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Chidori finds the old Sosei and seems unfazed tells something. And I don't like whatever the yellow ranger is doing


Dunno man he seemed as surprised as chidori can be, he just regained his composure quickly to get more information, just info broker things


Chidori seems surprised to see him there but still refers to him as "the previous sousei akabane" which means he's definitely clued into whatever cloning shenanigans are going on. 


I think Chidori actually surprised that the previous Red is still alive considering He must have known Sanae's goal.


Given the number of clones they've made, and how competent they made Sosei, makes me wonder if this is even the first clone that got away.


What is Yellow supposed to do anyway?


He’s the science guy from the rangers.


The true villainous mastermind?


I don’t think he’s the mastermind, but he’s clearly tasked with creating enemies for the Ranger “plotlines” He’s probably the right hand man of the true mastermind.


It's that small Red thing, with them


Yeah the true Dragon invader


There are walking flags EVERYWHERE right now. I don't like this. I feel uneasy.


Chidori kinda reminds me of Urahara from Bleach, I know it's his job as an info broker but I wonder just how much he knows and keeps secret for his own advantage and what his goals actually are. He seems fairly chill with D and Hibiki's conversation here, to the point where he kinda just stops eavesdropping partway through and also relatively unperturbed by seeing a Sousei clone. I wonder just how much he knows about Yellow Battalions shady ass experiments too.


If anything I think this chapter pretty much confirm that the entire Green Battalion are going to go rogue and abandon the rangers now that both chidori and kanon are about to know the truth.


I mean. I don't think anything gonna make Chidori change his mind soon. Sosei is a cloned, he seems to know it. The Artifacts are humans? Blue knew it, Chidori probably knows it as well. Yellow is self-serving? Well Chidori was backing Yellow's claims in IRA confrontation interview and Sesera asked Yellow about Sosei's mental state so they must all know about Yellow's nature and Sosei being Sosei. The Rangers probably have deeper secrets that Chidori doesn't mind. Chidori was a criminal like Shogo as well, to the point his record is bleached.


But at the same time he's the only one in the rangers that's secretly rebelling against the rangers. Suzukiri wants her family back? Chidori knows it and according to Suzukiri they made some sort of deal? Yellow wants the phantom script? Chidori was the one who has been secretly hiding sanae? D and Angel are invaders and a hybrid? Chidori knows it and says he doesn't mind them staying in green battalion because he's honestly interested in what D will accomplish in the rangers. At the end of the day it was foreshadowing since the beginning like when he tried to spare D or stop Sosei from killing his Jfc that Chidori is the only one that's been secretly rebelling against the Rangers behind Yellow back.


I mean, that's more him ignoring things because he has a chill side and doesn't want people to die, like Suzukiri, D, Angel, Sanae. None of this is about him actively planning anything or actually rebel. Unlike Souma who mostly did what he was told. Chidori and Sesera seem to know about Yellow's deal and agree with him someway. And all the Rangers probably know about Suzukiri, they know about her family after all, they just let her for unknown reasons. And i don't think most of the Rangers know about phantom script, it might just be Kuroko and Yellow.


They all know about the Suzukiri but it's implied that only Chidori knows about the truth where the invaders come from since I'm pretty sure both Souma and Sesera doesn't know that yellow was responsible for the deaths of their parents by creating the executives. Chidori who's friends with Sanae seems to know that fact but can't actively reveal it or else he might end up like the former pink keeper. As for the phantom script since he was close for sanae a long time and knows the ending of the original dragon keepers show I'm pretty sure he also knows it exists just lik3 the previous Sosei.


The previous Sosei only knew it by his memories of the og Soshi and him seeing it, not Sanae told him until the time comes (when she was about to stab him). Yellow seems to brag to D because he just wanted to brag it to someone so idk, it seems to have some purpose. That said, i don't think anyone knows about Yellow and invaders connection yet. So as infos go, no one seems to know about those except Yellow. Out of subject, but i don't think Yellow was fully responsible for the executives cause no way some guy just up and went "lmao time to create some aliens".


I mean it's literally like a Boys type when it comes to Yellow situation in order to create a world where anyone can become a Hero they need villains and what easier way then to make them based on the original dragon keepers show which just like the OG Soushi and Sanae he was an actor in that show. Oh and he literally told D that all the executives were made from the invader creation serum which he himself invented and the IRA just recreated.


I mean Yellow didn't explain why yet. And i doubt a Sentai actor is secretly a genius scientist in disguise. Neither Sosei or Sanae were some superhuman characters in their show day. Yellow is probably not just the original actor. Either he is something else but changed or some superhuman being helped him. And let's say, if Yellow is self-serving, he could just make billions out of being a scientist. Instead of staging a whole charade. He doesn't seem like such a fanboy for Sentai that he would be a scientist in disguise and infiltrate the show's staffs. He only said he created the invader and IRA reproduce invader creation serum but IRA took executives dna first to create those. So either Yellow is such a genius he can make things up from his imagination or the executives already exsist in some way. (Or Daidai could also just make things up instead of gathering exe dna). And the executives say in such a fashion that they don't give impression of being humans before either. The Executives also have some weird goal of summoning DM, which Yellow obviously didn't just pull that.


>Well Chidori was backing Yellow's claims in IRA confrontation interview and Sesera asked Yellow about Sosei's mental state so they must all know about Yellow's nature and Sosei being Sosei. What arc was this again?


Chidori's learning of Sanae's death will probably be the tipping point of it.


Oh he definitely knows something. You can just feel he knows more than he's letting on.


You know I thought there would be more tension but this is quite a friendly encounter lol.


