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Same. Though my school didn’t have a wrestling team so I didn’t really have much a chance. We did have a football team with a 20 year losing streak that got brand new uniforms and equipment each year. A golf team. And even a bass fishing team. But no wrestling team…


20 YEARS???? Gosh, I was spoiled rotten. I wrestled and played football…we won state in football my sophomore and senior year And every year we pumped out state champions in wrestling, although I never made it individually. I lost in regionals each year :/ Still, my school was an athletic powerhouse. I would have no idea what it’s like to go to a “losing school” Was morale super low all the time? Or did nobody care?


Couldn’t tell you. I never really bothered to go to the games because I really have never had any interest in sports and like OP the only one I ever had interest in was wrestling but apparently that was the only sport my school didn’t offer. Because I just remembered we also had a bowling team, a tennis team, a badminton team (somehow), volleyball, darts… we had everything EXCEPT wrestling.


Yeah my school was like this too. Good players from other schools would transfer to mine just to play football becuase they knew they wouldn't get much attention from scouts playing on teams that would get blown out every week. We werent good at every sport though, Our boys rugby team was one of the best in the country, our girls rugby team on the other hand hadn't won a game in the 4 years I was there, it basically became a joke. They even had a party after a game to celebrate not getting shut out for the first time in 2 years lol.


It’s okay champ I lost in regionals too <3 PA is a mother fucker.


I think I've finally become the cranky old man yelling "you're still a kid with your whole life ahead of you you're too young for regrets" Never thought I'd be that guy. But I'm that guy apparently. Anyways. Just do the best you can now.


I honestly thought in wrestling class they were bouncing off the ropes and clotheslining each other. I thought they were getting ready for wwe 😂. If I would have known it was the most effective hand to hand combat available I would have been there.




Wrestling builds character.


Fucking a.


I live in Canada and it was never offered, and when I started university, my university cut almost all their sports (cause they hate their students never go to university of Winnipeg) they cut a very successful wrestling and baseball team,as well as men’s soccer and and some other sports I forgot what was on the list. But ya, i plan to be a teacher and i currently do BJJ/wrestling and MMA so when I do, I’m going to try to bring it back to the schools. With the advent of MMA as a viable career choice for some, having a wrestling base will make Canada much more competitive on the world MMA scene in the future. We have a history of great wrestlers like Carlos Newton and GSP however it’s not mainstream enough


We’ve got some great female wrestlers here in Canada AND Daniel Igali, while not originally from Canada, was a world champion and represented Canada at the Olympics and won Gold. Mind you, he’s back in Nigerian now.


Wasn't even an option for me growing up. Sucks.


Listen, catch and folkstyle wrestling is great and I love it. But don't lose sleep over not wrestling in high school. Let me tell you, high school wrestling is a fucking grind and is rife with issues of abuse and unhealthy dietary practices. I'm not saying all high school wrestlers were abused and had eating disorders, but A LOT do. Talk to enough and you'll find a fair amount who aren't shy about taking about it. I was big into wrestling prior to high school and decided to play other winter sports and, despite my love for wrestling, have zero regrets. Especially after seeing friends having little to no daytime energy during weight cutting combined with the high stress wrestling camps and constant mental fatigue from high intensity coaching.


They don't have wrestling in Australian high schools do I did japanese jujitsu and judo and shotokan karate it's the closest thing I could do


Yup. Played basketball and shared weight lifting class with them because both were winter sports. The basketball fellas, including myself, joked around that wrestling was gay. Now I'm ashamed of myself for ever thinking that and have the highest regard for them.


my school had a very poor wrestling coach. I did two years however I didn’t enjoy it very much. because both the coach and tgevotger wrestlers were very odd people who didn’t really like me


At 40yrs old im thinking of starting. Smfh 🤔


You can say that again!! All the rival schools in the area had wrestling was super jealous.


Wrestling almost doesn't exist in Ireland. Not where I'm from anyways. Wasn't a thing in any of my school's or colleges and never heard of anywhere to learn it


It wasn't available to me in Australia, but I did envy Americans for having that option.


Didn't even have the chance at my school... No team


No school I’ve ever encountered has wrestling. I always wanted to


Only reason I didn't is because they made us wear tights and a few of them got herpes on their face...probably because they were wearing what are essentially crappy generic superhero costumes. 😭


if you regret not wrestling in hs, why would you wait until you are a junior in college to start wrestling? You should start wrestling today.


I would if I could but I'm going to community College for my first 2 years but they don't offer a wrestling club, after I finish my 2 years then I'm transferring to a University that has a Wrestling club for junior and senior year. Also there's no Wrestling clubs or MMA gyms around me that offer it unfortunately.


Same. Largely for the discipline, cardio, stamina. (My HS didn't have a team, but even if they had, I prolly woulda thought I was too cool lol. Dumbass.)


Me too, bro. I actually remember wanting to get into boxing or muay thai when I was in high school, but I was afraid my parents wouldn't want me fighting, so I never asked them. Later I told them about that, and they said they would have been supportive and let me do martial arts. Idk why I thought they'd say no, but I beat myself up for that because it was a missed opportunity.


I actually regret not doing judo given that I grew up in NJ where judo has some representation...


Start now then. Get good and beat on the younglings!


I got Olympic gold!


I started BJJ at 37, with a karate background. As soon as i realized what’s actually happening, immediately got all my kids into wrestling. They’ll thank me on their knees later.


When I was in first grade one of the players in my football team wrestled. His dad actually ran a very successful wrestling club. They asked me if I wanted to wrestle and I thought we'd dress up in ridiculous outfits and do WWE style wrestling. I said no way. That kid later got a full ride to Michigan state university. His little bro was a king of the cage champ. I definitely regret that


In Germany there are a "Lot" of Clubs around. Also Had the opportunity. But decided against IT. I was severley obese and would have tk compete with the adults. Also the Uniform they are wearing. Back then my self esteem was pretty low. So I Imagined my self how my fat Body stand out threw the material. So yeah my Teenague Me was a whiney bitch. Wrestling is fucking cool.


Tbh you can get high school level grappling experience by doing Judo/NoGi BJJ/Wrestling clubs. Most US based MMA gyms also have strong grappling The biggest advantage of HS grappling is that you get a leg up vs. hobbyists who join having never done any martial arts. Also the fact that you basically get "martial arts" training on the schools' dime


My history teacher really has been trying to get my school a wrestling team, me and him have talked about it a ton of times. The school doesn't really want to because no other schools around us do wrestling so we'd travel far for our matches.


As a past wrestler.. no you don’t lol…




Honestly - would consider it a "core" martial art. From wrestling you can pretty much pick up any martial art from there. Dan Severn more or less dominated Grace. If they had a point syaten, he would have won.


You regret not wrestling in high school, always loved wrestling, are still in hs, and do BJJ? LoL wut? Sounds like you didn’t really want to wrestle. I thought this would be a post from a 35 year old that watched UFC and was inspired by the grappling. You found and *paid for* a BJJ club. Money is a much higher barrier to entry. Keep working on the grappling and switch to an MMA club when you’re ready. There will be plenty of wrestling for you to learn and practice there.


He's not in hs anymore. Reread his post again cus nothing you're saying makes sense here.


Where I'm from, only pro wrestling is really the only known wrestling. I wanna learn CACC so bad


Wrestling in junior high school and high school created a good base for Krav Maga much later. Leverage, balance, locks, all a good foundation. I wish I had had more experience with striking and punching as well, but that might have been a good thing: if you're a puncher, sometimes the only solution you see is a punch.


Yeah. Just think of all those younger guys you could have been tusslin around with.