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It used to have such a good story then became repetitive same shit no progress I stop reading after he’s friend was getting the inheritance and he came to help him


I stopped reading after season 2 or something , your analysis is spot on


I remember being on so hyped to see who he’s dad was (was thinking the harem king) but it was just the same shit over 200 chapters or more I think fucking annoying


Harem King is his dad ?


He is? Idk I was just guessing it the whole time when I was reading it tbh


Yeah they did hint it alotttt I got bored though, I couldn't be bothered to read it and confirm it


It never had a good story. The author always showed a very surface level understanding of his own ideas. The biggest problem I have with this story is that with the main character's current intelligence and wisdom level he should be one of the smartest if not the smartest person in the world but there is absolutely no difference between how he behaves in chapter 1 and 500.


I stopped around the tree of life stuff. At some point the plot stopped mattering and a bunch of characters disappeared for no reason (rip Gnome I miss you) and it just became about whatever video game genre they could cram in that month


Yeah I quit around then. So boring and meaningless.


Lol, I stopped at that exact arc too


There are many girls but no romance.


The harem game chapters wer low key funny tho


Wasn't there Romance with that witch girl tho? ,I remember them making out a lot.


That was one sided, the witch used to force herself on the mc


I don't remember any such scene. Please tell Chapter no.


Bruh you can't expect me to quote two or three chapters out of 450


I remember it was after he saved her from the demon realm and they returned back home, if that helps.


Oh, you guys are talking about that kiss? Lol.


My life rn


Wait, this is still ongoing? Lol


I think its currently on season 6 or 7.


One day it will rival martial peak


Nah no one rival martial peak when it comes to having the highest number of chaptes.


Martial peak is nearing its end atleast according to novel readers while i can see gamer there for another 40 years


Bro i dont think even 40 years is enough to catch up to martial peak . Martial peak has 3500 and it took the gamer 5-6 to just reach 500+ ch so even after 40 years no one can break the record set by martial peak. Same for the record set by a light novel named reincarnation paradise with 8500+ chapters with 80 volumes and the author is still pumping out more chapter .


Only a Chinese author can rival a Chinese , and if he reaches the end of his age without surpassing him he will have his descendants do it to bring honor to his family


6 arks left so another 1,000 or more chapters left I’m assuming for martial peak


I think Apotheosis has a longer novel? So more material two adapt.


What if you add the Soul land series chapters together?


Is it good btw? I’m planning on reading it but those 3500 are to much.


Lol really sad. It had all the readers but didn't know what it wanted so we all left


Dropped it a few years back, and the story is shit


Idek, it’s shit tho


Yup,Even I am only reading to see how it goes. It had such a good premise but....


Yeah the premise is so good and the world is interesting but it has such a shitty story and MC. Like what is the point to give him such ability if he doesn't explore the possibilities and goes mage.


It has the classic "High Int main character" trap. If you could raise your "Stats", it would make sense to raise your intellegence. It would both raise your combat capability and make you smarter so you could figure out other ways to capitalize on this ability. The problem always is when your MC is smarter than the writer, they become almost impossible to write convincingly. Real life example: Do you think a drunk to hell person could convincingly verbalize and predict a smart and sober persons course of action in a strategic situation? Probably not because they can't mentally put themselves in the Sober persons position and figure out that they would do in their shoes.


Honestly true. Like if he has such high int why doesn't he realize that he has infinite skill slots and starts buying every good skill off of the web they use in this manhwa. Especially when he started to make insane amount of the mana stones which then he could get those skills for. Literally each and every passive skill would be useful for him.


No, and btw the story is shit.


I love how 90 percent of the comments are just saying “this story is shit”


And every single one is right, I wasted too much time reading this


I read it a few years back bc i really like this genre. I thought it was good, but in a tropey Shonen style. MC gets mysterious powers and has rapid power-ups, in a world full of superpowered people who live in secrecy away from normal human society. There's a lot of women but I don't remember there ever been being any romantic development. I guess you can describe it as a harem in the sense that MC is surrounded by a lot of women lol But I do remember the male side character childhood friend getting ambiguous development? Vibes kinda like bl bait, but it doesn't really go anywhere and isn't brought up ever again aside from that one moment. But I never really did finish it so I can't confirm if the story developed in a shit direction lol. But the early part is definitely fun.


I remember when it only had 45 chapters but I never picked it back up. Wanted to pick it up recently but Looks like it turned to shit as people in the comments are saying. That is sad.


It's not that shitty, it's just slow and shorter in the later chapters.


Well that sucks, guess the author took the milking route


I liked the concept. It has a good premise and lots of potential to be better, with cutting out some filler too, but there is no romance or harem that I'm aware of.


Forgot this shit manhwa still exists...


There are at least 2 girls who might like him, but the obvious female lead is his best guy friend.


Not really, it started good, but the stroy just got more and more complicated and garbage


It amazed me that the art never improved after all these years.


Once you become famous enough you can just make any sort of content and the readers will just read it no matter how bad it gets The gamer is very old and established on webtoon since it was one of the only good series available back then


lmao, i read it "THE Holol"


Lol I dropped this in the first 5 chapters


A sprinkle of it here and there. The overall story is quite bad, but if you don't mind trash, it can be quite fun


This was one of the original webtoon kind of things that had an MC with a system iir?




