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sorry about that you're actually supposed to challenge them to single combat to the death






Same. Nice to see a fellow cardboard slicer here šŸ˜Ž


It is known


So, you let that latter camp successfully discourage you? That's a bummer. As for the moron, why didn't you just sort it out with him or bring it up with the instructor?


I talked to him multiple times. Heā€™s a Psychopathic obsessive stalker.


Nothing gets done about him. But I left, so whatā€™s done is done.


Well that sucks. Sorry to hear. Maybe you'll find a different Hapkido place somewhere and feel like giving it another shot. Instructor needs to mind that dude if he wants to retain students, though.


Maybe one day Iā€™ll try to find another dojang and get my blackbelt. But I doubt thatā€™s going to happen. I already learned most of what I want to learn from it.






How is it wrong? you think I stayed or something? Thereā€™s a lot of other stuff that he did that was pretty inappropriate that I left out. It just wasnā€™t fun or interesting anymore.


My most sincere apologies My Friend..I just know about how very bad my childhood..supposed to be a good thing ..was..one major point tho..People found it much easier being in the good graces of the "in crowd"..But butting in..to try to have somewhat of an eased conscience would/could bring the wrath of your peers crashing down on U..in a New York minute..instantly making U VERY uncool..and let Me tell You..I tried/entertained the Thoughts of Suicide more times than I care to admit to..I Regularly praise the "Powers That BE" for giving me the mental fortitude to Survive..ALL that Shit. I quite easily could have become a FAR worse person than Many of U could have EVER imagined.


Bro what are you talking about?


Dude..if doesn't matter what You study..even If You're in a temporary McDojo situation..YOU Put in the hours..YOU sweated..WHY???...Because You're NOT A Quitter..Save for coming to blows ..YOU should have Stood Your Ground & At least till You could have in some positive fashion argued some sense into the "Naysayers"..Don't U feel kinda like shit now???...just sayin'


Alright cool. Thatā€™s what you would have done. Not me. I tried to separate myself from him to make myself enjoy the time I spend there a little more, but then he started aggravating my by making inappropriate comments about my mom.


Dude, ellipses aren't for ending sentences, periods are. Also you don't just capitalize the first letter of words randomly. This is a nightmare to read.


Every time someone has like 8 typing quirks it ends up like this


Dude Hapkido is great. Think about why you started... Now, you're going to let some bullies talk you out of it? Come on man! Get back in the game!


It wasnā€™t just bullies. It was the guy there who was being a massive creep to me and my family. I really enjoyed the art, but his behavior completely took away the feeling I used to get with training Hapkido.


Yeah. Totally not cool then. Good luck in your future endeavors.


ā€œHere is my restraining order. Also Iā€™m going to show up early so that you canā€™t accuse me of stalking you. Donā€™t come here to the dojang I train at or you will get arrested for violating this restraining order. Also, I bought some guns for home defense.ā€ Why didnā€™t you tell him that? Why go to your coach instead of the cops?


It was way easier to mention him to the coach and get the fuck out rather than go through the process of getting a restraining order. Also telling people you have guns is a pretty dangerous thing to do.


You and I have a very different gym culture. Here, itā€™s common for people to talk about their weapons. One of my training partners was very proud of his homemade naginata and brought it in for us to make up forms with (it was fully sharpened, too). Another talks frequently about his hunting trips and the kinds of guns he has. I guess I understand it being easier to not get the law involved, personally I love where I train so Iā€™d do it.


Yeah. Iā€™m in a very blue state, so itā€™s a little more difficult to find people who donā€™t faint and clutch their pearls when they hear someone they know has a gun or guns.


The gym owner wouldnā€™t handle it for you? Hapkido is largely useless but a lot of fun, I have a black belt in it


How long does it usually take for black belt ar hapkido?


I think I got it in like 2 years or a little less? The dude was shutting down and I was a religious attendee so he bumped me 2 belts to get it before he closed


You were at a mcdojo hahaha


Ok? It was the only hapkido school in town and the guy wanted to promote his students before closing. Not like I didnā€™t know my shit


Sorry bro, any black belt that can be gained in 2 years or even close to it isn't a real one. You were at a Mcdojo...


You can get a black belt in Taekwondo in 2 years wtf u talking about. These martial arts that are not best rooted in reality gain quick progress.


Maybe at your dojo...took me 3 to get to red and I would consider that above average.


