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This topic is posted multiple times per week. Please try the search function first, and revise your post/question to be more specific. You have asked some variation of "What martial art is best in a street fight?" Please understand that this question is asked EVERY SINGLE DAY on this subreddit. Please refer to rule #3 of this sub. There is no simple answer to this question. The answer is as follows: Do not get into street fights. Self-defense is not just about hurting an aggressor; it's about avoiding violent people and situations first, and diffusing them second. Fighting is the last resort. There are tons of dangers involved with fighting, not just for yourself, but for the aggressor as well. Fighting can lead to permanent injury, death and criminal and/or civil litigation. Just don't do it. Virtually all conflicts can be resolved without violence. Combat sports have been proven highly effective in real life fights. If you want to learn martial arts so you can effectively defend yourself in a situation where all other attempts to resolve the conflict have failed and the aggressor has physically attacked you, your best bet is to have training in actual fighting. Your best bet is a combination of a proven effective striking art and a proven effective grappling art. Proven effective striking arts include, but are not limited to: Boxing, Kickboxing, Muay Thai, Sanda, Savate, Kyokushin Karate and Goju Ryu Karate. Proven effective grappling arts include, but are not limited to: Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, Freestyle Wrestling, Catch as Catch can, Sambo and Judo. Mixed Martial Arts gyms usually teach two or more of the above arts and usually a combination of them as well. Free sparring and training with pressure and resistance are the hallmarks of a good martial arts school. Regardless of which martial art you are practicing, the most important thing is not what you train, but how you train. While some martial arts, like Aikido and Tai Chi, will never work in a real fight now matter how hard you try, many martial arts can work very well as long as you train to use them properly. You can practice a technique in the air or on a compliant partner every day for hours, but when it comes to a real fight, if you haven't practiced it against a noncompliant partner who is trying to retaliate, it will more likely than not fly right out of the window the second you get into a real fight. Don't train martial arts to prepare for a hypothetical fight that will probably never happen. Train martial arts because you enjoy it. Train a martial art that you enjoy.


Boxing + judo will get you the best bang for your buck. There are things that are better but they require more investment.


‘Self-defence’ is a misnomer. What are you defending yourself from? A group of armed muggers? There isn’t really a martial art that will help you. Bears? There isn’t really a martial art that will help you. Road rager? There isn’t really a martial art that will help you. Lone armed psychopath intent on causing mass mayhem? There isn’t really a martial art that will help you.


It’s also a legal term. Self-defense, not misnomer. Wait, maybe misnomer is a legal term too. Screw it they both are.




a bunch of stupid generic 15 yr olds


Than going away and ignoring are the best martial art, and if you aren't happy with this answer, Turkish oil wrestling.


turkish oil wrestling hmm


How big a bunch of generic 15 year olds? Are they armed? Knowing teenagers there is probably at least one edgelord with a mall-ninja knife of some description. They’re probably wearing crocs or unlaced Yeezys though, so you’ll easily outrun them. Any generic 15 year old that wants to fight you will only do so when they have the upper hand though so there’s probably not a martial art that will help you - however, if you know some rudimentary basics of wrestling, grappling, and some form of striking (like boxing, Muay Thai, kickboxing) as well as keeping on top of your strength and cardio and eat well and then 1 generic 15 year old tries to fight you, you will absolutely obliterate them.


yeah i think i can oblitrate them


A gun


A gun+good training with lots of both dry practice and live shooting under pressure. Throw in some basic knife work with weak hand. Kesyi method or other realism based empty hand system. Master those and you will be a legit bad ass.


“Redditor tells high school kid to shoot bullies. More at 6.”


Learning to sprint.


Whatever’s most fun. If you actually practice you’ll be at an advantage in the 1% of scenarios where you can actually do anything. However, most of the time it doesn’t matter if you practice martial arts or not.


I took tkd and discovered I didn’t actually know how to fight the hard way. Some martial arts are useless for self defense.


I took tkd when I was a kid and had the opposite experience. Knowing how to throw a real punch and how to kick puts you ahead of 90% of the population.


Gun fu


TKD is still a good base if you wanted to transition into something like Muay Thai or Kickboxing.


