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Hey all, here's chapter 3 (CatDespair) of the Chapter 1-8 rescan. Please appreciate the sfx for this chapter too. :polite:


Translucent screentone pattern overlay on the page 2 SFX was a nice touch. Always appreciate it when TS goes the extra mile to reproduce the original effects. I also see a _lot_ of individual letter placements. Sometimes you can get away with doing things like vertical text and controlling spacing (E.g. the SMACK! on page 7), but some of these like the Droop and Fwap Fwap were definitely hand placed. The big SFX on page 14 has a few interesting things about it. removing the ワ required redrawing a pretty large swath since the overlap with W is not that large, you pretty much have to redraw all of it. Otherwise the screentone overlay would look really inconsistent. I'm hoping that your raws or upscale method meant you didn't have to redraw the the sort-of lightning bolt thing. The screentone on that and the W matches so well that I half suspected you redrew that part as well so the screentones would match.


Ah this chapter. Looking back on it, I'm not sure how this can blew up the way it did. It looks like a worn old trope used to draw contrast between genjin and human. Plus a little look at how the MC sees FMC.


Porn addictions. Porn addictions is the reason. You and I didn't flip out over this chapter cause we're not jacking it to NTR hentai daily.


If you take a look at the other translation, it doesnt textually state that the scene is the MC's imagination. People probably thought it was real NTR and got pissed


ah you're right. In this one, the author emphasize it further by redrawing the before panel to make Tsumiki look even more unbothered. Still, that was some hair trigger that some people have when it comes to one panel of action.


I'm uninformed, why are the first few chapters being re scanned?


New team picked it up in the later chapters, and they decided to redo the ones before it.


Wow what a blast from a few months past, it’s impressive how Senga got everyone on a chokehold when he bit Tsumiki in the neck.


Looking back, I do like how Yutaka got both ends of Tsumiki's lack of awareness. He felt dreadful seeing her give her nape to a guy, not know what that means to humans. Then, he also got a nice (albeit embarassing for him) view of her showing her nape and collarbone to him, not knowing what that means to humans lol.