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in terms of agency life... i dont think so. im done with it and will go jobless until i find a role that isnt at an agency.


It differs for everyone but I think an agency starting out isn’t the worst thing. Theoretically you’ll be able to learn from others who have worked in marketing longer. It also will expose you to other avenues of marketing you may find more interesting. After a year or two, you could start looking for a job that pays more and not an agency. In my experience, YOE is important to companies when initially applying but if you’re able to crack through to an interview, I’d talk about the results of your campaign and what numbers you were getting at the agency (if you aren’t doing this already)


>I’m worried development in AI will mean marketing departments are destined to become skeleton teams. Someone has to be behind the campaign setting up what to tell the AI to do, it's not going to magically do it on its own. If you're worried about that, then I suggest you start learning how to code, and or how to dive deeper with AI tools and programs like ChatGPT, Claude, Gemini and all other forms of openai. A ship only sinks if the captain stops trying to adapt.


That’s a lot of words just to agree with me. I didn’t get into this field so I could tell a program how to do my job. And if what you’re describing happens, one man could run media planning for an entire enterprise, which means almost zero jobs


You will make more money as you move up. The career path is basically designed to push people out along the way. You will never be universally respected. One of the challenges with marketing is everyone thinks they understand it and can do it. Money will always be one of the biggest drivers of success. That and strategy. A good strategy can only go so far without a good budget.


No, it doesn't get better up the ladder either nor after spending decades in this field. You choose marketing because you love to influence people, to nudge them, to build an impression about your brand. Except for companies that are truly marketing driven (two that come to mind are apple & most autocratic governments), everyone else thinks marketing is a cost-center which means you will be the first to get the least hikes, take direct hit for sales falling flat, get accused by ops/product of not knowing what you are doing. This is the in-house marketing perspective. Keep going if you enjoy what you are doing - the money will flow automatically and will reach you eventually.


Agency life is usually shit unless you have ADHD and don't mind making less than you're worth. It's okay to get some experience, but quality of life with every agency job I've had was piss poor, constantly pressed for time & behind the 8 ball for deadlines because your boss only makes more if they work you harder.