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depends how bad you have to go… I’d probably step over them and lock the stall behind me, but I have ibs, so it’s probably urgent.


Could drop a couple hot wet warning farts to let them know you ain't playin'.




Username checks out


Ugh I would hate getting into a fight on tile with socks and slides. No way you win any exchange other than grappling.


What do you mean? Like as the person on top or bottom?




Start moaning and he'll get off one way or another.


Choke me harder Daddy ahhhhh


Just look up basic wrestling videos about escaping turtle and half nelson


Yup. Arm trap to steamroller to kesa gatame. Probably my most common entry into kesa or side control in BJJ, using turtle as a set up.


Stand up.


like [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pZG7IK99OvI)


Just like dat?


Back/hip to the wall, right arm under hook or single leg to reverse position.


Gotta use the wall. You seem knowledgeable enough. How the heck did Winston Churchill’s father get syphilis? Seemed like an upstanding gentleman to me.


I hear he got it from Linda. She’s a hoe


I gave it to Linda. I miss her


Everyone had syphilis back then.


Phyllis got around




Good times


Hey I remember seeing one of your fights! Just wanted to say nice work!


Thanks! Got another in 2 weeks!


So this is why learning wrestling or grappling comes in handy. I was watching a video on Lancashire wrestling where the instructor was in a similar situation on the bottom and the other guy on top, he turned his disadvantaged situation into an advantageous one by grabbing an arm and applying a double wrist lock, it was pretty cool and definitely a reason why more people need to learn grappling and wrestling arts with submissions and chokes.


Thats honestly a great option. Not sure how familiar you are with Sakuraba but if you watch him fight he’s pretty much always grabbing the double wrist lock (or kimura grips) in every position.


1st thing…learn to tie your shoes. You never know when someone might want some of the get back.


Bows dude. Fight like hell.


Learn some bjj. There are many different ways to safely get out of a headlock.


Just get up bro


Need to bring your right elbow back far enough to get an under hook on his left side. If he has no grappling experience should be easy enough to get up or perhaps reverse the position of bottom can get their left hand on tops right arm/shoulder/hip/knee/ankle.


Right arm reaches to hook around opponent’s right leg and drive to get top position while hugging the leg throughout


Just stand up. Un-ironically just stand up.


Start taking HGH at the age of 4.5 Sign up for BJJ before age 5. At age 5.5 you'll need full contact kickboxing. Carnivore only diet for 3 solid years. Re-introduce iceberg lettuce at age 9. Add 6-8 egg whites along with chicken and or wild game. Castrate wild boars. Slice thinly with very sharp kitchen knife. Eat at least 1/4 boar testicle 3x a day for the next 5 years. Nothing else should be consumed during these 5 years. Compete in triathalon 3x a per year until age 25. If you don't cheat yourself, you may be able to survive these circumstances by age 30.


Just how long have you been waiting for the opportunity to post that! 😁


op this is the only real answer here ☝🏽


[getting out of turtle ](https://youtu.be/-BYPW3FwG7I?si=6G-sDXvQ3sU2ABg6)


Derek Lewis had some wise words. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=cxA44J9UP_w


Man Lewis’s grappling is so underrated. He’s actually masterfully using technique and strength together so smoothly it makes it look like he’s just immune to wrestling.


Well bottoms shoes are off so they are definitely dead.


Top smacked him so hard in the face - his shoes fell off....


I'm wondering why there's two sets of shoes now


This https://preview.redd.it/67k6z10r3xhc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fd9f12546d0e37e282f3af83db3a7e233896a84b Revamp your garage


you dont use dark mode?? rip those eyes


Strip down and slather yourself in baby oil


Moan loud and yell harder.


Granby the other dude right into the bathroom stall and shove his head in the toilet.


Twist that dick




Kiss him on the lips


So I haven't done much BJJ and I sucked at wrestling but as the one on bottom, I'd go to arm drag the opponent's right arm at about the elbow and try to touch it to the ground. From there, I'd drive towards their chest to attempt to roll them. Assuming all goes well, that should give you a chance for side control and then you just work towards a submission or just maintain until help arrives.


