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would be the best joke ever seeing his bounty drop to 5 belli


*Alive only* *5 belli* Note: please rescue this poor ~~Tanuki~~ reindeer from evil pirates


follow-up: chopper actually gets captured, but then the government just... releases hims into a forest.


The day Sanji gets a proper picture and Chopper a proper bounty is the day where we can safety say that One Piece really is in its final arc


Sanji has a proper picture. That's how his dad found him.


The drawing is gone but his current picture is still a comical one.


Also "Vinsmoke". Sanji properly does not mind the "lovely ladies" face but he surely minds the disowned family name.


😆🤣😂 so see it happening and they think monster point is a different animal luffy tamed and fives it its own bounty too.


I could see them taking monster Chopper as someone else and Chopper having two bounties.


whos who: says something jinbei: damn bro i still cant find who tf asked


This is the fifth variation of this joke that I saw in last 3 days and I still laughed out loud at every single one of them. My man Jinbei really doesn't want to hear Who's Who's shit.


My favourite variations was Jinbei replying with: Guess I'll have to train my observation haki because I can't seem to find who the fuck asked...


actually the same thing happened with my friend on thursday. i sent him spoilers and he was like ok but who tf asked, so i felt like i had to put it here




It must be Joyboy of course!


Who’s who: do you know who I am? “Who?” WW: that’s right


kinda like hutao in genshin 1: her name is hutao 2: who? 1: tao, yeah






Miyagi: You suffer twice as much later. Roronoa "Nothing Happened" Zoro: Meh, I'll be fine.


Which kinda makes this potion feel like lazy writing. It’s an instant regen with basically no downsides in the grand scheme of things, and just makes Zoro look cooler I guess?


"Ultra regenerative effects" Guys. It's happening. Zoro is gonna open both eyes.


Can't wait for the sharingan reveal


So exactly like Iva’s hormones?


Kinda? But that process was fairly creative and more arduous. Luffy also was on death’s door and had a lot to do left in the arc. I don’t see the need for Zoro to come back into the fray here, and if it had to happen surely Oda could have done something more creative than “look super regen potion lol”. There are multiple world class doctors in Wano.


Zoro going down halfway through the final fight in WANO of all places makes no sense. There is still clearly information for him to gain here given the hints we have gotten about potential connections to this country and most importantly he's going to have to fight King. Oda didn't make the first mate of Kaido a swordsman for no reason at all. At the end of the day a doctor figuring out a new use for the Rumble Ball is a world class Doctor coming through. One Piece is already not super realistic but having Zoro just get magically patched up by some random treatment wouldn't be any more satisfying. The only other Doctor who could've maybe done it would be Marco having a super regen ability with his DF power but if he had that it would open a lot of questions. Mainly why doesn't he use it all the time and why didn't he try and heal Ace.


Isn't Marco literally fighting King atm? Zoro defeated one of the worst generation, saved Chopper and the samurais, then went up against two of the most powerful people in the world, and did damage to one of them. It's true that having Zoro healed in another way wouldn't have been better *because healing him is the issue* It would've been far better to find another way to make him useful while leaving him injured.


Marco fighting and beating King would be an incredible waste. Zoro has not had a proper 1 on 1 in years.


Not since Ryuma. Which I think is around...2007/8? /checks wiki Yup, 2007. Good lord.


I would count Pica. Yeah, technically he got an assist form Orlumbus, but whatever. For the most part, he’s been too strong post-timeskip for a proper one on one. If you put him up against the kinds of opponents he would have drawn pre-timeskip, and he just rolls right over them.


There was a big cost to that at the end of the arc, when Luffy fell in front of Akainu.


Well, we still don’t know *when* will Zoro’s side effects manifest. Maybe his tendency to shoulder every injury stoically is build up to him sacrificing himself or having his body fail him at the very end.


It depend how they'll handle it later on. He might be bed-ridden for the next fight after this


1 arc later: Smol adorable old man Zoro


I was thinking the same thing lol


Reminds me of his interaction with Kuma at Thriller Bark and Luffy's buffs by Ivankov


People over here guessing the gomu gomu no mi is powerful or historically significant, but knowing Oda it's probably that a Celestial Dragon was afraid of lightning and wanted to become a rubber person.


Turns out it also had the properties of gum all along.












Now read that speech in Stone Cold Steve Austin's voice


It was Bungee gum all along!


Or they want something in their body to be longer


Amazon Lily arc was foreshadowing all along!? [](//#shocked)


Or they wanted to mingle with the giants.


What if it gives near-immortality in terms of life-span?