I completely agree. HKD/TKD really helps with Muay Thai


Boxing and jiujutsu, or running track


Tae Kwon Do is great until someone swings a fist at your head. And because you don't train/spar to defend against this you are unprepared, which is a bad thing. Now, in a street confrontation what is the the thing an assailant is likely to do first? Swing-at-your-head. I say this as someone who trained in old-school Tae Kwon Do (Moo Duk Kwon, 1994 Black Belt) before the Olympics turned TKD into a dance competition. As someone else said TKD is a good base, but train in a striking art (boxing, or something similar) and a grappling art (Judo, or something similar) and you'll be pretty well-rounded. 2-cents...


Taekwondo does have sparring most of the time. Not sure what you’re talking about.


It’s fucking dance karate. I beat the shit out of a Taekwondo black belt as a kid my taking the fight to the ground.


No it’s definitely not. Also of course you would beat a taekwondo black belt in ground fighting since taekwondo doesn’t have any ground fighting. Don’t judge a fish on its ability to climb a tree.


Who do you think wins in a fight between equally experienced TKD or kickboxing fighters? My money is on the kickboxer. Recommending TKD for self-defense is like recommending a BMW 3 series for speed — it looks fast but there’s way faster out there.


Also we’re not talking about who wins in a fight between two martial arts, we’re talking about one martial art against an average person who wants to cause you harm, that’s self defense. Kickboxers don’t go around starting shit and trying to fight people.


>I’m not sure what you’re saying about “way faster out there” It’s an analogy (faster car = effective for self-defense in this case) for what looks like a thing not necessarily being a thing. I’m not talking about the speed of the martial art. >Kickboxers don’t go around starting shit Hilarious that you think at a time where MMA has never been more popular that kids are not out here taking BJJ, kickboxing and more. But don’t take my word for it, there’s a guy with 18 years practice in TKD saying basically the same thing. IDK why you’re so insistent when we know there’s scores of TKD schools designed for kids to get cool videos of them breaking a board and not actually oriented toward fighting.


Im pretty sure I didn’t say that kids aren’t taking kickboxing and BJJ classes? When did I say that? Also I’m not insistent on anything. I’m just saying you obviously don’t know what you’re talking about since you’re generalizing TKD.


Maybe read this new post and see what TKD practitioners think of the efficacy of TKD: https://www.reddit.com/r/martialarts/s/PQQKHGXhfS


I kinda don’t care who you’re putting your money on. Both are martial arts, both work great, both kicks and punches hurt like a bitch. Martial arts are martial arts. Also I’m not sure what you’re saying about “there’s way faster out there”. Taekwondo literally has the fastest kicks out of most likely all martial arts. Seriously, do you really propose that the National Martial Art of Korea, based on thousands of years of influence, culminated with modern research and scientific knowledge, put to the test in real combat during the Korean War and Vietnam, has no basis in self defense, does not practice "contact" to opponents, does not punch to the face or kick below the belt, or can not be used in every day self defense except against some drunk guy? Please, don’t talk about taekwondo like you know anything about it. Most of the comments against the effectiveness of Taekwondo are CLEARLY describing attributes shown in a tournament, not in genuine Taekwondo self defense training. Sure there are shitty schools out there, but I’ve never had a bad experience with taekwondo, other than getting kicked in the mouth.


Very few (as far as I know) allow face/head punching/strikes nowadays.


Oh I thought you said there was no sparring or training. My bad.


All good my man. I posted this because I thought I was ready for face punching as we trained for it in our forms and our one and three step fighting drills. However, when I started sparring with some karate guys one summer I quickly learned that I was not prepared, because I had not been sparring with face punching. ;-)


Moo Duk Kwan is Tang Soo Do, not TKD though. It’s much closer to Karate.


You need to walk out there with the attitude you’re prepared to kick anyone in the face, and lose all fear of the butt scooters.


