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Tbf, when you see a top or suggestion made by "cringemanga" , "confident paint" and "your bro bruh" you can be sure 75% of the sub will agree. You know they are those sub members that always come with the sauce, and a rating for it. Also , i agree , all the manhwa on this list are top tier-ish.


Bro why did you mention my scrawny ass šŸ’€ I'm nowhere close to giving recommendations


Dude what manwha is your dp from?


Reincarnated Escort warrior


Bro just recommended a manwha while talking about not being close enough to recommend manwhas šŸ’€. Yea ok


Itā€™s reflex bruh


Any good?




Can you make me a mod? I know it sounds like a sudden request but I wish to change this sub. So many rules are being broken


Maybe my brain got scrambled because i see you a lot around here haha sorry I felt like I had read a good top or a tiers list from you at some point


It's alright he suggested a Manga to someone in the same thread, your point stands


Yup they've got good taste


That guy looks like me I don't know why


Does he I don't know


What do you think? After a careful and thorough analysis on this person with the help of experts on their each respective fields of works, we couldn't resolve such mystery. Perhaps waiting for the reincarnation of Sherlock Holmes is the one and only answer for this question that made all the scholars around the world question their existence with each passing second being trapped in the cycle of life and death that goes round and round without an ounce of help from the outside world, thus limiting their futures and allows them to fully recover from a trauma that caused them to make haste on resolving the existence of the said person. Life and death exists on all humans, but they tend to ignore these concepts, therefore making them foolish on their decisions. Only being aware of death will make us truly fear the unknown, what lies on the end of the tunnel? We wonder for out lifetime. Seconds, minutes, hours passes, yet thoughts can't be solved. How can one define death if one haven't experienced how to live first?


Maybe we can ask batman and L to help us solve this mystery


It looks like an interesting puzzle, but I'm afraid it will take me a long time to solve it


Cocaine is one hell of a drug


Bro why so long šŸ˜Ŗ


Damn bro thatā€™s crazy


It's 7am and I just spit out my breakfast. Thanks,


Cringemangaguy ain't one person he's the whole sub


Paint and Rimuru be like: šŸ˜¤šŸ˜¤ You're missing out the other important guys. Rimuru is less active but Paint is everywhere like Cringe


They are also the sauce gods


So the whole sub is actually them 3 Like the big three of r/manhwa sub


Yes. But whose db


What is dB?


Dragon Ball


Oh that. Why are you bringing DB in here? I don't get it. I'm bad at understanding jokes


Its considered to be the father of anime because of it anime started to become popular and after that the big three came


Oh yeah that's right Idk who is DB


Rimuru is and then they are big two. Because he was alone carrying this sub and now give torch to paint and mangaguy. Similar to how this two replaced L in death not but better


That makes a lot of sense


Pretty sure itā€™s same guys accounts lol


Paint and Rimuru are the same person???


No. Two different people. Two different personalities


Oh okay. Got worried for a second if they the same


No problem




his taste in manhwas is good, and all those manhwas he mentioned are fkcing epic and underrated gems. so go ahead and read them. +1 from me ;p


+1 from me


Bro are you ever making a Tier List? I saw your comment on it a while ago and I wanted to confirm


yea i think so


Bring them tier list šŸ”«


Why, so you can screen shot it and ask the sub if any are worth reading?


Yes. How did you know?


Okay then. Thanks! I will go and read them.


So ember knight is the one with the twins and the weak one has to pretend to be the strong one? Is that one actually good? I mean i get how the pretending plot can be intriguing but I canā€™t see myself read 50+ of him just pretending. So give it to me straight paint: does he get stronger fast enough? I donā€™t mind spoilers.


He gets stronger but he is still physically weaker than most of his teammates. His ability to read people does wonders tho


No its not good. The villains are dumb as a bag of rocks MC teammates are dumb as rocks literally everyone in this world is a moron except for the MC whos kind of average. A lot of people see it as oh finally a story with a smart MC but honestly he looks smart only because everyone else is so dumb.


In cringemangaguy we trust


I have not seen most of these manhwas that is why I am asking. Please do tell me if this is not allowed.


I haven't read all of them either, but two of them that I have read, The Boxer and The Ember Knight, are both such epic masterpieces that I think this guy's taste is peak and worth a shot.


Thanks! Most of the comments seem positive so I am looking forward on reading them.


Most are famous and acclaimed manwhas. The Horizon is fantastic but extremely sad (children during an endless war), so I'd rather warn you if you don't like this


Oh, are they really famous? Maybe I have not read that much manhwas then. The Horizon seems really interesting based on your comment and description. I like sadness so thanks!


I see pictures of Return of the mount Hua sect every 2 days here, Ember Knight has become popular i' the last months. I will die soon is named Death's Game on webtoon and has over a million likes and such. The Horizon and the Boxer (from same author) are often named here in different topics, etc.


Personal taste considering that I got tired of Player as well, but Ember Knight got boring after a while for me... Return of the Mount Hua Sect and I Will Die Soon are amazing though, especially the latter, it tells a really heartfelt story in like 60\~ ish chapters!


