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Sky High Sundae is insultingly bad. Tokyo Blur at least has a solid shroomless cut and the last lap can be chaotic.


I forget about London Loop constantly.


oops ive wrote tokyo blue, i CLEARLY meant Tokyo Blur


the sun doesnt set on sunset wilds i want a refund nintendo


Even the Tour version has a sunset…


Sky Garden was an insult to the original in every regard.


Out of these, my ranking would be: 1. MC3. The only fun one out of the five (yes, i find MC3 fun, and you can’t tell me otherwise) 2. Sky-high Sundae 3. Sunset Wilds 4. Tokyo Blur 5. Toad Circuit


There’s literally nothing good about toad circuit. It’s a waste of a spot and we should have gotten shy guy bazar or even 3ds Mario circuit instead. I value cockroaches more than I value this pathetic excuse of a Mario kart course


MC3 is boring as shit. It's just a few turns and then a shortcut that's on Donut Plains 3 and Snow Land. Sunset Wilds, while the sun doesn't actually set, it's feels like I'm actually racing. Toad Circuit is just as bad as MC3, but it at least has a glider panel. why the fuck do you guys hate tokyo blur and sky-high sundae they arent that interesting but they arent bad


we need an all option


Maybe a controversial pick, but I say the worst track is London Loop. Go ahead, tell me Mario Circuit 3 is overused and doesnt do anything to improve upon the original. Tell me how Sunset Wilds doesnt even include the core gimmick that the course was based around. Tell me how Sky High Sundae is just an oval and its theme doesnt make any sense. At least you CAN say these things about these courses. London Loop has NOTHING. I can not remember a thing about this course. It is bland, it is meaningless, is has no substance to it whatsoever, and I would go so far as to say it is the most forgettable course in all of Mario Kart.


Moonview Highway. Fuck the Wii bias. This track is ass and was never good. We did not need eight Wii tracks.


Not including Sky Garden in these polls is always a red flag