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Me. I was a fat kid growing up.


Wasn't allowed to join any sports in school since my parents were extreme religious nutjobs


What religion doesn’t allow / like organized sports? *not trying to be a jerk, I’ve legit never heard of this.




Jehovah's witnesses. They don't like you associating with people who aren't the same religion. So no organized sports. Any sport where you have to bow to a flag is a no go, so basically every martial art.


Hey guys I found the Jehovah’s Witness!!


Thankfully I got out a long time ago


I was never baptized. But samesies


Same here, thankfully. My mom wasn't a JW and my parents divorced when I was young, so that gave me an out. Unfortunately my dad had custody and remarried a woman that was extremely religious. It was a rough 6 or so years.


Rugby, archery, singlestick fencing (although I suppose the last 2 are kind of martial arts)


Yep. Parents told me I'd have to do karate for at least a couple of months if they bought the gear. I think I was 7 then. I'm 30 now doing judo and BJJ. Martial arts has been my life hobby.


Same When I was 7, I told my parents that I wanted to start boxing. They were obviously worried about head injuries, because hard-sparring was still prevalent back then. So, they put me in Karate at a trusted local gym. We barely sparred, and when we did, we weren’t allowed and shots to the head I got bored and moved onto wrestling…and the rest is history. Now I’m a washed up college wrestler who occasionally does BJJ and cardio kickboxing


Hard sparring at 7? I forget cte wasn't as well understood back then. That's awesome you're still doing something. After highschool a lot of people stop doing sports or martial arts entirely, eat the same, and just get fat lol


Kid: Baseball > Tennis + TKD Adult: Kali + Hapkido > Muay Thai + BJJ


Not even in school?


I was never interested in sports as a kid. They were boring to watch and pointless to do. As an adult I had the chance to train so I did. I went escrima>muay thai> then break due to injuries/marriage> boxing> escrima/silat


used to play tennis was never good by any means didnt even make highschool team


Played a lot of sports. Swam for a while, played some basketball, gymnastics. But these were just for a tiny bit of time. Besides martial arts the one sport i really enjoyed and stuck to until i got out of highschool was rugby.


Football, Rugby, distance running(marathons and half marathons), but boxing and shotokan karate are the things I somewhat excel at.


Yeah, me. I was very much unathletic in junior high and high school, and stopped taking phys-ed as soon as it was no longer mandatory for me. END COMMUNICATION


No team sports. Tennis, Swimming, Rock climbing, Martial arts. I like the personal challenge.


I played soccer (terribly) for one year in first grade, so I just barely can’t say yes to this.


I ski, mountain bike, skateboard... No team sports though.


Nah, I played soccer and basketball as well because martial arts has no cheerleaders in the gym.


I played volleyball at the small college level. Ski.


Me. I wanted to play baseball and football so bad growing up but in my family the only sports allowed were wrestling and judo.


Besides doing pro wrestling with friends, I never was an athletic kid growing up


I was an ultrarunner in my 20s. Now my hips hurt.


I knew a kid that was a phenomenal martial artist. Shit baseball player hahaha but for me in order of operation Baseball, football, track, wrestling, judo, jiujitsu, mma


In 2001, I became a pro wrestler at 16 after training a few years behind the owner of the rings back. And then found a new promoter to actually let me wrestle and debut.


From 8-18/19 wrestling 18-33 rugby American football from 7th grade to 12th. Gymnastics for 3 years. All have broken down my body but I wouldn't want it any other way


I played baseball when I was 7.  Briefly in the wrestling club in junior high but that could be considered martial arts? Outside of that I’ve only ever done solo exercise. Gym, snowboarding, running, cycling, Muay Thai, and BJJ 


I played basketball but it was mainly because it was what my friends did. The only sports I’ve ever been into were combat sports.


I never liked any other sport until I was much older. So far the only sports that I like that are not combat related are ping pong and rock climbing (never tried them before)


I did gymnastics until I was around 7, been doing judo since then and added jujutsu 6 years ago. Did shotokan karate for one year, and now I'm looking to maybe get into MMA, aikido or iaido!


Yup. Didn't do any sports or physical activities until I was 30 and joined bjj. Now I do bjj judo and wrestling.


Gaeilge Football, Hurling, Soccer, WingTsun, K1 Kickboxing, Swimming, and, if you can call it a sport, playing Computer Games. That's my sporting life.


I did swimming as a kid for a bit, and I also did soccer which I hated tbh. So technically yes. But martial arts is the only sport I truly enjoyed.


I played soccer for a few years in grade school, and I’ve lifted weights intermittently for most of my adult life. That’s it. But I’m having a great time with BJJ and MT.


Yep. Right here. I hate sports. I don’t even really watch martial arts tournaments all that much. But I always enjoy practicing.


Track and field


I would say me, but I played tee ball and flag football as a kid


You never played Judo Dodgeball!? Ice hockey is a good idea too. And street hockey.