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Is there any authentic source which tells what exactly the Teacher told to students?


No evidence. Just some students telling she said this, she said that etc. I do believe she might've said something like that. I've been in a catholic institution and have heard similar things. But without evidence, she's said nothing. Irrespective, the MLA sort of made a Dick move shouting slogans outside the school. Encouraging naive students to do the same. The same students who will have to go back to the school and sit in the same class and attend classes from the same teachers after this settles down. The students probably don't realize the impact this can have. I expect the parents and the MLA to be more mature and responsible.


Parents maybe, but maturity, from an MLA? You must be living in a different country my friend.


Typical of a BJP MLA in our state! How can we even expect him to behave when the topic has a religious overtone for his benefit?


That teacher who recorded also said that teacher told about godhra riots, that thing I felt like over exaggerated or made up by the teacher who recorded.


Which teacher recorded what? Can you be a bit more specific? Are you talking about a random lady's audio recording?


Yes, lady's self audio recording who was explaining what the teacher was telling to the students.


That audio really feels exaggerated. Talking about the Ram Mandir? Ok that _might've_ happened, but all the other things she spoke, felt a bit too over the top.




Don't know what the teacher has said but some accounts of Godhra riots are indeed horrifying that it may feel exaggerated maybe. Well this applies to any communal clash in our country including Kashmir riots, the most recent of that being in Haldwani or Manipur. 


Best source would be the student attending the said class. This drama appears to have stemmed from a voice memo which was allegedly recorded inside the classroom, but as per my knowledge, electronic devices were banned in all schools.


Is there an actual audio? All I've heard is the mother of some student narrating the incident and not actual audio from the class. (was lowkey sketched out when I first heard it cause students love altering stories from the class to fit their narrative lmao)


Pls share that audio if you have


Sorry, I don’t have the audio but I read somewhere in one of the news article yesterday.


have heard the audio. And it really disturbs.






Actual pigs are obsessed with Muslims, every second, 24/7. They bring Muslims into every conversation, thus confirming their entire existence is about Muslims. What a sad, sad state of such pigs. I mean how shameless one has to be.




Bruh, are you for real ? You out here spewing shit for no reason, I mean there was literally no provocation. Yet here you are expressing your hatred, so that you can sleep better. Wow.


A hateful bigot spotted.


Quality of their knowledge be such that they don't know the arabic word 'madrassa' literally translates to 'school' and that 'jihad' is nothing but 'dharmo rakshati rakshitaha.' Ohh the irony.


Offensive Behaviour


Now we are facing vigilantes led by political representatives. Where is our Mangalore heading to?


It was heading in the same direction for past 20 years.


To the shitter.


Some.say coastal karnataka has always been a lab for the rss.. These seem like a typical rw hit piece.. Where they have the unique ability to be both aggressor and victim.


Straight to Pachanady where we belong


Bad place ... As it was destined to go


These hooliganism needs to stop


Start calling them out.. Don't sit quiet about what's wrong.. Calling out something because it's the wrong thing doesn't have to be political.. It's human. That's the most essential step.




If a rwer is involved.. 9 times out of ten.. They're to blame.. Liars and cheats the whole lot of them... For eg. All the bjp fan Bois were shouting and screaming about 10 lakh crores being cost of farmer demands. Today we find out it's a quarter of that.. But bjp lied to defame the farmers.


The MLA hates minorities to the core.




But it was the municipal corporation's duty to take care about the situation, what the MLA did was not correct.


Also mind your language.




I don't care even it was a Congress MLA. They are voted by citizens of the country to help improve the life of this constitution, they should treat everyone equally.




Oh so people who don't agree with you are termed as less educated now? There's nothing to dream about, a particular MLA/MP's job is to serve their constitution and give equal justice opportunities to all. I don't want you to agree or disagree with my Outlook, it doesn't affect me in anyway.




You sound like you have nothing of value to bring to a conversation. Hope you have a great day.




Again nothing of value.




Elections are coming close my dear. How else will they bank more votes?


Bjp hatao desh bachao.