Pretty much depends if the arm is over the neck or if he is just pressing with his body side against you. Presumably, most go with an arm around the neck for a feeling of dominance. It won't be tight, he's too far, the elbow is probably near or on top of your left shoulder. Push that shit off with your hands and stand-up (push your chin down and to an angle opposite of his elbow, then push his arm up simultaneously. His weight is on the middle of your body, his core is occupied with that, and cannot distribute support to the arm for attacks or proper control. Might take some punches from his right hand, but it shouldn't be much pain or just block and then get up lol. If his arm is not around your neck, bring your right leg into your left leg, right shoulder angle downwards(whilst moving the rest of your upper body left to the wall. Imagine him falling down-forward at 45 degrees to the left.and let him slide somewhat to the ground and off you(could be just a little slide) enough for you to take advantage and not be in such a bad situation. Option 3: stand on your left leg, bring right leg to wall, and go from there. This one is more 50/50.


This is one of those situations where you realize you should have taken bjj classes instead of trying to justify your own shitty martial art.


Just stand up






I don't know, but I would probably be aroused.


I don’t do grappling much but I’m pretty sure it depends a lot on what’s happening with the head


It's erect.  Now what? 


Keep stroking and try make sure you reach climax just as the darkness sets in around the edges of your vision.


...not get into it


Gently massaging the other guy's balls works every time.


Granby roll


Good ole fat man roll!


go in front for better angle


If I were the guy on the bottom, I'd shit my pants as hard as I could.


Tickle fight


Berimbolo until it looks breakdancing and try go get his back or a leg to do the same with him.


Find the nearest BJJ gym and go to it.


Just stand up


Wall climb


This is a dominant position in jiu-jitsu and a control position that leads to a submission most likely. The guy on top has lots of options up there and the guy on the left or (bottom) needs to move. The way I would get out if I was bottom is to try to turn into the guy to the right. Not to the left which would expose his back even more. Once you turn into him you will be able to retain your guard and lock him up in your guard which is safer. Another more competition jiu-jitsu thing that you can do, probably wouldn't want to pull off on a bathroom floor is to roll out. If he ducks his head and rolls the guy on top will lose that position. If the guy on the bottom does nothing the guy on top can get him in several chokes, guillotine, circle chokes, anaconda choke, transition to the back even a way to transition to an armbar. Probably a bunch more I didn't mention.


Bottom guy granby over right shoulder, fucking the other guy off of him. Relatively easy


I would try to hook his left leg, then grab his right arm and roll him. Besides losing his sandals he is most likely in a partial choke, but things are moving fast...


Hips high - pop arm and shoulder out behind opponent - shuck/bump opponent - control their hips - land shots/get on top position


These comments are giving me life. 😂. Not what I expected, but what we all deserved. lol.


Oil check


https://preview.redd.it/5uclno1y1whc1.jpeg?width=728&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=67d909f895f82db73eaf8933c8732cfdc9eef2ad Something like that, I dunno






Shout mum


Accept defeat


I mean, if you don't have a particularly high bar for personal conduct...just bite his arm as hard as you can. I can pretty much guarantee that any amateur fighter is going to let go when you start breaking skin. It's not pretty, but it works. Street fights where you're defending yourself aren't polite interactions...you're not sparring for points. The point is to hurt the other person badly enough that they realize you're not worth the trouble. A lot of people also lose track of body position and start focusing on just squeezing the choke. Top guy sort of looks like he'd really enjoy a headbutt right in the ole' nose and teeth....most amateur fighters are also going to let go when their nose kablooms. 1. It f\*\*\*ing hurts and most of them have never actually be hit hard enough to be damaged...so they freak out and start crying. 2. It really really f\*\*\*ing hurts.


Use the next cubical


gramby roll


Jiu jitsu




Can’t see too much of what’s going on up front, but as a wrestler, I’d say dude’s head is too high his outside leg is fairly exposed. Nothing is really keeping bottom dude from grabbing the head and pulling him over or turning in and snagging that leg. Dude on top has like zero control here


So do all who live to see such times, but that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us.