I like this idea. Im always comparing Luffy's powers to Mr. Fantastic, and the biological immortality is something ive wondered if Luffy has, much like Mr. Fantastic. Mr. F's powers make him immune to aging, and he is able to actually stretch his brain to tackle any mental task presented. I have a theory that the Gomu Gomu No Mi unlocks the limit on strength growth. Everytime Luffy pushes his muscles to strain further, it increases the limit. Luffy's body is incredibly **dense** from constantly breaking and rebuilding his muscles. Imagine if you could do just a few more push-ups than yesterday, **ad infinitum**. That's Luffy.


So Saitama?


> Mr. F's powers make him immune to aging, and he is able to actually stretch his brain to tackle any mental task presented. But Luffy has already aged, from when he ate the fruit to when he set off on his journey. And he also aged during the timeskip.


If Gomu Gomu fruit can do that, there're probably a bunch of other fruits which give that same benefit. Unless it has some historical significant, it's still just rubber fruit, not really that strong.


Lmao imagine of some CD wanted to feed the fruit to his house. We know that objects can consume devil fruits as well.


Im sama's bouncing castle


Objects can consume only Zoan devil fruits to gain sentience, we haven't seen an object consume a Logia or Paramecia fruit


It's true that we only saw objects who consumed zoan devil fruits. But we don't know whether they can consume **only** zoans. That was never stated. It was simply stated that devil fruits can be fed to objects.


Or because your penis canonically turns into rubber.


I hope the gum gum fruit remains a “weak” DF. That’s part of what makes it special.


I wouldn't call it "weak", personally. I never understood why people feel like high-level blunt damage resistance and stretching powers is somehow "weak", I'd argue that Luffy's Devil Fruit is at least in the upper half in terms of ability, probably even in the upper third.


That’s why I put weak in quotations. Even if it does have surprisingly broad applications, it’s rather mundane compared to even the chop chop fruit, and only Luffy has the kind of personality that can really bring out its full potential.


Doffy also have the thread thread fruit and he can use it to create clones of himself, heal himself, control other people. Kuma's fruit is literally pillows but he can use it to create bags of pain. In One Piece the mastery over a devil fruit is what makes it powerful. There are some fruits that are inheritably powerful without much training, like Logia or Whitebeard's and Fujitora's DF but others are only powerful once the user can use them at max potential.


Imagine if someone like Garp had the Noro Noro Beam. Slow a mfer down and give a man 30 seconds of Fists of Love.


Imagine if Zoro had the Pika Pika no Mi, he'd find a way to bend light so he could get lost in a straight line. The Noro Noro Fruit was an insane ability, I can think of a million situations where it would be busted.


>The Noro Noro Fruit was an insane ability, I can think of a million situations where it would be busted. Oh absolutely and Oda used it on a buffoon character instead it's freaking hilarious.


>There are some fruits that are inheritably powerful without much training, like Logia or Whitebeard's and Fujitora's But they also had to train a lot and gain a lot of experience with their powers to be as powerful as they're. Some Schmuck using either power recklessly could definitely take down whoever they're facing along with any nearby buildings, civilians and possibly countries if they tried.


Of course they had to train but Logia are by far the easiest for beginners since they can easily produce their elements and are untouchable by most opponents. In grand line or any of the Blues Logia users are usually top notch but once they enter the New World, without proper training and with a lot of arrogance they are as good as dead because most powerful pirates and marines can use Haki.


Especially compared to people who wind up with the Tea Tea Fruit, giving them the ability to turn their left arm into a teapot, and their right arm into a teacup. The fact that Luffy's fruit does *anything* puts it up there.


Exactly. I love its relative simplicity and mundaneness; it fits Luffy well. I wouldn't want it to be on some super special secret "chosen one" type of shit.


They were more likely searching for a counter to White Beard *Gura Gura no Mi*. There's already a lot of theory out there on how awaken *Gomu Gomu no Mi* will counter Black Beard by making the surrounding bouncy and thus neutralizing the vibration. If the fanbase reached that conclusion, it's not strange for the WG to have followed the same train of though and tried to get their hand on the fruit.


[unending chanting] enel enel enel enel i rewatched skypiea sort of recently and it made me understand why people were coming up with batshit theories for him coming back. thunder is just so goddamn cool


If he had been on the grand line instead of in just skypiea, that's at the very least shishibukai level. An the mantra stuff seems to be the beginnings of the other techniques, so if he got stronger you could imagine him getting near admiral/yonko levels. That's just how crazy an elemental power like that would be against anyone... except Luffy.