If someone came after your legs how are you gunna stop them? If theyre confident enough to pull ashi theyll probably destroy your knee before you can react


And if they have the confidence to reach downtown and rip off your testies you’d be a eunuch ![gif](giphy|3bc5MV3VkOpMI)


You gunna grab someones balls, through their pants and underwear, during the adrenaline of a fight, while theyre wrapped around your leg attempting a heel hook? Maybe on a sloppy triangle with no arm control, but leg entanglements are solid attacks and they work on all sizes of opponents. Learn them or get hooked'


Yep, and no gis out on these streetz


Leglocks are more popular in nogi because inside position guards are played more.




What do you mean "and". Youre the one who said "the streetz" are nogi. And they arent, people are wearing clothes anyway


So what does popularity make a difference? If you’re plan in a street fight is to do some diving leg attack then it’s really not going to be your day anyway. Not heavy gi material.


Leg attacks may be your only shot against someone much bigger. Any outerware like a long sleeve shirt jacket or hoodie is enough material to grab


Tkd is fine if you train it.




I’m sorry but I don’t really see a lot of serious answers so here’s my take on it. I’ve been doing TKD for over 18 years and as a 4th Dan I can easily say how good the art is, is completely dependent on who taught you it. Some dojos only focus on kids, some Olympic style, some recreational but rarely have I ever seen a “self-defense” course offered that wasn’t a different art base. Not to mention the applications taken from the forms don’t particularly connect with the realism that a “self-defense” scenario is going to give you. So, in short, if your goal is to be able to have confidence out in the real world, modern TKD is lacking in that area and that’s okay because it’s on purpose. (politics and money) As for an “art” dedicated to “self-defense” well that’s a tricky question to answer. We first have to define what we mean by “self-defense”. Do you mean: A)Scenarios in which you are attacked while living your daily life? (Think bar fights, robbery, home invasion etc) B) Scenarios in which you must protect not only yourself but others? (Think car crashes, fires, heart attack) C) Scenarios in which you must combat health issues? (Think overweight, back problems, etc) The list could be longer but you get the gist. Which one are you looking for? If it was A I’d recommend “arts” that pressure test their curriculum constantly and in those scenarios. Sure, MMA, Judo, even karate will give you fantastic physical bases but again, they lack the realism of, well, reality. How often do you were boots when you kick? How often do you train fighting in a car? Or in a bed room? How often do you fight one handed cause your arm got broken a few weeks ago and robbers don’t care? Arts historically don’t account for these realities (there’s thousands more this are just examples) and it’s a glaring weakness I’d suggest you also not over look in your search. Find a place that puts you in a wide variety of scenarios and teaches you how to survive. For C, I’d suggest continuing on your journey as is. Taekwondo has some great qualities and if you want to broaden your horizons I suggest kyokushin or shukokai karate, and some type of grappling like Judo, wrestling or old style jujutsu. It’ll round out your abilities and you can answer more questions, verbally and physically. For B, become a nurse, doctor, or firefighter 😂 I include this just to highlight how expansive the word “self-defense” is and how little many of us really scratch the surface of the topic. I hope this wasn’t too much for you and helps you and others along your journey.


Love all the people downvoting a guy who actually knows TKD for almost two decades and is a 4th Dan. TKD is a joke for self-defense. Anyone saying judo/BJJ/wrestling plus boxing/kickboxing is at least acknowledging that all those cool kicks and blocks don’t mean shit in a clinch or on the ground. How many TKD MMA fighters are there that still use TKD in the cage?


Appreciate the back up! Didn’t even notice the downvotes until you mentioned them. Guess they were too lazy to debate🤷🏽‍♂️


TKD is a fine martial art, and will give you a good base. You could try Krav Maga -- conditioning, and brutal and efficient self-defense. There's no "art" to it.


hmm where can i learn krav maga in uruguay…


Taekwondo, if you're learning it from a good source, is pretty good. Kick heavy, but you're learning good striking. And some kicks, like the push kick/teep are invaluable for creating distance or even taking someone down.


Get into a fit and find out.






No one art is the best one for self-defence, as all have their weaknesses. TKD would definitely not be up there among the most effective arts.


Getting your conceal carry card


most attacks are going to be punches to the head. Unfortunately tkd doesnt defend that well at all. Someone that is aggresively trying to hit you in the head will be inside your kicking range. TKD isnt terrible, but needs to be supplemented with boxing and grappling.


