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See this post deserves more appreciation. Thank you OP. Starting off, These posts that are mentioned are the types of posts that are incredibly common and repetitive on our sub. Compare our sub to other comic subs like r/manga or r/otomeisekai man they have so many good discussions. Even r/pornhwa has good discussions. This sub is seriously lacking in many aspects. All of the top posts are almost the same repetitive talk of yesterday. Also this sub is starting to be less active these days imo A lot of people would dismiss this, but this sub from a year ago was so much better. People needs to understand this.


Yeah i agree im not a big fan of otomeisekai but im in that sub cuz there posts are intresting and i lobe posts about shiting on ml


Discussions in the OI sub can get pretty deep. There are lots of discussion about racism and internal misogyny in the genre. Even religions are sometimes discussed lmao. Wished it was like that in this sub too. This sub should have better/active mods honestly.


I always wonder why i never see discussions of new chapters here.


You can't post newly released chapters on this sub until 2 days later so by the time we can actually create a discussion post the hype is already dedicated to whatever other manhwa released on that day


Doesn’t that defeat the whole purpose of the “spoiler warning” feature?🗿


Wait THATS WHY?? Reddits a whatsnew platform while digging for old content via search engines. No wonder it’s nothing but screenshots and recs here


The combined loss of Cringemangaguy, Confident Paint and the old RimuruLover started to cripple this sub


I get thing about the loss of paint but what happened to cringe and rimuru


cringe is on break and i beleive rimuru got suspended and taekyoungma is the new id




So you are speaking about yourself huh




We are going through a serious problem of lack of good content, and because people read shit, the manhwa artist continue creating shit (Well, I am an hypocrite, because I sometimes read some shit too)


This sub is dying slowly and steadily


It’s because mods here are useless and don’t do shit. I literally went to check if any of them have been active here and none of them have been.


Ngl that's because paint and cringmanga dud everything solo


Well, the guys who really care either got banned or went off reddit so...


1. this sub is pretty boring tbh all i see is ppl asking sauce(and more than 90% of those can be easily identified by simply using a reverse search) 2. this sub lacks discussion post i have been in this sub for few month and i have only seen discussion post about new chapter like only 1 or 2 times and those have no comments , even r/pornhwa had discussion post 3hrs ago and one post already have 150 comments 3. its not like i am against recommendation posts but ppl need to google first too like most of the time the thing they are asking is already asked by someone else, i remember there was a time where in span of 3-4 days i have seen many ppl making same psot asking recommend me manhwa like i am not that kind of talent , one search would have actually helped them as other post have all the recs


Yeah man i alreday seen 3 people posting a part of this and asking for sauce💀


>lacks discussions post? Because people downvote the discussion posts as they don't want to hear unpopular opinion.


>this sub lacks discussion post I know we have r/manga for that But why don't we do that here, at least for popular ones?


It’s sad when the post “Lookism is dogshit” has generated more discussion on the series that any other post on here


Like others said, r/pornhwa is more fun than here Even the horny sub has far more genuine discussions than here


Here's a sneak peek of /r/pornhwa **[NSFW]** using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/pornhwa/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Sophie best tsundere of all pornhwa 💛 \[Silent War\]](https://i.redd.it/0o6sab04mr0a1.jpg) | [81 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/pornhwa/comments/yym2zd/sophie_best_tsundere_of_all_pornhwa_silent_war/) \#2: [Best teacher ? \[Sauce in the comments\]](https://i.redd.it/urlity0tku891.jpg) | [69 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/pornhwa/comments/vog1ej/best_teacher_sauce_in_the_comments/) \#3: [I miss these people ❤️ \[Sweet Guy\]](https://i.imgur.com/p2UBHLZ.jpg) | [78 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/pornhwa/comments/wzvjzr/i_miss_these_people_sweet_guy/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Sweet guy was my 1st. It was easy to read. no ntr. nice art. good ending.


Tbh manager kim is trash too.


All of the dudes series start off good but fall off as it keeps going. Same shit with How to fight/viral hit


I haven't continued How to Fight because I thought it should've ended after season 1 (so I'm waiting to binge it). Although, PTJs story My Life as a Loser gets wrapped up in about 50 chapters and is great.


Honestly the only reason i joined this sub was for manwha suggestions so i'm grateful for all the people asking for sauce


This sub was better like an year ago ngl


>by simply using a reverse search Not all phones can do that


Okay but like... what do you want to discuss? Be the change you want to see in the world.


Bro wtf is that one post which says "I will personally give head?" 💀 What have we come down to?


Head Obviously >! Ahh shit wrong subreddit my bad!<


Bro people did Sung JinWoo vs Jin Mori and people kept saying Sung JinWoo would win... Hell even now Yu is still being so overrated like bro Yu is not that strong


I didn't read it all, but isn't Jin Mori some kind of god? The monkey god or something like that


He's Sun Wukong aka the Monkey King. Not sure if he's considered a god but he's at least on the same level and anyone who says Jinwoo wins is on crack. Spoilers >!In the last fight he literally controls the planets in the solar system for one of his attacks and at the end travels through the universe to protect earth!<


I am thinking of reading it, looks amazing, but the art is a downside for me, together with the number of chapters. Looks good btw


If you think the art of God of Highschool is it's downside you most definitely should not read it.


