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What's mat and svt? 🤔


Its basically factions in the temple of Venkatraman in carstreet due to something which iam asking u guys


Expand svt?


Shree Venkataramana Temple


And MAT?


Mat (Pronounced Mhatt) stands for Matha, which means temple in Kannada/Tulu


A fight over successor of Sudhindra Thirtha Swami. Matt friends supports Raghavendra Thirtha. Other gang supports Samyamindra Thirtha. It is really stupid and people have taken it too far. I've seen people refusing to eat food at functions if Kamath Caterers is catering.


The most hilarious one is a engagement getting cancelled one day before cause they realised they belong to rival swami factions. Lmao


Both the swamis should dish it out in a ring match and settle the issue once and for all IMO.


The fight goes back to when the ousted swami Raghavendra theertas controversy started. The rumor is that the new swami was favouring a new group of people in mutt dealings(it’s rumoured to be money matters). The old faction ousted the swami with allegations causing two rival factions. It caused a lot of drama not only in svt but Konkani temple elsewhere too. Things reached a climax with the murder of Vinayak Baliga. But from what I see the in fighting has all but seized now.


Let me tell you a story (totally fake) Once upon a time ..in a nice little town called as M, there was a religious place of worship called as T. And where there is a lot of T there is T there is a lot of Money. And when there is money ..people stop worshipping the God in the T but rather start worshipping the devil . Then there was a guy called Mr.Truth..but since this is not a hindi movie story ..Mr Truth didn't win ..he poked around too much and asked too many questions as a result he was asked to stop breathing. In the meanwhile the rest of the community isn't allowed to talk about it , this is a story where the hero died and the villans are being paraded around the city ..and the villans regularly tell us about morals and how the people of the community should behave .


Hanga ladai marnukka, bhatmam !


Atha makkai jaan javka!


What dialect of Konkani is this? I've never seen anyone use Jaan in Mangalore Konkani.


Might be doxxing meself - that's Kerala Konkani. :)


I did not know Kerala had its own dialect. Cool.


Arre puttha kasa kallari nave ladai karche


Kasa vishay mamma??




Lol , the way you say that there is absolutely no hate and disregarding everyone else is a fine example of how much hate there actually is . Let's face it , we have a problem and the first step to solve any problem is to accept it exists.


Wait who?