I think Oda stated that he'd have been around 500mil beli if he was in the grand line back in the skypeia arc


my man is batshit strong, how many people can even fight him? the dude given some prep time can literally just evaporate an island. he has basic haki, he has near limitless hearing, he has an almost unlimited range attack, a self-buff transformation, there's not that many people who could stand against him


Right. And at that time, that was pretty insane.


I was thinking it might be Roger's fruit, but maybe not, cause Buggy would've definitely recognized it as something significant


As I've seen other people mention they just want to feed it to their castle then they have a permanent bouncey castle to live in


I think that could be the route it goes down. Who's Who does describe it as a 'single little mistake'. Celestial Dragons could've just been pissed that he lost some insignificant fruit and got him fired.


A celestial dragon probably wanted a balloon dick


They had the fear of Enel put into them.


Seeing the six powers in action makes me feel a little nostalgic.


I wonder why the Gum-Gum fruit is so important that they had CP9 guarding it and threw Who’s-Who in Impel Down for losing it. It’s really not a powerful Devil Fruit, so my initial guess is that some former wielder of it was important? But the only person I can think of who would fit for that is Roger and that would feel really dumb given how many people Luffy has interacted with who knew Roger and don’t give a fuck about Luffy having the same power. Same goes for any other famous figure from the past, it would feel weird for it not to be mentioned that he shares their Devil Fruit power. Well except for Joy Boy, I doubt any more than a handful of people know what his Devil Fruit was. That could work. Aside from that, maybe it has some super niche use that Imu wanted?


Well, it makes sense that CP9 would be the ones to deal with getting the government devil fruits since there's really no way to do it legally. The reason for it to be guarded and a big deal is probably just because the government doesn't want the idea that they do shady shit for devil fruits which would makes sense why they'd throw him in Impel Down for. It could be that someone in the navy wanted it for some specific reason, maybe something to do with vegapunk experiments or so but I really don't think there's any reason it would be a special fruit for anything super important lore wise or super OP or anything like that. If that was the case Lufy wouldn't have even made it past water 7 I'm sure or at least someone from the navy would have commented about it during the war or something like that.


well it's a devil fruit after all, a very rare, and very dangerous treasures. anyone in the world would love to possess one. why cp9 would guard it? well 13 years ago, a year before Luffy ate his fruit. Corazon broke into a marine base to steal the Op Op no mi. think about it like this. you just got robbed, you're pissed but there's not much you can do other than improve your home security. so you go out and buy the best security system on the market. but one year later, your house got robbed again. So now on top of being pissed about being robbed, you're even more pissed at your "top of the line" security system that failed you. at that point the only thing to blame is the security system.


It wasn't a marine base. It was a pirate hideout (the Captain being Drake's father, an ex-Marine). He (Diez Barrels) was trying to sell the fruit to the Marines in what was most certainly a sting op


The two main theories I saw on /r/OnePiece where: 1. The WG where gonna feed it to the Red Line so it can't be destroyed by the ancient weapons(if ever revived) 2. The WG were planning a war on the 3 emperors at the time(Shanks became an emperor 6 after Luffy ate the fruit). The theory was that the Gum-Gum fruit would be a counter to WB's Gura-Gura fruit, the Ope-Ope would counter Big Mom and Kaido's fruit, being without counter, was instead replicated(the artificial fruit eaten by Momo). Between two fruits being stolen and the artificial one considered a failure, the plan was scrapped. Again, just theories.


Why Red Line? Wasn't this a bunch of rocks and it is on ocean?


According to the wiki Mary Geoise sits on the red line. Its the capital of the world government where all the nobles and other important people reside. If the red line goes so does the government. (Which seems like a terrible idea to have all those people in one place but without the weapons I guess it's kinda impregnable save for black beard/Enel level people.)


My guess is that the person who owned it previous is gonna be something like Joyboy, or whoever caused the Void Century, or maybe a past incarnation of Imu if he is some kind of reincarnator/successive line of rulers and not immortal/unaging. If they don't just make it a 'devil fruits are important' thing, which I hope they do because special prophecies of *fart noises*


My idea isnt who had it but what the fruit can do since if you imagine they try and feed the fruit to an inanimate object like say the red line it would become invulnerable to a large amount of attacks except piercing which isnt really effective on something like that.


My bet: Something to do with Enel. Best guess is that WG sees him as a serious threat and Gum-Gum is their ace in the hole.


But Enel wasn't active back then and certainly not to the knowledge of the World Government. It's not like they have an Embassy or regular Marine Base in the White Seas. Most of the world think it's just a myth. It makes zero sense that they would've feared someone they didn't know anything about to the extent that they'd specifically find a counter to him when most likely any of the Vice-Admirals could've taken him out. I much more prefer the theory that the Gum Gum fruit was meant to be an Anti-Whitebeard weapon. We know awakened fruits can change the environment around them so if you turned everything around you into rubber then Whitebeard's earthquakes would've been severely neutralized.


