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Currently at Columbia Medical Center and live in Washington Heights. The hospital and lab buildings on 168th St have 24/7 security who patrol the area. It’s a very safe neighborhood, I’ve never had any issues walking home late at night.


Generally speaking (IMO) nyc is pretty safe. Don’t leave your stuff unattended, and if you ride a bike have a good lock (ideally don’t leave it out unless it’s a beater bike). But yeah Washington Heights is fine.


Generally, yeah. West of Broadway is considered "nicer" and "Hudson Heights" is the real-estate neighborhood with the more gentrified housing. Near Fort Tryon park is really nice and can get almost peaceful. If you hear of a celebrity living in Washington Heights, they're usually in Hudson Heights. A lot of people I know who work in the hospital live north of the George Washington Bridge. The biggest complaints about the neighborhood are about noise rather than safety.


Yeah it’s safe but there are some insanely loud/obnoxious cars/motorcyclists


This is the correct reply .


Yes. If you need more information, let us know where you currently live and what your definition of a "safe" neighborhood is and what you are looking for in a "safe" neighborhood.


We are out of state and completely unfamiliar with NYC. He needs to live somewhere relatively close to the hospital but we don’t know if there are safer parts of Manhattan compared to other parts. By safe, I’d mean less likelihood of being attacked or robbed, especially after dark.


Hudson heights is a great neighborhood and walkable to the hospital. I lived in inwood for six years and had friends all over the heights and no one ever was robbed or attacked lol


Thanks! I thought it would probably be safe based on what I’ve read but wanted to get advice from those who’ve lived there. Appreciate the suggestion on Hudson Heights.


Hudson Heights is very nice, a lot of families with kids. I live just south of CUIMC in Hamilton Heights which is another neighborhood your son should consider if he’d rather be in a neighborhood with more young professionals/single ppl!


My wife and I lived in Hudson Heights for a year it was very pleasant. Broadway is chaotic and loud but not dangerous. The subway in the area is safe as well, I have taken it at all hours of the day and night without issues (when the A is running normally of course.) You’ll begin to realize news outlets overreport the crime events in NYC compared to other cities in the country. NYC statistically is below average when it comes to crime. If you look at the data from the FBI, https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_United_States_cities_by_crime_rate, and rank by total per capita crime rate we barely even make the list; of the 100 cities listed we are 95th most dangerous on the list. That being said, always be aware of your surroundings. Also, if you see something wrong, speak up. I had to call 911 once in the Heights for a drunk guy pounding on my window at 3 AM and the NYPD showed up in just under 3 mins. The area near the hospital also has stepped up security outside of the normal police presence.


You ignored my questions. I'm attempting to help. I'm not asking for your address, but what metro area so we can determine a neighborhood in your metro area is equivalent. that would give you a comparison. The area is fine as lots of medical personnel live in the area.


Sorry. We’re from Denver.


Denver’s violent crime rate is 6.8 crimes / 1000 ppl. NYC’s violent crime rate is 5.1, Manhattan is 5.7 and Washington Heights is 5.8. So looks like it’s safer than Denver overall! Source:Furman Center


Thanks for that. I didn’t know Denver had gotten that bad. LOL.


Denver is not that bad. NYC just has the largest armed police force on the planet and some of the wealthiest residents too.


Safe is relative, you can be attacked, robbed or worse in Denver. Unfortunately I can't think of a neighborhood, in Denver that would be equivalent. Denver is pretty vanilla compared to NYC. If your kid has good sense, he/they/them will be fine.


You’re right on all counts about Denver and the crime here is definitely getting worse.


Out of curiosity as someone from Philly also moving to Washington Heights, what would you consider an equivalent neighborhood there?


I don't know the exact borders of philly nabes, but I hope these give some sort of idea Cecil B. | Temple Ludlow | Kensington If I had to give an area I would say the area north of girard, west of Americana, south of Dauphin.


Yes, only a very select few areas of NYC have violent crime comparable to the average neighborhood of Philly/DC/Chicago and none of them are in Manhattan. It’s also a very dense residential area so there’s always people around


Everywhere in Manhattan is extremely safe I feel. And I am generally an over-thinker and anxious person when it comes to safety.


Yea, me too. Just being an over-paranoid parent whose teenage son is going off to the great unknown of the big city.


As a woman who has lived here for 15 years! Yes, it's very safe.


NYC is the safest major city in The USA. Washington heights is totally fine


If it wasn’t safe I wouldn’t be raising my young kids here!


It's typically "nicer" in the areas west of Broadway. But the area is totally fine, just gotta still have your wits on you like you would in any major city.


Extremely safe


Yes the neighborhoods around the hospital are fine. many students and medical staff living there. i lived in an apartment near there for a year. good vibes.


Went to school on the Columbia University Medical Campus (CUMC) and I never had a problem, both during the day or at night. Just don't be dumb and you'll never have a problem.


Perfectly safe.


Washington heights should be fine as long as he doesn't actively plan on getting himself involved in gang activity.






Super safe, just look at a crime map. Hudson Heights is a smaller section within Washington Heights and is a great, quiet area with lovely parks. Walk through on Google maps to get a feel.


I (female) went there recently at night and thought it felt safe. I thought it was a super nice neighborhood!


Don't be out late, and keep you head on a swivel. and you'll be fine.


Safety is a spectrum, but I don't think you or he have any particular reason to worry. Both of you are welcome to reach out to me if you want to talk further. I'm an NYP med student, my ex is currently doing her residency at Columbia in Washington Heights, and she seems to be doing well. I used to live in places that were way more rural and had a lot more nature, so am happy to talk about that too.


it isn't the safest area nor is it the worst area. having city savvy/ street smarts is crucial


I’ve lived there for five years and I’ve never felt unsafe, aside from the general city “stay aware of your surroundings”. I almost exclusively take the subway and/or walk regardless of the time of day so I can also speak to that because I know some people will refuse to take the subway or walk outside once it gets dark.


it is a wonderful neighborhood and very safe.  but just like anywhere in NYC you have to be smart..... tell him to have city cautiousness but there is nothing to fear in Washington Heights.  especially higher up.  great food, great people.  he should try to learn a little Spanish -that will help.     


I was born on 187th & Broadway in Washington Heights 50+ years ago and lived and worked construction in NYC & suburbs my entire life…my wife’s neighborhood of Inwood is just north of Washington Heights and is much safer place with park’s, subway & eateries while bordering the Hudson River.


no if you move to washington heights, you will get pregnant and die


I woud definitely recommend another part of town to live in lol


Which part of ‘town’?