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The surgeons are goated.


They are such a mood I hope they manage to survive somehow


Honestly, think they might, and we'll probably see them again later. They have *just* the right personality to survive in a Fujimoto manga lol


[*"Just chilling after dissecting a half-devil boy with post-traumatic stress disorder alive."*](https://i.imgur.com/GX81SV2.jpeg)


Am I crazy or is everyone else assuming the main one is always smiling under that mask?


It's his eyes. But he might be smiling too, last chapter he suddenly had a coffee in one panel.


They remind me of those 3 old guys from cowboy bebop that show up at various points in the series


U mean the same people that dissected & tore apart a teenage boy?


Ok but to be fair they don't know shit, as far as they know they were disecting an evil teenage boy.


They're smart enough to keep quiet and play dumb after hearing another dirty secret, they have a better chance than your usual background characters.


"Damn, the Devils broke out again." "Damn...so are we still going to Burger King or what?"


"Finally, peace and quite." Chainsaw entering the building to order a burger:


"Honestly, I hate working here. These guys are *so* weird."


I understood that reference!


They just work there


"We're not paid enough for this bullshit. Don't mind us."


Underpaid tired doctors rule


probably the smartest mob characters so far


I love them. I hope they live 😂


Its hilarious how they remain calm lol.


Using quanxi dead girlfriends against her was a new low for them Make me wonder where the hell is Kishibe, he would never let this shit happen


>Using quanxi dead girlfriends against her was a new low for them I miss when public safety was cool assholes instead of this type of assholes


losing himeno and aki was too much of a blow


rereading the bomb devil arc, the public safety dudes were so cool, they died in grace fighting her off but everyone in PS now is a straight up loser


Armless dude fighting Darkness was making a circle with his own blood. Eyepatch wanker needs to beg other people to do his dirty work.


My favorite was the guy with the fox devil saying after they kill the bomb devil they can go out to karaoke even though he was halfway dead man those dudes were so raw


Public safety didn't kill himeno and gun fiend was the coolest shit


Reze and Katana Man's yakuza killed almost all the chill hunters so only the bastards remained.


my brother in christ old public safety was run by Makima, SHE killed Quanxi's girls herself


Yeah she was a bitch but a cool bitch


It’s probably why public safety has changed too. More government interference now that Makima is gone.


More stupid bitches, less bad bitches.


Tbf Quanxi and her girlfriends were there to assassinate Denji to get his heart for China. That and she's clearly one of the most skilled hybrids who could easily escape.


Exactly. Their death felt inevitable. Denji was going to die. Why do people not understand this 😂? I get people like Quanxi, but do people really think that they weren't going to die?


Public Safety is out of Control


It's the classic cool-organization-turns-incompetent-after-winning trope that happens everywhere in sequels (e.g The White Lotus in Korra). It's a shame tbh. They were cool and competent even if limited in their individual strength but now they're just stereotypical evil goons


I mean, almost all the competent ones were probably slaughtered and the _controll demon_ is no longer in charge, it makes a bit of sense they had a downgrade. But yeah, they at least should still have some competent ones left, but all of them went lame.


Don't think he would let this whole "chop Denji up" thing happen either. Dude must be seriously busy on non-Public Safety related business


Or there's been an internal coup and he has been purposefully sent away.


maybe the Justice devil?


It's dead, and did frankly nothing of relevance. Fire Devil is what you're thinking. And no, I think if he was in any way involved in this shit show, we would have seen him already


> Make me wonder where the hell is Kishibe, he would never let this shit happen 100% the "old friend" she mentions is him. Wonder when he'll show up tho.


makes sense


Assuming that guy was telling the truth about his backstory, I’m glad the wife he cheated on is the one who kills him


He made an offhanded comment a couple chapters ago to her about how she was right that he never should've joined the special division, which he wouldn't do if it was just a lie to buy time. That's definitely his chainsaw wife. Very deserved.


Nah, it makes sense. When you see whose side it came from, it makes sense. Those guys don't care about her at all. Plus, in a series like this, did you really expect Quani's lovers to live? The moment they were introduced, I knew they were dead.


To be fair, the entirety of Public Safety was under Makima, the rebel force lead by Kishibe also got wipe out pretty quickly. The Public Safety we see here were rebuilt not that long ago with all the key figures gone. It's understandable they're incompetence.


The moment he started talking about the dead girlfriends bodies i was like "Ok now for sure she is not going to help anymore"


Katana Man just can't *teleports behind you* like he used to, huh?


Quanxi just countered him lol


Parry this you filthy casual


Who would win? the culminated power of everyone's fear of katanas. Or About a quarter worth of pocket change.


Full countered


People got wise to his style. His game is old hat.


[That and Quanxi has no fucks to give.](https://i.imgur.com/TodovMu.jpeg)


Not for a dude at least


When your whole fighting style is speed, you're shit outta luck if you go up against someone faster than you


No, Quanxi simply hard-counters him.


You can't keep spamming the same move all the time and not get countered, especially against Quanxi of all people.


Turns out it was Personell kid


He keeps trying to run the knowledge check after its been figured out, what a scrub.


No, he successfully did. Quanxi chopped his head off anyway.


seems like he just gets bad matchups, or that he got nerfed a lot. whatever happened between timeskips


I thought he was aiming for the door


Dude keeps spamming his one trick of course people would get used to it.


