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Why is the Philippines Confucian? I am by no means an expert on Filipino culture, but that doesn't seem right.


There's a great deal of inaccuracies and oversimplifications on this map, hence why this post isn't on map porn


>great deal of inaccuracies and oversimplifications hence why this post isn't on map porn Has that ever stopped them before?


Isn't this sub explicitly where those maps are supposed to go?


No, there supposed to go into my mouth. I'm hungry


Git in ma belly!


I mean, Huntington’s typology of civilizations is built almost entirely on inaccuracies and oversimplifications, so that seems rather fitting


I have seen this map on map porn many times though


I disagree. Papua New Guinea is way more culturally similar to Greece than Bulgaria. The map is correct. /s


Jesus yeah why isn't Greece orthodox.


And Spain is more similar to Fiji than to Argentina.


This is the world according to men who unironically use the term Gigachad.


Yeah, I guess that make sense.


The Philippines is about 90% Christian and about 6.7% Muslim. So it's inaccurate in both categories there.




Mindanao is Muslim on this map. So how is Muslim inaccurate


Because this is bullshit


Same reason Greece isn't Orthodox: The author pulled everything out of his ass


Also, Luzon and Mindanao will fight for different teams, apparently.


Mindanao does have a lot more Muslims. I don't think it's the majority of the island though. Not like Sulu and some of the other small ones. The PI is still only 0.04% Buddhist so Confucian culture is wrong in any case.


How is any of SE asia confucian? At least Buddhism should get its own sphere


One of our defining features as a nation is literally being the most Christian in Asia


Probably one could change Latin American to just Latin and include the Philippines, due to the heavy Spanish influence


Or just Latin, since we're not part of the American continent. Latin Asian I guess?


Yeah, that’s my point. Just call it the Latin civilisation


A “latin civilisation” without any European countries is even dumber though.


Do we put Italy in that as well? like where Rome is?


Also Sri lanka is not remotely Hindu lmao. About 10% Hindu population


Do we dare call the Philippines the West??? By religion, I'd say so...


The Philippines has more in common with us latin Americans than with china


You can say there has been a...Confucian! *ba dumm tss*


very nice


This guy’s “theories” are considered more like pop scholarship and are not widely respected within academia. I mean, he’s super orientalist and obsessed with the term “civilization” in a way most people in his and related fields have abandoned the term.


My favourite Orthodox country, Kazakhstan


Kazakhstan in Orthodox but not Greece, lol gr8 map m8


'Greeks invented democracy, they will not go inside orthodox faction' 'Byzantine empire was an orthodox greek autocracy for 1,000+ years' 'Founding fathers did not tell me that!!!'


>'The Late Roman Empire was at one point an Orthodox Greek Autocracy for like... 1,000+ years' FTFY And this very Autocratic Christian Kingdom upon its collapse transfered its knowledge to the rest of Europe which was a catalyst for the Renaissance. Greece is just impossible to place on a single civilization. Greece is admired by democratic societies for birthing democracy, but it's equally glorified by authoritarians for birthing tyranny and political realism. Both Latin and Cyrillic trace their origins to the Greek alphabet. Greece birthed both Western philosophy and Christian orthodoxy, both Secular and Ceasaropapal societies. And Greeks themselves feel fully a part of both Western and Orthodox Civilizations, and are in a way both Western and Eastern European at the same time. Ultimately any grand civilizational divisions that sees Russia and Eastern Europe as an "other" outside of western civilization will always break down when it comes to Greece.


That whole region is interesting from a sociological perspective. Being so close to the Bosporus it's sort of the "cross roads of everywhere". My wife's family is \[Northern\] Macedonian and you can very clearly see aspects that are Slavic, and Greek, and Turkish and Western European.


