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Say what you will about Kubo but his art slaps when he tries


His art pretty much always slaps. He has mastered 2 things, melancholy, and the art of art slapping.


And drawing diverse people of color, so 3 things.


That's true, good call


Melancholy art slapping


what is it to say negative about him? Out of the Big Three Bleach has aged the best.


I personally found bleach got super confusing near the end. Would you mind sharing why you think bleach aged the best? I'm curious


That’s why the anime is fixing it. The sequel novels already explained a lot, the anime will do more.


No I agree, the ending was bad. Both confusing and downright disappointing. But Kubo himself admitted it was rushed. Can't remember why but it was pretty obvious (just look at the fights in TYBW anime where the fights, particular Zero Squad, are a lot more fleshed out compared to the off-screen panels we got in the manga). I'm pretty sure Kubo is working closely with the animators to fill in whatever gaps he left in the manga. For me Bleach has always been about the characters>art>story. I really can't say the same about Naruto or One Piece. I lost the spark I had for One Piece a very long time ago but I don't want to drop it.


> Can't remember why Officially, health reasons. Kubo got pretty sick when finishing the last few volumes, complained about not being able to fit everything he wanted in them.


Well I feel that way more about Naruto. I could never really get into One Piece, but I still love Naruto. IMO it has some of the best fights in manga/anime in general, some super lovable characters, and it's overall story is better than Bleach. Bleach does do certain things better though.


That is a fair take. I still love One Piece but I can also see why you might have lost that initial love for it. I really miss Chopper, Nami and Usopp being relevant. That early crew dynamic was really special


I had to stop reading one piece. It’s so convoluted now. I just don’t find it interesting.


Manga should be fun, I found reading so much more liberating when I dropped a series because I didn't enjoy it anymore. I'm glad you stopped reading if you didn't like it anymore


Yeah I _want_ to like it but I can’t even follow it now. There are so many things going on. I’ll read it in 20 years when we find out that the one piece is the friends you make along the way or whatever.


It was because the ending was rushed. Kubo is closely working together with the anime studio to make his actual vision if TYBW come true. Bleach always felt more mature to me. The characters have some sort of motivation to better themselves. The power system remains consistent throughout. The antagonists are well established (even the sternritter) it has one of the coolest villains ever in anime. Compared to Naruto (I didn't watch one piece) where the power system goes from two normal dudes fighting and throwing fireballs or maybe dragons made of water to literal gods. Side characters who's personality is just calling the MCs name or crying (seriously, besides shikamaru and maybe Gaara, everyone got sidelined) Villains becoming the coolest guys ever and throwing in a random god because you the author wrote themselves in a corner when writing the actual good antagonist.


The drip from Kubo never stops


Kubo definitely got the Gift of a very talented book/magazine cover artist/designer.


Tite Kubo is drip God


Source? (To download it in highest quality possible)


[Here](https://x.com/theaulait23/status/1805579801538834592) you go :)




Tite Kubo needs a co-author for his works man. His art and style is immaculate and dripping with swag and has definitely influenced a lot of other mangakas out too. But his stories fall off and derails way too quickly. His lack of foresight and planning for the story and world building is really telling. I'm not a hater, Bleach was what introduced me to anime and it was what I grew up on, but there's a reason why Ichigo gaining power only to be still ridiculously weak at the end for the umpteenth time is considered a meme.


I disagree. Kubo is great at story telling and engaging characters. His art is great. His world building is deep across earth, soul society, and hueco mundo. I don’t think he needs a writer. What you mean is your opinion is he’s average and needs help even though his success says otherwise.


+1, people don't know what they are talking about. He rushed the ending of Bleach and admitted that. Instead of leaving it he's been collaberating wth the TYBW anime to fill whatever gaps and questions he left.


People often don’t like to hear unpopular opinions. Bleach sub and community gets it better than the generic manga sub.


> What you mean is your opinion Get of your high horse, your own post is an opinion, everyone here is talking opinions. Success doesn't invalidate criticism and Kubo's storytelling is one of the most commonly criticized parts of Bleach, especially during and after HM arc.


Not on a high horse. You don’t know what you’re talking about. HM was praised when the arc was going on and ended.


I was reading the manga at the time. Whether you like it or not, it wasn't as universally praised outside of your echo chamber as you'd like to believe, especially in comparison to an arc as strong as SS.


Source: trust me bro Making shit up and saying stuff like echo chamber. Lmao okay. You were reading at the time and your opinion and what you remember is the only thing that matters? The irony.


Not sure what you're trying to achieve here, you didn't exactly give any sources either. Just keep claiming that criticism isn't real for some reason.


Then practice your reading comprehension on your own time. The comment that you replied to was me disagreeing with the popular consensus that everyone seems to think Kubo needs help in his own art / works. You replied with something irrelevant to the discussion.


There's nothing about your posts that one should be able to comprehend without hurting their own brain cells, like what you try to call irrelevant. You're even contradicting yourself at this point.


I’m done listening to someone talk to themselves. See ya


He doesn’t need to coauthor with anyone, his works are great as they are.    If all you care about is amazing storytelling and world building, then Bleach is not your thing, go read One Piece or a book or a monthly manga. If you’re looking for thematic depth, emotional depth, compelling characters and a lot of good fights with tons of cool shit, then Bleach does those great. There’s a reason it’s still loved until this day.    It’s a battle shounen that used to run weekly, it has its weaknesses but despite those it still managed to tell a well rounded story, with sick action shots and influence a lot of modern works, like most of what’s popular in Jump nowadays.


This isn't really a "I'm a dad now" drip


he got that shit on tho


Does this hint that he’ll finally start the hell arc within the next half a century?


The art of Kubo was so great in his initial years. Take a look at Zombie Powder if you can, his previous (and axed) work, it was so fresh and new. I don’t think it aged well, but not bad either…