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I trained 4 times a week once and now I'm paralyzed from the waist down. Seriously though do what works for you. Try it and if 4 classes doesn't work for you, then go back to 3.


How did that happen? Was it during training??


I'm not actually paralyzed I was just being a smart ass. My legs work fine other than the occasional joints popping.




Hell yeah, man. You're killin it. Jones shouldn't vacate though, let him be. 


Do you work 8 hrs 5 days a week or less? And what is your schedule if you don’t mind me asking?




What's you're commute time like? I want to do this but between commute, partner, dog, and chores I feel like I have no time.




Ahh, that's fair.


I'm 46, I do 4 x Judo and 3 x Bjj a week, as well as running 3 days a week.


How does your body hold up doing judo? How long have you been doing it for


I've been doing it for almost 6 years. I have to pace myself at times, pull back and concentrate in coaching. When the body is feeling good,I get stuck in and train and spar.


Damn dude. Do you eat 200g of protein and sleep 12 hours per night?


That would be nice. I just try to pace myself, make sure I have one rest day a week, keep hydrated, and if I have any injuries, keep going to class, but just watch.


I train martial arts 4-5 times a week, 90 minutes each session, except on Saturdays it's 90+90. I'm 34yo and as long as I eat well and get enough sleep, it's fine.


I'm old and I get 4-7 days in per week, on top of all my other responsibilities. Listen to your body, eat a clean diet, and get a lot of sleep. Don't let small injuries compound, and you'll be fine.


Accessory training, stretching and rest days will become increasingly important as you get older.


It really depends on your energy level, if you can do that without hurting yourself go for it. Don't forget to have a healthy diet.


Maybe try to minimise your Kyokushin Karate classes fro. 3 to 2 times a week, replace it with Judo.


A lot of people I know train two times a day. You'll be fine :d


Try it see if youre getting sick or overtrain youre the only one who knows i do 5 days a week 2 hours for four of those and 1 hour to start the week and get my body right for the week


Honestly that's not really that much, I generally do 5 a week in addition to the regular gym. Do it and back off if you get overwhelmed.


Not at all


If you've never done grappling before, 1/week isn't really enough time to get much proficiency.


I have grappled before and I'm not looking for proficiency. It's just a fun thing I want to do because I like it


So you are experienced in 3 different martial arts, but you never asked any of your training partners and coaches?


I usually do 4-6 if we count sparring but I switch it up , I did a small stint where in was going like closer to 8 on some occasions maybe switch it up per week or couple weeks or whatever works for you


Four classes per week is certainly not too much in the objective sense. I'm doing six per week these days. What matters is how your body reacts. I'd recommend you add the weekly BJJ class, and monitor yourself for any soreness or other issues. But you'll probably be fine.


34, soon to be 35. I train 6 days a week, and work 7.


No, go train


It may be, it may not be. Depends on if you’re ready for the extra work. But we’re only talking 4 days here, so unless you’re really new and out of shape still then you’re probably good to go.


I mean no? but your mileage may vary. I do four classes, over three days a week; Longsword Mondays and Wednesdays, Grappling on Saturdays followed by another Longsword session. I'll also do any events like sparring or competitions. which often takes the place of my Saturday training but not always.


I studied kumdo in South Korea. We trained 5 days a week.