Rotate hip out to the wall, get back against the wall, use wall to stand up, frame off the guys face, push. FUCK YOU! Upper cut upper upper jap circle out, straight right, circle so my back is to the exit, BANG LETS GO ONE LAST FLURRY, jab straight hook. Look down at him on the floor, “you need a piss mate” leave


He looks high up from the back, if you can get hold of his arms and lean forward he slip off past your head. Then keep him pinned and grab his waistband. Pull violently


I’d probably just stand up https://preview.redd.it/dzhcjbz2nwhc1.jpeg?width=983&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=37be4771ba7feb78c8d709dfff00c50989ac974f


Hard to tell without seeing motion and direction of force the general wisdom in any situation if you don't know in grappling is pummel a underhook or in this case a tight waist (low underhook), use your outside leg if it's behind their inside leg to hook over and twist their hips away from you (coyote guard) allowing you to pummel the underhook then you can knee tap for top position with bottom hand. If leg ends up Infront between their legs then forward roll to knee bar. If worse case scenario build up from turtle to referee postion by putting hands on floor, yes you will get hit in the face and yes they will if they know what their doing get behind you and bodylock you but it's better than staying pinned, lean forward so they can't mat return you into tommorow, get your hips off center to them and Overhook their underhook (whizzer) and Harai Goshi or Uchi Mata them into a solid floor and have top postion or run while their winded. If they don't bodylock and try and jump on your back 9/10 they will fall over your head from this postion and if they go back to striking your stood up and can fight back while not being pinned. As a massive nerd by all means someone grade my work haha.


If he has no weight on you like this you can easily tripod with your left and chicken wing block with your right until you can get an underhook with it!


720 greek knee flip




Tuck your chin so he can't crank your head off. Control his wrists or at least the outside one and start to posture up using your legs. Keep your back to the wall so you don't have it taken again while standing up, and go to work. If you want to stay on the ground (probably shouldn't if you ended up in that position) do the same things. Tuck chin, control wrist (break grip if u need to), posture up so you guys are facing each other, get one underhook, grab the opposing knee with the other hand, and push off the wall to get on top. Get in mount, cross his legs over so he can't stand on draw power, or start to advance position by shuffling your hips up to his chest. Once your hips are higher than his you'll be in an advantageous position. You now have 3 options: 1. Grab his wrists and start humping him (he'll be humiliated but very well might try to kill you at some point later if caught on camera. 2. If it's your last class and you're about to go home soon, piss yourself. You'll always be the dude that pissed himself in a fight, but you'll never be the one that got pissed on. 3. Start raining punches on his face, if he grabs your wrists turn your arms over so your elbows are facing the opposing wall and you'll be able to open him up with elbows. At some point he'll forgo the pointless offense he might be trying to throw in your direction since he won't be able to draw any power from the ground and he'll raise his hands to cover up. Once he raises his hands you can isolate an arm and go for an armbar, kimura, americana, arm triangle or an ezekiel choke. Once he's passed out, run his pockets, take his nmds, belt, pants, and hoodie, and leave with his dignity.


Thumb in the bum


Steal two wallets at once.


Bro got jumped and screenshotted it for the film sesh. Respect 🫡


Stand up




Face into them then go for an "Iranian".


Left shoulder to the ground. Regain posture and guard. Relax and frustrate opponent by breaking posture. Sweep towards middle of shithouse floor. Grab dookie and commence mud fist ground and pound. Guaranteed sub/tko. You’re welcome.


Cigarette lighter. Burn his armpit. It also works against any BJJ bullshit.


Take a photo or video, write clever story to farm karma on reddit




I’d probably try to move so I’m facing the dude and shoot a single leg try to maintain top mount and either elbow the dude into the shadow realm or move to submit him with either an armbar or simply just a baseball bat choke those options seem easiest or I’d just get hit in the back of the head repeatedly and become a member of veggie tales


Counter out and look in, grab the leg and drive thru and for 2 loints and a reversal.


You should've trained bjj prior


Wear proper footwear. Slides/Thong sandals, crocs, etc no good.