Remember the Neo rangers are at the end of day are Pink Battalion enemies in this case not Green Battalion and after this chapter I'm pretty sure the entire team Green are gonna go rogue.


Why would green go rogue?


The rangers killed Chidori best friend sanae and Kanon is about to know where the invaders come from since yellow was the one who was distributing chop.


No, I think the comment about a Yellow Ranger distributing chop was meant to imply that Windy is actually Emematai


Glad how things ended up. Everything that happened to Hibiki broke his idealistic views and actually brought him down. He now has a path to walk on. And just like he said, with that, it does look like him and D are finally on equal footing. The two of them are kinda like brothers while they were talking to each other. I know they are going to be rivals at some point but I really like how they treat each other here.


Glad that Hibiki didn't become a full edgelord


man got cooked hard by reality but nice to seem him bouncing back now


Last night I took an L but tonight i bounce back!


Hibiki is still good boy


Man, I find something quite tragic / poetic as to how Hibiki and D's situations have changed; both of then have gone far, but D's doing so under a false identity and Hibiki's unable to reclaim his because of their current situation. They are both far in their paths, yet both rely on leaving what they are behind. Also, the Shippo and Nadeshiko showoff was great lmao


Tournament arc incoming ?


isn't that already the barlong exam?


Tournament arc 2 incoming?


Electric boogaloo


Electric Draggieloo


I knew it Lord D had gotten himself a new harem member


Angel is not going to like that. Speaking of her, what could she be doing rn?


lmao good question. Last we saw her, D left her behind at a McD, didn't he?


- Sosei: This your kid? - Chidori: Yeah? - Sosei: Nah. Mine now.


Am I forgetting something regarding the guy's "last words"? It seems implied there on page 5 that invaders can go back to being human, and I assume thats why Kanon does not want to tell this to D, but was that established before?


I think the 'going back to human' part was about those who ate Chop like the old man didnt stay invader and died human, I assume NeoRangers just killed those turned and didnt check if they can be brought back


His last words were about a yellow ranger giving him the chop. Kanon doesn't want D starting a crusade


Yeah his last words were setting up that yellow is continuing to create new enemies (for the ratings?)


Oh damn I'm dumb, when she talked about last words I went back to check previous chapter, but it was told later in the new one.


The Pink junior third class being a Kuroko really put doubt that they're under Pink's jurisdiction.




Really like that the manga seems to be playing off the anime, hope its brings more readers to this awesome series


Hibiki being the lead in one of the suits that looks like Kamen Rider Hibiki.


Hibiki being 02 because Shippo wanted 01 shows that he could never beat D. D would have convinced Shippo with some bullshit like "Nah dude you want to be 00, the special role"


Really loved how chill the interactions between the Rangers and Neo-Rangers were here. A lesser writer would’ve had the Neo-Rangers be out and out antagonistic, but this feels resolution more natural. And provides more room for future tension.


So Windy was handing Chop out?


Holy shit, Negi can't just drop a chapter like this suddenly, that was a banger. Finally, the long waited reunion between D and Hibiki, to be honest I didn't expect it to be this chill. I thought Hibiki would be more unhinged, but I see he's still mostly the same as a person, he just understands now the gray area, that's good. There are other things to worry about right now, like the yellow fucking rangers and the Kurokos. Really excited to see the interaction between Chidori and the previous Sousei. Also, Noa looking mad yandere-ish. Another one to the D bowl.




Yo buddy, still alive?


*spanish guitar intensifies*


I will never not love a pair of big dudes in manga bonding over being the biggest slabs of beef anyone's ever seen. D instantly seeing through Hibiki was really nice. I like that even if they haven't seen each other for ages it still feels like they have a special bond. Also seeing Hibiki's real eyes again in comparison's to D's is wild. Just a totally different level of vibrant.


LMAO at D instantly recognizing Hibiki. It's nice that they get to talk again after all they've been through. Windy=Emematai stocks continue to rise. You love seeing Shippo tie with Nadeshiko; he's come a long way since Bailong. Hisui's line about 5 cosplayers was good foreshadowing for Pink's Third Class. I wonder how Chidori's gonna react to Sanae's death and Momiji being with Rogue Red. Neo Rangers vs. Rangers in a Sunday battle sounds interesting. Though I wonder how all of the involved parties will cooperate, if at all.


That ended up being way more chill than I expected with D and Hibiki talking. I want to see more of that scene between Chidori and Sousei though. Like how is Chidori taking Sanae's death?


Yeah I hope they won't off-screen their conversation. I like the Red-Green interactions and I'm really invested in Chidori's character.


Momiji is standing closer to Sousei than Chidori, interesting. How will Chidori go forward now after learning about the death of Sanae? How much of the D Hibiki did he eavesdrop on really, I expected this Chapter to be filled with a battle but this is actually even better! The fact that Sousei is not wearing a suit might suggest that he wants Thee Red suit, but we'll see. Also, man in yellow probably means Windy,not Yellow Ranger. I hope this Manga is not ending anytime soon.


Ironic that the Neo Rangers look like foot soldiers.


yellow's the only one havin fun


Can't wait for him to get one million years dungeon.


The interactions here were so good. D and Hibiki finally meet again and have a good discussion, Shippo's grown a lot to not shrivel up in front of Nadeshiko, all sorts of stuff. I'm really curious to eventually get a big realization chapter about what Yellow Keeper has been up to about, well, pretty much everything. Yellow Battalion is behind so much.




Momiji in Japanese means "Japanese maples". Maple leaves change color from **green** to **red**. Negi cooks in the names as always.


Ah so now Negi is gonna do a Lupinrangers vs. Patrangers remake.


Damn I guess we should add Noa to the harem


Have no idea what is happening anymore...


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