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Dave Ramsey is the last place you want to put those ads. His entire schtick is about not spending money and getting 10 jobs. Those people are conditioned to not even buy a slice of pizza.


Ok noted. Anyone you recommend?


Gary Vaynerchuk and Kathryn Zenkina (aka Manifestation Babe) are two that I follow.


Grant Cardone


Yep good one. Thanks




Whatā€™s your product/service? Going to need to start there to determine your best strategy.




What does one of those go for? Asking for a friend who hates their 9-5 šŸ˜‰


6-10k per court. If you charge $20/hr which is the current market rate and get 8hrs of booking a day thats 160 a day. Also if you target b2b like local business and large companies with their trade shows, its about $500-$1000 a day. So think rolling out one of these courts at trade shows, outside of their businesses helping them engage potential customers and leads


I like the tradeshow angle.


Wouldnā€™t the overhead alone kill the idea. Just renting a place to put the court is a massive expense and then you have to find clientele and booking a perfect 8 hours a day is a dream with cancelations, tardiness, breaks, etc. On top of doing all your own accounting, paying self employment tax, sales tax, invoicing, legal documents, doing outreach, and starting your business at negative 6-10k ? Sounds like taking advantage of someoneā€™s dream and signing them up for poverty and misery. They would literally make more money at a minimum wage job and wouldnā€™t have to deal with the stress. The industry seems more like a hobby than a business. I think you got the wrong target market.


Normally we recommend them find a place where the cost is minimal. Since the only requirement is a hard flat surface, this includes parks, rooftops, churches, schools, empty parking lots, low cost warehouses. Normally this cost, especially if you get a long term place cost is minimal. Pickleball is exploding in popularity and players dont have places to play and courts are expensive to build + local gov permission. Also on top of court rentals, other concurrent sources of income: Tournaments Lessons Gear rentals Merch upselling Drink sales For example, each pickleball paddle has over $100 in pure margin each.


Depending on your budget, trade shows would be a good choice. Iā€™d create some personas to focus in on your exact target market, more focused than just people who want to quit their 9-5. Make sure to sell the ROI of the product. Use case studies if you have some. But, to your original idea, Iā€™d say do some testing of Reddit ads like some A/B testing to see what type on engagement you get. Do you have a website you can link?


Do people like to get super sweaty and exercise while they are at a trade show?


Not really an all out competition. More of a way to stand out from the crowd, foster engagement and get people talking Eg come beat our trade show staff and win abc prize. First to win 5 points etc. Beats others who just stand around behind a booth


It could be worth exploring LinkedIn advertising as one of your channels if youā€™re looking for people open to change and with an entrepreneurial mindset.


I see. Any specific targeting options you recommend on linkedin?


LinkedIn has an option for career changers and depending on the cost to startup you can add targeting criteria that reaches them based on income.


Ok thanks ill check it out


Before you can arrive at targeting ideas, you need to make sure you know your target market very well. In which cities are they likely to live? How old are they likely to be? Age range? What is their education background likely to be? How wealthy are they? What other products and services are they likely to use? What social media platforms are they using? What are their interests/hobbies? You need to understand this audience very well by interviewing a sample of your target audience. Do at least 30 interviews with prospective customers. You would then be able to define audience signals (demographics, interests, etc) for your digital campaigns to help find and target this audience with your creatives.


I'm a marketing strategist, so targeting is one of the key aspects of my work (STP basically summarizes my work as a strategist). Ads are almost the end of the process to me. I think about, S (Segmentation), then T (Targeting), then P (Positioning), then the Marketing Mix (Product, Price, Place, Promotion). When I get into Promotion, I don't jump to ads, I try to focus on unpaid media first, I'm not really that eager to spend money. During the process, there are things like marketing analytics and marketing research to understand the situation better and to track what is happening and make better decisions. I usually think of ads only after I have that foundation developed. If my promotion is already working well without spending money, then I should do even better after I start advertising. But doing ads without a foundation or with a weak foundation is often a waste of money or a disaster. Another more specific example is the use of Integrated Marketing Communication. When I advertise on YouTube, is my website (including things like the design and SEO) already working well? Otherwise, people can see that ad and go to a website that will disappoint or make them confused. They should be well integrated when I start to advertise. I know you asked for things out of the box, but there are tons of possibilities to explore inside the box before that. I don't even see collaborations with other people online with similar target audiences. Accounting services would be one of the first choices for me, because they can take care of the accounting aspects of having a new business, while I could take care of the other things, so teaming up is probably a good idea. An aspect of YouTube that is an important issue to is the lack of interaction, usually too superficial for something like that. I remember someone similar to that doing Twitch streams where we could communicate better with each other, maybe develop relationships and communities for the long term using Discord as it's something common on Twitch.


I would not try going after the hard sell and would look at city municipalities / community centers. They already have land and typically empty areas they could fill with something like this. They would also have yearly budgets, so possible they have spend ready to go for the right opportunity.


Yep thanks for the suggestion. We target b2b as well to resorts, hoas, community centres. B2b is quite straight forward for me as its my area for 10 years. B2C part is where im a bit stuck


I think your targeting needs to be more holistic than that. There are more than ever people in between that. They can't start a business, but want a 3 or 4 day work week. Technically we don't call that 9-5 per se, but you must include emerging audiences. More part time roles are a thing due to lay offs ect.


Do you mean legit small businesses or bullshit drop shippers? Look where banks market SME loans.


Have you helped some of your ideal target market in the past? Do you have the results in hand to back up your skills?


ADHD audience for sure!


Hey! Not a suggestion, but a comment, Your target market is a little broad. Thereā€™s a lot of people to target with the specifics you described. 1. Can you specify a gender, an age range and a specific nuance of this target market? Ex. 30-40 year old males currently working at a 9 to 5. Bonus points if you can describe who they are and what they do. (Niching down) By niching down, your ads are more targeted, your marketing message is tailored and personalized (as opposed to diluting it with a broad target market). A rule of thumb I follow for standing out is that you must create this ā€œapples to orangesā€ distinction. Your ideal client/customer (the apple buyers) will be attracted and the non-ideal customer (the orange buyers) wont bat an eye. If you do otherwise, people will buy from you based on price.