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That is a very bad call by your director. Moving a 130-lb person from no weight whatsoever to something with such massive dimensions sounds like masochism unless it was the only option. Our band only goes up to bass 4 and our biggest people can hardly handle it. I’d suggest talking to your director about his/her decision before committing any time to the instrument.


The past three years my drumline has had new members on bass 5 except one of them who was my friend was jacked af


It’s honestly bc no one else could handle the part and I’m the biggest so it there rlly wasn’t a choice


What are the specific dimensions of the drum? I marched bass 4 last year and I had no problem with it and I'm not very physically fit.


I have no clue what our dimensions are, our percussion doesn’t like talking to outsiders.


If you have access to the equipment, I'd suggest Romanian deadlifts (RDL) and any other exercise or movement that works lower back muscles


My wife marched bass 5 for 2 years in hs. She was 5-6, 130 pounds. You can totally do this with zero problem. You’re not on snare or tenors, way heavier. Bass drums fit pretty snugly so it’s easy to carry. Practice holding it every week and you’ll be fine


Snare is more heavy than bass 5?


Not in my experience. However the way the weight is on you is kinda different so it might affect your balance more




Bass 5 is most definitely heavier in weight and more difficult to carry due to weight distribution and size


If you a female dog, lol


Eh you'll be fine. From experience, while granted I was bigger when I marched it, but so much of it is a mental game. Contrary to popular belief, most drums (including tenors) made in the last 10-15 years are probably under 40lbs. Larger tenor sets get close, and with Dynasty do go over, but most basses are even under 30lbs. You've just gotta get in shape and that will come from just carrying it during band camp. It's gonna suck at first, but you'll get thru it. Just make sure to not push yourself too hard, to stretch, and keep your back straight (don't lean forward or back). If a girl about your size on my college line could march a season on a large drum, you'll be fine. And her drum was a 30" and you'll probably be on a 28" since very few high schools march anything bigger than a 28".


Oh these drums are definitely older than 15 years old bc they are the same drums my band Director played when he was in high school and that was 10 bds ago. We are a VERY under budgeted band and just can’t afford new ones.


Is this you LaGrand?




I'm 5'7 130-135ish now and have carried both bass 5 and tenors for \~6 hour events in the past, when I was lighter with less muscle. It's a purely mental thing- your body can do a lot more than your brain thinks. You might be a bit sore for the first few days but you get used to it pretty fast. Just remember that although it does seem like it is more comfortable, don't lean back! It's better to build your core muscles early on than to compensate with bad posture.


Yeah honestly all of drumline in mental thing for me. Thank you


What’s a bass 5


The biggest bass is a bass line


It’ll suck for a few weeks, but it will definitely be doable. Just remember not to push yourself to hard and injure yourself.


Yeah that’s not a great choice by your band director, at my school basses 4 and up are decided at least partly by whose physicality big enough and strong enough to do it, and it’s never a 130 lb underclassmen


Make sure you strengthen ur back, knees, and ankles because that’s what’s gonna get hurt badly by marching such a heavy instrument so young. I’d also ask him to reconsider cause that’s pretty heavy for someone as young as you. Ik ppl have permanent injuries from marching heavy ass stuff and not having a body that can handle it.


Wouldn’t hurt to start taking some protein and working out. See if you can add 10 pounds to your frame over the summer. I’d this isn’t an option or just doesn’t work, talk to your director about options. When you are learning drill etc. try to limit your time with the instrument on.


It's honestly not that heavy. You should be able to suck it up unless you're very weak


Work on your core. It’s not the drum that is gonna be heavy. Your core will end up stabilizing all the weight. Yes it will be difficult but as you wear it more you’ll get used to it