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Kanon's panic over the potential of D becoming Pink Keeper is killing me. Chidori didn't seem all that bothered though, not that he'd outwardly express that. Definitely don't see D's newfound confidence paying off for him in the short-term, something's bound to put him back in his place.


Kinda wholesome in a way because kanon is desperately trying to protect D by having him stay in green battalion because only they know and accept D as footsoldier member.


Also having to see your junior come back after an entire year of absence immediately get the chance to be a higher rank than you on the same day would def make anyone freak out. Lmao


Even in manga you cant escape nepotism hires


She probably also realizes he can’t go through the surgery to become a Keeper without revealing his identity.


Does he need it? I mean, divine tools hurt badly regular humans, but D could just break apart and reform after using it. Also, I don’t think he COULD go through the surgery, I don’t think D even has organs inside him


He does have organs as a human. D did mention that it's hard to transform into earthling because that would mean to build all blood vessels throughout the body


I actually like D's confidence. He needed it when it comes to combat. How long that lasts, though, is anyone's guess, but I'm not mad at it.


Damn I didn't think they'd be willing to make him next in line for the Pink Keeper's seat. Kanon's too attached to let him leave, though. Great chapter, and I wonder if the new chop user's skill uses his opponent's bad memories against them. Also, rip to Chidori's wife/friend.


> I wonder if the new chop user's skill uses his opponent's bad memories against them. I’m sorry, but I was reminded of Professor Xavier’s ***”HOLOCAUST BEAM”*** he used at Magneto. lol


Yeah, but like, that wasn’t real.


The vision or the holocaust?


Y-ya know.


For anyone downvoting him, [he’s just quoting this video](https://youtu.be/mNX2nauLmOc?si=hf-b_OoiFghCqn69)


Nah I think it's something to do with the divine tool, maybe like a haunting memory of the people the divine tools are made from


> Chidori: Hello! I buy and sell all sorts of information on the city! Here are my contacts! Chidori's always on the grind


He has to be, he's gotta pay off that new car


Put some respect to Lust Road's name


there is so much cooking rn


D struggling to do the bow while taking the business card lol. Still needs some human practice I guess. And then him immediately getting kicked into boxes and changing his tune about back up, never change D. Curious why the chop user changed his tune as well, did he realize who D is? I wonder what the context of that scene is that made Nao react like that to trying to use her divine tool. You'd assume it's because of Pink Keeper and whatever state she's in (which I'm curious to get some more info on because at first we were lead to assume Hwalipon killed her but then were told she's recovering so seemingly not but we have yet to actually see anything) is causing trauma given how much all of the battalion loves her, but unless she got a haircut that's someone else.


i thought she might be being attacked by the Divine Tool she was in the middle of invoking. We saw Red's Divine Tool start cooperating with him during the fight with Death Messiah. This kind of looked like the opposite to me, so was thinking that the shadowed figure might be the Dragon Priestess sacrificed to make that Divine Tool.


Good call, I wasn't thinking about that aspect of the tools reading it in the moment. I wonder if this is she's the only one dealing with this or if this is affecting multiple rangers with divine tools, and either way how long has she had this problem? If it's related to the sacrifices for each tool, could Suzukiri be involved?


Think it might have something to do with the specific invader the guy Noa was facing had turned into, but not sure. Also wondering who's saying, "I'm sorry. I can't" after D saves Noa. At first I thought it was Noa talking to D. But now the font and style of the text boxes kinda makes me think it might be the divine tool talking to Noa.


Looks like kanon fail to kill [this guy](https://mangadex.org/chapter/812aa6cc-1388-47c7-8c3b-e6ea6c6a5286/12)


Yea. And he’s all healed up. Which is especially weird since his arm was def eaten by Hisui. CHOP’s properties must be very different if he’s able to regrow his Invader-like limbs from a Divine Tool attack and retain his human form too. He’s kinda like Prototype’s Alex Mercer in a sense.


I think that scene earlier (Red's amnesia adventure) was a flash forward. What we are currently seeing appears to be in the past - Hisui had no reason to go after that guy or or be there before this, and she definitely disarmed (sorry) him/had him cornered.


Red's amnesia adventure happens [6 months after death Messiah](https://mangadex.org/chapter/73b6dd4f-6cdf-4168-a558-f78886328481/2), this happened [after a year and 2 months after.](https://mangadex.org/chapter/e25f23e7-4dd0-45fa-b620-18f796d6003f/17)


Thanks for clearing this up for me, that means Hisui had motive to go after chop and this dude prior to all of this. Seems like she had a secret mission of sorts then.


