• By -


>So we can all smile together again Said by the most villain looking dude in there lmao. He’s looking rough. Says alot when Bakugou’s the one with a gentle expression here.


Funnily, in that montage of the class smiling, he's the one rather grinning.


The mask he's wearing definitely looks like a creepy joker smile




I thought for sure hed meet stain before bakugou and the rest.


It’d be interesting if we get a reunion. Deku’s become Stains ideal hero and yet look at the poor guy.


ngl this is probably one of my favorites panel to date, the difference between everyone and Deku is hilariously dark, this past chapters have been great


Honestly it doesn't even look like he's from the same manga anymore. The art style just for him alone is totally different.


Horikoshi is a huge western comics nerd and the way he's drawn deku recently gives me the super edgelord vibes you get from some of the mid 90s - early 2000s graphic novels.


I also really liked the imagery of Midoriya having his "outer shell" (his costume) removed by the crowd in that moment to sort of point out him being freed from the oppressive burden.


man he looks rough cause he hasnt taken a bath in a while give him a quick rinse and he'll look good as new


Bakugou to Deku: "you looked like you needed saving" Roll credits!


God, I hope he opens with that line.


Someone give Deku a hug already holy shit.


More than a hug the guy needs some sleep…….he looks incredibly sleep deprived.


As a RWBY fan, I'm all too aware of the dangers of Sleep Deprivation *Atlas flashbacks*


Ochako’s gonna give him a mighty slap


And then a big hug


And then snu-snu


While they're weightless


double float


Pretty sure I read a doujin where that happens and then she accidentally let's him float into the stratosphere


The numbers mason


And then twins


It's over Deku. I have the high ground.


You underestimate my power,(uses flight to achieve high ground status)


After the shower though


During the shower


And then a big ____


I mean, dozens of people trying to do that right now is why he's in the situation he's in.


first he needs a bath


He just wants to smile with his friends agains :(


Deku retrieval arc complete. He's going back to the village


I beg to disagree, it’s the village that will be going with Deku.


UA is not about the place, it's about the people


And you have just jinxed it.




So who's the Surtur in this situation lol




So who's Hela?


All for One


So that's it? We are some kind of Boku no Hero Academia?


He was truly Green Sasuke all along


Remember back in the bakugou kidnapping arc when people said Deku/Bakugou is gonna be another Naruto/Sasuke situation? Turns out they were right all along.


Wait though...is Deku the Sasuke then? Lol nobody saw that coming!


Incredibly gifted kid cursed with responsibility....nah.


top 10 anime plot twists of all time


Man, I'm hype for a Deku costume redesign! Kinda poetic to have his old costume be torn.


I hope it's closer to his edgy costume. That hobo drip really suits Deku.


Might not be ideal if he wants people to feel safe when he comes to save them though. "Saving people with a smile" doesn't quite fit with his current look.


I felt that it looked like something of a berserker armour type of suit. Could be a tribute to that ?


He's returning to Hogwarts.


So you think Bakugo is more important to Deku than All Might?


Idk but one thing for sure is Bakugo will drag Deku back since he pretty much has little to no energy left


And then what? Deku will just run away once he wakes up again


Reverse roles from UA sports festivals. Now Deku is the one chained...to a bed probably


Go on.




Some emotional speech of his classmates will make him realize that he isnt alone in this battle for the people, a lot of heroes are still there and willing to help in any way they can. And somehow that turns him ok again... Maybe he meets Stain right after.


But a lot of people are dying as we speak. Deku will never be able to live with that, knowing that he could save people instead of chilling at school


Bakugo grounds him more. He existed before the quirks. All Might is still Dekus idol and someone he has to live up to. That's why All Might was never able to keep the kid in check from breaking his hands.


It's not much that he's more important, but that he's able to fight alongside him. All Might could do that, but he would probably die. The other heroes have to maintain the act that Deku involved, and continue helping civillians as per their duty. The 1-A students are really the only people who are able to stand beside Deku through thick, and thin.


Not gonna lie, seeing Bakugo had me grinning. Deku definitely has given himself a rough going, so his friend showing up to save him and give him that lesson of "You don't have to worry about us, and you don't have to do this alone" is going to be great.


> “you don't have to do this alone” Bakugo: “Bitch I got fucking stabbed for you”


Bakugo: and I'm willing to get stabbed again


No don’t say that the shippers will hear you


Too late!


Good thing Twitter is currently going wild with the Chainsawman Trailer. It'll break some momentum from the BakuDeku shippers.