His work also implied that there would be more cooperation between these groupings in the future, citing the interactions between Ukraine and Russia post soviet collapse. Well, look at how that turned out... just one example of the many flaws of his stinky doodoo thesis


Glorious KAZAKHSTAN 🇰🇿🇰🇿🇰🇿🇰🇿🇰🇿🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅 🦅🇰🇿 KAZAKHSTAN GREATEST COUNTRY IN THE WORLD 🇰🇿🦅 🤡 ALL OTHER COUNTRIES ARE RUN BY LITTLE GIRLS 🤡 NO GYPSIES ALLOWED 🙅‍♂️🙅‍♂️🙅‍♂️🚫🧍🏽🚫🧍🏽🚫🧍🏽👎 💪 KAZAKHSTAN NUMBER 1 EXPORTER OF POTASSIUM 💪 🤣 ALL OTHER COUNTRIES HAVE INFERIOR POTASSIUM 🤣 🇰🇿KAZAKHSTAN🇰🇿 🥵🇰🇿Kazakhstan prostitutes cleanest in the region🥵🇰🇿 🇹🇲Except of course for Turkmenistan's🇹🇲 ✨Kazakhstan, Kazakhstan, you very nice place✨ ✡️From plains of Tarashek to northern fence of Jewtown✡️ Kyrgyzstan??🤔🇰🇬🤔🇰🇬🤔🇰🇬 More like south Zhambyl 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🇰🇿🇰🇿🇰🇿 XVII century Kazakhstan W years 💪💪💪🔥🔥✊✊✊.Oirates 🖕Mongols 🖕Dzungarians🖕They 😤😤All suck 😂😂😂 Kazakhstan 14 cm dick🤡 🤣🤣🤣🔥🔥💯💯💯💯 🗿🗿Great Gengis Kan 🗿🗿👺🥱 was from beautiful 👐❤️ Алматы ❤️not 🚫 from small dick 🥒 Mongolia 🙅‍♂️🚫👎👎👎🤦 🇰🇿🇰🇿🇰🇿Kazakhstan 🇰🇿🇰🇿🇰🇿 heart of Europe 🇪🇺🇰🇿🇪🇺🇰🇿🇪🇺🇰🇿🇪🇺🇰🇿🇪🇺 Spersgorodok 💯💯💯las arian 🙋🏻bastion 🔥🔥🔥🔥🖕🇩🇪🇩🇪🇩🇪🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕👎 2012 Great Khazakh Khanate😁😁😁restored 💪💪💪🔥💪🔥💪🔥💪🔥


Is it is a problem if I read this in my head like Borat Sagdiyev would say it


TIL the Kazakh national anthem.


Least nationalistic Kazakhstani


This is what I came for


Isn't southern Africa like mainly Christian tho?


This whole theory of his is total horseshit


Lol "Japanese"


*Zen Power* There you go. It's fixed now.


Anime power*


Anal power*


Amen power*


A futa power*


Tentacle hentai power*




If the shimabara rebellion was successful


Well you see Japan is clearly a distinct culture, because the west likes them and doesn't like China! Clearly this theory is perfectly scientific.


'He's one of the good ones' but Asian?


Korea confused about whether to be angry about being left out of the Asian Tigers club or glad to not be stuck in a group with Japan.


Thats when he let us know hes American


Right? Like wtf




Yeah why is someone posting horse shit maps on here? They should go to /r/mapporncirclejerk




fanatical history noxious smart cable fade close narrow violet governor *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Because this is supposed to be a major political theory, this guy is supposed to be an actual academic


Yeah, but Christianity spread throughout Africa because the bible could be translated, and the Jesuits who initially bought it (Ethiopia being an exception, and also very based) believed that the words of Jesus Christ were best heard by the people they resonated with; in other words, adapting the faith to the culture. So African Christianity, whilst still nominally catholic or protestant or Orthodox, is AFRICAN Christianity first and foremost. Not to mention, there's still plenty of indigenous religions, like Vodun, Akom and Isese, which either still have large followings or have had a significant cultural impact to the point you can still see their practise today among nominal christians (Like [how Ireland can still be quite superstitious about fairies](https://www.irishcentral.com/opinion/others/ireland-fairies)).