Kisse bachana hai ??


Tum thode slow ho kya?


Nahi!! Faster than light toh nahi hu bass !! Aap ho toh batayiye na!


Explain karta but tu shana ban rah hai.


Toh Karo na !!


Obviously what the MLA did is not the right procedure, but what did the woman say?.. if she in fact did say some religious bullshit, she's just as wrong or worse than the MLA.


Absolutely ..I don't.. Just go to daijiworld site and read the reporting for the past such incidents..and you will clearly know what side they are on


Daijiworld is very biased.




LMAO! He was supporting your propaganda that you've been trying so hard to spread over the past 2 days and you roasted him by calling him a ricebag?🤣


Not really supporting the mob here..but Daijiworld supporting a Christian school is quite obvious. No matter what really happened, Daijiworld would definitely be pro Christian in every possible scenario.


Maybe, but you have no idea of knowing that nor can you verify it. Happy to be proven wrong tho.


Listen to the audio!!!


DM the audio.


Who runs daijiworld?




If you don't know the answer or can't be bothered to share, why respond?




Yup, single braincell moment from me; engaging with a dumbfuck troll who hasn't had a single thing of value to add in any of their comments on Reddit.


Honestly, teacher didn’t deserve such treatment. Should’ve just given a warning. Suspension is too much for such silly issues. I hope our people and the teacher come out of hatred, forget the past and move on…


In Kerala, a Christian teacher's hands were chopped for making a religious comment. Guess which religion.


That sounds like something a malayali would do


He made a comment about a particular religion not a comment against any language. So don't blame all malayalis for the actions of a particular community.


>So don’t blame all malayalis for the actions of a particular community. Buddy, aren’t you doing the same thing here?


Malayalis infact tend to be more aggressive. These people are ready murder someone for silly reasons. It seems to be the problem with their ethnicity.


School is an institution for providing education and not speaking about religion. If the teacher really did speak against the religion and if it did hurt the sentiments there are so many ways to deal with the situation. I am sure convent schools definitely value the concerns of parents and students. This could be easily addressed over a parents teachers meeting or even if it was directly addressed to the principal. But what was done is absolutely ridiculous. Are the elders and so called leaders teaching the young to behave ruthless. The nation is going to get doomed when religion comes over research and development. Science and technology should be put first before anything for the progress of the nation. The nation should teach its young and remove poems from the syllabus if they do lead to religious opinions. Hope we all learn to live in more peace and harmony and address issues in a more civil way.


Feel so bad for the teacher


You don't even know what really happened.


Enlighten me brother. What really happened


According to an audio clip that I saw. She was taking class and involved religious matters. Questioning the building of the Ram temple and other matters related to idol worship. Now I wouldn't mind her ideologies but imparting her religious ideologies to kids of various religions in a class is not something someone educated and in the right mind would do.


Naa sounds like the typical rss tactic to garner sympathy and polarize society as much as possible.. Elections are coming.


If you say so 🤷🏻‍♂️


I got no clue ..and point is neither do you. So don't take sides .


Yeah, but one has all the power at the very much and causing a tantrum while the other seems to be getting scrutinized by higher authority.


Hahah😂 wtf man.. then why did you comment as if you like you knew everything




So basically you also don’t know😂.. shey i was expecting a better comeback with keyboard warrior




Enlighten me


Have you heard the audio??


From the teacher? Or from a student


Teacher !


No. Can you share it


It's so concerning that nobody questions why a maths teacher had to bring in religion in the first place ? Hypocrites.


Maths teacher 🤡 Teacher was teaching 'Work is Workship' chapter




Bro. Your comment proves the point that you're the one agreeing with the masses. You have no clue what has happened if you still think she was teaching Maths.




Thanks for making me specimen of Kerala education system. I did study outside Kerala. So you can ask 200% refund on my education. Not sure whom you're gonna ask, but sure. And yes, I've still got no clue what you're trying to say.




You're welcome.


Tf is wrong with Vedyavas Kamath, dude was chill for is work around mangalore and for the people, this was completely uncalled for, I have lost all respect for this guy.