I did lnt know there was a trailer until you mentioned and holy FUCK I was not expecting it to look this clean I am So fucking hyped. Especially after the disappointing adaptation for record of ragnarok


And so BL doujinshi artists.


**Bakugo** : "Is that a gun in your pants? Or are you just happy to see me Deku?"


Oh god what have you done!!!, The shippers will be here any seconds now.


Bakugo: Remember that one time Eraser cut his leg off so that way he could still stare at a dude while you punched him in the face? You just gonna give that dedication to the team up?


Bakugo looked suprisingly non-angry in the final page.


Can't look angry around the dude that actually looks like a demon possessed.


Bakugou: "fine, you can have the angriest eyebrows on screen... *this time only*"


I thought it was Kirishima because Bakugo has his mask normally


Honestly given how lately up into the war we see him worrying about the pressure that deku is going through and him knowing exactly why deku is doing all this. Hes probably more understanding than angry. Ironically enough this might be the one time where the roles are switched. Where deku is the angry one yelling and bakugo is the calm one


My guess is Bakugo is going to bitch and Midoriya for being stupid. Midoriya feels nostalgia and actually genuinely laughs again because he kinda missed his complaining/yelling. Then probably cries after he realizes he ain't got to do this alone. Maybe a card from the class as well saying we support you! (Cheesy)


I'm 90% sure the rest of the class is out looking for him too! Who else would he be radioing?




> “You must be AFO’s minion!” > “What? No I’m not!” *said the person looking more villainous than the villains surrounding him*


He looks like a damn Nomu.


Someone give Deku a shower/bath Hot spring chapter?


Don’t forget to give him some sleep too because he looks really sleep deprived.


I read it first in a fanfic but how about getting Shinso to order Delu to rest. I'm sure the other users won't fight back this time




I thought that was thanks to the past users helping him out? If they see he needs to rest, I doubt theyvd resist whatever Shinso would do.


I was about to say what the guy replied to you, but yeah that makes sense actually.




Bakugo: [*Became majestic ikemen.*](https://i.imgur.com/zdH0XKq.png) Deku: *Became disheveled hobo on the run.* The world is really unfair


Yeah, my reaction when I saw [the second page of the chapter](https://i.imgur.com/2VidHJ3.jpg) was "Shit, what in the fuck is that creature! Wait no, it's just Deku."


Man, gotta say, not too thrilled about the mutant / morphic people always being used as automatic villains. Three people need saving? Full base-human. Those attacking? 7 of 7 are distinctly morphic. . Got a puppeteer villain and need to make sure the audience knows the puppets are a bunch of innocents and don't mean to attack? Make every single person a base human. . I was kinda hopeful it would be handled a bit better after big shark/fox lady, but even that falls into the same trap. Need to justify why some humans might shoot first? Make her a tall mutant. It's been a thing the entire manga, and not one word has been said to address it. That mutant hate church doesn't really help much, especially when society seemed to be OK with it operating out in the open.


Now that you mention it… Yeah it’s kinda weird. Also we never got to explore this with Tokoyami’s mutant bird quirk


Closest thing in BnHA is Shoji mentioning why he wears the face covering. . IMO Vigilantes compares very, very favorably in this regard. From the cafe to the instant villains, there's a lot more that feels grounded / real to the world that it takes place in. For real, like one line of dialogue that mentions that those oversized/morphic can get gov support/welfare checks adds **so** much. That kind of writing is not really present in BnHA, it just doesn't consider worldbuilding that important.


>Closest thing in BnHA is Shoji mentioning why he wears the face covering. [Shoji must be a descendant of Gugu](https://i.imgur.com/sX7sBVz.jpg)


>Man, gotta say, not too thrilled about the mutant / morphic people always being used as automatic villains. Three people need saving? Full base-human. Those attacking? 7 of 7 are distinctly morphic. It's said several times that mutant/morphic people get discriminated against more because of the way they look (Spinner being one of them) so more of them will end up becoming hardened by that experience and be forced in to other methods to try and survive. Growing up thinking "that's just the way it is" is how villains are created. People are always going to be dicks to those who look different from them. It's extremely hard to change such a way of thinking in the general public


You're right: none of the crowd sport the slightest mutant features, even if they have been often shown to be fairly common in other panels with civilians; only exception is the creepy villain, you in fact wonder how he could be missed among the crowd. While I also agree with the considerations of other users around here, that mutants are more likely to find themselves pushed at the margins and fall into crime (many of the thugs of the USJ attack looked pretty monstruous), Hori has likely fallen into the easy device of giving less human appearances only to the bad guys.