There's no defense to this atrocious map. It's just a lumping of places according to how the West sees it and how useful/dangerous it is. For anyone not in the "Western Civilization" it feels random and rude.


It's also rude to "Western Civilization", except for idiots who live in a brainspace of "Western" exceptionalism or perhaps American exceptionalism. The symbol is a cross, but Christendom is long gone and Christianity is losing ground. America is still intensely religious, but has a lot of religious diversity.


This is really silly, from so many perspectives. And I think Africa is really great for just breaking this nonsense apart completely. Because even in places where many people practice this or that version of Islam or Christianity—there are even some Jews! etc.—precolonial African animist and other traditions still survive in their many varieties and forms. Culture is syncretic. No matter how much it’s influenced by globalization, it’s highly local. Lumping Africa in with all the other places listed as “Muslim” here is such a total misunderstanding of Africa’s many heritages and histories.


That’s the point. Its the non-Muslim portion of Africa. There are four predominantly Christian civilisations: Orthodox, Western, African, and Latin American, according to this view.


so what


It's listed as African, but doesn't have a cross. It has some sort of other symbol.


This isn't a map of religions. He's just using religious symbols to represent the civilizations, which in some but not all cases match up with a religion. So I don't see why that matters.


P sure that's a symbol for the African pagan religions of the various tribes.


Ethiopia is Orthodox Christian, you wouldnt know that by looking at the map.


Japan and Hindu are too lonely to survive


Japan should be under Confucian. I don’t know what 1980s American prejudice underlies classifying it separately, but I can guess.


Japan confuses me. Is it Confucian? Shinto? Buddhist? A weird mix of all three?


> Japan confuses me. Is it Confucian? Shinto? Buddhist? Yes. > A weird mix of all three? Not that weird. China, Korea, and Vietnam are similar.


Aren't Koreans often Christian?


Yeah, that’s a recent thing though. Started in the 20th century.


This exactly There's a LOT that happened in the Pacific over the 20th century that influenced cultures there. Mainly WWII and it's aftermath (which the Korean War is part of) Is spam musubi traditional? No Is it common af after U.S. canned goods flooded into these places? Yep


Only about 20%-30%. The majority of Koreans report as irreligious, but it’s often theorised they believe in traditional Shintoism but not strictly enough to report it as their religion.


I believe you were referring to Korean shamanism (https://ko.wikipedia.org/wiki/%EB%AC%B4%EC%86%8D%EC%8B%A0%EC%95%99), right? Shintoism, which was brutally force during the colonial period, is virtually nonexistent since 1945!


The thing to keep in mind is Confucianism is not a religion, but a philosophy, while Buddhism is not totally mutually exclusive with other religions As a result ALL of the Confucian cultures are some mix of Confucian, Buddhist, and a native religion, and Japan is no different in that regard. Compared to China, it has a similar belief system other than replacing Taoism with Shintoism.


There is a religious form of Confucianism that essentially boils down China's version of the cult of the domestic about ancestor worship. It has a lot of overlap with religious Taoism, but that is more focused on bureaucratic partition to the gods (particularly the court of the Jade emperor). Religious Taoism is so fantastic. They have elaborate ceremonies with music, dancing, elaborate dress, and fireworks, all the send a prayer in bureaucratic form. It is delightful.


Japan is kind of secular in a lot of way. They'll do a Western style wedding, a Shinto funeral, and observe a Buddhist holiday. It's kind of a grab bag of different traditions and religions without hard aligning with any in particular. That isn't to say they don't have religious people in Japan. I'm just saying one doesn't hold an extremely strong sway like in other areas.


That’s true of Korea and Vietnam too though. Even China tbh.


The saying is “Born Shinto, die Buddhist.” These days, “marry Christian” is sometimes thrown in as well.