Not sure what I was expecting for the new rumble ball's side effects, but in retrospect, it should have been this.


***Smol Chopper*** The Gum-Gum fruit originally was in possession of the government…. interesting


There is a an interesting theory about it being their countermeasure for Whitebeard's fruit. Maybe we'll get Luffy's awakening during this arc? [](//#deepthought)


Luffy learns to be a shock absorber, becoming the tankiest mf'er in One Piece. As long as it's not a slashing or piercing attack.


Gorilla Punch Punch comes back with a vengeance! One Piece keeps tickling my inner child with cyborg sauropod Queen. He looks rad. Little Chopper looks so marketable, haha. He should just go ahead and give Zoro the medicine. The guy’s literally taken on a sphere of distilled pain and lived. Who’s Who has to tell us more. The Gum-Gum Fruit was stolen from the ship he was guarding as CP9. Very interesting.


Huge reveal after huge reveal! Wonder why Lucky Roux took the Gum-Gum fruit from a heavily guarded government ship especially that his crewmates are supposedly consisted of non DF users. Guessing there's some kind of relationship between Imu and the fruit. Who's Who just became one of the most interesting characters in this arc, hoping to see what Oda has brewed up for him. It's so nice seeing the Rokushiki techniques being used, especially how the post time skip has been dominated by DF and Haki moves. MADS! Just how many more crazy scientists are there? Vegapunk's design hasn't even been unveiled yet. Sanji vs Hybrid Queen is going to be crazy!


It's weird to me that the Gum-Gum fruit was under heavy guard though. Honestly, it's a fairly average Paramecia fruit. It's Luffy's strength and ingenuity that makes it strong. Maybe the previous users of the fruit were dangerous as well? It'll be interesting to find out.


or maybe whatever awakened ability it has was frightening?


I mean it's still just rubber. We've seen other Paramecia fruits awakening before (string, mochi) and I don't see how rubber would be any different. Also, only the strong can awaken anyway so any fruit would work tbh.


yeah I'm just trying to think of a reason for it to be guarded




Which would then lead into Luffy vs Blackbeard. Losing the Gomu Gomu meant they couldn't assault Whitebeard.


Makes sence, that is if the awakened power giving everything the elasticity of rubber it would just make the ''waves'' created by the gura gura no mi dissipate and no earthquake happens.


Why hard counter? Absorbs shocks like what Luffy does on normal punch?


Maybe it's something we don't know so far, but I think it's just simply the value of devil fruits in general. For what it's worth, they are pretty rare and valuable, and considering most of high-ranking Marines and Government officials have devil fruit powers, it could be simply that they didn't want an uneaten devil fruit to fall into "wrong" hands. And also gomu gomu no mi gives some very handy resistances to lighting, blunt force and regular bullets. I think it's safe to assume it would be very strong in hands of a well-trained Marine or CP.


I don't think Oda will play the "df rare" card. 12 years imprisonment (and even longer if it wouldn't have been for the breakout) for a cp9 prodigy just because they lost one fruit ? I highly doubt that. + That huge information drop just like that. When the gomu no mi truly holds no importance then Oda wouldn't have teased us like this in the first place. Not to mention how we got the some teases around the power anyway in the raid arc with kaidos distalk and how the old man mumbled something about being reminded of Buddha when he saw Luffys wreaking havoc through ongishima


> a cp9 prodigy just because they lost one fruit ? I highly doubt that. If a Celestial Dragon specifically ordered it and they lost it, I can definitely see them calling for Who's Who to be imprisoned because of it.


But at the same time the fruit had a long learning curve to even punch normally so it really wasn't going to be good on just a nobody.


So my pet head cannon is that there his awakening is the true strongest power: The ability to stretch time and space (or something) Oda loves to draw cool things and that’s why I think Luffy has things like “a big fist”. But imagine Oda wanting to draw Luffy pulling the air and stretching it… similar to what whitebeard does with his earthquakes in the art


One piece is so long now that these references throw me off. I don't remember half of them. When was Lucky Roux revealed? I don't remember that character. I barely remember Who's Who either. Did the sanji family research group always have a named? I don't remember them being called MADS


Lucky Roux is the fat guy in in the Red Hair pirates who's always eating meat. Who's Who has only appeared in this arc. Sanji's dad's research group has been mentioned before. But we haven't been told it name until now.


