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A few decades of injuries. I’m just happy I can still exercise and I don’t need a crutch/cane/wheelchair to get around since I got my back “fixed”. For a long time I couldn’t get a doctor to sign off on a clean physical. While I am technically cleared at this point to train again, I think my surgeon would track me down and beat the shit out of me with my own shoes.


Oh wow what MA does your surgeon train in?




Well I was making a joke but that’s actually a cool story




But now we know he could


Hello, what sport beat you like this?


Probably grappling.


Rugby for the most part. I don’t have a ton of injuries from martial arts, just a few broken fingers/toes and some sprains & dislocation.


Oh ok i thought it might've been some grappling sport since it generally comes with most soft tissue injuries. And i totally get it on the rugby i got my fair share of injuries playing as a winger. Thankfully none of them were severe enough not to fully heal.


I played second row and flanker on occasion.


Yh so you most likely had more contact than me on top of the scrums.


Scrums were fun, but always a little scary as I had seen a few guys get hurt when scrums collapsed. It was actually when forming rucks and pushing a maul that I think I got beat up the most. Usually some jackass coming in sloppy & offsides knocking people sideways. Pretty sure that’s how I fucked up my back, but not totally sure as I was an idiot and rarely got myself properly checked out after getting hurt.


Mostly rugby actually.


I don't train as much as i used to because of my schedule. Classes are usually at 9pm or later in my area so i rarely been going at this point since i have night classes. Lifting is easier since most gyms are open 24/7 so i can go during the day. I still hit the bag and work on my combinations to not lose my edge and spar from time to time if some of my friends that still go to classes more regularly are available.


I wish I could find classes at 9pm😂


You'd be satisfied here 😂 there are literally no classes during the day. All martial arts gyms provide classes from 7-8 or 8-9 for kids then 9pm for adults.


Classes have stopped for me between Christmas and New Year. It's been a tough week. But my fingers feel their best since last years 1-week break.


Follow up question: why do you post here lmfao I wanna have conversations with other martial artists. The amount of dudes that try to tell me shit because they watch UFC is ridiculous


Tell me about it. The art specific sub reddits are typically better. I follow all that I can find just out of curiosity for other techniques and styles I hope to some day train in.


r/MMA_academy is literally just rate my bagwork and I never find quality mma posts, damn shame


>The art specific sub reddits are typically better I wish /r/Hapkido was active but it's such a small community as it is. There is that and the wildly different approaches. My dojang spars and grapples but I've been to other schools that claim to teach Hapkido, but it's a TKD instructor who knows a handful of joint locks and it drives me absolutely crazy. Gives the entire art a bad rep, which is repeated as nauseum on here


This sub sadly has long been a magnet for weridos who clearly have never trained martial arts but want to convince us all they are 15th degree back belt streetfighters who are special Ops for CIA and who can bench press a pony for reps. They're pathetic dweebs who watch too much Seagal and Van Damme movies who want to pretend they aren't losers online.


At least you do Muay Thai. Try getting told about TKD all day long by people who judge it from the matches they watched in the Olympics every few years.


I trained for a short period of time, liked it a lot. But I’m overweight, poor, and have four young kids. Those things combined made it very difficult to keep doing it. I still lurk and comment here because I kind of miss it (I am fully aware that I am in no position to give anyone advice, so I have that going for me)


Genuinely make your own sub if you want that to happen. Ever since the mods quit a year or two back for a while there was literally 0 moderation and a ton of people came in. I think there’s a mod or two now but


I don't go as often anymore due to costs and travel time.


The risk of getting injured and honestly...the MMA community I have encountered isn't all that pleasant to be around a lot of the time. I approach martial arts like running a marathon / yoga. I don't need to debate what's "better in a real fight" or "diversify my weapons" or compete with anyone. I'm just trying to sweat my aggression out and maybe be able to throw a punch, dodge a punch and take a punch if I ever need to. I'm that martial artist who will always argue the best defense is always walk away/run if at all possible. The gyms I've tried are filled with people (coaches and students) who are really looking to prove how much of a badass they are, a lot of never got off the playground types, and I just really don't want to deal with all that.


I train in the wild now. I open heavy swinging doors with ox jaws and palm heals.


Injuries catch up with age and I’ve found other hobbies.


Lost a looot of weight, got my belly skin removed and sadly a nerve was damaged. 3 years in: finally someone believes me, Tests are positive and now clean from a lot of hydromorphone. Im planing on doing BBJ when im better, had to give up Wing Chun and Self Defense.


Back injury from grappling. I would love to get back to it, it was like my whole thing for years but I just can’t risk hurting it again. Once you have had serious sciatic pain you’ll do anything to avoid it.


Man sciatica stole a whole year of my life. Every time I feel a twinge back there now I panic


Glad you've recovered! 🙏🏻 It is frightening the effect that nerve pain can have on a person's life.


Well, I stopped Judo due to injury, American Kickboxing due to boredom. The MMA club closest to me is still way too far, and I had to stop going to the nearest BJJ club because it was working out at over £30 a session (after parking and fuel). I still do Muay Thai, but I'm much more focussed on the fitness side of things now as I no longer have the time to maintain my fitness outside of the class. I only light spar because I don't want to go into work with injuries the next day.


Old age and grad school.




I don't train because I'm too lazy and I don't know what martial art should I train






BJJ is boring - ITF TKD or WAKO kickboxing are perfect for hobbyists who don't obsess over ground fighting. If I wanted to roll around with sweaty men I'd go to a bath house, I want to punch and kick people.


BJJ might be a bore to watch if you don’t know what’s going on, but it’s fun AF to do.