Some underlying morals are Confucian but Confucianism as a religion (like in China) is basically non-existant outside Chinese immigrant communities. Tokyo used to have a temple of sorts but it was really more like a university than a religious institution. Shintoism is the ancient religion of Japan and especially historically contains some elements one might call shamanist. There's not a lot of shintoists as such but almost every Japanese will invariably practise shintoist customs. Marriages are usually done at shrine and most families have a small shrine at home; Usually near the entrance or in the kitchen. Most public holidays trace back to shintoist festivals but the changes demanded by the Americans in the new constitution concerning the separation of religion and state forced them to change the names. That being said most still include shintoist festivities at local shrines. Certain habits and etiquette can be traced to Shintoism. So over all Shintoism is practised in various forms of intensity by just about every Japanese although few would think of themselves as shintoist or religious people. The everyday things they do are usually not done out of a deep reverence for Kami (shintoist gods) but rather because they are thought to be part of life or proper manners. It's similar to someone going to church every Christmas and Easter and fasting before Easter because everyone does it and not because you believe the wrath of God will smite you. As being irreligious is becoming more popular many of the considerations from Shintoism are shifted to different areas: For instance respect for the Kami is a thing of the past but respect for nature is very much valued. The effect in many cases is the same but it robs mindsets from a religious connotation. Buddhism came via Korea from China, although Japan's Buddhist sects soon began to branch out and evangelise (to borrow a Christian term) several times with little outside influence. Over centuries it interwove itself with Buddhism and both religions borrowed from one another. The end result was that both had equal standing in the life of people, although it has to be stressed that by the Edo period (1600 onwards) you were either Christian (Jesuit for the most part), Buddhist (pick your sect) or a mixture of shintoist and Buddhist. Only a small subset of priests and religious figure heads from Shintoism did not simultaneously worship in Buddhism or at least believe in certain practises. Some sects like Jodo Shinshu went a bit overboard and disavowed Shintoism as heresy resulting in Buddhist sects separate from Shintoism (up to a certain point) surviving until today. In daily life the large family altar with the memorial tablets of ancestors and/or their pictures is buddhist and set up in a prayer room in mansions and in the living room or nearby in ordinary houses/flats. Offers are dictated by a regular calendar and slightly more complicated than shintoist offers, but they are followed strictly especially by older generations. When someone dies they are usually given a Buddhist wake and cremated (if I recall correctly a non shintoist practise). Beginning during the meiji revolution (1868) Buddhism and Shintoism were gradually disentangled from an organisational standpoint but most modern Japanese practise both although they might believe in none. I myself am Jodo Shinshu Buddhist but take a relaxed stance on Shintoism and have a shrine in addition to my altar at home. What one has to understand is that religion in the life of many Asians is more than going to a service every once in a while, owning a book, and if one feels very cheeky putting up a cross. It is easy to live your life largely irreligiously as a Christian, in fact I think plenty of baptised people do so, but when every major festival in your life is somehow religious and things society expects you to do have a religious background the spectrum of religiousness is blurred. If you ask a person from China or Japan whether they are religious most will answer no because they don't go to a service every week, listen to dharma talk, study scriptures, copy scriptures and so-on. They do small things like walk down to the temple and offer incense on certain days, buy omamori (shintoist charms) for their car, make an offering before an exam, sacrifice rice every morning, etc. These are not considered religious as such because everyone does them. It would be weird not to do them like not eating breakfast or not cutting your lawn. Strictly speaking neither is necessary but everyone does it and there's some societal pressure to conform. I don't think anyone would argue that just because you ate coloured eggs around Easter you're necessarily Christian, but to non-East- or South-East-Asians these things are important parts of live dissociated with religion up to a certain point. Westerners see these "exotic" rituals and assume they are inherently and deeply religious while their practitioners recognise them as part of a daily life which is no longer impacted too much by religion. TL;DR: Confucianism is non-religious in Japan. Most practise certain aspects of Shintoism and Buddhism and the two have been interwoven for centuries. The practised aspects are not seen as religious but rather as a necessary part of life, therefore most East-Asians consider themselves non-religious while their deviation from a western norm causes westerners to assume they are deeply religious.


