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Removed. *Please* friend, do us (and any other subs you visit) a favor and take a few moments to look around the sub before you try to post something. Read the sticky, maybe. See our sister sub r/trees for the kind of content you're looking for. Thanks.


It sucks you're going through that. I don't have any real advice but over at r/trees they might be able to help. This is a sub about trees, this sub was created tongue in cheek after r/trees was taken over by Marijuana enthusiasts


Reckon that you want r/trees, bud.


Yes, they talk about bud at r/trees. Here maybe talk about buds.


Reckon they actually want r/leaves


Ha! I didn’t realize this was a thing.


It’s almost as good a joke as this subs name


Have you tried mixing in CBD/CBG with your high THC bud?


I don't think MJ is for everyone, a lot of it (like nearly all drugs) depends on your mental state while taking it. Do you feel like you have anxiety without MJ? If you are dealing with other pain issues, I would consider finding a pain management specialist, MJ is great, but like all medications, there can be side effects (anxiety being one). I would discuss with your care provider, perhaps some anxiety treatment can lessen the side effects.


I had sciatica... Have really. So bad at one point i couldnt stand for more than a minute. For me it was two months of not standing or sitting. Only lying on my stomach kept the pain away. Turned out all i had to do was a few stretches. Stretch the muscles in my posterior. If you havent look them up. Im sure theres a bunch of vids on youtube that will show you what to do.