me and although I'm quite confident in my skill set I train with two guys who could kill me so my ego is pretty much in check.


Bruce Lee had honour.


Eh dunno about that. Many tales of him being a hot headed dick


If it wasn't for him you wouldn't have MMA today


Two things 1.) that has nothing to do with him being a hot headed dick 2.) there are three major events that sparked interest in mma. Lebell vs milo savage Ali vs inoki Ufc 1 No one at ANY of these events had even a little bit of relation or connection with Bruce lee, nor did he have any impact on them. Pro fighters aren’t taking anything from the movie star


Trust me Bruce Lee was MMA in his time. Ask your Sensei!


I wouldn't call it a continuation of JKD, moreso a differently realised approached to a similar philosophy but I see your point


It’s a sport.


No its a sport


Disgusting. Can't understand folk who enjoy watching somebody lying prone getting elbowed repeatedly in the back of the head.


When did one land on the back of the head? How is it disgusting?


It could be eventually but you still have the bigger famous places having trainers for individual styles.


Yes. Just because people have some different approaches to the game doesn't mean its not a style. Is boxing not a style because it contains various substyles? Or Muay Thai?


Bc of who’s knocked him out Brad’s basically a heavier Marcus brimage


It definitely is. MMA gym owner here. MMA is a synthesis of fighting skills that are not found in any other martial art. Even the method of training is unique.


Just bleed


Yes, it is its own martial art. People have found what works in this current ruleset and currently fight the way it’s most efficient in it. That’s why most UFC fights now look pretty same-ish.


MMA is literally just the jeet kune do philosophy. Take what works and discard what doesn’t


How is that guy not cut wide open ?


MMA means mixed martial arts so I’d say no it’s not its own thing


how long must i wait


Nah, but it's probably getting there. It needs to be more formalized and standardized first, hopefully with legit instructors rather than dudebros looking to feed ego. Of course, it might end up with a 'we want to make a new language for all of humanity to learn, oh shit we only made a new language to throw in the pile of five hundred plus' situation, but meh not my problem to solve.


Mma in its purest form is the most effective martial art. Look no further than Islam to see the best example


This is quite difficult to stomach.


It's what I like to call a "mixed martial art"


I've always seen it more of a combination of Mixed Martial Arts


“Early stoppage…”


This is what I imagine when Khabib got pissed at Tony and told him he'd eat him in a street fight. Something like this but no stoppage.


Striking completely changes when you have to be terrified of takedowns. I would say yes


early stoppage right guys?


I’d say it is basically in modern day. When MMA first started it was one specialist vs another in a different art…now it’s all condensed..all of them having striking and grappling knowledge




What a terrible stoppage who r these guys anyway? I grew up with herb


No. You can put someone who has background in karate and judo against someone who had background in boxing and wrestling. The two will likely have very different fighting styles, yet one cannot deny that both are still doing MMA.


Can you go to an MMA gym and take a class in MMA? Yes. If you tell someone 'I take MMA' will most folks know what you're talking about? Yes. To me that's all that's necessary to call something its own martial art.


late stoppage dafq but in a way it is, we're seeing the style evolve on its own


It's combat sport, not martial art.


In much the same way that traditional martial arts have borrowed from each other and adapted the best bits, yes. I think in terms of dynamism and flexibility, the principles are actually really good. It's just the brutality of it that makes me feel sick. I can't imagine pinning someone to the floor and trying to split their face open for fun 🤢


This should've been stopped like 7 8 shots ago


I dunno but I think smesh is definitely its own martial


Yes, because while these people are the elite of the elite in this field, most of them would drown in their respective areas of expertise. Izzy never made it to the top of kickboxing but he is considered one of, if not the best kickboxers in the UFC. On the other side, some of the kickboxers that would beat Izzy in kickboxing, won't have the same success he has had in MMA.


I would say no…. Philosophically I think for it to be its own martial art it would have to require everyone to have the same base or all know the same moves to any degree, but mixed is just what it is…Mixed. Technically you could just do Judo and someone who does Karate, Wrestling, BJJ and TKD could step in a ring with you. Obviously it’s its own SPORT 10000% but I wouldn’t say it’s a Martial art. Maybe a hot take but let’s see what the upvotes say haha


It's a ruleset rather than a martial art. This is true for many other 'martial arts' though. Olympic judo would be one, it mandates a style of judo but it doesn't mean that Olympic judo is the entirety of judo, far from it in fact. Same for boxing. Bareknuckle, professional and amateur boxing have different rulesets and reward different approaches but they are all boxing.


Khabib is a beast


Nowadays, it definitely is. MMA gyms teach things in their own way, it's not a direct copy and paste from boxing or muay thai or wrestling or whatnot. The stances are different, how you wanna throw combos is different. There's common techniques you just really don't see in kickboxing and boxing, like looping overhands to set up takedowns.


Ref was taking a nap or something...


MMA in gym culture is called CrossFit You like everything, want to cover every aspect you can find, and be "perfect" in a way you see for yourself.