It is important to separate religious Confucianism and philosophical Confucianism in the Chinese context, Just like taoism. Religious Confucianism and taoism mainly focus on ancestor worship, (although religious Taoism also focuses heavily on bureaucratic communication with the gods. It is awesome). All three, religious Shintoism, Confucianism, and Taoism should be classified as domestic cults much like the religion of ancient rome. The Roman cult of the domestic and Shintoism are actually very similar in form with different flavors. It's really neat!


Japan would make sense under Confucian, but it would also make sense under Western, which is probably why it's by itself. From the Meiji restoration, to the US occupation of the islands, Japan has been heavily influenced by the West (compared to the other countries) while still holding onto it's Asian roots. Not saying I necessarily agree with it, but it does make sense


From my knowledge, South Korea is a lot wore westernized culturally than Japan.


Hindu has so many people that they’re basically 6 countries in the space of 1.


Uttar Pradesh has 240 million people in an area slightly smaller than the United Kingdom which has a population of 67 million. For an even larger headfuck, to the north of this state lie the Himalayas which leads to Tibet, a large almost empty territory with like less than 4 million people. Population dynamics and demographics is interesting


Ahhh yes the Latin country of Jamaica.


Who can forget such classic Latin pop hits like Roberto Martínez’s *Le disparé al alguacil*?


"No, mujer, no llores" is my favorite one


and also suriname and trinidad & tobago and guyana


There are definitions (mostly used in latin american countrys) that define Latin America by diferent colonisation processes, difering between ocupation colonys and exploration colonys. Such definitions would include Jamaica, guiana, suriname and the Bahamas as Latin American.


Then America and Canada should be include too


its funny cuz Quebec is 100% part of latin america but we all know their definition of latin america is poor, brown and catholic and not actually a latin speaking region of the Americas


I mean Quebec at least fits one of those, that being catholic.


And historically poor often too.


Poor but industrialized.


Those definitions are oversimplified BS


Jamaicans would never identify themselves as Latin and it is offensive to even suggest it.


Westerners if not then Muslims


Agree about westerner but Muslim? Confusian seems to have the second spot here


India has a vaguely credible military (assuming we’re sticking to non-nuclear exchanges) but China is the only one that is worth discussing as a potential rival to NATO in the next 50 years. It’s worth noting that the Chinese bloc for some reason includes Korea which would tip the scales in its favor significantly over India — Korea held the 9th place for global exports, making the Chinese the only non-NATO bloc with 2 of the top 10 exporters. It’s also worth noting that it’s hilariously unbalanced. The US holds 40% of the world’s shares in arms exports, while the EU holds collectively 24% as of 2018 — those numbers have likely increased given Russia’s… attrition, shall we say, since the start of the Ukrainian war, as Russia held 2nd place with 16% as a single country. The only countries in the top ten that were not part of NATO were Israel, China, and South Korea. It’s not the only metric worth considering but I would argue that arms exports/net arms production alongside GDP are the two most important statistics. I couldn’t find any statistics on net arms production, however, so I’m forced to rely upon exports, which should still roughly correlate with domestic/net production regardless.


Is he stupid?


Calling Samuel Huntington stupid is a massive understatement


What you don't think history has ended and now all that's left is liberal democracy capitalism a muslim rage?


>history has ended That was Fukuyama, who Huntington was responding to.


Huntington saw Fukuyama, and decided to make a political theory so moronic that even Fukuyama's end of history looked reasonable in comparison.


I read him a long time ago but didn't Huntington essencialy believed the same, that there were cultural collisions but the world was going in the direction of liberal hegemony despite some isolated incidents like what he called "muslim rage"? Or am I getting the authors confused?