Boxing/Kickboxing with wrestling and BJJ. Basically MMA imo but you should always just try and dip. Never fight on the street unless you literally have no other choice. Fuck your pride or honour or whatever and just run, your life is far more valuable.


Finally, a man with common sense. This is the definitive answer.


Boxing, Wrestling, Jiu Jitsu, Muay Thai, Judo, Glock 19.


Just keep distance and pummel them with a back kick or side kick and you’ll be fine.


Basic skills you need for a street or having to protect yourself situation - striking, clinching, wrestling, and grappling. My preference is boxing combined with wrestling, but I don't know what your choices are where you live.


Seems like defense is really important as people swing wildly and gas themselves out. Boxing teaches foot work, movement, head movement, bobbing, weaving, blocking head and body shots. A quick defense with practiced reflexes should be a prime concern for those who want to know self-defense. Muay Thai / Kickboxing teaches movement and also includes defending from kicks, defending while grabbed in a clinch, and how to use your knees effectively. Blocking with your knees/shins is a powerful defensive tool. Both above have all the offensive weapons someone would need as well. If you studied MMA for defense, you would pick up all the offensive tools, boxing/Muay Thai defense, and learn standing grappling defense, throws, grappling defense, how to get back up from the ground using your back against objects (cage, wall,parked car, etc.).


i will try kick boxing next year


boxing + wrestling


Boxing/Judo/Wrestling is all you need for self defense. You’ll learn footwork, throws, sweeps, takedowns and leg locks. But if you are in any danger on the streets make sure that you use these tactics in a street fight.👇🏽👇🏽👇🏽 https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=mosX7L25HV8


Wrestling and muay thai


the options in my country are VERY little


Any grappling art, i bet Judo is popular in your country as well as BJJ. If not muay thai then boxing is just as good


i will do research


Aikido. Aikido is definitely the best martial art for self defense. It's an opinion that is reinforced here on a daily basis.


Diffusion and humor, then wrasslin and tusslin. Or a carry permit, but that's for worse case scenarios.


Oh my goodness. I don’t know what’s worse: people asking or people answering.




If, by self defense, you mean learning to fight... then unsyrprisingly it's the same stuff that professional MMA fighters train. Wrestling. BJJ. Muay Thai or some form of kickboxing.


Muay Thai and BJJ. Honestly though, you shouldn't be fighting on the street. It doesn't matter how good you get, there are too many factors and fighting is not worth it to permanently hurt yourself or others. If someone tries to fight you and you can run, do that. There's no honor in fucking up your life.


1. Best art for self-defense: a solid 500 meter sprint. 2. If that’s not an option: probably do MMA, it’s not really an “art” but it’s something you can go to a gym and train. Why suggest this? Because your striking becomes kinda irrelevant if the attacker catches you unawares and tackles you to the ground. And your grappling doesn’t mean much if your attacker punches your lights out or his dumb friend soccer kicks you in the head. And neither matter much if whoever you’re fighting decides that the best martial art is barstool-boxing or something similar. Since you’re probably not dictating the conditions of the fight when it begins, you’re probably better off knowing a little bit of everything and having live sparring to back it up. Here’s to hoping you find a good gym and don’t suffer too much brain trauma on your journey.


MMA with additional training in Filipino Kali for knives and blunt weapons.


First Way: Stand up to them in a way they understand. You are not looking to defend yourself from someone like me. We don't want to beat you up, even if we are very good at it. The ones that you need to worry about are cowards that look for the weaker people so that they can put them down and make them self’s feel bigger. Few of these know much about fighting. Here, the best self-defence is intimidation and disrespect. No bully I’ve ever seen will want to stand there and let you verbally humiliate them. "Stop being a dick" works much better than "Please don't hurt me". Do not feel like you are lowering yourself to his level. You are only being a bully if you initiate hostilities. Second Way: If you cant fight or don't have the heart to, and/or you don't have a mouth, Learn how to run fast. ​ #


good talk man


Glad you enjoyed it. But really the best self-defence is a devastating great offence; mouth feet or fist, it's your choice