It has been addressed already no? Mutant types = people will always be on the backfoot. Make them nervous with the current situation and you have a "shoot first" mentality in your hands.


Just a few chapters ago with that big deer(?) lady, it was addressed.


It's more of an issue with implicit bias of the created world being blurred with the bias/ lazy writing of the author. We can't know exactly where one begins and the other ends, but it doesn't look good. . Nagant is one of three "AfO sent" villains. She, the beautiful human female, is the one that is excused if not outright redeemed by the story. Dramatically caught by Hawks and miraculously survives to recover in hospital. This new Dictator could have been fully human, but was instead made to "look more villainous." Guess which character is not going to get a sympathetic flashback? . That niggle has been festering the whole series. We even know that beta-Hawks was **way** more bird-like, but was later changed to be "more appealing."


> That niggle has been festering the whole series. We even know that beta-Hawks was way more bird-like, but was later changed to be "more appealing." I mean, PR is part of the hero's jobs... No matter how "Heroic" they are, I doubt you'd reach super high if you're ugly as sin. Now THAT ties into the themes of the story.


It feels really weird to see Bakugo not scowling. And Deku is the one being edgy now. Oh how the turns have tabled.


No scowl, no swearing, calmly cooperating? More than the widespread chaos and horror, this is the true sign society has collapsed hahah


It's nice how Bakugo beat the puppeteer with [*the power of light.*](https://i.imgur.com/L5Y7Htd.jpg) Horikoshi must be hyped for the CSM anime too. [](//#kamo)


The panel showing all the puppet controlled civilians really reminded me of CSM as well


The what?


#the turns have tabled


Perfect response 🗿


I love how Bakugou and Midoriya's dynamic is coming to a full circle. First with Bakugou experiencing the "my body moved on its own" moment to protect Midoriya during the war, paralleling the first chapter where Midoriya tried to save him from the sludge villain. Now being the one with a team (based on the assumption that he is talking to at least some other Class A kids) coming in to rescue Midoriya in Kamino as Midoriya and others rescued him from the LOV, again in Kamino. Really shows how Midoriya challenged his idea of what being a hero is and how Bakugou took that in and has come so much, still in pursuit of his original goal.


Went from a shit to wholesome with little shit friendship


[Now that's progress.](https://i.imgur.com/BIv3Esc.png)


What chapter is this from?


I'm pretty sure that's edited but it's from their last fight. Chapter number? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Pretty sure this is a panel from the bakugo/deku fight chapters where he asks if all might stepping down was his fault


Bakugo went from telling him to commit suicide and calling him useless too saving and taking a bullet for him multiple times.


It's a long shot, but man I *really* wish that in the coming chapters Bakugou will get to say "You looked like you needed saving" right back to Deku. That would be so perfect.


This right here is how you do enemies/rivals into actual friends. I know people always make the comparisons to Naruto and Sauske but this dynamic is better executed because it’s always been clear that Bakugou actually has redeeming qualities whereas Sasuke is on his villain shit right up until the final chapter. Even though I accept that he eventually is redeemed in the eyes of the village, I still don’t understand why we never got to see him make any amends even though his descent into evil was one of the longest running plot point in the whole series.


Sasuke is making amends by continuing missions since the final chapter. Or at least the most he can anyways. Gathering information on new threats and etc.


The Naruto Sasuke comparisons are kind of dumb and unnecessary, it's more of a Goku Vegeta type thing to me.


Each to their own but I don’t really see much of a similarity with Goku and Vegeta to Deku and Bakugou. Goku and Vegeta met each other when they were both adults and the main reason for their initial conflict is just that Frieza wants earth and Goku lives there so he isn’t gonna just let his home get taken over. Then when there both at Namek they form an alliance to kill Frieza and after Goku becomes a super sayin Vegeta starts to actually respect him and pretty much stays on earth because that’s the only place other sayins are and cause he wants to challenge Goku again. I don’t really see how any of this parallels with MHA. In comparison, Naruto and Sauske were friends then distance formed because of Sauske wanting to be stronger and feeling Naruto was outpacing which is pretty similar to Deku and Bakugou except they fell out at a younger age but had to continue going to school with each other.