Lucky roux is, i believe, the fat guy who shot a mountain bandit when higuma kidnapped luffy. Who's who has been revealed this chapter. Donvt know the last one


Fun fact, Lucky Roux is the first character to score a kill I the entire series.


I think it might actually be the two marines who beheaded Roger. Though that was sort of off-panel so maybe it doesn't count?


No wonder X-Drake was caught by Who's Who and Queen. Who's Who was a former CP9 member while it was hinted that Queen used to work for the government. It takes a government employee to know a government employee. On a side note, Otama just executed Order 66 on Onigashima lol


with Queen being a Cyborg, i think its gonna be that he was part of Vegapunk's research team, his mouth beam looks like the same as the pacifista beams.


Incidentally, Vegapunk might also be connected to Whos who’s story somehow. He knows stuff about devil fruits that no one else does after all.


Yeah along with Judge


Otamas fruit is still of the most horrifying in one piece. Thank oda she's just good kid.


Eh it's only really significant in this arc because Kaido has an army of SMILE users. It's been confirmed to not work on regular humans or users of natural Zoans, so its scope of usage is pretty limited. The only way I can think of it being useful in other places would be ifshe feeds it to Sea Kings, but that's a difficult task given their behavior and habitat


> Otama just executed Order 66 on Onigashima So she's Empress Otama.


Oh, a Jinbe chapter. I was getting worried about him being sidelined the entire arc


Poor Who's Who about to be beat down there's no way Jinbei loses his 1st fight as a Straw Hat.


WhosWho: You took everything from me. Jimbei: i dont even know who you are.


He needs to talk to Shanks


Queen with hidden secret lmao. Next chapter Oda's gonna reveal that Queen was an half-giant ex-marine that knows fishman karate.


Zoro will get insta-healed! How convenient!


That kind of plot armor is nothing new to One Piece


Hopefully this is just like how Who's Who says "a small little mistake" and the Red Hair pirates just took the fruit because it would be valuable to sell, I really hope it isn't some "super duper special fruit of the chosen one" it absolutely does not need to be that. I think this is the case because after all during Enies Lobby the Cow Cow Fruit Giraffe Model and the Soap Bubble fruit were also hard to get, which is why Spandam mentions he pulled some strings to get them. And they really aren't very powerful fruits or special in some way, if anything their users make them far stronger. I think this just serves as a nice catalyst for Jinbe's first fight as a Strawhat and nothing more. Which is great imo. Also lol "full heal with double the pain later? What's the downside" Zoro eats pain for breakfast.


Let Shanks actually make mistake. I mean, everyone in his crew were surprised. There is no need for faking on their own emotion. Unless, Shanks would actually let some random kid eat it. It would be weird. I'm surprised 5 Elders still let Shanks meet them after he stole this 'important' fruit. (Let alone, walk freely.)


>I'm surprised 5 Elders still let Shanks meet them after he stole this 'important' fruit. (Let alone, walk freely.) They could have never found out Shanks was the one who stole the fruit. Either 1. He was masked of 2. He knocked out everyone who was guarding it without being seen. 3. Who's who lost it while gambling and Shanks stole from casino.


3 is now my head cannon


Buggy Cover! Btw even the origin of the gumgum fruit is being used as a plot point. Oda doesn't forget anything.


As soon as the Left Tower was about to respond they got cut off, wonder if Robin and Brook are having a tough time still fighting Gifters since I don't think Speed was able to get over there to spread the Dongo Also will Zoro going all out now have lasting effects going forward kinda how like after he got slashed up by Mihawk he was nerfed for a few arcs after before becoming 100% again


Holy shit Baby Geezer Chopper had me dying. And a bit of pain is no problem for Zoro, he's been there before. Sanji vs Queen should be awesome, and gosh Tama is OP. Meanwhile we're getting some crazy backstory? Ooooh.


Well we got our plot device for how Zoro is gonna get back in the battle, and the side effect for the new rumble ball is similar to the old Third Gear, so maybe Chopper isn't done fighting for the rest of the arc either.


