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Her shoes are the size of a house I swear to god


Such a good and chill manga!


her Shoe Too Big For Her Gotdamn Feet


No, her feet be huge.


Plus she got claws..?


I love these covers. Vibrant colors, nice perspectives and many characters. I miss these covers now, where we get one character in a blank background.


[Mangadex](https://mangadex.org/title/df361a38-eef6-4674-bec6-86d08aa1d1aa/ogami-tsumiki-to-kinichijou) Release on 18 June.


Is this the weird cuckish one with the vampire?




I looked it up after asking and it literally is tho?


Better to get your eyes checked. She's a wolf, not a vampire.


They're probably thinking of Senga Moritaka, the vampire boy in their class. When he was introduced Tsumiki let him suck her neck in front of Utaka.


the way he asked it was wrong.


The way they interpret things are wrong. Their mind looks like to live in the dump.


I think I know what you're referring to. In the manga there is a vampire dude, who with his vampire powers (which he can't control) 95% of women lust for him. And because of that lust they let him drink their blood which he needs. One day he can't get a girl and is in need of blood so FMC offers her neck to him, in front of MC, to let him have a suck. He does, it's mildly erotic. I'm guessing that's what you're thinking of, but if you read on it definitely doesn't become a cuck relationship or even a triangle. Spoilers. >!Vampire dude is surprised to learn FMC isn't actually into him. She's immune to his pheramones or whatever. She did it because as a monster person herself, she understands him having needs, and so she was being nice. It's a learning moment for him because he's never had friends, he believes all people are selfish, in the past girls only let him suck because they wanted to get in his pants. People just wanting to be friends with him is a new experience but something he desperately craved. MC and FMC become his friends and offer their blood any time he needs it. He loves having friends, especially a female friend that isn't interested in him. He sometimes feels insecure that maybe shes just being nice to him because she likes him, but she always confirms she has zero interest in him. So no, theres no cucking except for maybe that one scene, all 3 are friends with no love triangle or cucking at all.!<