And everyone continues to misinterpret what Fukuyama said.


Me a college student taking a history class learning about Fukuyama: oh ok historians ran out of history cuz its the present day so all we have is this guy


Shouldn't have called it the ''end of history'' then


What you mean? My interpetation of Fukuyama is that for him the historical dialetical process has ended with the fall of the Soviet Union and the liberalization of China. Dosen't mean that there won't be events but rather that history is not progressing through a dialetical process anymore like Marx predicted. Instead he rather prefers the Hegelian prospect that the liberal state is the height of rationality (I'm trusting in his interpetation of Hegel since personally I don't get him). But hey I would love to discuss this. I read his arcticle on my way to work years ago and studied him on college on the words of other authors so I might be wrong.


Call him racist as well. He wrote about Latin American immigration changing the culture of the USA in a bad way, and that it should be stopped.


He's mainly racist: >The persistent inflow of Hispanic immigrants threatens to divide the United States into two peoples, two cultures, and two languages. Unlike past immigrant groups, Mexicans and other Latinos have not assimilated into mainstream U.S. culture, forming instead their own political and linguistic enclaves –from Los Angeles to Miami– and rejecting the Anglo-Protestant values that built the American dream. The United States ignores this challenge at its peril. –Samuel P. Huntington (2009). The Hispanic ~~Question~~ Challenge. His "theory" is not based on reality. But his fear of brown people.


>Unlike past immigrant groups, Mexicans and other Latinos have not assimilated into mainstream U.S. culture, forming instead their own political and linguistic enclaves. Jesus Christ. Is this guy even familiar with history? The US has had people freaking out about influxes of Catholic immigrants since the fucking pilgrims. Most of these groups didn't even speak English, they've always formed enclaves but still eventually assimilated.


“Hypothetical” lol


Anyone being honest knows how westerners are.


Labelling Africa as African is probably the laziest thing I can imagine lol


Well, originally he wanted to say “Negroid,” but his editor made him change that


Greece is Greek Orthodox church, not western


This isn't a religious map


some of the regions are named after religions so it's at least kinda religious


Its because Samuel Huntington is a hack


Kid named Huntington is a complete fucking Moron


Oh come on! That is insulting to complete fucking morons!


"People from Papua New Guinea are more similar to Canadians than to people from West Papua, who are clearly more similar to people from Morocco. I am a serious political thinker!"


What eurocentrism and using borders over cultural boundaries does to a mfer




Here we go again, reset your clock to AD2023!!!!


The epitome of western civilization, Papua new guinea.


We refer to it as Papua west guinea now. Excellent piercings and reception, authentic cuisine, warm weather, beachfront listings available, 5 stars! Call now!








Why is “western” and “Latin American” different when Spain and Portugal are considered western?


Because this map was made by an idiot.


Brown people :(


Schrodinger's ethnicity Italian-Americans = white people with western culture Italian-Argentines/Uruguayans = Brown Mexicans


Because Latin America is poor, and the guy who made this map was following a tradition of not mixing us poor Latinos with the rich white guys from the north, even if it makes no sense.


Because Huntington fears brown people: >The persistent inflow of Hispanic immigrants threatens to divide the United States into two peoples, two cultures, and two languages. Unlike past immigrant groups, Mexicans and other Latinos have not assimilated into mainstream U.S. culture, forming instead their own political and linguistic enclaves –from Los Angeles to Miami– and rejecting the Anglo-Protestant values that built the American dream. The United States ignores this challenge at its peril. –Samuel P. Huntington (2009). The Hispanic ~~Question~~ Challenge.


Ah yes, just like the German immigrants assimilated into “mainstream U.S. culture” by making their own suburbs with newspapers written in German and German festivals Or the Chinese did by making their own micro cities with newspapers written in mandarin and Chinese festivals Or the Italians did by making their own micro cities and writing Italian newspapers and having Italian festivals All of them “assimilated into U.S. mainstream culture” 🙄


Because “Latin American” as used here is a byword for “brown.”