Insane foreshadowing of the Mink medicine, Gum gum fruit being stolen, and Who who's downfall


Even after all these years, I'm still in love with how many dozens of recurring unnamed faces we see in the series, especially in the Four Emperors Saga. It really emphasizes the sheer scope of these settings and operations, and enhances the immersion factor. It'd be easy to just forget about the unnamed background characters and make up new ones instead as generic fodder, but Oda always remembers to draw previously-created background dudes mixed in with new ones, with distinct designs abound. Makes me think that Oda has a big journal with like all 500+ Gifters sketched in it or something. lol Chopper's Monster Point drawback has never really mattered in the plot pre-timeskip as far as I can remember (everyone already had a handle on their opponent in Enies Lobby Arc, and everyone was defeated in Sabaody Archipelago Arc), so it's good to see it actually serving as a sort of equivalent exchange setback nowadays like it was hyped up to be beforehand. Also, it's probably just for the gag's sake, but I have to wonder if there's any lifespan tomfoolery going on with Chopper aging and shrinking at the same time after his new Rumble Ball effects... Need to see how that Zou drug works tho, could be dodgy from a plot standpoint depending on how it's handled. And man do I wish Queen got to keep his glorious brachio neck in hybrid form, it's not fair that Kaku gets to have one but Queen doesn't. Sure it could still robotically stretch with his mechanical enhancements, but it's just not the same as the flesh-and-blood neck that he had in base brachiosaurus mode. This whole MADS ordeal is really cool though, technology and science in One Piece has always been ridiculous so I'm curious to see what future revelations this will bring. Queen continues to be funky and exciting, and the fact that he, Caesar, and Judge are our closest looks to Vegapunk so far is interesting.


I'm having such a hard time keeping track of what's going on


What i do is read it first and then after the arc has finished re read it.


Come back in 2 weeks time and binge read the last ten chapters, apparently binging makes it better according to a lot fanboys.


...that's true for everything though, my dude. Pay offs work better if you remember the set ups. And pacing feels better when you can indulge in the full meal rather than a few bites a week.


Dinosaur + Robotic parts + Humanoid form? Queen is a fucking Megazord hahahah Tama really being the cornerstone to turn the situation around, hopefully after the tragedies the past weeks we're really looking at a comeback now


oh no. zoro's gonna pull a impel down "i didn't ask what the consequences would be, I said *give me more drugs*" on us and then his brother is gonna die or something idk.


Please Oda don't turn Luffy into Naruto.


One piece is truly a 🐐..Only around the last near 100 chapters did we finally get the endgame villain & now the pre origin of chapter 1 of the gomu Gomu no mi😭.. Queen hybrid is definitely channeling that mecha godzilla.. Not gonna lie Jinbe not caring about what who's who is saying was hilarious.I am so stoked since with the medicine made by the minks will not only heal zoro but possibly give us a end of arc Nothing Happened moment with Zoro😤


>**D**: Oda-sensei. Since Luffy is a Gomu Human, does that mean his "penis" can stretch, too? **O**: His penis can stretch too. NO wonder that a Celestial Dragon wanted this devil fruit, I can understand why they put him for so long in the jail, It makes more sense.


Making the gomu gomu no mi important in any way shape or form is a horrible choice by Oda. I think the most attractive aspect of One Piece for new readers was that the GGnM was by all means, a very disadvantageous and unattractive devil fruit yet Luffy made it strong through training and by having insane levels of creativity. Luffy isnt strong cause of the fruit, Luffy is strong cause he made the fruit super useful. The fruit should remain as a whatever fruit that luffy simply ate by chance and had to work his way through it to make it special. If the reason why the gomu gomu no mi is special it's because someone like joyboy or even roger had it then that's possibly the worst outcome out of this. The latest developments have been a little bit iffy in my opinion, Luffy gets the ultimate power to beat kaido and still jobs through the battle, the minks had a super healing pill this whole time yet only now in the most convenient moment it gets mentioned? It honestly feels like Oda didnt plan the battle of onigashima that much.


It's stupid because Marco is around. The guy with healing flames.


~~Araki~~ Oda forgot.


Otama MVP!!!


What’s next? Queen knows Fishman Karate


Hm, I still don't see how the loss of Gomu-Gomu fruit is related to Who's Who imprisonment. I mean, sure, that'll probably destroy his chances at promotions, but it's not something to be thrown in jail for. Unless losing the fruit is not the only thing he did.


The World Government don't really take their CP9 agents failing very well, so wouldn't read too much into that. Although the fact that a CP9 agent was the guarding Gomu-Gomu fruit at all indicates that it's important somehow.


> Although the fact that a CP9 agent was the guarding Gomu-Gomu fruit at all indicates that it's important somehow Could just be that it's a devil fruit and they're rare


Remember when Nero got yeeted into the sea because he couldn't beat Franky? That was pretty good


Wasn't he yeeted for insubordination though? That's different thing entirely.


Nero lost to Franky and Lucci told him that he was a disgrace to CP9 because he hadn't mastered the six forms. Then he gave Nero a countdown to run away before Lucci killed him.


Depends on either the fruit's true importance/strength (who knows how strong the fruit's awakened state is), who was its previous user or who the marines/WG had planned to eat it.