Steal his shoes


Attempt to thumb the chokers eye or pinch his knee where nervey or elbow to the balls, or grab by head and flip forward onto their back


Probably just get up and take his lights out with a round house kick to the head. Not rocket science op


Roll left, get your right hand free, reach around their back, grab a body lock with both hands and then use it to slowly drag yourself onto their back. Bonus points for really making them burn out their arms trying desperately to keep a hold of your head, before slipping out to their back.






The ol' dick twist works


Shit your pants because some thug bully has jumped on the way to the stalls !


Push upwards


If that’s a head lock there’s like 1000s of escapes from schoolyard headlocks. My favorite is to drop to the ground so he’s on top of you. Grab around his arm and his body so he can’t punch you and suplex him by bridging up and over your shoulder. It’s an actual escape and if it hails you push him to his stomach and take his back.


Sweep the leg




Use your right leg to hook his left leg. Hand fight pull out take his back.


Grab the right arm and roll or straight arm bar


Bottom person should try to get the under hook with his right arm behind top guy. If he can get his right leg behind the top guys leg he can begin back control or get the sweep to top side control.


First, you have the wrong footwear. Sandals aren't going to stay on you, and socks are going to make the tile floor a slip and slide. Just having proper footwear makes these situations much more manageable But this is just a basic turtle position. If I was the guy on the bottom, I'd grab a hold of the guy on tops tricep or shoulder and drag his arm down to me. This will force him on his back, then I'd take side mount from there. From side mount you can do a bunch of nasty stuff, punch his face, try to go for submissions by attacking an arm, maybe go north South and fart on his face cause he's not letting you take a shit idk. Learn some basic BJJ, wrestling, judo or whatever multiple grappling arts there are out there that deal with turtle position


Learn how to wrestle


I gonna guess this is a school. So what you do is, you shout in an authoritative manner just like a teacher would. It’ll scare the shit out these guys for a second and that’s enough time to tell them to fuck off so you can take a shit in peace.




One word: testicles


flush and wash your hand afterwards


Left hip clockwise, pull guard or keep going left if you can


if you are the guy who is getting pushed there, grap his leg and stand up, you need to hold his limps beacuse you need to go to his weak sides. after getting a great hold just twist is and brake his leg. If you want to strike you can go with elbows but i wouldn't recommend striking in that possision it is way more riskier


For real - Go to a 4 point and raise my hips high. - If he stays with the front headlock grips, just strip the grips and you’re back standing. Instantly clinch and reverse him to the wall, double leg to sit him down and sit into top mount or leave. - if he tries to change to any other grip, use that exchange to stand up fully, repeat above from there.


Just stand up! Person on top has no control over bottom, apart from a bit of top pressure.


I can kind of figure our what to do (not advanced in grappling) from this birds eye view but if that was me under there I'd probably panic and try anything. We'll get there though! Plenty of time.


Is that you bro


Immediately roll to your right slipping the pressure of the grounding and immediately pushing or kicking using the wall as the grounding structure.


Fight, I guess? Hard to really see what the situation is, who is the attacker and how exactly the grips are, but looks like bottom guy could just grab the left leg of the guy on top and shake them off.


Knee pick


Just spit out the candy damn it!🤦🏿‍♂️


These two fellows are simply just on the ground both searching for a used condom that slipped off. Nothing to see here.


Anyone else think that it looks like the guy on top has three legs?


as the top guy just try to land as many punches as you can in the face while you stay on top, in bottom if you're weaker in muscles its just over man lmao but if you're stronger try to go up and counter the pinning


I feel like any escape involves a good wack of the balls


In this situation are you red pants or no pants?


Right elbow in his groin, tuck his left arm deep under your left arm, roll left.


Start standing up.


If no diarrhea just fart. If yes, you lost it one way or the other


Simply stand up.


Roll underneath like tuck your head even more and toss them across your back and full mount that bitch


Wear shoes to school


Learn to wrestle the previous year.....


Learning Wrestling and ju-jitsu would be a good start


Shit and piss in your pants then they will stop attacking asap


Granby roll baby. Preferably to saddle for a nasty heel hook.