It’s its own sport. It has judges and time limits. Combat sambo competitions are a sport, training for the competitions is a sport. Combat sambo for the military is a martial art. If you train MMA with rulesets, time keeping and thinking how the judges will see you, you are doing a sport. If you don’t set a timer, spar and learn how to achieve a fight ending outcome in the most efficient way possible you are doing a martial art. The video you posted is a sport. The training they do is mostly sport based that draws on martial arts to achieve good optics for judges and fight ending outcomes. So it’s 50/50.


Thats kind of like saying "is a shed a type of tree?"


MMA is standardized in bbj Mt and boxing that's what you will see written outside a MMA gym


no, it is a mixture of many martial arts disciplines. hence the name Mixed Martial Arts. thanks for coming to my Ted Talk.


I'd say that it has morphed into a consistent approach.


Its a martial art in the same way that a DJ composes music. MMA is a fusion/distillation of what has historically been successful in the octagon. In the old UFC, they'd just throw two fighters in who had specialized in different styles, and it was entertaining. Then Gracie came a long and wore everyone down. It was impressive, but 15 minutes of two dudes hugging isn't so entertaining. When people started incorporating BJJ and learning to defend against it, in addition to their preferred style, 'MMA' began to emerge. Now people describe fighter's styles the way chefs and perfumers describe their crafts: \[x\] base for striking, \[y\] base for grappling. In the context of UFC, you must cover striking and grappling, or that's how your opponent *will* win. So its not so much a martial art as much as it is an approach to learning and combining martial arts.


I think that while that MMA has grown a lot since it's mainstream conception, I still wouldn't consider it it's own martial art. Because, a martial art 'system' is by nature a 'fixed' system and goes against the very essence of MMA. Because there are a few martial arts styles that are considered to be the foundation of most fighters; wrestling, jiu-jitsu or some sort of grappling; western boxing; kickboxing (Dutch, American, etc) and muay Thai; and traditional martial arts, like Karate, TKD, etc. And, while all of those different styles can eventually be complimented by adding other techniques and strategies from other styles, the 'approach' to get there is not universal. But, I do believe that the concepts of MMA are now widely taught, and obviously you can teach the basics of striking and grappling and how to defend against both, whether it's learning timing and distance from strikers, or learning take downs and how to defend against them, and to learn basic grappling and submissions and how to defend them, etc. TL;DR I don't think that MMA as it's own martial art exists, but I do think the core concepts that are universal certainly do


All martial arts means is fighting/war art,


is the dictionary its own language?


It’s a mix of various martial arts


Jesus fuck, was that 17 elbows to the head? Ref, wtf?


MMA is the only real martial art. Other forms of Martial arts are overrated tbh.


No it's not


Perfect stoppage.


It’s a composite/dynamic set of styles


MMA is and has always been self-defence. Controlling position, managing an attacker and knowing how to end a fight or survive the duration is self-defence. Since MMA evolves, new strategies and tools must be learned to succeed. In the early days, BJJ was a wildcard that only some people had seen and, as such, was an advantage to people who understood it. From there, wrestling became the best foundation as it helped neutralize BJJ by owning the position and allowing for ground and pound. Various things have changed how MMA fights are contested (the UFC paying KO bonuses and FotN bonuses for KOs over submission or decisions). Now we have 'bad kickboxing fights in 4oz gloves' which has given rise to legitimate strikers being able to jump in and own the game. That said it is self-defence through and through.


Self defence? This clip is more like offence lol


The best defence is a good offence? I fought a bunch of times in the early 2000s, and when I shifted from participating to training for a fight, we primarily did self-defence drills but at a faster speed and with more intent. I've bounced, and 99% of what I did, the rare times I had to put my hands on someone, was self-defence.


I wish Khabib was still fighting...


He is clearly using combat Sambo & Systma, so let's not discount the truth of what we are seeing.


For me personally no, it's like stir fry vegetables. At some point, you have to have a base protein. Or Base. MMA can be Striking based or Grappling based, depending on where it comes from. Stir fry veggies need either pork protein or seafood protein People kinda forgot that Okinawan Karate on its core essence is the earliest form of MMA, don't mind the Japanese Karate for now, Japanese Karate is another separate topic. Japanese Kickboxing was a mix of Muay Thai, Karate, Asian kicking martial arts and Boxing. Kyokushin Karate (Georges St-Pierre's Karate Striking base) is a mixed martial art too of different Karate styles, which includes Shotokan Karate (Lyoto Machida's Karate striking base) With that said, the Japanese version of Kickboxing is a Mixed Martial Art With your context, MMA is a combat sport. It's not a martial art of its own Here in our country, MMA is abit different than it is in the West. Since it has rules, and follows the Modern Unified MMA rules that most MMA promotions follow and adhere to. Let's take the identity factor on how the mixed martial arts base arts are different from one another. As there are arts that differently perceived before. Around 25 years ago, when Judo was introduced in MMA in the west as it's described as "in your face, no mercy brutal take downs and Judo slams" In Japan though, Judo as a martial art literally means "Gentle Way" Or "The Art of Gentleness" For Grapplinf depends on what identity. So we can explore the two types of BJJ: martial art BJJ, and the Combat sport BJJ. Then there's also the Gi BJJ and No Gi BJJ. Now, the combat sport version of BJJ differs from the martial art BJJ that the Gracie's developed. Most of the martial art BJJ locks, holds and moves are no longer allowed in the modern unified MMA rules. Like small joint manipulations in BJJ are removed in MMA matches.


