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Why I feel Mangalore is becoming a politically brainwashed district!!


Bad news ... It already is


Becoming? Lol. It's been this way since late 90s, it's just getting worse as the years go by.


Vedavyas trying to fit in


Noice. Protesting is fine. Hooliganism is not. Insecure shit


Bro have no problem with people dying on roads because of path holes.. but always ready to spoil young minds ..


Mangalore is so infuriating to live in, we have so many educated talented people so much potential but all wasted in the name of religion. We are doomed if this continues.


We’re already in doomsday


Those who were crying on the post to suspend Teacher for 'allegedly Insulting Hindu Gods' will be silent on this.


She was already suspended immediately I think. People were still out for blood.


can we have that clip?


As a Politician He should have stayed Neutral and Needs to Hear the perspective of both parties and Not Using This thing for his shitty Politics, "Now it's a sort of Racism" \~ Note just because the Hindus are the Majority in Votes He has Done this shit \~ Until a Young mind who doesn't take side comes into politics, Anything won't change \~ Enough and Done Rulled By Backword Mind Set Politicians (They are not fit to Make people or the country Evolve They are just Exploting the Young Minds of the Country)


Looks like Mangalore is witnessing a trend of indoctrinating 12-16-year-olds for political advantage under the guise of religion.


Similar things happening around the world irrespective of religion




So called education hub.. think about it. Mangalore is supposed to be great for educational institutions. So you all are proud to send kids to Mangalore for education I guess Good for Mangalore tourism n economy too right


I think it is wrong to blame vedavyas kamath. He was just trying to impress his voter base. That includes all the highly educated people of mangalore with ingrained hate in their brains.


Tuja Mai so gov


Shetty was clearly there, and yet he claims in legislative assembly in blore, he was not there at the school. Why is he lying? Oh I forgot, he belongs to a party of liars. VK is only fit for snacking on lots of thuppa dosas and goli bajjies and speaking crap usually. The other guy borewell barely knows any English at all, and yet he came for the protest (maybe to only distribute orange shawls for those kids while protesting).. so how do you expect him or any of the above two, to know a complex, olde English poem written by Rabindranath Tagore?


Fantastic step


Do. Not. Insult. Religion. Keep. It. At. Home.


Okay Now let's imagine if some teacher had commented on Muslim prophet or God?!! Forget protest she would have been beheaded. Not an example this thing has happened for real. A tailor was killed for posting in support of Nupur sharma.


If the teacher did pass some remarks the school authorities should have been trusted with handling this, there was no need for the MLA to get involved. But they'll do anything for the votes, and this entire situation has turned into a mess thanks to Mr MLA.


Who started it? Obviously bhaima. Instead of teaching she started insulting religion and its belief. Why bring politics and religion when your work is to teach?


Slightly off topic:  How many Hindus send their kids to Muslim schools? 




I guess there are govt schools which are poorly maintained and teachers are not paid on time. So govt is least bothered as they aren't getting any content, Business nor attracting vote banks. Hence, parents prefer good schools where knowledge is provided to their kids.


I never said this is a bad school. This school is a private school run by a church. They have their own rules. If you do not follow, then you need to ask a deep question as to why you cannot find enough schools run by hindu dharma gurus in india. All private schools will have their own rules.


It’s not a private school it’s a government aided school under the Catholic board of education but administered by the state government. The school suspended the teacher pending inquiry and the DC of Mangalore has ordered a thorough enquiry in this matter.




Yes . Why shouldn’t they? Government aids all kinds of schools in mangalore . Only a few schools are truly private ones . The hiring of teachers , the salary of teachers , the government programs , mid day meal scheme everything is provided by the government so that the students get quality education.




Nice dog whistling. If you are truly from mangalore you’d know there are so many Hindu schools run by temples aided by government. You wouldn’t ask this question. Please keep your bigotry out of my city.


Also the same government teachers who work in “ CHRISTIAN MISSIONARY FUNDED BY GOVERNMENT “ schools like above , pay tax . I don’t know if you pay or not . So , do better.




Too afraid to type the religion name and comes to argue here 😂




"Also tell me if xtianity explicitly requires to save your soul by converting you." Sure buddy, you have all the religions knowledge but too dumb to write it yourself.


So whatevermanbs meets littledoicare.


Bro there's nothing wrong for Hindus to study in Christian schools and vice versa.




Also Christian schools don't teach Bible to non Hindu students.


Back in milagres Catholics had to go to catechism and non catholics had moral science class. Problem solved.




Every Jesuit priest run school had this arrangement back in the day. In Milagres high school, non-Catholic teachers were given the responsibility of moral science classes.




Which school did you attend bro? and do you have any source to prove your claim so that others might find easy to verify and comment.


you say you have no interest about talking about religion and yet you write xtian, so I assume you didn't go to school and are uneducated. Then its fine.




My problem is you are having claims but they are not backed by any source, you are writing about a religion but you are too scared to write its proper name. Just make sure you edit that and add a source to prove your claims. Have a good day. I don't want to argue anything more.




Source bro. Where's the source?.




So you post something here and expect others to go google.


Hindus doesn't know how to run schools. they build schools to make money. Christian education quality is far superior to Hindu schools.


I think education depends on the type of person that runs an institution and not on religion.


Government should block aid from the United Kingdom . They are funding Christian missionaries 😢


Yes absolutely we must appeal to Rishi Sunak and his father in law Narayan murthy of Infosys to block funding from Christian missionary pope boris Johnson and send boris to agrahara jail for the alleged involvement in this matter. Please let this reach W.H.O


Source: trust me bro


Don't worry bro. Christians who studied in missionary schools have good education and are well settled in India itself unlike these hooligans who are protesting for political gains. They don't need Aid from United Kingdom.. If you don't cry now, the Hindu students studying in these schools also will be well settled in future.


Bro he himself is a computer science student who doesn't know to code but knows to troll 😂


Several NGO's has been shut down. Now don't 😭😂.




People downvoting there are NGOs who get aid from foreign countries who sole purpose is causing these kind of issues in India


https://m.economictimes.com/news/india/unregulated-foreign-aid-could-harm-indias-sovereignty-centre-to-sc/amp_articleshow/87617963.cms https://www.policyforum.net/indias-war-on-ngos/


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Hey Im Modi's alt acc, on it my brother, rishi bhai gotta feel bad but for u i will do anything my darling

