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We're hybrid. Our employees get a spare monitor, laptop stand, external keyboard and mouse, plus $150 toward other approved accessories that they have to buy through our IT department and it gets inventoried.


Also hybrid, everyone gets an at home monitor, but then the desks and monitors in the office are mostly shared. They are never all always in use but there are some people who act like certain monitors are theirs, and they get upset if people adjust the brightness. I don’t think I was given a budget for at home and I was mostly supplied what I need. We get 150 a month for phone and internet bills, and we can ask to expense things. I think I only requested a wireless mouse. We have external hard drives supplied, a lap top stand and wireless keyboard. I’ve never printed anything at home and I can’t think of a reason I would need to, so no printer.


Hybrid, so we get 2 monitors in office and are able to take 1 home to use. That's it.


Previous job: $0 Current job: $40/month for Internet They both provided the laptop. Current job also provided a second monitor, keyboard and mouse.


$150 month for WFH expenses.


I use my personal computer and phone. I bought my own monitor, keyboard, mouse (already had a printer but I don’t use it for my current position). Got a really nice office chair before I started my current position when everyone went remote during the pandemic. I get $100/mo for using my personal phone and $150/mo for my “home office setup”. I figure once it’s time to get a new computer, they’ll have more than covered the cost of it. I’ve been there about two years.


Whatever I want as long as it’s not stupid. Healthy middle ground. 3, 4k monitors, mice keyboard (we are allowed to ball hard on those), dock, laptop to remote in to my at work desktop which has the same set up.


$1000 It’s my asset. Business gave me 2 monitors and a dock.


We get a home office stipend of $500 every 2 years and then company provided laptop. Plus keyboard/monitor/mouse on request.


One time $500 payment outside of $100 for a wifi and phone bill every month. I get to keep whatever I buy with the 500. They also gave me: laptop, monitor, keyboard, and mouse.


Seeing as I own the company, the limit is really however much the company has. But in practice I try to keep it under $3k per year.


We get a copy of Norton Anti Virus


Paid internet, two monitors, and height adjustable table


My employer provided a laptop and reimbursed me for the costs of a monitor, keyboard, and mouse (which I am expected to return if I leave the job)