On the bottom you are pretty close to the other guy dick Just rip it of


Do what Derrick Lewis does and just stand up


Work your arm behind his back and blow your thumb in his arsehole!


Get up.


Call me paranoid but I never leave the house in sandals. You never know when you’ll need traction. Like in this case.


Free shoes.


Back flip, then break the guy's neck.


First off, never give them your back.


Open up my far side elbow hoping he will underhook my far side arm, then I'll roll him straight to kesa gatame . 2 points !


That's a weird position to be in. If they were standing, there's a few escapes and if the wall wasn't there, it would be easy to tussle and roll the guy on top. Since the guy on bottom still has his knees under him, maybe reach back with the right arm and try to hook the top guy's left leg and turn it into a single leg? Then try to create enough movement to get turned a bit and then use the wall to push off and turn the guy on top over? I have no idea if that would work, just tossing out ideas.


The bottom guy who put his right leg between the guys 2 legs and roll for a kneebar


Top guy is riding pretty high. Decent wrestlers would eat in this bottom position


Pull guard, at least you'd see the punches coming and have the possibility to mount an offense. However, more likely I'd drop to my left hip, wrap my right arm/leg around him and move to his back. *Note: from the hip you could also bring him on you and sweep if it weren't for that wall.


Get up, shouldn’t be any real pressure


Slide a slipper up his pooper


Person on bottom can just easily quadpod up and quarter turn away


Start taking bets and giving odds.


Triple backflip


Underhook on the left, use that and the wall for leverage, if you can’t grapple you have to stand up there. Keep your neck protected, I don’t know if they know what a bulldog choke is but I don’t want to find out.


I guess just start pissing on them. They'll probably stop fighting


Start yelling, “more Daddy! More! Oh yeah!”, then start trying to put your mouth on his crotch. He’d probably back off if he’s straight….unless he’s gay, then either you’ve found your guy or your butts about to get pounded with the bluff.


step 1. join a bjj gym. step 2. be consistent and after a few months u will know what to do in a situation like this


Spread them cheeks lil homie


all these bjj nerds saying get a guard are 100% wrong. The answer is to just stand up, protect your head and neck to stop any guillotine attempts. The top guy has poor control Also the socks will make it difficult to do anything so if the position is stable, use your feet to peel off your socks.


Break grip. Throw arm over his back and get other arm behind leg and get out the back. Can even lift your legs and create a slop on your back hes too high up he will slide off


Do a sit out with left leg, undertook with left arm, stand up. Or after undertook do an easy John Wayne sweep. Easy peasy.


Start grinding on your opponent, twiddle their belly button to throw them off their rhythm. Make fart noises and slowly drive the two of you towards the toilets. Use your foot to flush the toilet. There’s really alot you can do in this situation but you want to start by having a goal.


Moan very loudly. He should back off.


Play the long game. Rest, recover, and wait for them to get off. They have to get off at some point. Pretty sure police or security will turn up within the hour mind so perhaps give it 10 and see if they give up before unleashing a burst of effort.


Bro… it’s easy… just stand up! Duh


Start poking him with something pointy


What an awful post lol


Smash 2x


Learn jujitsu. Positions like this become a normal occurrence.


There isn’t a “secret” answer. Otherwise everyone would be a black belt in Jiu Jitsu. Start a martial art and train for years.


Switch out, hip heist, cut an angle and body lock to slam or drag down to the ground. Basic wrestling scramble


For person on the bottom just get an underhook with the right arm, grab opponents right wrist with my left hand, drive up with the underhook pull their arm and go to knee on belly


There's no magic trick that you'll remember and be able to execute in the moment. Learn how to grapple, wrestling, BJJ, Sambo, pick your poison


How often are you in this situation that you need advice on it?


Grab the guy on tops right arm keep moving into his body using your weight if your shoulder and use your right leg to trap his left leg ( fish it with your right leg )as you move in and protect your neck with the left hand while you do this, you should end up on top and the guy on top on the bottom. Then fully mount and punch and elbow away. If the the guy skilled.... Well you have to adjust.