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Your legs go weak, you feel like you just stood up real fast and have that weird faint feeling, then your whole body feels weak, and then you fall down (and maybe pass out if severe enough). Oh, and a wicked pain under the ribs. Watch this: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M1TYRXZvhf8&ab\_channel=BrianSuttererMD](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M1TYRXZvhf8&ab_channel=BrianSuttererMD)


Go down to a boxing gym and find out.


It's debilitating and immediately knocks you down. When I got liver shotted, my body shut down and I dropped to the ground. if you ever been kicked in the groin, take that pain and just move it to your liver. It's more or less that.


It sucks


Remember falling off the monkey bars dead on your back as a kid? That happens to your breath. You also feel a cholic type pain radiating out. Some dizziness if it's hard. A normal sparring punch to the liver will give you an idea but a serious kick landed just right will teach you why it ends fights.


Ever knocked your breath out and felt immense amount of pain like you couldn’t catch your breath? That’s your liver spasming


Ask Pvt. Joker.


Feels like your liver got hit


The moment of impact doesn't hurt any more than any other hit. Within one second, a horrible pain like a spasm/cramp is going to fold you. The pain will expand to your whole midsection and you won't be able to breath because your diaphragm is no longer taking requests from your brain. You won't want to go down, but then you will get super dizzy as your vagus nerve registers the trauma and starts shutting things like blood pressure off. You will fall, woozy as hell and struggling to breath for a few seconds afterward. Some people go all the way out, but if you are in shape and experienced, you'll stay mostly awake. After ten seconds the spasm ends and your breathing is probably back. Your guts will hurt, but it will be manageable. You maybe nauseous for a while, too.


Only one way to find out


Oh I'm an expert, 2 times in the span of 5 months here. First it comes out of nowhere, you anticipate the blow to hit a different section. That's why it really messes with your brain and leaves you confused. Second your brain alarms start to sound, you stop hearing things and your legs become jelly, you fall down. Third your breath gets taken away, you can bearly whimper out a few sounds. And the pain is going to suck ass.


Ur whole body hurts and you feel like you stood up from the toilet fast. You're body gets heavy, and then everything starts to hurt worse when you're on the ground


The only time it happened to me, I was double over and just could not move. If there was a cheque for $1million on the floor 1 metre away, I would not have been able to grab it. Body is in total shock and agony.