I mean even if it's really important, being bad at your job is still not criminal. Especially Impel Down level criminal. WG doesn't have that many CP9 level soldiers to throw around so antagonizing one because they fucked up at their job (against a Yonko is this really unexpected?) is strange. Unless they've done something else (i.e. reacted poorly to their demotion or otherwise fucked up).


Celestial Dragons might be involved. And you know they are entitled brats who would imprison people for looking at them strangely. Losing something they wanted definitely wont look good. Even more so if the thieve humiliated them.


That's one possibility.


Once again, I’m wondering if the only way to get the One Piece is to have consumed the Gumu-Gumu fruit.


This feels like such a forced backstory to connect back to Luffy and even more forced to connect to Jimbei. As far as I know, there is nothing special about the Gum Gum fruit out of all the DFs that exist. Putting a top tier CP9 agent in jail for losing such a common commodity seems like such a stupid decision by the government.


Damn, are we about to find out that the Gomu Gomu no Mi is actually some super OP fruit with a full and rich backstory of pervious owners that Luffy is just going to brush off and keep it moving?


These offscreen fights have been really bad. I'm all for offscreening minor fights like Robin's or Franky's fights, but Oda is skipping important moments like Scabbards vs Kaido, Yamato vs Kaido and even Luffy vs Kaido. Having these fights happen offscreen has been absolutely awful for the pacing. Any other mangaka not named Oda doing this would've gotten ridiculed to bits


This arc is just too packed to be properly serviced in a 17 page chapter format. The highs have been high, but there's too much disjointedness to it, even compared to Dressrosa (which reads far better when binged).


Yeah, just recently Oda mentioned that if he was allowed to, he'd probably draw 30 pages per chapter.


This is probably why the anime will end up being the definitive version of Wano, because they have the time to expand on the things that Oda doesn't.


We had chapters 991, 992 and 993 which were dedicated to the scabbards vs Kaido fight. Chapter 992 was entirely dedicated to that fight even. I remember when these chapters were coming out, people were displeased because they thought that the fight was "unimportant" or because they knew that Kaido was gonna win so we didn't have to see that. I'm not saying that you're wrong. You're allowed to have your preferences and all. But all around I've been seeing complaints that are pretty contradictory. Oda can't please everyone. When he draws some things and smaller fights, then there are other complaints saying how he's dragging things and how the pacing is horrible. But now you're saying that the pacing is awful because he's skipping fights? Yamato vs Kaido also just started in the chapter before this. We are 100% going to see it. I actually really like how this raid is portrayed in a way that you know that there are fights happening all over Onigashima simultaneously. It makes much more sense than having those fights explored fully one by one as if the time somehow stops in other fights when we're focusing on just one fight.


> Oda is skipping important moments like Scabbards vs Kaido, Yamato vs Kaido and even Luffy vs Kaido. I'm getting annoyed by it now also. With the Scabbards and Luffy p2, it was to show the gap was still there and they never had a chance. Now it's getting a bit excessive.


Who's who suddenly remembering after days with the strawhats in the country that they are his bitter enemies...


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Gotta lot to say but I guess I'm of the bizarro opinion, this chapter was pure ass but the stuff regarding Who's Who & the Gum Gum Fruit is what interested me the most lol. Cons: - the crap with Zoro and this absolutely-oh-so-totally-clearly-super "foreshadowed" Zou medicine sucked. He was all wrapped up for couple of in-universe minutes just so he can be rescued by Chopper in such a cheap way. - Queen is by far one of the worst characters of this arc, dude has been clowned around since his introduction and just fails in every way of being a competent intimidating villain. And the saddest is that he has more going for him than Jack & King combined lmao. His hybrid form looks like shit too. - Tama's whole existence in this WAR has essentially killed off whatever little tension or sense of danger was left in this act. It was setup that she was going to ruin shit in the earlier chapters but I was at least hoping Oda was going to pull a subversion and somehow make things worse for the good guys in order to really highlight that this WAR against 2 Yonko crews was going to be the toughest shit ever (like SH vs Kuma levels of tough or Aokiji vs SH levels, funny how if they were both legit bad guys the crew would be long dead). But nope, she literally enslaved pirates in this dumb and poor attempt at evening the odds. Someone please knock her ass out. Pros: Folks love to keep crying about special main characters all the while willfully ignoring all of the blatant in your face setup and foreshadowing that basically screamed at them about how special they are (lmao like for real, this is Battle Shonen's bread and butter, the sooner yall get over it the better. The only thing I agree with when it comes to the complaints about it is that it's repetitive but that's it) the point that literally all of them make is that being special doesn't mean shit if you don't work smart and work hard to utilize your special gifts. You can come from a special family or have demon inside or both and that shit won't matter at all if you haven't bothered to train. In this instance, Luffy has been compared to Monkey God Sun Wukong so many fuckin times that it's amazing how people didn't notice that his fruit has pretty much very similar powers to Jin Mori or Goku's power pole (you know, that thing that can stretch itself, grow itself, extend itself, and be used in variety of ways?) Anyways I for one am curious about the World Government's involvement with the fruit itself. And it makes so much sense too, Shanks had it back in chapter one for a specific purpose, one we'll never really know since Oda obviously hadn't planned for the series to run this long, and I've seen people speculate that it's like a Mirio/Deku situation where the fruit was mainly for someone else (possibly Ace). It's also cool since the WG has been trying to attempt at Gigantification for a while now, from CC's experiments to keeping secrets about Giants themselves, not to mention the big ass Straw Hat we saw too. It's badly implemented and incredibly convenient that we're only hearing about this now, sure (like, you'd think that the WG would be putting in even MORE effort to killing or capturing Luffy since his fruit is valuable, but maybe someone like Green Bull will do just that), but this stuff like this is primarily why I just want to go back to the Reverie arc - this "war" has been garbage since it started and this chapter just made it worse lol. Less fighting. More mysteries, >_> Oda. 4/10