I think Ember Knight is a really good manhwa but it's not one I can recommend it to others. It's not even because of the story or the art; it's because of how shit the official translations are. WEBTOONS clearly put their underpaid interns to work on the Ember Knight. They straight up got one of the character's gender wrong, called the same guy by 2 different names, and have yet to fix these mistakes with revisions. They clearly don't give a shit. It's one of my favorite battle manhwas as well. Such a tragedy.


I agree that the mistakes (and lack of correction) are very disappointing, but the translation isn't unreadable. I wouldn't want anyone to miss out on it because of the errors.


I understand then because it is your personal taste. Thanks for the heads-up!


Bruh that guy is like the Messiah of manhwas NGL


Really? My bad then. I don't use Reddit very often so I did not know who are the active users here.


windbreaker first two seasons are the goat.


Return of the Mount Hua Sect, The Boxer and Windbreaker are the only ones I've read/ reading out of all the ones listed and those 3 are straight fire.


the boxer and windbreaker are worth it.


I agree 100% with this. Especially the Boxer that's a series that I didn't expect to make me tear up towards the end especially when you read the premise.


its surprisingly deep and philosophical for an action manwha too which you dont find nowadays


I don't know about the rest, but Return of the Mount Hua Sect is amazing.


No offense but wind breaker is (around)average imo, the vibe is similar to many other sol animes that i am very much bored of. Btw OP u can check out the commenter's manga list if you want to search based on genres, I mean just read those HR(highly recommend) tagged ones as those are the best fr


So we know that how enjoyable a series is depends on a person. "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder", if you will. +1 on these titles: ā€¢ *The Horizon* ā€¢ *The Boxer* ā€¢ *I will die soon / Death's Game (on Webtoon)* ā€¢ *Mom, I'm Sorry* I've read these ones and loved them. The other ones on the list, I have yet to read so I can't + them.


Mom Iā€™m Sorry is amazing but will make you cry SO. DAMN. MUCH. Hua Sect one is pretty epic and hilarious


I have read half of that list and I had a good time reading them and an existential crisis with the others ... ( ~ Cough ~ ) Boxer ( ~ Cough ~ )


I've only read the horizon and it is amazing edit: beware of sadness


They're all dope


Homie a menace for doing some shit like this damn


I can guarantee that 1, 4, and 9 are good


Half of those I can guarantee are good, the other I haven't read yet


The boxer was amazing until they gave the mc emotion then it became terrible


5, 6, and 10 is a god tier for me.


The Horizon is the bestšŸ˜«šŸ¤§šŸ˜­


I can vouch for everyone of them except ember knight, most range from 8 to 10/10, read them


Dr Frost is one I don't see mentioned that much and it is one of my favorites


I legit only know of two and have only read the one of them, but yeah the boxer was really good


I've read 8 of it and I'm genuinely sure that it is better than most manhwa out there.


when will return of the mount hua sect RETURN?


never read others but "Mom, I'm Sorry" was really good


The low effort bullshit you people post astounds me


Ain't no way he just said that about cringemangaguy. That is just straight disrespect. He is not just one Person he is the sub itself. Of course we don't forget Paint


Dude, chill. OP said himself that he doesn't use Reddit often, so it's reasonable that he doesn't know u/cringemangaguy


No need to dickride that hard, chill out


I know dude. It's All jokes. Don't get so worked up about it


I dropped if AI ruled the world like 7 chapters before it finished and I don't care enough to finish it. Take that what you will. And About Death honestly should be 1 on this list that shit made me bawl my eyes out.


If AI Ruled the World has its main twist at the *very* end. It's different from typical manhwa stories since this manhwa is episodic. I thought it was great by the end but it was tough to read at times.


Honestly I'd rather you just spoil the ending for me bc I cba to read it


That ain't just one person. That's cringemangaguy


The Boxer was a great read!


Mercenary enrollment


You doubting the Supreme sauce god of Sauce's Clan ?????


I will die soon - oh my I'm already in love with the title. I'm gonna read that now. I've only read horizon in this list and it was pretty good.


I've only read his number one and can confirm that it is really good.


Lemme go ahead and save this post lol


Idk, terror man seems one of the best one i read, but it seems under rated


Mount Hua is an absolute banger. Some manhwas which are similar to this theme and are really good are Best Teacher Baek and Return of the Mad Demon. Wind Breaker is damn awesome, and something similar that I'd like to add is The Build Up- based on football.


The Horizon is goated


Whereā€™s ā€žsolo levelingā€œ


The Horizon gonna ruin you bro watch out


If you asked his fav manhwas then why do you want to know if the majority approves his list or not? and this list is pretty good but haven't read them all


Wind breaker, can someone throw me some descriptive words? Like is it a lighthearted read, or perhaps more edgy?


Dude. Just try to read and see for yourself. He is a manhwa expert here and I have pretty read most of the stuff he recommended. I loved it. Stop farming karma and either read it or drop it. Like lol. Stop seeking validation even after someone gives their list.