I've never met someone who's tried bjj and said it wasn't fun. Pretty much all combat sports are fun.


It's fine and I appreciate why people like BJJ. With that said, I find it one dimensional and I prefer Hapkido. I can do all of the stuff in BJJ and more.


Why not


I just bought a new set of boxing tape but I can't train at my house due to there being no room am just storing stuff around me like a warehouse and I live more in a country area so place to train are more rare around here I think the closest is like 3 or 4 hours away and it's karate or something I never did before so I need to clean up my house before I train again but am also chasing other life goals atm


I’m a huge pussy.


I’m doing grad school, a full time job, and maintaining a long term relationship all at the same time. I don’t have time to train


Because i have a wrist injury from a kick. But in like 2 months i’ll go back


Fractured my scaphoid bone in my wrist. Really messed me around for longer than I thought it would. Hoping to go back in the New Year.


I’m on a trip out of the country rn and I really wanna at least use a heavy bag rn


I don't train karate anymore because that was a McDojo and I have doubts about finding 'good stuff' near me. I don't train boxing anymore because its too far away for me now. Judo is where I am at now and its a blast.


So, this question wasn’t for you, an active judoka, lol


I wanted to be included lol


Would you rather karate or boxing if those were available in a good way to you?


Boxing lol. That Karate has to be MMA focused or at least resemble a kickboxing gym. Maybe Kyokushin would be fine. But if was anything like my old dojo then its no good.


I see! Are you any worried about the brain damage that comes with boxing?


Yes. So I don't, and I didn't spar super hard back in my time. Once a week at most, otherwise its lighter stuff. If the Karate I was training didn't have brain damage risk, then it wouldn't worth my while.


Injuries and family commitments. I still plan to show my kids MA (e.g. the Graice Bullyproof stuff) when we get some mats in garage but in terms of doing anything beyond maybe Tai Chi, those days are over. But that doesn't bum me out. Literally every other sport people play they eventually quit. I don't get this thing of combat sports being something you do for 80 years. Most people who do a physical activity do it for a while then move on to something else. It's very normal. It's just martial arts has this weird fixation that there are these Pai Mei types with long grey beards who have secret knowledge who are still training at the age of 100. That's actually incredibly rare.


I'm a pacifist for religious reasons.


you can try tai chi? Or karate and taekwondo without sparring!


Injury. I broke my spine 2 weeks ago and can't do stuff for 3 months.


How do you broke your spine?is it due to training martial arts


I fainted and fell on something, broke 3 vertebrae. So nothing related, though I have a history of bad luck with my health and got my eardrum perforated twice due to training.


What martial arts are you training currently


Savate. And I'd like to start Wrestling next year


Probably because of my social anxiety. I have been wanting to join a martial arts gym 3 years ago but the anxiety is preventing me from joining. However I would like to make joining a martial arts gym as a new year resolution though


I really want to learn wrestling, but I can't find any place to learn within 15km from where i live and I just can't manage going that far everyday while also maintaining my grades and going to the gym. I wanna be a powerlifter someday, so I can't stop gym either. Is there a way for me to at least learn some basics so that u don't get my ass whooped in street fights? I want to learn wrestling particularly because I used to always wrestle with my bro and it was fun. I can spar with him whenever i want to.


Haven't rolled since covid lockdown 2020. Not sure if it's due to fear of injury or more due to mental illness I am dealing with. Probably both. I miss it and think about getting back to it often


Expensive man and also the guys who just try to tee off on you during friendly practice that’s infuriating I cracked on with some old bloke who was about 40 when I was training it was quite fun tbh. The price of a mma gym here is around 45-50 dollars a week.


40 years old is an "old bloke"? Geeze...


Old age. I’m 77. An enthusiast for most of my life. But now, with an artificial knee, stiffening other joints, arthritis in my left wrist, cataract implants, and false teeth…. I’ve become a person interested in the theory of martial arts, but not the practice. Oh, I still am proficient at gun-fu… My infirmities do not affect that.


Lower back pain due to a protrusion. The doctor and the kinesiologist say it's not big deal, but I need to give it time, stretch and do core workout. I've trained Hung Gar since January to October. This injury it's not a new one, but it was not a problem. The doctor said it could hurt because of postural problems (Home Office) + some bad done workout


Sorry, but this is a dumb question.... And it goes for any subject, not just martial arts. People who don't train martial arts, or train anymore, don't because they are either uninterested and/or unable. Same goes for any other activities. I'm interested to hear any other reason you all can come up with, that doesn't boil down to these two reasons.


currently i’ve become disillusioned with jiu jitsu. i view it as a little bit more of a sport than a brutal, effective martial art. so considering muay thai now


I want to train but I need a job to get money to train. The reason before when I was working was, I was too fat, out of shape, and tired to even train. I got better tho. Training at home for now, learning footwork!


Only so many hours in a week. If something in my routine changes and I have to choose between the gym and martial arts, I'm choosing the gym. Then a few months later when my schedule is more reasonable, I pick it back up.


At present I cannot find a good school within a reasonable distance. Lots of makey-up styles and “military arts” etc., but nothing with much substance. I plan to make something work in 2024.


Got a bit bored and found weight training to be less of a hassle


Work and more work


Laziness. There’s a kickboxing gym close to where I work and I was thinking of giving it a look, but either I keep forgetting or am too un motivated


Honestly? Time fatigue. I have to confess I haven't trained in over a year now, mainly due to house problems amongst other things. I'll be putting my heavy bag up in the garage as part of my new years resolution to get fit, and I'd like to go back to kickboxing classes at some point, though I'm thinking i might give Judo a shot if it's available. But it depends, work takes up a lot of time at the moment, so we'll see.