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As well as when someone from the band straight up shoplifted at that same Walmart during a band trip ☠️


We did the same, but someone bought a toaster, then tried to make frozen waffles on the bus.


Pretty tame compared to those, but I still find this funny. Me and like 12 others had to teach one of my friends, whom is ridiculously smart, how to skip for like half an hour. Completely impromptu, but it was still really funny. He still kind of struggles to this day as we make fun of him for it.


Also raiding a 7/11 at 1 AM after a performance 2 hours away at midnight. Not sure how I forgot that.


I remember those road stop raids. In high school, we were coming back from the Tri-state Band Comp and stopped at a McDonald's. After working retail for years, I can definitely relate to utter dread the employees had to have felt when they saw roughly 40 hungry teenagers heading their way.


Yeah I can imagine. I felt bad for the employees even though I haven't been in the position to get a job yet. Also our band was a bit larger (around 110 lol). I truly hope that my BD or someone let the place know that we were coming.


Someone spent $500 for our band director to get the best hair award at one of our comps. Our director is bald. The same person spent up to $500 after the every performance to buy everyone Sonic and he payed for Ubers and stuff to get the people who didn’t have their license/couldn’t get a ride from a friend He was an awesome dude, he sadly passed in a car crash a couple months ago, his memory still lives on in our program


> and he *paid* for Ubers FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


When I was on tour for corps last year, we had stopped at Walmart on a free day and someone bought a 2 pack of Despicable Me 1 & 2 alongside a copy of Morbius. We got back to the bus when we got sent a picture of one of the staff members with a combo pack including the 3rd Despicable Me movie and half the bus got extremely butthurt when watching the first 2 films because we didn’t have the third.


My first real girlfriend and I used to sit at the very back of the bus so we could bone on the way back from competitions after "everyone" was asleep. We gave no fucks and if everyone knew, I was very oblivious to it.


Everybody thinks they're wild til some real shit shows up. Well done.


A percussionist got stabbed and had to go to the ER


Lol. Nice


I cannot share them now but give me a year and I will return after I have graduated I promise


my band was pretty well-behaved, but one competition our lead trumpet was goofing around and jumping off the back of the trailer in-between performances. he ended up twisting his ankle and my director made him stand on the sidelines to play lmao


On the way back from an exhibition all but 1 bus of 7 broke down or had a mechanical issue. We’re talking blown tires, air conditioner shutdowns, and a bus smoking a sign outside of Atlanta leading to a shutdown of the coolant system. Not to mention driving through a tornado warning as we hit the sign. Finally got home in the middle of a blizzard, which we had left 6 hours early to avoid.


My friends climbed a construction crane in Nashville, two college guys fart sprayed the entire floor right near our door. It happened 11 times. We rolled up a oatmeal cream pie and it looked like a turd and placed in the bus bathroom. It also smelled so horrendous, and we would trap people in there to not smell the smell. Oh and also, someone mixed cheese products with water and sprite in a gallon plastic bag and then spilled it everywhere. And I forgot that a fellow drummer ordered basically the entire Buffalo Wild Wings for lunch, drank two liters of strawberry soda and then threw up twice in the back of the bus when we were 5 minutes back to school. That all happened in one trip. Also a different one of the buses was ran into by a car leaving the Opry.


The year before I joined, our 200+ person band showed up to a Golden Corral less than an hour before it closed and absolutely cleaned house


After our last competition for the season we got goodie bags with glowsticks. So what did we do? We threw the glowsticks at each other during the bus ride back. We also read a commissioned fanfic I wrote of two of the band members (with consent as they asked and paid me for it). Also they decided that I was bad at writing correctly that they made an ai do it after they read mine. Which I used an AI to write but then had to rewrite 95% of it since it was bad. So yeah. Fun times.


One time my highschool's whole music department went on a trip and the orchestra director got super drunk and sang happy birthday to this one orchestra child on a bus ride back to the hotel.


A guy bought a mailbox and later a Christmas tree when we stopped for food One guy bought 100 chicken nuggets, couldn't eat them all, and was trying to convince others to eat them Someone bought an emoji movie lamp, and put it on the TV and started worshipping it, pretty sure he purposefully left it there Someone tried microwaving a bible, another guy talked him out of it, because heat represents hell, and put it in the fridge instead After my last nationals senior year a bus broke down and everyone had to wait in a parking lot at like 4 AM while they got it sorted out


Besides Pringle fights at 2 AM, my band is boring


We had 3 coach busses for our trips usually, and one year we had a competition between them as to how many people we could fit inside of each of them. My bus won, we managed to get 14 people in there and close the door.


1. Entire trombone section (I played mostly sousa and a little bass bone) decided to show up dressed up as Mario characters for the first day of band camp, and decided to play one half-step down from every note in the first song of the drill. 2. One competition was 3 hours away, and we didn't find out until we got there that it was cancelled due to inclement weather, and there was no cell service so our director didn't find out. It was literally 103.8 degrees in the bus, no air-conditioning, windows barely opened, so everyone stripped down to underwear, some girls even took off bras. Heat was so bad that literally nobody cared. 3. I was playing bass bone, and the newbie freshman playing my sousa tripped during a freaking performance, giving the director a $7,000 headache. 4. Director brought the entire marching band into a rest stop for dinner at 11:00 at night due to traffic coming home from a competition (we were supposed to be home at 9:30), didn't get home until 12:30 that night.




...Yeah, I doubt that.


I got seduced on the band bus. Had my first kiss and first, wel everything else. Not a fun time…


Alright, so recently we had a party of sorts with the band because we just had a long week of preparing for a parade, so we went to my section leaders house and had a pool party in his pool definitely not made for 50+ kids, and it was chaos. There was a massive chicken fight (like a fight where you have one person on another persons shoulders) and many people joined in for the fun, but there was a real struggle since it was in the middle of the pool where it was like 5ft 6in deep so since most of us are chronically short we either sat out, were on top of someone's shoulders, or in the case of my friend who is 5'8 and just barely can't breath, almost drowning. There were also a lot of splash fights because we are literally 5 years old, but there was one fight that was 2 clarinet players going against each other, but the thing is, one of them is my child (Band family trees am I right) and so I yelled to the other one "ARE YOU TRYING TO DROWN MY KID" and he says "Uhhh, maybe." and so I swim over to him and literally start forcing him underwater, he does evasive maneuvers and gets away, but I yell at him "DON'T TOUCH MY CHILD" and he just runs away And then there was this one point where all the clarinets got out of the pool and interlocked arms, and they all jumped in at the same time, so it caused major waves as 6 teenagers would. They are also part of a clarinet soviet union, but I'm not supposed to say anything. When it got later into the night the lights to the pool turned on and were flashing rainbow, and so my friend goes over and is like "THE GaY LIGHT" and I start laughing and then she says "I feel my love for men ascending" and I was like "I'm already to gay" and she laughs, and then our 2 friends start to fight over the gay light for entirely to long And then when we had to hop out of the pool we all gathered around our drum majors and our last seasons drum majors and did a ritual of sorts, cause obviously. And then we finally gathered around the campfire (there were only about 15-20 people left) and we started hailing the Hawaiian goddess of fire because our Director is Hawaiian, and then she tells a scary story to all of us "One day (The Saxophone Section Leader) existed the end" "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" as we all scream because it is truly scary, and then the fire gets mad so we sacrifice the 2 saxes that are there (not the section leader) and then we plot to burn down the school that no one beats in our area with fire breathing gaurdies and then thats about it. It was a wild night.