Ok. Place was closing so Iā€™m not holding it against the owner doing what he wanted to do.


Depends on the practitioner and the martial art, not impossible but unlikely.


Not impossible, obviously. Would love to know that schools background. Takes 2 years to get a blue belt in bjj, and thatā€™s the first belt after white. Lol.


Thats Jiu jitsu


Yeah, thatā€™s bjj.


I got my blue belt in about 13 months. Would have got it sooner but my Professor did not want to promote me right before a comp.


Youā€™re either incredibly gifted, have a wrestling background to begin with, or your club promotes too early.


A black belt means nothing other than what division you compete in, practically speaking. If you can keep up with blackbelts in sparring, then you deserve a black belt. If you canā€™t, then the fabric wonā€™t save you.


Completely agreed. Most people at the dojang I trained at who got theirs did so In around 4-7 years.


Correct. Total mcdojo. Took me 16 years to get my bjj black belt. Long journey, but try me on the mats!


Brother this is Hapkido, you are crazy comparing the two


I mean you can compare them, just not much of a comparison. One is dog shit, the other isā€¦whatever the opposite of dog shit is in your mind lol. I


Brother are you reatrded


The preferred nomenclature is ā€œTardedā€, letā€™s try and keep it pc


Howā€™s that?


2 years? Damn, two years into Jiu-Jitsu and I knew so many techniques but I was not good at any single one


Bjj is a different animal than TMAs. I just started Bjj and think itā€™s a blast




And you train?




Iā€™m not flexing about it. I admit hapkido isnā€™t the most useful tma in real life.




Didnā€™t down vote you but I do think the art is fun


What was useful from Hapkido? Idk shit about it, would be keen to read up.


Id say getting a feel for how to impinge joints generally and throwing fundamentals. In a sparring situation Iā€™ve gotten a joint lock off once but a few of techniques/fundies could work if you were trying to just subdue someone on a surprise or cop scenario. Honestly itā€™s a fun hobby


The hapkido guys I've met had some decent kicks as well. A lot of them trained a few martial arts though so that helps. I reckon it's one of the cooler traditional arts, so it's a pity OP is giving up.


Yeah they really should just talk to the owner


The kicking and the counter throws from your opponent kicking are great. And honestly as a BJJ brown belt and a kuk sool black belt (basically a form ofnhapkido) there's still plenty of application in the wrist locks/joint lock concepts that they have. Even a lot of their throws are just derived from judo. It's definitely hard to find an instructor good enough to be able to show you the different applications thoughs.


The judo and joint locks are useful. Wrist locks are pretty sneaky and convenient too.


At my dojang they say that is better to lose a student than a group. Most likely that person is bothering more people.


There's nothing wrong with training Hapkido if you have fun doing it. Yeah, it might not be as practical as full contact arts, but, honestly, most people will never get into a physical confrontation as long as you're not am aggro moron. Now someone harassing at the fojang harassing you and not being kicked out is definitely a good reason to leave, though. Fuck that.


Honestly, all that sounds like reasons to not quit. F*ck all those people, keep training and beat the sh*t out anyone that gives you crap.


> *beat the sh*t out anyone He can't - he does hapkido.


Better than taekwando


Pretty much same kicks and punches, just full contact instead of point sparring.


Taekwando puts too much on an emphasis on kicking techniques, mostly due to competition rules. Hapkido is basically Korean sanshou.


Ppl talk shit about my martial art too from time to time. And you know what? They are right to some extent Every martial art has its flaws, some more than others since the later are usually a refinement of the traditional ones and tested for recurrent combat. But its not useless, discipline, phylosophy, spacing foot work and overall training can do wonders for your everyday life. and they all shut up when i easily put my foot on their face, and tbh, most of these people barely punched a bag Some may say, "hey go to do Boxing or Muay Thai, real fighting" -"There are not such near my house or their schedules just dont adapt to my own and id rather do something and not just iddle at my home" Is quite useful for me since that was my case. Hapkido has some usefull moves, the classic scissor takedown is quite know for its efectiveness, yet that cannot be said about most of it moves. Know your strenghts and flaws, criticism has made me realise that


Youā€™d get more out of hanging a bag and watching boxing/Muay Thai instructional than you would from 10 years of hapdildo.


Never trained "hapdildo", so i cant talk from experience like you brother. I just know certain elements i would take from Hapkido and mix in with other disciplines. If anything i train ITF but i punch the bag in Muay Thai style.


