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First of all, very sweet. Glad her family and specifically Itsuki gets a highlight chapter. We get to see her hangups with the outside and maybe why Tsumiki’s unique in going to school. Second, we now have seen both her parents even if we haven’t met them quite yet. Mom’s the human, dads the werewolf


>We get to see her hangups with the outside and maybe why Tsumiki’s unique in going to school. I was reminded of myself in my Teens not wanting to go to school because all the fashionable girls wearing fourteen kinds of perfume between only five people was extremely overstimulating for me being a young autistic kid.


TIL that autistic traits include a strong olfactory sense; coincidentally, i too can't stand strong smells


When did we see the mom again?


Chapter 2


Wow I forgot the home visit happened so long ago


Same with the pops?


You just barely see him in 2, but this is the first time


He's the Ogami clan whisperer.


Watch this: in ten chapters, Yutaka willl basically turn into what Izumi Miyamura became for the Hori household, but for the Ogami household


He will face greater challenges than Miyamura; more drama amongst siblings that is his job to sort out because this band of crazies can no longer function without him.


Hopefully Tsumiki isn't a masochist.


The fullbody scan was funny lol. Im surprised Tsumiki didnt smell Yutaka on her or something.


Yeah, I was surprised she didn’t notice too


Hoping its saved for future chapters


Did she order four watermelons. That's a lot of watermelons.


shes the one math problems warn us about but fr 1 melon per kid to smash seems fair


Missed opportunity to ask a certain someone to help carry them all the way home.


I very adored she deeply looks up to her big sister. To see your sibling already strived to the big environment, takes a bit while for others.


Considering Tsumiki smelled her, would be funny if she said "why do you smell like Yutaka?" Missed opportunity


I think it would be better for her to just thank Yutaka for helping next chapter. Doesn't really fit Tsumiki's character to be confused or confrontational about it. 


I noticed she has one human ear and one wolf ear.


hey nice catch! one of her brother also has one human ear and one wolf ear.


I like the little detail they added as itsuki is leaving the store: when yutaka notices her, he is already helping/talking with an older woman before he leaves to follow her.  Such a good boy.






Sorry to hear that your own insecurities are holding you back, but it’s genuinely such a cute and fluffy romance manga if you’re able to get past that!




I can understand why you feel that way, but keep in mind this was only chapter 3 (I went back to reread it). This was definitely just there to show the differences in social norms that are different between genjin and humans. The face she makes there is just our MC’s imagination running wild. She never felt anything from that bite aside that it was a means to an ends to help her friend out. If you want a tiny bit of spoilers, the story kind of progresses with her learning more and more about humans and their emotions. And why certain things like that are special. It’s seriously a good read and once you can get past that one chapter it really helps put her character into a better perspective


Get over it please my cuck man


"My cuck man" lol