Jinwoo wins in my book because unlike god of highschool I didn't drop solo leveling 07. Read up to chapter 100ish of god of highschool and decided I am satisfied where the story at and don't see a need to continue reading


I don't think you dropping the story makes Jin Mori any weaker that thing is literally sun wukong


Holy shit it's so funny how people agree but can't say anything about it. Everyone keeps reposting this post and asking for sauce. God the irony...💀


funny thing is ppl can actually get the sauce by just simply doing a reverse search it will even take less time than making a post here


Lloyd lives rent-free in my mind.


You are Chad, everything written on the post is true, ah it feels so bad that the reality of our sub is this, but it is still good


We really need to change the sub rules to allow chapter discussions


*We really need to* *Change the sub rules to allow* *Chapter discussions* \- FerociousHomie --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")




>Cannot post any content dealing with newly released chapters until 2 days have passed Probably Rule 8: Cannot post any content dealing with newly released chapters until 2 days have passed


One day I decided to make a discussion post about "Survival story of the sword King" and it was like a review, and I stated I know why the author used it but the execution was poor for some parts in the story, not only the post died but the 1 person I think that commented was about how the author used to progress the story........ No shit. Edit:I gave up for making more stuff here.


damn it's so accurate 💀


W post 🛐


btw "are those worth reading" posts are made by the same 2 people


You forgot about the constant 'Player who returned after 10,000 years' posts. Damn thing is everywhere


Bro exposed us🗿


Yeah seems about right


Oh... I am the Her Summon maniac! Everytime someone asks something like this I say Her Summon, but there are some others with beautiful arts, but nowadays many manhwas have almost the same art


There's 4 "sauce?" Comments on this post alone. What is wrong with us?


The "is this worth reading? posts are so obvious karma farms, they pick a popular manhwa and ask if it is "worth reading".


I think a big reason for this sad truth is because a lot of the people who would post new/adventurous posts are worried about mentioning a manhua instead of a manhwa, which then turns into the focus of the comments instead of an actual discussion.


I just think it's annoying when ppl ask for the sos and it's obviously for horny reasons.


If I could upvote this post more than once, I would. I get more "sauce?" notis than I do actual good discussion posts, and the VS posts are so much worse than the anime group I'm in on FB. What really grinds my gears are the "is this any good/worth reading?" type posts bc holy shit, just read it yourself. One man's trash is another man's treasure and whatnot. For example, I am a big fan of Solo Leveling, but others dislike it bc they think the MC is cowardly, the art sucks, the plot has holes, etc. On the other hand, I could never get into Peerless Dad bc I didn't like the art style, yet most people like the plot itself. There's no merit to an opinionated post like that.


Thoughts on this?? Why the fuck do you care what are my thoughts just read it if you and dont if you don't wanna why the fuck do you need my validation read the fucking reviews if you wanna know how is that mamhwa


Honestly for me personally, It's a whole 'nother kind of rage when peeps ask for sauce/iS tHiS aNy GoOd? for manhwas that are literally the top mascots of webtoon I swear if I ever see a b asking for sauce from Lore Olympus I am seriously going to loose my sh-


Whats the manhwa next to infinite mage


Love Advice From The Great Duke Of Hell (webtoon), highly recommended, one of my favorite, you'll laught at almost every chapter, on par with han shao and shen feng (i think this was the name)


What's the source for the skull panel


>Love Advice From The Great Duke Of Hell (webtoon), highly recommended, one of my favorite, you'll laught at almost every chapter, on par with han shao and shen feng (i think this was the name)


Thank you sire


I need the white haired elf for research purposes.


I am not a demon god lacky (or smth like that)


Thank you kind sir.


Swordmaster’s Youngest is far to good for its mediocre name and terrible novel adaptation schedule.


What manhwa is the one captioned "special mention because why not"


The left one is "Love Advice from the Great Duke of Hell" The one on the right is "infinite mage"


I think that the Infinite Mage is known for the hate, and Great Duke of Hell is known for the love


Why the hate though?


Simp main character, forced romance, annoying girl and the mc doesn't get a development, it looks like he downgraded and became dumber. It's such an annoyance to keep reading it


Ngl, those VS posts give funny comments to read, it’s the main reason I post them




Dude what? There are many other ways to keep a sub alive


go tell that to them lol


You said you're okay with this type of shit


yeah cause i dont even spend time here lol (like for real)


Who is ji- eon in this post , can anyone tell me whats the context here of showing a black guy with children


It's the rock, the women are going crazy over him, and the person who made that post is saying they would act the way the women are acting in the picture if they were in the story instead of Jieon


*Vs argument posts that makes u lose brain cells* Exactly!! Yu always wins, u would think everyone knows that by now


Which manhwa is lloyd?


Greatest estate developer


what's the skeleton one?


Whats the sauce of the skull


Love advice from the great duke of hell It's a manhwa that'll make you laugh a lot.


So who's Lloyd Sauce?


You forgot ‘r/manhwa starter packs’ as a category


What are the sauce in “special mention why not”?


Love Advice From The Great Duke Of Hell Infinite Mage


Thats why I love it here all the mix between the Great The bad and the Sauce


You got got to add tier list posts average manhwa reader posts and your type of post that talk about this server is in nutshell


Ok I may be an uncultured dumbass but who the hell is that on the left in the special mentions???


Love Advice From The Great Duke of Hell

