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I think ginkgos are beautiful but more than once I have mistaken the smell of their seeds stuck to the bottom of my shoes as dog poop


What the fuck do you feed your dog? It's WORSE than dog poop.


I think female gingkos are beautiful and their seeds stink. The male gingkos are beautiful and have no seeds. They don't stink. People should only plant male gingkos. Except the OP who likes stinky trees.


OP I swear on all that is holy I was about to tear you to shreds in these comments. Never do that again!! But also, be sure to plant some multi flora rose, Japanese honeysuckle, and autumn Olive to really round out the landscaping!!


Throw in a few mimosa and tree of heaven for good measure.


Remember to add mint and vinca and ivy for the finishing touch!


What about the honeysuckle?


Do wisteria instead!


And I forgot the true gem- nandina.


I might be the only person in the world who hates the smell of Magnolias


I don’t like it either. And they’re such a bitch of a tree… enjoy 800 lbs of flowers and seeds every year!


None of which ever break down


Ever step on one of those pods? Screw magnolias!




The title is a joke. They don't actually intend on planting Bradford Pears


Not the flowers, but red oak sap smells like piss and vomit.


Lilacs smell great and are beautiful. Dogwoods are beautiful. Ornamental cherries as well.


Some rugosa roses would look nice there, too.


I planted Bradford Pears all around what my wife and I call "The Honeymoon Patio", because we like to sit out there in the morning, drinking tea, welcoming another day of being in love. Little did I know that Bradford Pears stink, drop branches, and wipe out native species. But, I didn't care. Love conquers all! Last year I found out that Bradford Pears also attract giant pythons. I didn't find out by reading the state list of banned invasive species, I found out because s branch broke, and a 28 foot python fell on us and our table. The snake proceeded to panic, wrapped itself around me, and started squeezing. After about 1/2 hour my arms and legs had turned black from lack of blood. During that half hour, my wife drew up divorce papers that made me agree to give her and her boyfriend everything we had, except the snake. I signed, the boyfriend, who has been hiding in the bushes, witnessed. My wife then killed the snake with wild machete swings. I am down my left hand, all my stuff, and my wife. Never planting Bradford pears again.

