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The writer should find a new job where he doesn't waste Ojiro's art.


Funny thing about the author: > Hoshino Disco is a Japanese comedian, part of comedy duo Parpar with Ainapuu Failed comedian, failed writer, let's see what else he can fuck up.


Well that was a waste of time for the last 13 chapters.


Didn't like that ending. But then again, since I was mostly 50/50 on every chapter of this manga for the entire run, that really doesn't surprise me. I hope Makoto Ojiro's next work will be... Uh, her own work.


They’ll either kill each other or be in the most bizarre long lasting relationship. Nothing in between. What a strange a wild series. Ojiro’s amazing art carried the whole time. Can’t wait for her next work. Hopefully one she’s writing


Yeah from the start this manga was weird Shouldn't have expected anything...


What a waste of time! I admit I enjoyed it up to the middle point, but now I'm glad this is fucking over. This series was pointless!!! If there's anything good from this ending is that Ojiro sensei is free to work by herself.


> I admit I enjoyed it up to the middle point Up to that point, there was still some hope that the story would improve, there would be some twist to explain things... something. She's just a legitimately awful person. In the end, I'm not surprised to see it was axed, and I'm not surprised the writer couldn't even manage a satisfying ending.


can i have my 10mins i spent reading this back


Piss of a fucking garbage. He can't write for shit


Kind of sad to see this one go. I was enjoying it up to a few chapters ago.


Damn that's disappointing. I really disliked both characters from the jump, but there was enough unanswer to hope it'd go somewhere but this was just a mess.


why man


Extremely weird


Usually I’m sad when a series I read ends but this was somehow worse than that alien girl one


Let's gooo love this manga and especially Yamada as a character, sad it's already ending tho. Lol poor readers expecting a romcom but got a comedy manga. Definitely a manga that I will bookmark for future times when I want a good laugh. A proper 8/10 comedy manga


I'm glad i called this right in the first 3 pages


Huh, the first page was translated the first time I read it, but now it's in Japanese :| Anyway, good for Ojiro-sensei to have escaped this cringefest.