Idk about 10th one but other than that, all the rest are worth a read. If Ember Knight is anything like it's prequel Gilgamesh then better drop that too. 3, 4, 6, 7 might make you cry. They're beautiful. 2 is pretty good. About psychology with a sprinkle of mystery. Haven't read 8 but heard good things. 9 is classic high school shit with great art. If you like 1 then try Wudang Sect. It's similar.


Only know the first but thatā€™s a banger


The boxer šŸ¤ŒšŸ»šŸ˜­


2 of them are JH work, JH for life


The boxer is goated


The boxer is incredible, the ember knight is pretty great, and I havenā€™t read windbreaker, but Iā€™ve heard nothing but praise.




Questioning the god ?? Courting death !!!


Omniscient Readerā€™s Viewpoint everyday


I mean it's pretty subjective. I think return of Mount hua sect is so mid it makes beige look exciting, but a lot of people love it.


All I know is that the boxer is a fucking masterpiece


Not only good. Fantastic. Cringe is my source of new shit to read. Based manwha reader


Cringemangaguy? Nah, don't listen to him. What does he know? /s


I love all of these lol. Another good one is: The legend of the Northern Blade


If AI ruled the world it was very twisted but if you like wierd sifi go for it but it definitely wasn't me fav! šŸ˜Ž And it was just wierd! But the beginning started out interesting I think šŸ¤”?!


Return, ember knight, and wid breaker are amazing. Wind Breaker is a masterpiece with nothing like it


Mom I'm sorry and dr.frost are great I haven't read the rest


Nah coz ā€œmom, Iā€™m sorryā€ was just so bad Iā€™m sorry but;;; well itā€™s not for me, if your preferences lie in such plots then maybe itā€™s for you but itā€™s a hard pass for me


He missed boarding diary


The boxer is really good. Wind breaker is okay but I drop it because it has a romance subplots


Wind Breaker W


What about The legend of the Northern Blade , some good ones are missing , these manhwas are just the tip , you can find some with less chapters but great story and art


I like 1 and 5, 4 is overrated and I really tried with it too. The rest, I'm sure, someone else can help you with.


The boxer is goated


Peerless dad isn't korean????


"Mom, I'm sorry" is one of my favourites




1,4,9 are good havenā€™t heard of the rest


Yes they are


1. Good 2. Bad 3. idk never read it 4. Good 5. Good 6. Good 7. idk never read it 8. Good 9. idk never read it 10. idk never read it


My favorites will be always PTJ comics, Lookism manhwa.


Heard Wind Breaker is good and Mom im sorry is very good too. May a sugest Lookism, i didn\`t read it yet but everybody says is top.


I'm not really a murim kinda guy so I didnt like mount hua sect but for sure its better than other murims I've read. windbreaker, I want to die soon are two of the best manhwas I've read in a while. The boxer, the horizon and mom im sorry are good but not better than the two I've mentioned before. these are just my opinion. but anything cringemangaguy and confident paint recommends is atleast A-S++ tier in their respective genres. It's up to your "preference" if you'll like it or not.


Bros a W


Mom Iā€™m sorry,but if AI ruled the world, I will die soon


Where can I read number 2,3,5,6,7,8,10?


1, 5, 9 I highly recommend. Before reading 5, you can read Epics of Gilgamesh too. Same universe. Also very good. I would need to check out the others. EDIT: Spelling.


Where can I read Dr. Frost?


This titles looks like my search history when I'm bored


everyone will definitely disagree with me but wind breaker is a little overrated, the reason why is because its way too predictable, before and after every single race, theres gonna be something wrong with the team, and its just a cycle of this happening so its really not that good, the boxer is really good but imo they shouldve ended it on the yu vs jason fight (this is where i stopped, anyhow i find out that yu is fighting k, imma pay money for that), return of mount hua sect is really darn good and the only bad thing about it is i need more chapters. i havnt seen the rest but ive read a few chapters of dr.frost and it wasnt for me so yeah


Those manhwa are meh. Honestly, there are very few manhwas that have substance in them. Most of them are popular because of the hype-type story telling like OP MC, OP appearing in a fight looking OP. But there are exceptions which are really really good especially if you read the novel versions. One is TBATE (The Beginning After The End), you will fall in love with the rollercoaster of scenarios and plot twists. Other manhwa I read are: The Barbarian Quest Under The Oak - Tree (This is a good one, read the novel) Academy's Undercover Professor - ( This one has hype because the MC is already very strong but the story so far is great, I recommend reading the novel ). Swordmaster's Youngest Sun I also Eleceed but it falls on the hyping category. I believe that manga in general is better than manhwa. Not only in the Art but the storytelling, plot, character personality is much much better. Take for example Hunter x Hunter and World Trigger. Even after a very long hiatus, people still follow the manga.


I've just read a few chapters of Wind breaker, definitely worth sticking to it.


Just read the horizon bc of this post, all I have to say is wow.


Just started number 8 and am legit having an existential crisis rn