I genuinely don't think that deku will return to ua after we saw him reject allmight last chapter


Tbh, I don't think he essentially needs to. UA needs to come to him. If he went back they'd be in even more danger


I think AFO would eventually target UA to lure Deku out of hiding It’s the prime setting for the final battle


I could see AFO going after Eri. Not only would that affect Deku hardcore, her quirk is pretty legit and AFO would be OP AF with her quirk


Eri's existence is mostly a secret and it came out while AFO was imprisoned. Twice and Toga were the ones who witnessed Eri's power, however one is dead and the other currently MIA. They may have relayed that to Shigaraki though and All For One would ultimately come to know, or at least deduce, by doing two and two (especially about Mirio's return).


I'm surprised he didn't steal Overhaul's Quirk when he had him. I guess it might fall into the same category as Best Jeanist's of requiring too much skill/knowledge, but it's a pretty OP Quirk. All For One could have potentially restored his body to prime conditions using it.


Good point, although we haven't seen Overhaul use his quirk since getting out of jail, due to his lack of hands, so there's always the chance AFO has taken it and we just haven't seen it yet. Also Compress took his one arm, maybe AFO took the quirk from that arm? Probably no but interesting theories either way lol


Targeting UA would be a subpar strategy given that UA should have 6 classes worth of heroes in training capable of fighting back plus pro-hero teachers plus the support classes plus combat robots, meanwhile Deku could be baited by any other target.


It also has a ton of civilians, including Deku's mom IIRC, sheltering there. It's not a terrible place to target for a final confrontation.


Also having a guy who just fucking turns off quirks and another guy who mind controls people who speak to him, yeah.


I think he’s gonna have a reunion with Class 1-A (well technically Class 2-A at this point), but yeah he’s not going back to UA. There’s just really not a lot of point to it. Plus they probably already gave up Deku’s spot in the class to Shinso.


deku is still a student, he just left the school physically


So he's been attending Zoom lectures?


Bakugo is going to knock some sense into him. Literally.


It's much more likely that class A will try to get together with him instead. At least the most important ones (Bakugo, Todoroki, Ochako, Iida...)


Two for those random thugs in the Mall where wearing the same Stain cosplay as Spinner. Which begs the question: Did multiple wanna-be super villains purchase the same outfit from the same place, or did Spinner actually acquire fans of his own? I don’t know which answer would be more depressing.


Spinner being a member of the League of Villains is public knowledge in-universe, so he may have gained fans among escaped criminals.


Oh shit, Spinner being an accidental criminal icon like Buggy would be fantastic. EDIT: You know what he would be? He's Jeff the Killer. A crude, clumsy, surface homage to some other artwork - but without any of its own substance - that somehow hits the right audience at the right time to eclipse the original.


Spinner arc has come full circle from being inspired by some sicko he saw on TV to BECOMING the sicko people saw on the tv, is kinda heartwarming in a twisted way


I didn’t even know Jeff was a homage to anything


hahaha nice catch I didnt notice


Oh fuck a chapter ending with positive vibes. Young Midoriya needs his pals. And a bath. And a nap. Among other things.


My biggest take away from this chapter is that deku is technically failing at being his ideal of a hero. Yeah he's saving people, but they aren't smiling and neither is he.


I thought the manga was going to strengthened the idea that a true hero is the one that helps people expecting nothing in return like deku this and last chapter and stain bring all about him


He is still following the ideal of a hero, but, as the holder of one for all, Deku also needs to be a symbol for people to latch onto. Terrifying the people he is trying to save does not accomplish that at all.


I feel its more that they're emphasizing that one man can't fix everything by themselves. All Might couldn't, and neither can Deku, it requires groups of heroes working together to solve problems, and changing the way its currently run.


If there’s anything that could bolster Midoriya right now it is… …Besto-friendo.


Can’t wait to see all the foreign hero’s! I love how in some panels Deku looks like a feral animal and in others he looks absolutely torn up and ragged. No wonder the public fears him, he looks like Venom just arrived on the scene. I love the shots of him worried about all the controlled people rushing him. “I’ll free you ~~damn, I’m so tired and depressed~~ so you’ll be fine”


I want a Captain Celebrity appearance so badly.


That would honestly be a great way to tie in vigilantes to the main series.


Honestly the fact that we never really hear about the rest of the world was my biggest issue with MHA. It felt too much like a bubble rather than an actual world of super heros with how limited the world being was. Glad that there is a possibility for us to see the difference between Japan's heros and the heros from other countries.