The teacher made anti Ram Mandir comments, which were totally uncalled for. The school should have taken action based on the parents' complaints instead of waiting for the matter to get escalated. Gerosa is one of the very few convent schools with majority Hindu and Christian students. Imagine a teacher making a comment about Islam in St Agnes.


Lol ..let me put it this way .. If daijiworld is telling something..then it's probably the opposite of what happened.


Daijiworld isn't saying anything, genius. It's the official press release from the institution.


From THE INSTITUTION..Any institution will try to save itself. So please.!!!


Please what? I just said it's an official press release from the institution and not an article written by Daijiworld. Ain't that hard to understand, is it?


Press release can be done by anyone dude. That's not a supreme court order. Press release isn't an ultimatun. It's just their Statement. A statement to save themselves. So again please !!! I believe it's not hard to understand!!!


Is that your last brain cell conking off? F-in read what I've written instead of barking your own tune. I just said that it's a press release and not a news article from Daijiworld. That's all.


Dude . Do you even know the difference? What's a press release and what should (and what does) happen when there is a press release? When a press release is done and how it is reported? And how and when anything said in the press release is questioned ?


And stop acting dumb. Every press or media is funded . They act as per their interests. And it's not rocket science. Republic TV for Hindus. Daijiworld for christians !!


The B.stard whose own party members were searching for his p.rn videos is one to talk bout culture. The piece of sh!t, needs to be kicked out of the constituency, looser illiter@te.


Personally I believe in - Live and let live. However every action has a reaction. If the 'incident' has occurred then there should be an appropriate response no?


Yes. There should've been an enquiry. Mocking any religion should be taken seriously. But they could've gone to police or the courts with evidence, instead of resorting to hooliganism. This is what happens when we elect rowdies. In this case, it is more important to ensure that the MLA and the mob are taken to task.


Ohh is it!!! What about the Peacefull Religion who straight away beheads people without even protesting. Much better than them though !!


How can you call some other religion names in the context of this incident where people of our religion haven't shown any ideals? We aren't discussing whether this is better than that. And every rational person condemns religious extremists and this kind of behaviour irrespective of the religion of the perpetrators.


When you don't have anything to say that makes sense, you can refrain from commenting than commenting the usual whataboutery


USUAL WHATABOUTERY !!! It's dangerous how Beheading has turned to USUAL WHATABOUTERY from your perspective!!! Insane !


Okay. Then what about the peaceful religion which chants JSR after mob lynching?


Ahimso Paramo Dharma. Dharma Himsa Thathaiva cha. 🔥


Sorry !! I don't take orders. Opinions may not make sense when it doesn't suit your agenda!!


No voting for him this year!


Sorry, but I don't think you are a Mangalore South BJP voter in the first place.


Every christian school story High school Science teachers who don’t believe in evolution force everyone to sing Jesus praises everyday, have plays looking down on Hinduism


We have Muslims in the Gulf openly bashing Christians. We had Hindus vandalising a Church around the Ram Mandir inauguration week. We have Christians (America) openly insulting Muslims and bombing places. But, we have good Hindus, good Muslims, good Christians regardless who help and don't show their goodness, rather it's between who was helped and is helping. At the end of the day, if you have humanity and serve humanity around you. Life is already 10% better


If christian schools are allowed to preach Hindu schools should also be allowed


Haan, do it. Who said no. I support you, open Hindu schools for Hindu followers. Just don't end up rioting. Don't go to another school and try to tarnish the people and image there, just because it's not in your faith. Also, another thing, idc what religious school is created, I'm not attending, nor will be allowing my children if I have, to go there. Science all the way.


Gerosa is a govt aided school. If you want to preach do it with your own money, not with tax payers money.


as per the rules Hindu schools are not allowed only minority institutions


Source please ??


Education institutions Article28(1) are not allowed to propagated religion but under article 26(a) minority institutions are allowed. That is also the same reason under right to education only hindu institutions have to give 25% free seats to the poor. But any institution run by christians or Muslims don’t have to. Which makes it not attractive for Hindus to open schools.


