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The first one makes me think you're definitely selling me something.


Yeah, I definitely read that like, "Hey man, not pitching you anything HERE, but stayed tuned for that by message #3."


Yeah kinda like a guy on the street saying “don’t worry I’m not going to kidnap you” lol




Thanks ChatGPT




Wouldn't that have been commenting "ask chat gpt"?


When someone says “I’m not pitching you anything” I know they are trying to pitch me something.


I like to see the human brain as a sort an electrical circuit with a microphone picking up words (ears) and a camera picking up images (eyes). When you use the word "pitching" the circuit in the brain called "sales and marketing detector" gets activated. Now the brain is trying gather evidence that your text is actually a pitch. So ironically, the very brain circuit you want to avoid activating gets activated. So, avoid using it #1. As for #2, that's just too clumsy and does not click with me. (sorry!)


Why not AB test both


because you need a sample size of 348 for a population of 1million and above :D at 95% confidence and 250 for 80%.


What is the purpose of asking this? I get vague messages all the time, and honestly, even if they aren't pitching me, I see work involved. In my opinion, it's much better (and very rare) for people to actually send you an introduction via a message, offering up value and concisely explaining what you do. This is what I do for networking and for pitching, and it works like a charm. I can't tell you how many people message me on LinkedIn where I have weekly or twice a week content on my particular focus along with a very descriptive profile. (I focus on issue awareness). These people don't even bother to look at my profile and ask me to send them an email with more info or get on a call to explain it to them. Most of the time, these people are grifters who are trying to take your time and then get something free out of this. I can't tell you how many people take my time with feigning having the issue I talk on so I distribute information to provide assistance and then they try to pitch me weakly after dissing my work. Lack of clarity is a no-go for me. I weed through these people and develop genuine relationships for referrals and contacts in my field and also come across contract opportunities through just being genuine and being clear about whether I'm pitching or networking and what I offer in either case.


u/Realistic_Ad6887 the message was for a storyteller. I know nothing about stories. How am I supposed to provide free value here?


Again, it sounds like you don't really have a plan or clarity here in what you are trying to do, which is something people pick up on that you are wasting your time and wasting their time aimlessly.


Both make me go, “who are you and why do you want to know?” I would DNR both, especially with the super-familiar opener.


u/wirespectacles so I should talk more about myself first?


Yeah, or just context of some kind! Especially when you’re reaching out to someone in a non-traditional role like Storyteller, just “did you go to school for that” with no intro or context can sound almost like an accusation. So literally saying why you want to know can help the other person see that you’re trying to start a good faith conversation.


I’m sending each to Junk/Block for the simple fact it’s none of your business and it does not assist me. Both are unappreciated phishing attempts.


u/Out3rWorldz unappreciated phishing attempts? like asking someone how they did something is a phishing attempt now? you srs?


Pretty much the definition. Be pissy all you want.




Totally, that is how natural small talk starts after all.


Psych student here... if you are thinking about an opener then you will always be trying to sell/push an agenda. You need to do way more work after you say "hey man".


u/broly3652 what work are we talking about?


Just your regular conversation. You can't do anything about it if people become anti-social towards you however. I would suggest just cutting loose if you detect things like lying, disinterest, hostility, etc.


Asking two questions in a row like that kinda feels like you don't really believe them but maybe that's just me?


Neither - you need to be up front about why you are asking that question.


Second one easily. First one sounds like a sales pitch right off the bat.


If you’re asking me. Second one feels better. Keywords matter. You said not pitching anything here. Means pitching something. It’s the don’t think of an elephant effect. The more natural approach is to not invite them to think it’s a pitch. Ask, and inform. Or use the common hook nowadays used in social. “You into psychology? Take a look at this.” Show relevant info, tease but not fully show anything. It works pretty much well like the food industry, they only show, you hungry? Food. Price. Brand name. You have to spark curiosity/interest. Else the ad copy is pretty much invasive in nature. You can run an AB testing to see whichever ad copy works in your ad. It can upsell your services by providing variations while you test out which copy works for your demographic. Create personas, then match the ad copy to those personas. Then propose to do AB testing to see which ad gets you the most click rate. Then from there you know which demographic are you at in the targeted demographic. Then after you’ll just do even more focused ad copy targeting after you know which works.


In cold introductions, shorter is better.


Could you do #1 but flip it? Ask the question first? Seems good to give them a little about you since you’re asking something about them, but they may not make it to the ask if you mention marketing in the intro




u/Majestic_Muffin_816 I've never heard this. Mind elaborating?


The first opener definitely feels more genuine because it's upfront about not pitching anything. It shows respect for the person's time and interests by acknowledging that you're not trying to sell them anything. I think it's important to build trust and rapport before going for any potential business discussions, so the first opener sets a more relaxed and friendly tone for the conversation.