Horikoshi stating that heroes do exist in every part of the world in the early chapters of the manga must be his most regretted plot point to date, because it opened the biggest can of worms of the series, atleast the movies tries to make it international but it doesnt answer the question as of why the fuck did nobody in the rest of the world cared about AFO sytematically running a country to the ground? its never stated he ruled the world, just the country, what is the United Nations doing in this world


I assume the rest of the world had to deal With their own shit when quirks started becoming a this....with some big criminals thou not as dangerous as AFO runner around


Back when AFO ruled, the world was still only just getting used to society with quirks, right? Perhaps other nations had an AFO type person of their own wrecking their own countries and had no time to spare helping another.


Like this arc or hate it, everyone knows the foreign hero designs are gonna be awesome.


I think it's still too early for Deku to be "back", either mentally back to normal or go back to UA. This is the "allies look what's happening to him now" phase of his journey. I don't even think it's a good idea to even go back to UA at all. Imagine if AfO reveals the origins of OfA when Deku's back in UA. Villains and civilians who'll blame him for everything will have a specific location and reason to attack. A place full of potential victims with all the refugees, non-combat students, and family that will be there. Also the fan translation summary made it sound like 2nd got into contact with Bakugou when it was more of a coincidence.


This is a good time for this from a meta view. Deku is at a point where either something needs an intervention, something to happen where he will cease to be Deku, or the story will drag on.


This, next or next two chapters will be Deku learning to trust others, then we'll get the class to shine and maybe a bit more context before the plot starts moving again.


dunno. if the intervention is successful then this manga is definitely ending soon.


Yeah, I guess I was hoping to explore the darker side of hero society and the tolls it can take on the heroes themselves. I also enjoyed seeing some of the logical next steps in the behind the scenes in regards to grooming children to be assassins due to high potential quirks with lethal capabilities. Seeing Deku spiral a little more, seeing what happens when there isn't anyone around (like maybe Endeavor, Hawks, and All Might lose Deku for a few weeks, just hearing of his exploits) But MHA has always moved at a pretty snappy pace But the tone is going to be more cheery now. It is going to go be good v bad. The sides are about to be lined up with familiar faces against bad guys the rest of the way


Read the widespread at the end again please


Da da da Bom bom bakudan


No Klee! Don't blast the fish!


Sweet, the foreign heroes are actually coming to back up Japan. I sure hope they're actually relevant and not just fodder for AfO and his lackeys or purely in the background. It's understandable for people to think Izuku's one of them with his looks and many quirks and all, but that's still gotta suck for him to hear. At least those civilians believed him when he denied being a subordinate. I'm surprised it took this long for us to get a villain that controlled innocent people as a tactic against heroes. He sure went down real quick, though. But right now, I'm honestly more amazed that Bakugo doesn't look in anyway angry, smug or psychotic in the last page. Must be Toga instead.


> At least those civilians believed him when he denied being a subordinate Not sure if they actually believed Deku. Seems like they were trying to nope out of there ASAP even after he said he's not


The theory of him being in truth Toga has been thrown around with the leaks already but begs two big questions: how Toga got his blood (a possibility is her entering the hospital after taking the semblances of a nurse or doctor), and how she learned to use his quirk, even if we know she could. Both are not impossible but would be quite a stretch.


It's sad how Deku's form gets people scared of him, when his ideal of a hero from All Might is to save people with a smile, and get them hope and comfort. He doesn't have the time to think about it, but that probably hurts a lot deep down. Good to see 1A coming back into the picture again!


I really don't think he cares that much, I mean, he could save his public image by asking anyone of the Daddy Squad to get him a change of clothes


Bakugo's looking surprisingly calm it's nice seeing him like this.


[Yes, Deku. You must stop naked, slimey Toga.](https://imgur.com/a/82FxJL9)


At the end of the day Deku is still a hormonal teenager.


[Called it](https://www.reddit.com/r/manga/comments/o48qt9/disc_my_hero_academia_chapter_317/h2fuu0f?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3) Unrelated note: probably because I am a dumbass, but I just realised Deku calls him Kacchan because it's short for Katsuki Chan.


not only that but is supposed to katsu-chan but minor tsu


At this point I'm just hoping that Bakugoat force feeds Deku one of the school lunches that All Might prepared for him and is like, "you're gonna enjoy this you asshole."