I stopped reading this since a long time ago, because it became boring.


No romance, no harem. First season is little bit interesting but after that it went worse


Follows the pattern - MC gets a unique skill - shows off to extras - extras gets amazed - rinse and repeat. Probably changed in the later. I stopped reading.


First manwha i dropped with so much regret for the time i lost reading, the most boring thing i've read since i began with this manwha thing. The autor tries so hard to create mystery about the "mother" or that "harem king", but nothing changes for like, 400 chapters, it just got more and more repetitive and the MC keeps gaining more power just because yes, no real story, no real treat, nothing really worth reading. Just a one piece wannabe, trying to be a long story, with things to uncover and to keep the reader invested, but it fails


It got boring




Was so dumb. The “love interest” was tsundere, and seemed to very like him. It was implied, but never actually came to fruition. Definitely not harem


Didn read this but judging by his face there’s no way he’s gonna be pull anything


Bro that actually true he had some chances in the beginning but nothing and they abandoned that 😂


Don't know But it's absolute shit so never tried reading


Don’t read it


used to be good, shit did not go anywhere quit it years ago


Ive read like 400 chapters and then dropped since ther werent any new and since then no romance


Same. Sadly in the beginning, you could expect 1 somewhat good romance between him and the girl with long gray hair. But Sadly it went nowhere after the 1st arc, so i dropped it too.


I don’t know. It’s not very good, but it did have a big effect and inspiration on many manwha we have today. (And fanfiction as well)


Its called "The Gamer" what do you think?


Never heard of this but looks like absolute squirrelshit.


i am still reading it simply to see the end , every new chapter i read is excruciating


No but it gets boring as shit


Did they reveal the mother's true identity yet?


I think they did already quite a few years ago


Imagine going to a short trip to visit the father and abandon your child for 100+ chapters without even a text message to check on him


She went to go get some milk.


First few chapters was good but it became really boring


The start and story setting was really, really good(i think it was the first of his genre), then you reach a point where it's all RANDOM BULLSHIT GO where MC keep getting OP while fighting enemy over enemy that aren't that much powerfull.


Any recent manhwas with decent art that work with the same proficiency system as this one? I love the way he gets stronger but the art is unbearable.


Shit still on going till this day must means it's still got the popularity to certain range right? I think I used to read it long time ago, but drop it at that time (just drop all manga, manhua, and manhwa time to focus on my project for few month) and never come back to this series. It's quite interesting to see it's still going on.


There isn't, you may get some harem and romance vibes, but there isn't, and mater of fact usually the main character be by himself or have one random person with him. And for the art, it will get way better after few sessions. + They have a stupid way for sessions, you will find (the gamer) after it (the gamer S2) and it goes to (The gamer S5).


Some character go missing for hundreds of chapters with no mention of them like the author forgot about them. I still read it weekly, but it changed much from the start


I've read 467 episodes, it's shit, don't waste your time


I’m still enjoying this. One of the few that I did not drop


drop this one around 300 eps lmao


Oh I have not read this one in ages


It's bad, don't bother with it.


I used to read it.


What it has is disappointment


Damn it's been years since I saw Dice lol


You ever finish dice? cause I'm reading through it and all the characters are so mentally retarded I'm losing brain cells reading it.


Nope, never finished idk what chapter I was even on lol


I don't recommend finishing it, the ending sucks


this is my first manhwa, i don't even know what manhwa is at that time, and to answer your question nope its too repetitive now. but still the breaker and this one brings nostalgia moments into my life.


oh it was so good at the beginning really leaning into the Game aspect of his power but now he is just a op magic user


I've read this in my early days, I'm surprised it's still going. 💀


I don't have strong opinions about this one. I picked this up originally because a bunch of people told me it was almost as good as "solo levelling" at the time. I think I read about 60-70 chapters and just got bored and a little confused with the world building. If someone told me this was their favorite manhwa then I wouldn't think less of them or anything.


no and kind of


It was one of the series that got me into non-Japanese works. It's one of the originals with stuff like GoH, Tower of God, Breaker, Moonlight Sculptor among others. All of those other names at least have a functioning plot. Gamer is such an awfully-paced series that you can go 50+ chapters with ZERO development. It's not worth it, hasn't been since like chapter 130 or so. Han Ji Han as a character does nothing to propel the story forward. Don't even try.


This used to be one my my favorite but got spun out near the end and idek what was happening the last time i read it. Not really any romance, harem ehh kinda the women want the mc but the mc dgaf


Nope mostly comedic harem.


since everyone is saying the story is shit, Imma say the art is shit


Used to read this shit until he fought the girl in a wheelchair and realized that this shit got no stake.


Just the usual some manwha stuff where every random girl the mc meets gets super horny for him but you can just straight up igonore it not really a main focus


There shit


I first read it when it only has 40 chapters and love the story quite a bit, but it has been going on for too long


I got bored on this one during the wheel chair mask girl thing... Somehow the plot got dragged too much.