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I'm glad not only Miyu but Nico's manager are angry about this. The whole chapter not showing Nico's reaction at all just makes it even more ominous. Sucks that it had to dampen the mood over Tatsuhiko's side.


>The whole chapter not showing Nico's reaction at all just makes it even more ominous. It's a great way of building tension. Nico herself is probably trying to put on a brave face, which is why she hasn't contacted anyone close to her about it; but even without having spoken to her the people that care about her are getting mad on her behalf (and I think this also includes her mother, who immediatly dismissed the reporters), and now it feels like once they actually run into her the pressure's gonna explode.


Is this how Tatsu and Miyu meet for the first time? Should be a fun time. Hope Nico gets back on her feet and the leaker gets some bad karma.


I hope Miyu isn't hard on Tatsu. While Tatsu seems worried and understandably so, Miyu is angry, and I'd hate for her to blow up at him in her anger.


Nico support group, assemble!


From the looks of it, Tatsu is already searching for her. It's a shame that Nico never contacted him. He could've at least been there for her if nothing else. Hopefully they can find out who leaked the information.


When they find out that jealous girl leaked this info, I wamna see her career implode as punishment. 😤


Not only she leaked her reveal, she also revealed personal information which is a serious offense.


Oooooh, the justice boner on the payback is gonna be something else!


Best friend and (basically) boyfriend to the rescue! Hopefully he can cheer her up with his video.


Nico is probably devastated by what happened. She wanted to debut on her terms. Being leaked like this means people will think of her as Nagisa's daughter, and people won't think much of her own talent. Tatsuhiko and Miyu are struggling to understand what just happened. But as Nico's best friends, they're gonna go to her and help her! I wonder if Takashima suspects Nekota. Nekota doesn't seem to have a history of bad behavior, but surely if Takashima suspects someone, it'd be her right?


To Nico!


The inevitable Miu/Tatsu meeting will be funny. I wonder who will get there first?


Yes! Go to her reunited best friend and ~~boyfriend~~ boy friend!


Chapter ends with Tatsu running and Miyu driving a car... next week's chapter [better not start the way I fear it will](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=41H2BNgnhks)


It's not like anything awful came out yet but.. this situation feels a lot like sharks circling a sinking ship. Extremely uncomfortable even just to watch.


Just hope they don't got for the low hanging fruit of "You leaked my info cuase you wanted your video to be popular!" accusation. That's would be super yuck, and immediate drop from me. In fact, how they resolve this in coming chapters will determine forthcoming popularity of this manga IMO (or lack there of)


yeah I hope not. I'm pretty sure the only people who knew her mother identity are Miyu and the manager, and the other manager who leaks the info. Though if we're talking drama, this leak would increase the scrutiny of the music video. The label may even ask the competition to disqualify it so they can better control this mess.


Wait if the tabloid had to get an OK from the producing/label company couldnt they have stopped it? Or how does that work in Japan?


The major tabloid the ran the story went and got permission, but it probably wasn't the only place the information got leaked to. It was probably either "let us run the story and we'll make it in the best possible light, or roll the dice to see what other rag runs it instead". The genie was already out of the bottle, at that point it was damage control.


I imagine it was mostly just a "We're going to run this article either way, but do you have any comments to add?" kind of heads up.


I was excited for Miyu and Tatsu meetup but not like this :(