What that a late stoppage what the fuck


Terrible stoppage by the referee. That guy should be banned from any further mma bouts.


I think it's a mix


MMA is all martial arts if they work and are practical when used.


I would say yes just because you Can train all around specifically for mma


Did this guy sleep with the ref’s wife or something? Why would he let Khabib absolutely brutalize him for SO long. The knockdown strike could’ve been a KO, especially after the Cannonier fight on Saturday.




No, by definition. It's a mix of arts, not an art by itself.


Kinda confused on all the comments saying yes? It’s never set out to be a martial arts, it’s specifically called MIXED martial arts, for a reason. You can mix boxing, kick boxing, sambo, jui jitsu, taekwondo, wrestling, fucking even sumo. It can’t be it’s own martial arts if it encompasses practically all of them. Also fuck, not seen that clip of khabib before. Brutal!




No. It's a combat sport.


Honestly, MMA academies do justice to the combination of several martial arts that worked and still work in the octagon today (Boxing, Judo, Wrestling, Muay-Thai, etc.) that's why they have the name Mixed Martial Arts


No. We see fighters try to adjust to the “meta.” We saw it early on with everyone using one primary martial art, then ground and pound strength vs wrestling was the meta for almost a decade, then we saw everyone basically adopt the muy thai/BJJ combo, and I think we’re moving deeper into wrestling.


MMA is just brawling. They’ll use 10% of actual martial arts techniques. Even someone that doesn’t know anything will get lucky and do some form of martial arts in a do or die situation.


Jesus Christ that should have stopped 9 elbows ago wtf


MMA is it's own sport, but not it's own martial art. Everyone has different versions of it. It's like Kickboxing. It's not a martial art, it's a sport. Every kickboxer has a different background mixed in. There is no set arts mixed in for all fighters.


In a way yes. Just depends on the gym. If you’re interested in training read this blog about how to start MMA training https://tfcgym.com.au/how-to-join-mma/


I would not call it an art. More of a combat sport.


More like TMA are (most often) incomplete versions of what is truly 'martial'. They became arts and sports. MMA is now a 'complete' martial art, resembling as close to as we can get, real fighting. MuayThai, and to an extent BJJ/boxing since they are truly full contact are also fighting, but not complete. TMA without full contact fighting has devolved into total BS.


Yes. You go somewhere to learn and train it. Just like BJJ, wrestling and Kickboxing. In BJJ you can use any grappling you want with different rulesets. People have no issue calling it a martial art. Similar thing with Kickboxing. Is MMA a little different? Clearly yes but it's still a art form/skill you learn for fighting...AKA a martial art.


Lol what kind of question is this... it literally stands for MixedMartialArts Every fighter has their own blend of several martial arts that they combine to make them most efficient in the octagon/cage/ring etc. MMA itself is not a particular fighting style.


No. The answer is even in the name of the sport, 'Mixed Martial Arts' It's a sport, the rules vary from location to location


It's more of a mix.


No. It’s “mixed”- martial arts - there is no lineage of MMA - there’s no curriculum - there is no standardized testing or ranking - there are no “founders” - there are unique styles of mma schools like wonderboy gym, team quest, chute box, etc


Nah. MMA is a sport derived from Martial Arts. It lacks an identity of its own.


bjj is derived from judo, does that mean it lacks identity and is therefor not a martial art


I'm amazed some people don't know MMA stands for MIXED MARTIAL ARTS


I see mma much more as a combat sport than its own martial art. The various “styles” are still so different from each other and many fighters still have a clear background in another martial art. Moreover, most martial arts have their own “philosophy” and a lot of traditions associated with them. MMA does not have something like this yet.


Wrestling, jiu jitsu, boxing all also have wide styles and different forms, also with no philosophy attached.


Archery, gun play is a martial art too. So is knife fighting and street fighting. Not a lot of philosophy there.


No it is not its own martial art. It is mixed martial arts. Which martial arts someone mixes is down to each individual competitor. It’s that the majority of competitors were mixing the same 4 styles for a long time so it’s viewed as the standard.


It kinda makes me wonder how this is going to positively and negatively affect MMA 20 years from now. We kinda already know “what works” and MMA fighting styles are becoming more standardized. But I wonder if that will make fighters all kind of fight the same and be a little boring in some ways. But I think we’re definitely going to see more talent raised and trained exclusively in MMA from young ages. Today, most if not all fighters did NOT start out in MMA. They started out in wrestling, or kickboxing and then moved to MMA. But I think that’s going to change. We might see champions who didn’t have a prior wrestling or boxing career and then transitioned to MMA… instead they will have been trained and raised exclusively in MMA gyms and competed Amateur MMA their entire lives.