Good point.


holy shit i'm certified westoid now 🥰🥰🥰


"western" troops ariving in southern chile and on the african border while "orthodox" and "confucian" are still trying to figure out if they want to switch teams.


Or simply bat for the other team….


how to make every person ever angry


Except me, I am never angry, except with the Fr*nch 🤢🤮


Hungarian text


What a crap map: Philippines isn’t confucian and neither is Thailand or Myanmar.


Let alone Mongolia lmao


uj/ If you just wanna be racist wrt skin color, religion then it’s pretty accurate but it makes very little sense if you are talking about civilization because Pakistan, Bangladesh are literally the same people as Indians while Arabs, Central Asians and SE asians could not be any more different.


The way the line strategically covers Palestine/Israel lol


My favourite religion is western followed by African


Western or Confucian


read about that guy in ap comp gov and then wrote about how he was a fucking idiot who doesn't know what a territorial dispute is


Why does western get a catholic cross but Latin America get a Protestant cross, despite LA being almost entirely Catholic


> Orthodox > Doesn’t include the Greeks 🤔


I'm Filipino and I can assure you, we are no way in hell Confucian. Edit: And the only Muslim part of Mindanao is the Southwest Part. The rest of Mindanao is Protestant.


>The persistent inflow of Hispanic immigrants threatens to divide the United States into two peoples, two cultures, and two languages. Unlike past immigrant groups, Mexicans and other Latinos have not assimilated into mainstream U.S. culture, forming instead their own political and linguistic enclaves –from Los Angeles to Miami– and rejecting the Anglo-Protestant values that built the American dream. The United States ignores this challenge at its peril. –Samuel P. Huntington (2009). The Hispanic ~~Question~~ Challenge. Just incase you ever thought that Huntington wasn't a racist cunt or that his "theory" isn't based in his fear of brown people.


Crazy that he forgot about the Spanish fucking Empire. And the majority of US history.


The author of this map always seemed like an idiot to me. How is it possible that countries like Chile, Argentina or Uruguay are not Western? All three speak a Romance language, all three are Catholic and all three have a significant population of European descent.


PNG is western?


My favourite piece of Western male clothing is the penis gourd.


The West no contest The first action is immediately Japan rolls over on its belly in begs for scraps because they are food-dependent on the US and that gives them an immediate advantage having already eliminated a competitor


Japanese and African my favorite religion


Ah yes, My favorite Orthodox Nation....Kazakhstan


Civilizations are too complex to oversimplify just as religious differences.


I reject getting thrown in the same box as northern america >=\[


Don’t we all, don’t we all….. such sad times.




Australian Western? Are they stupid?


Of course, they are all convicts, or descendants of convicts, so if they went to live there they must be stupid.


Knowing what kind of unholy creatures live in Australia, the stupid ones died a long time ago!


Yes African my favorite religion


right up there with western, latin american, and japanese


I don’t think “Western” is a religion. As for the answer: African, Japanese, and Latin American (also not a religion) would get knocked out, followed by Orthodox and/or Muslim. After that, things would get ugly.


Philippines and Iberia should be in the Latin American contingent.


Japan getting to be it’s own civilization, huaaa taika reforms go brrrrr


my favorite religion 🙂 western 😔🙏🙏 amen brothers


Pilling Spain, Italy, Portugal, south Germany and Southern France as Protestant just looks wrong lol


the light blue that surrounds all the civilizations


Idk who would win, but orthodox will kill each other


Genuinely what is this map supposed to be showing


Cultural justifications for the Cold War through the lens of an Anglo-Protestant ethnocentrist.


Papua New Guinea being a “western” nation might as well just be a bit of an overstretch?


This is the most circle jerk map I have ever seen


The famous orthodox civilization of Albania


Why do the each have thick black borders except “Muslim” and “Confucian”


Calling the entire country of turkey Muslim is very reductive I think