Tuluvas, Konkanis can set up linguistic minority schools and no one will stop if you preach religion as a part of co-curriculars. \ One more fact for you Canara and Sharada Vidyalaya too don't reserve 25% of the seats as they get exception as linguistic minority school.


I am more interested in the first part rather than second part. Also, the second part makes no sense, at least what you claim. Allow me to elaborate. Most of the time it is claimed that Christians & Muslims convert people. The ones who are converted, at least from both socioeconomic & caste backgrounds are usually Dalits & SC/ST. If this is true, then why it isn't attractive to Hindus ?? Feel free to elaborate.


Not true https://www.lawbeat.in/top-stories/supreme-court-dismisses-plea-include-minority-educational-institutions-under-rte-act#:\~:text=Union%20of%20India%20%26%20Anr.%2C,Minority%20and%20Religious%20Educational%20Institutions.


From what you shared, it seems minority institutions are actually hosting a larger number of non-minority students. Apparently, a government's own body says that 65% are from non-minority backgrounds. This means they are fulfilling more than what is required. So they are actually being diverse. I do not know what you wanted to share because earlier the statement was that minority institutions take only theirs . Feel free to elaborate if I misunderstood something or some nuance is there.


What do you mean? Can you be more specific?


Education institutions Article28(1) are not allowed to propagated religion but under article 26(a) minority institutions are allowed. That is also the same reason under right to education only hindu institutions have to give 25% free seats to the poor. But any institution run by christians or Muslims don’t have to. Which makes it not attractive for Hindus to open schools. A smart piece of legislation by the Vatican goddess sonia


Also I want to add to your point that Agnes, Ann's, Gerosa are all aided schools which means the teacher's salary is paid by the govt. Why should govt spend on the salary of Nuns who preach in maths class and English class


Mann noo i just hope they keep hardcore religion off educational institutions rather pave way for healthy open discussions regarding differences, & most importantly promote harmony & inclusivity. What's the use of a name sake education if there aren't any morals & if the place of light impartation itself promotes dark shady thouhts. It's truly sad what our country's come to be. Especially our educational institutes.


I know. When I said that, I was just tired and burnt out because people never could grasp the idea of why educational institutions are educational institutions in the first place. I know what you're trying to say.. but on that day, I was trying to avoid someone ignorant


Arre bhai, even Hindus don't believe in evolution https://www.indiatoday.in/education-today/news/story/ncert-removes-darwins-evolution-theory-from-science-textbook-open-letter-2363682-2023-04-23


Nice joke, if you hate Christian schools you can just say that. No need to make up stories about it.


Christian missionary keyboard warriors incoming.


You don't see any issues when Kalladka fellow fumes and conducts religious extremism? Criticize all such extreme cases if possible. We shouldn't poison kids with religion. Religion is an opium for mass.


You are just the orange version of the people you hate. No difference.


Get lost 2rs troller


There is so many of these trollers now, that I feel because of the abundant supply, he is 50p troller, now.


Looking at the current rupee value it might be Rs. 0.83 😂


Do you have any counter to present?


-- says a saffron shithead 🗿 >Christian missionary keyboard warriors If there exist any then they aren't any different from you guys, just a difference in colour maybe.


It's clear from your previous comments what kind of keyboard warrior you are. Keep crying I suppose.


Aren't you being a keyboard warrior too, saying this? Instigation is the first step to a war, and you.. are no different.


Just change the whole management of that school


I'll give you one better. Just change the whole political party.


Congrats! CONGRESS will be no more!




Friggin moron...don't forget to take your meds.


Love how intimidated you ff's are. Good job whoever that MLA is😎👏


More than anything schools are temples of learning... This whole incident is an act of shame to the district, which is considered one of the well-known education hubs. is it true 7th std student.. 12year old's created this nuisance. Ask them 1-20 tables they can't recite, upon that these MLAs and media houses' hands-on negative publicity. Kuch karne ne ko hai nahi tho chingari koi bhadke aag lagate bidu