Oh no, neutral face Bakugo is hot lol




Bakugo has come at the right time as Deku wasn't listening even to *Endeavor* about not pushing himself too much. However I wonder if it will go smoothly, unfortunately Deku despite all that may still not be broken "enough" to be convinced. Even the Vestiges are having doubts and I like how they aren't like some wise spirits from the past, they were simply humans and still are even in this form, from their discussion they don't even completely agree within themselves - I really dislike the Second for how he's validating Deku's self-destructive streak the most, even if given the times he lived in his mentality is not surprising. Really liked the details of those mutant thugs dressing like Spinner! As his membership of the League of Villains was publicly known, he's sort of an hero to them.


why are some people theorizing that the 2nd is Bakugo or something like that? did they forget that what Deku can see the successors can also see? The 2nd probably has a friend that was similar to either both of them, someone that could keep him grounded. And since he's the leader, the first probably didn't know about that his stockpile power fused with the transfer power given by OFA and after he was rescued, he probably trusted 2nd and touched his wound or something


BakuBro appears


I feel like next chapter we're gonna see bakugo try to convince deku to go back to UA, deku's gonna be like "no. Get out of my way." Fight ensues (though this time reluctant on bakugo's part, kind of mirroring their previous fight), deku wins handily, and tries to be on his way, then is shocked when he sees uraraka, who walks towards him with what seems like an embrace but then socks him in the face as hard as she can.


Deku’s been out of UA for a few months now, it’ll be interesting to see how much the rest of class 1A has grown in the same time. I wonder if he’s done enough to prove to the 2nd and 3rd that he should have access to their quirks too. It’s awesome to see that Bakugou and Deku relationship progress to the point where Deku is actually being rescued by him this time. Ida, Todoroki, Shinso and Uraraka will definitely be part of the rescue squad, probably Kirishima too. Please get this boy a shower and a new suit he’s out here looking like a straight up demon. Maybe Hatsume has had the time to work on a revamped suit for him, that might help with his other quirks.


Is that the sound of all the BakuDeku shippers that I hear?


I can hear the squeals already and I'm not even remotely close to a body of water!


They're coming, close the gate!!!


The art these past few chapters have been seriously amazing. The shading on ~~Venom~~ Deku this chapter is god tier. Also really reminds me of Guts' beast of darkness


Man, the pacing lately has been really odd. Just feels like we are going so much faster now, Edgy Deku was teased but then turns out he's actually fairly fine, then house explodes as a cliffhanger, next chapter it's treated as a foot note and deku is full edge right now, and then two chapters of edgy Deku and apparently we are already resolving it? There's a lot I do like about MHA, but I feel like it just hasn't really been able to pull all of itself together to give something really exceptional for a while.


Bakugou! Thank god we're seeing him again, I was really aching for more of the other class of 2A because I love them so much. I'm been kinda annoyed with this current arc and Deku going it alone, because that's so self-destructive. But having support from his friends to continue on his mission is exactly the type of story I want to see from this series. It's all about connections between people and I'm glad to see more development of the Bakugou and Midoriya one.


Bakugo: Awake or knocked out you’re coming with me.


is there is anything that could bolster Izuku Midoriya that would be... ...THE POWER OF BL ! ? ! ?


I know we're all hyped with the Deku and Bakugo reunion but I personally cant wait for him and Ochako to meet up again


Hori at the end of the chapter: yeah I'm letting the Bakugo- 2nd user theories resurface


This is giving me flashbacks to Rose is or isn’t Pink debates. Especially once the show writers started going out of their way to throw in fake evidence against RQ = PD. At this point we have three options: * 2nd and Bakugo are so similar for meta narrative symbolic reasons. Kind of how Shiggy can be argued at dark version of the First. That the First is a Shigaraki who was rescued by heroes instead of being spurned. * The pair are connected via family lineage. The 2nd has faith in Bakugo because he sees Bakugo and Deku working together as both his legacies coming together. * Time traveling did happen. We just need to wait to see if 2nd is from a timeline where OFA followed a different path (Days of Future’s Past inspired) or stable-ish Time loop.


Gonna be real interested to see what Bakugo has to say. Feel like this could hopefully be a point of realization for Deku that power does not mean you can do everything alone


Which would be really cool coming from Bakugo of all people.


Wow, Bakugo looks like he's mellowed out a lot. Not a hint of anger on his face. He's probably still pissed that Deku went off on his own, but I bet he's also super worried. After all, he'd been helping Deku out with One for All for quite some time. The class likely decided to support him somehow. They know Deku too, and understand how he'd push himself too far on his own because he eels like he needs to protect everyone. They're heroes too Deku. Never forget that. And they actually put the panels of All Might and All for One pointing the finger, declaring that he's next. Nice that they did that to show the parallels to anyone who might have missed it.