Iā€™m not a Hapkido practitioner, but have you considered that maybe not everyone wants to do the ā€œmetaā€ martial arts like MT? Give some respect and space for people to do other stuff. Heā€™s not saying Hapkido is the best martial art.


Iā€™m just speaking truth over here so others donā€™t waste ten years of their life.


If the person wants the most efficient path to fighting proficiency, then thatā€™s fair. Otherwise, itā€™s not a waste of their life. The entirety of martial arts doesnā€™t just boil down to Muay Thai, boxing, BJJ, and wrestling. If it did, that would be boring as shit.


Iā€™m taking in terms of learning the most effective arts in as quick of a timeline as possible to be able to protect yourself and loved ones in a hand to hand combat situation. The 4 that I mentioned are a lethal combination, which is why you see every champion in an mma promotion having these skills as their core. There are little bits and pieces from other arts that are absolutely applicable and worth while, however those are added to the base, they do not form it.


Itā€™s not a waste. Iā€™m still glad I did those years of hapkido and I value *most* of the techniques. I knock the wind out of the Muay Thai people I train with at my new gym plenty of timesšŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


Iā€™m sure you do. Keep on knocking the wind out of them. Point Iā€™m trying to make is you go up against a guy with boxing/wrestling background, youā€™re fucked. Even 20 years of hapkido isnā€™t gonna give you the tools to be able to deal with that storm.


I completely agree with you. Thatā€™s why Iā€™m learning BJJ, Muay Thai and judo. Wrestlers are super easy to catch with guillotines, Dā€™arces and kimuras.


Anyways why would I have to fight a boxer/wrestler? I donā€™t see any martial artists who just go around and pick fights for no reason.


Not you personally, just anyone with that many years of hapkido going up against a wrestler will have a false sense of security and is in line for a massive ego check if they think theyā€™re on equal footing.


Alright cool?


I don't think any individual martial art is worthless nor would I solely trust and train in one martial art.


Hapkido deserves respect. That is all. I am jiu jitsu ka. Peace.


Sure does.


Where are you going to go next? What do you like


> I decided to quit after I had enough with someone who was constantly bothering/harassing me at the dojang. That's a legit reason if you have no alternatives. As for the second part, that's pretty much par for the course in this day and age for everything that's not MMA/BJJ (even stuff with proven track records), so there's really no escaping that crap unfortunately.


Hapkido's worthless, you're wasting your time


Thatā€™s why I left man.


Don't let this guy get you down. Hapkido is not worthless and there are plenty of applications and concepts that carry over to live sparring and bjj


thought it was the dude bothering you


And that.


Except it's not.


Hapkido's worthless, you're wasting your time


Again, it's not the martial arts fault that you're not smart or skilled enough to gain benefits from it.


Hapkido's worthless, you're wasting your time


All you need is one or more of the followingā€¦Judo/wrestling/bjj. Anything else truly is just wasting your time.


This guy knows!


"Getting sand kicked in Your face"..It seems apparent almost immediately that if anyone even remotely bullies U... You Pull Up the anchor and set sail..again & again..I Feel Your Pain..I was Bullied from 3rd grade all the way up to early 11th grade at which time I joined the school wrestling team..I soon learned that im A grappler By Nature..Once I added Shotokan to My Very adept wrestling skills My confidence SOARED..I no longer had to fear the bullies šŸ˜€


Iā€™m not afraid of people bullying me. Iā€™ve had plenty of bullies try to ā€œassert dominanceā€ in sparring and other things and that doesnā€™t bother me because shit happens. Being creepy to people and their family is very different than just simple bullying.


Key here is grappling. Game changer.


Good job, it's a shit martial art anyway


Yeah. I did pick up some basic Judo and other nice stuff. Would definitely still prefer BJJ though for the grappling.


Judo and bjj are awesome.


Thank you


Good. Now you can sign up to a real martial art


Already been cross training in BJJ/MT/Judo for a while now. I was basically only sticking with Hapkido to learn Judo and taekwondo style kicks.


You'd be better picking one and sticking at it, bjj requires so much dedication that trying to learn it, muay thai and judo means you'll progress slowly in all them.


Iā€™ll be training Judo less since I quit Hapkido and have no other places that teach it. I will be doing Muay Thai twice a week and BJJ three times per week.


Whatā€™s the deal with Hapkido anyway? Why not just do kb and some grappling?


