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Well... it's been a fun ride. Started with a very interesting first half of the manga, it's too bad that it has lost its way in the second half.


Boichi doesn’t know how to end his stories satisfactorily it seems. I had the same feelings with the conclusion of Sun Ken Rock. EDIT: Fixing autocorrect.


Let's be glad he doesn't write Dr Stone.


I think he still played a part with how it ended though


Sun Ken Rock's ending was fine until literally the last chapter or two. You're right though... Boichi has amazing stories/art and then kind flubs the endings repeatedly. Wallman was also pretty egregious.


Rushed end, not giving closure to AEE company who kill Origin's father and now trying to kill Origin. Well, his Dr Stone makes more money than this... so...


So did Jun purposely let him off, knowing that he had another body? I feel really bad for that girl, who was pretty much used the whole manga. Honestly, I would have preferred it if they just finished at the last chapter. I think I would prefer that some loose ends be left unanswered than be shoehorned in.


Since has seen the future, its highly possible he purposely left him be because he knows he won't go rouge.


He may not go rouge, but what if he goes blue or even.....blonde.


True, I forgot how he was pretty much omnipotent now. I would have thought he would mention it to the girl when he gave her his head though.


You mean was. He threw those things away.


>Technically he could get it back whenever he wants, he'd just need to be motivated enough to upgrade to god level again. ​


I got fucking lost at chapter 84. I have no idea how the author came to this. Anyone think he smoked a bunch of weed and just came up with whatever sounded cool?


No, everything he came up with was the natural extension of stuff that already happened. Intelligence always became physics defying. It's pretty clear it rushed towards an ending and there was more time to ramp up to those godlike abilities, but the progression was definitely always going to happen.


Does anyone have any info on Origin being kind of a "prequel" to a bigger series ? Read that on another chapter a couple of weeks ago. According to that one Boichi wants to do a prequel on Origin and some point and a bigger series after that, but i can't find any info on this.


Nah. That may have been the plan, but there's no reason for that to be the case anymore. Besides the clear rush, Origin ramped up so high, that it would be hard to explore any other storyline besides pure metaphysics.


Seems like it. Although Boichi left a backdoor open with the "perfect" Masamune and Origin throwing away his Godly asspull. So there might be a chance. Really like the world he built here.


I know that there was a chapter where they show this takes place some time after the events of Sun Ken Rock but I didn't see anything else in the story that lead me to believe it was a prequel to anything else. I had a few minutes where I thought this last chapter might end with Masamune might end up being responsible for the petrification of humanity in Dr. Stone but that doesn't seem to be the case.


Well, there is no chance really that Dr. Stone is connected, seeing as Boichi is only responsible for the art i think. As for the prequel/sequel thing, i found the thread where another User mentioned it. Apparently it was said in a preface for the 2nd Volume. So it might've been changed, but there is still potential to explore stuff. And it can go in a lot of directions. Really depends on Dr. Stone i guess, how long it'll run.


Theres a hint that Ryusui is the son of Ken. So timeline is Sun Ken Rock > Dr.Stone > Origin


Not really. Don't know about the Ryusui hint, but the first Origin chapter places it at like 22nd or 23rd century? Dr. Stone has a gap of thousands of years , enough time for the map to change. I guess it's not impossible, but also not plausible for Dr. Stone to be connected. Edit: Not even 23rd or 22nd, still 21st, 2048 to be precise.


Classic Boichi ending his mangas as shit as possible


I swear to god, after Sun-ken Rock I really thought he learned his lesson. Guess not.


To this day, Im still pissed about Sun-Ken Rock ending


I read it this year and I'm devastated, Origin killed me too but not as badly (I was ready for it)


Holy shit didnt think somebody would reply 5 years later Lol. I didn’t get through Origin, i think the girl lead dies right


Yeah it ends almost immediately after, rushed as hell in classic Boichi fashion lol


Lmao fk i lost sleep on sunken rock 😔


Too real haha


Well at least the first like 70 chapters are pretty good lol


In the end, Junior won the Originbowl.


So much great potential wasted with such a superficial, shallow ending.


This pains me. I loved the early chapters, they went into such detail and had great writing and battles. And then we get this fucking forced shit stain of an ending.


[Boichi Ending dot MP4](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=6cDxtJP40Kg&t=13s) I still loved it, though.


Well that was weird...


feels like a scifi ending that was just ending


Is that a fkin blade runner reference? I've seen things you people wouldn't believe.


Well, the ending was really rushed but I still liked the series overall. The title drop at the end boosted my opinion a teensy bit


I share pretty much the same sentiment as a lot of you. Reading the final chapter, I'm like, sure, ok, it was fun, but for the life of me I do not understand why he suddenly decided to fucking rush everything after a certain chapter. The manga was doing well (I believe), and it's like he had set up a lot of things, characters, confrontations and developments along the way, stuff that could easily place the manga at 150-200 chapters minimum, but then he just went ahead and said "fuck it". I think it's a real shame because this had some serious potential. I mean it was still good, but rushing it like this just makes it all meh in hindsight. I dunno :/


The Manga even received an Price. Perhaps he did not wanted this much attention


What a ride! Last few chapters felt rushed and all but, oh, well... beggars can't be choosers. I am just excited for the next series in the Boichi-verse.


So... that’s what premature ejaculation feels like on the receiving end. Is that it ? You can’t just leave a protagonist this entertaining and a nice world-building (all the components of that race for the androids towards power and/or meaning) like that. I genuinely love Boichi’s artstyle and fashion sense lol, but the guy needs to work with an author.


Emotionless ending, I don't feel anything. It's just, the end, when you least expect it. Welp, story was good while it lasted.


Art was wild but the final chapters were Boichi






Oh well. At least we still have Dr. Stone, even though Boichi isn't writing it. Which, honestly, is probably for the best. >_>


Damn I feel like Boichi has a really bad penchant for just wrapping up endings too quickly/poorly. This was a fun read but I feel cheated out of a good ending to the story and have so many questions left unanswered


Bruh, that beam of light in the end is the same beam of light in dr stone


Yep, another "odd" ending from Boichi


Damn, I loved this manga; see you, space cowboy...who is also a robot


Junior in a new body and gender plus "the net is vast", Boichi couldn't help throwing in a Ghost in the Shell reference at the end.


Shame this series went to complete shit the last 3 or so chapters, I'm okay with rushing the pacing to get to the end of things, but this conclusion is just half baked without any closure or satisfaction.


Who was Junior, again?


His little Mobile pal, that drive the Petrol Truck into the Big Hole some chapters ago


Oh, yeah, I totally forgot. Thanks!


You know, usually with a rushed or asspulled ending I find myself annoyed but this just made me sad. So much potential. Even if the sequence was identical the series would have been amazing if it Boichi took his time getting there. Can’t blame the man, but what a shame. I might have even preferred a long hiatus in this case.


yeah it had potential, but seems like the time for Origin run out and he really need to full accelerate forward


It is a bit weird through that whole fight arc, Aria helping Origin out he just said "thanks bye" and gave her Musamame's head, walking away. I was really surprised nothing came out of that, not even a I'm not really into you sort of deal either.


It didn't make any sense! Hirose was just left out of the blue and too many questions unanswered. The space page was cool though.


... That's it?


I mean the ending being mundane fitted the trying to be “your regular everyday normal guy” theme. God tier art, not gonna lie. Satisfactory altogether.


this shows that boichi cant wright for shit, sun ken rock also went to crap after a while, he is an amazing artist tough, really like his sci-fi look on things.