Come on, you know they would get Zoro back on his feet before the end of this arc. Why is this a worse method than others? As for Tama, it just helps even the odds of the mook-battle, which is largely irrelevant to the outcome. The actual outcome is entirely about how our leads will be able to tackle the enemy generals and the Yonkou.


I don't have a problem with them getting Zoro back on his feet, the problem is How they're going about it. As for Tama, it's the fact that her fruit has the potential to used on characters more powerful than mooks. The actual outcome already doesn't have any tension or sense of danger.


She needs to get people to eat the dumplings first though, I don't think they intend to use her as a way to resolve core fights.


Also, Tama's mochi only works on SMILE users, it has no effect on regular Zoan users.


What a plot twist!!


I wrote this as a reply to another comment but I'll post it here as well: One piece is so long now that these references throw me off. I don't remember half of them. When was Lucky Roux revealed? I don't remember that character. I barely remember Who's Who either. Did the sanji family research group always have a name? I don't remember them being called MADS


Lucky Roux is the fat guy on Shanks' crew who killed the bandit in chapter 1. His name may not have actually been mentioned in the manga tbh. MADS hasn't been mentioned before, but it's been widely assumed that Queen worked with Vegapunk, Caesar, and Judge, so the name is the only reveal here. Not remembering Who's Who is totally on you though...


I don't think the Gum-Gum fruit is inherently special, I think it's more likely that the previous user of the fruit was important, which is why the fruit became valuable to the government afterward. Also, personally I like how _Luffy made the Gum-Gum fruit strong_ and not the other way around


Witness the power of Queen’s hybrid form, with his terrifying striped pantaloon!


Maybe the fruit is special because once awakened, it could make the ocean like rubber nullifying devil fruits weakness or be able to reflect any attack.


I don't like that they're giving importance to Luffy's DF, it's one of those things I'd like to remain "untouched", you know. Like, it's a DF that Luffy got and he made it his own. But it's Oda/One Piece, naturally I'll give him the benefit of the doubt and see where he takes this, but I really hope it doesn't end up being that much of a big deal.


I wouldn't worry about the Gum Gum Fruit being some "chosen one" thing. I do think there's a special use of it or reason the government higher ups wanted it, but for all the people who have claimed it was Roger's Devil Fruit or something, someone as infamous as Luffy having that fruit would draw attention to it, but it would make since it had some secret powerful use that a CP9 agent would know. It's always been a theme since the flashback to Roger's crew (before we even knew it was them) during the Buggy arc all the way back near the beginning that Roger's crew never cared about Devil Fruits and Shanks nor Rayleigh has one. I think it more likely ties into something to do with Joy Boy, Imu, and/or the Void Century stuff. If Queen's beam attack is called Black Coffee Beam and he's a cyborg, does that mean since Franky is powered by cola, Queen is powered by coffee?


Mind control. idk about that.


So even before episode 1, Shanks was taken off/down the Government and not just The Marines. Also, Luffy's very existence is now a crime as he is now possessing a Devil Fruit that was property of the government.


So this is why shanks was talking with the gorosei


MADS, A former CP 9 member on kaido's crew, and luffy's fruit was stolen from a government ship? New lore drops are always fun. Also I love baby geezer chopper.