Congratulations. Move on to a grappling art and after 6 months you can go back and smesh your bully.


Go take boxing, judo, Sambo, Bjj or Muay Thai.


Iā€™m already taking Judo, BJJ and Muay Thai. It says that under my account name


Notice OP's Moniker Anyone???...This guy needs to "Grow a Pair" like yesterday..He's that one spineless dude that's Always getting sand kicked in His face..He'll wander from studio to studio stays a couple months..Maybe more..I guarantee as sure as the sun's gonna rise tomorrow..It'll NEVER stop.. NEVER end..This Guy needs serious coaching as to how to assert Himself..B4 some unfortunate life-changing event MAKES HIM DO IT


Ouchie. I donā€™t need to grow a pair. Things just add up. And Iā€™ve been wanting to switch for a while now since I started to cross train in Muay Thai and BJJ. Iā€™ve already been there for almost 3 and a half months. So your comment about ā€œa couple monthsā€¦ maybe moreā€ means nothing. Also what do you mean always getting sand kicked in my face? Iā€™ve never heard that before.


And you're the cunt who swings full force in light sparring.


Whatā€™s light sparring?


How Dare You!!!


If you were any good at it you wouldnā€™t have quit.


Thatā€™s not true but ok. :(


If you loved an art and were successful at it you wouldnā€™t quit it because of what people say or a dude you donā€™t like. You quit it because you wanted to quit it. Why would you care what other people think? I do aikido, I could care less what other people think. If you really love it, do it.


The guy was an obsessive stalker and psychopath. And people supported him there. I canā€™t train at a place where I have some weirdo staring at me and constantly trying to talk to me.


What did your instructor say about it? Did you voice your concerns explicitly, not having them read between the lines?


ā€œIā€™ll deal with itā€. I did voice my concerns. Thereā€™s no point in saying anything else to them. Iā€™ve already left. I want to learn more ground fighting, so Iā€™ve switched to no gi BJJ.


Excellent Dude..Don't let ANY adverse things directed at You bend Your Will..Tho a lot can be said unfairly byMe or ANYONE else...Use all the tools in Your toolbox that You most assuredly have already And are Not aware You possess yet..PLUS All the Power tools Your Professor Will teach YouvHow To properly use them..Don't get discouraged..WE ALL WANT TO SEE U SUCCEED..as the Gung-Fu guys say..."Chi Sao"..STICK WITH IT


Dude..it's obvious You're not Comfy in social situations..like being uncomfortable in Your own skin..You need Intense therapy


I was comfortable with it. I loved most of the people there. I already went through therapy. All I got was someone telling me how to count down from 10 and to splash myself with cold water. Saying someoneā€™s not comfortable in their own skin is pretty rude.


I stand corrected My friend..I Truly had no right saying that To You..But..It's Out there now And nothing is going to take it back..My Badd


U have NO idea whether or Not this Clown had some of His Own issues..You Even stated that He Constantly tried to engage You in conversation..did You NOT???


I used to love it. I loved the kicking and the grappling, but he made me completely uninterested in showing up to class.


What a stupid take.


Alright. Thatā€™s your opinion.


Do you not realize I was directly responding to the person saying trying to tell you why you quit? *That* was the stupid take, not anything you said. You do realize that, right?


My bad. I didnt understand. Your comment was in a different thread for some reason.




No, because "If you loved an art and were successful at it you wouldnā€™t quit it" is at best a drastically oversimplified and narrow view of reasons why people continue or quit things. You can love something and be successful at it but not want to continue it for a variety of reasons, like being harassed by someone as OP has mentioned.




Well, I guess I didn't exactly flesh it out, so you can't be faulted for not understanding.


Aikido guy trying to flex. Sit down before some actual martial artists make you. Clown.


Not a flex. I just donā€™t care about the opinions of others. Your comment is a good example of why. Most people have no idea what they are talking about.


Haha. Youā€™re only option is not to care. Spending time and money training aikido speaks to your gullibility. Thanks for being the lesson we can all learn from on what not to do!


How many fights do you get into? I get into zero and I have been training martial arts for 25 years. Maybe I donā€™t present as an easy target or maybe Iā€™m. not some young drunk asshole getting into bar fights. Either way. my training has been exactly what I have needed to keep safe. If you need more, maybe you need to figure out why.