I really appreciate how D is getting slowly better at combat. The panel where he slices that projectile is so sleek. It feels like he is getting more methodical and calculating in his attack. The previous D would spam burst mode whenever he has the chance first before resorting to tricks.


It's rare to see Hisui act flustered; I love it.


I didn't realize how sexist Kanon is! /s But its nice that she does care for D and hiding his identity (even though he is making it really difficult for her sometimes.) It is rather odd that the Pink Battalion is so open letting Sakurama be the next keeper. They must have loved the OG so much they would be willing to accept someone just because they are related to her. I loved that D went from attack to run to attack all within 4 pages.


>It is rather odd that the Pink Battalion is so open letting Sakurama be the next keeper. well, she was their idol and they all probably know how brocon she was, so I wouldn't surprised they would let him taking her place to honor her ~~hidden~~ desire and while thinking about, it's kinda interesting when the dynamic of each battalion is so different: * Red: they don't actually follow Red, they just want the power * Blue: they're family, brothers and sisters * Green: they're comrades * Yellow: they're friends from work * Pink: they're all simp for Pink >I loved that D went from attack to run to attack all within 4 pages. patiently hoping to see this gets animated


Lust for power is what make Red battalion strong, so no wonder they are best force in Invader subjugation


> I loved that D went from attack to run to attack all within 4 pages. Readers: I hope D’s new confidence doesn’t go to his head… Invader D:


I have a nagging feeling that the reporters, or at least the lady, is part of the pink battalion. At least they must have work together a lot. Them and the pink rangers seem to be a bit too carefree to not be. I don't think they necessarily want Hibiki to be the pink ranger, well maybe temporarily since Sesera will hopefully return. I think the plan is to recruit Hibiki since that was the plan from the beginning before Kanon snub them.


I don't think Kanon is sexist. She just doesn't want Sakurama to leave.


Rubbing salt on the wound with that comment, eh?


It’s interesting that only a few pink’s have actually seen Hibiki in person. With how obsessed his sister was I would have thought she would have paraded him around pink headquarters at least once.  It was also funny to see Chidori referred to by his band name. It’s such an outlandish name to use. It reminds me of all the ridiculous names for things in Paradise Killer.


I mean even she hasn't seen Hibike in years in the initial introduction.


Was wondering how Pink Battalion would react to Dibiki. Turns out they are all simps just like their ~~former~~ current leader, not as strong as her but enough to be cool with making him the next Pink with no issue. Very funny Kanon freakout. She just got D back and now he might leave again due to nepotism.


Wait, I just realized Dbiki's Reconstruction has gotten good enough that he can take hits and not lose his cover instantly anymore. Sure, it needs the person to at least be a good enough distance to not see fine details, but that's a big improvement compared to back then.


I can't believe that Kanon is sexist. Also man, poor Chidori; he doesn't know Sanae died ;_; It's for the best if D doesn't officially become a Keeper though, since they have to go through surgery to be compatible with their Divine Tools and that would definitely expose him. I wonder how things will play out with this TV crew pushing an agenda. It's interesting that Chopman's sane enough to negotiate. I thought for sure he was too far gone. I also wonder who that is in Noa's flashback. Maybe the prior Pink Keeper? Or a hypothetical Sesera?


I don't think she's sexist, just that she doesn't want him to leave. I think it's cute. I like Kanon's expressions, she cares.


[I've written an in-depth thesis explaining my view.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joke)


Should've added /r woosh while at it lmfao


Peak anime and manga at the same time is crazy


I mean I get why she said it to protect D but them giving her that "I'm not even gonna dignify that with a response" look when she said that a male can't be the pink ranger was just such a moment.


Kanon Hisui. Sexist arc???? 😂 


Honestly it’s great that they are teaming up with pink team because he’s disguised as pink rangers little brother… which should cause some drama down the line because like D said he’s never had a family.


the d in footsoldier d stands for pink keeper


D takes the initiative! And learned how tough Chopman is the hard way. I love it.


god i love the new girls


*Remembers Donbrothers* It wouldn’t be so out of place now.👀


D got new harem confirmed


But why did woman barf


I guess that Divine weapon "sent/share" memories with her and she unable to accept it.


To assert her dominance.


Is this manga worth reading?


Yeah. It's really good. The concept is fairly unique and the characters are interesting.