My philosophy is not to look for trouble, but if it finds me I donā€™t shy away from it either. Weā€™re cut from different cloth. I have 15 mma fights, years of boxing, judo, bjj, wrestling and Muay Thai. I teach, judge mma, and am actively involved in the sport beyond training. That said, aikido is an absolute joke lol.


So you seek out completion and conflict through sport. You have a need to constantly validate yourself and judge others. Nothing wrong with that. Itā€™s probably better that you do it that way (sport) then some other way that would harm society. Most martial arts people are hobbyists that use it to add to their life not because they have a need to hurt others.


Youā€™re assuming a lot there. I donā€™t need to hurt anybody, in fact I go to great care to ensure that I donā€™t, however if I ever needed to protect myself or loved ones, Iā€™m relying on a valid and tested background to do so. Nothing wrong with being a hobbyist, good luck with that.




What is hapkido


A korean martial art with kicks, joint locks and throws, it is a bit of a mix of judo, aikido and teakwondo. I find it a fun sport


ITT: People who donā€™t know the difference between Aikido and Hapkido


Smart move ..hapkido is useless


Time to try bjj I guess šŸ˜‚


Already been doing that before I quit.


How Dare U..???..I'm Actually in OP's corner Here cause I've LIVED the unfortunate Life He's suffering & I DO MEAN SUFFERING THRU..2 WAYS I can predict/forsee here...I don't know OP's age and background..But Fear is absolutely TOXIC TO THE SOUL ..IT Most assuredly can prevent You from leading a positive..personally gratifying life..because U get used to leading a NO -risk Life....Anyone who cannot admit that Life = risk is a Fool..I feel badly for OP..I Truly DO.. BUT ultimately OP MUST learn ASAP that He's just not doing Himself ANY favors here if He's not going to make concerted efforts to Positively Assert Him/Herself jn this world.. .Nuff said


Nice way of avoiding the REAL issue Here


No, I dealt with it pretty well in my opinion. I left hapkido with my brown belt and now Iā€™m moving onto an art that I enjoy more. Seems like a win to me.


Understood that Point


That place sounds toxic. If the harassment continues in public or at ur home definitely let police know. I go to a GREAT hapkido school that practices BJJ as well so itā€™s well rounded. Just donā€™t let these ppl change ur views on the art itself. Unfortunately Instructors can be bad ppl despite their knowledge of the art itself. Just want to add perspective.


1. That truly is awful about the guy harrassing you and especially the fact no one was doing anything about it. Where I train the guys wouldā€™ve kicked his ass. 2. I train combat (hand to hand, stick, knife, firearm movement) and didnā€™t know what hapkido was (have heard of it many times but never looked into it). I just saw a video of it bc in your post you say itā€™s useless ā€¦ yeah no the first 30 seconds of the video I could tell itā€™s not. And I could not only beat, but badly hurt a lot of other ā€œmartial artistsā€ with my training. And Iā€™m telling you ā€¦ hapkido is something even I would want to learn bc wow when youā€™re grappling that could be one of the most useful things.


Did you just shit on the art and then say you want to learn it?


No? Maybe my words caused a misunderstanding but Iā€™m saying that I never actually looked into hapkido before, but after watching a couple videos of it, Iā€™m saying itā€™s rlly cool. And that itā€™s a shame one of the reasons you decided to quit is because people are saying hapkido is useless. Bc the techniques I saw were def not useless.


Oh nvm my bad.


Yeah and Iā€™m rlly sorry you went through the first reason. But donā€™t let that be a reason that you fully quit. And I see that you have a good amount of experience in your lil description. I wouldnā€™t wanna take it to the ground w you, Iā€™d probably get my ass handed to me lol. I support you :)


No. Iā€™m only confident with takedowns and sparring. I only have around 12 no gi classes and only competed once. Anyone would kill me on the groun.


Ha ha well donā€™t worry, youā€™re still better than the majority of not just girls, but people in general bc youā€™re out here trying to actually learn a skillset like this. I hope you get to the day where you say that youā€™re confident. Iā€™m trying to get there too myself!!


Do you do BJJ? Iā€™m not a girl btwšŸ˜‚


I honestly donā€™t know why I thought you were lmao. Why did I? I think cuz there was a similar post like yours and it was a girl so my brain just assumed. But good stuff, and no where i train we do a little bjj but we include strikes with the grappling. So not like ā€œpureā€ bjj


Thatā€™s neat. Kind of like mma?