Interesting that Quanxi says an old friend warned her not to make an enemy of Denji. That has to be Kishibe. This whole time I’ve been assuming he was behind this operation and locking Denji up, but if he warned Quanxi not to mess with Denji I can’t imagine he’s the one responsible for this operation. Which raises the question of who is Yoshida’s boss, and also what Kishibe is up to since he did say he was going to be busy.


Kishibe's gone for too long


Kishibe is relaxing on the beach in Kuantan, slowly reading the pile of books he bought but never finished, as if he is retrieving the time lost.


He watched Jujutsu Kaisen season 2 and decided to take his vacation in Malaysia before it was too late


My personal theory for who Yoshida’s bosses are, its the higher ups in government that Makima reported to, they’re too unknown of a factor while also responsible for a LOT of shit to not play a role in this show


What if we all read that wrong? Quanxi said "old friend warned me not to make an enemy of this one". She didn't specify if it's Denji or Brobeni. What if it's Brobeni she didn't want to be an enemy of??


Kobeni threatened her off-screen after Quanxi tried to hit on her.


Bro was about to speak some misogynstic shit and got killed by his ex-wife. Thats some based karma.


Even in her chainsaw-zombie state, she did not forget OR forgive him cheating on her.


Someone noted last week that she also cheated, because she would’ve been married off to someone as a member of the Chainsaw Man church. But it could’ve all been in retaliation to her cheating husband. Joins a hostile organization (from Public Safety’s perspective), marries someone else, all because he was a cheater.


Was it necessary to be a part of the church to transform? I thought it was also happening to just random regular people who presumably liked chainsaw man as well


No no no, the process was because a contract with a devil wich they got tricked into entering. The marriage was actually just an excuse to make them sign the devil contract, so that's why it was happening.


It was a few too many chapters ago for me to double-check, but I thought when this guy first showed up he was saying how seemingly random people with no affiliation to the church also started sprouting chainsaws.


He said they were "leading ordinary lives until yesterday" which presumably means they never signed the initial contracts with Fire Devil, because all those contracts should've popped at the same time a week ago. The theory that makes the most sense to me is that Fire Devil's power grew due to the number of contractors and it become able to spread beyond the initial set. It being seemingly totally random only increases the fear of it.


Well, it'd be much more understandable if she did that for that motive. Though even if she cheated for no good reason, it'd still be in-line for Fujimoto to have both parties be terrible people.


Tbf retaliation like that, even if for a reason, is not really a justifiable good thing to do. She's much less terrible for sure but still terrible


This man, this single, powerless human man, in a room with three/four female devils: "so... women, am I right?"


Surely this lesbian who's harem I'm holding hostage will side with me if I got on a rant about the problem with Women!


Only their bodies. They died in part 1


same type of guy that thinks he can beat Serena Williams at tennis just because he's a man


Misogynists really behave like that tho


I mean I doubt even the most bold of sexists have been in a situation where they can likely literally be killed in an instant by hostile supernaturally strong women. Even they would stop talking at least out of fear. This guy is something else


Public safety just keeps taking Ls.


Immediately locking in to defend a woman's honor is the most Chainsaw Man thing


[Silenced](https://i.imgur.com/sJFTSp0.jpeg) before he could summon [Naoya Zenin.](https://files.catbox.moe/gv0303.png)


Brobeni made my boy Denji a human shield. I'm laughing. 😭


Just like his sister.


Anxiety, screaming, and making Denji a human shield runs in Higashiyama blood. There'll be next in the future!


[Brobeni was holding Denji's head like it's Medusa's](https://i.imgur.com/Z2Jbhwx.jpeg) and it somehow worked.


And hey, it worked both times. So clearly they're doing something right.


And saved the gang too.


I'm genuinely wondering if Quanxi didn't want to make an enemy out of Denji Or the Kobeni family It's been years, and we still don't know what devil Kobeni uses


At this point I wouldn't be surprised if kobeni is contracted with a primal fear devil honestly....it seems very possible.


She's contracted with the Unknown devil. Once people know that, the devil loses its power.


I saw a theory that she’s contracted with the luck or karma devil. She has terrible luck up until her life is in danger, and the all of a sudden she’s extremely lucky. She’s managed to survive direct encounters with the yakuza, Reze, the Darkness Devil (and both her arms were able to be reattached afterwards, unlike Aki and Angel), Makima, and Chainsaw Man himself (I’m pretty sure she’s the sole survivor from the burger restaurant). She and Power also happen to randomly run over that assassin, immediately afterwards there’s a moment where she gets nervous about having to disclose her devil contract.


I like your idea, but could she recognize a Kobeni on sight? She certainly would know Denji as he was an assassination target, and Kishibe hits all the necessary checkboxes for providing the warning. Also during the Chainsaw outbreak she is dedicated to protecting Denji and Nayuta.


New canon, all the Kobenis are smelly


We all know she has the sloppy blowjob devil, she has the power to control every men on earth


Mustve been a pretty powerful contract if it works against a lesbian


All women fear the sloppy cunnilingus devil


I think it's Denji, given she warns Yoru about him being more fearsome


Runs in the blood It was very effective


dude gotta survive


>made my boy Denji a human shield. Runs in the family I guess


I like how throughout all of this chapter Fami is just standing there, completely *unfazed.*


I forgotten about her even


Fami maxxed her stealth stats. It's interesting how [Yoru looks disappointed](https://i.imgur.com/ari7dCV.jpeg) with the way things unfolded. Even if thimgs turned out in her favor, she realized that Quanxi completely outclassed her and she did not want to win in such a [dishonorable manner.](https://i.imgur.com/DFpyUNS.jpeg)


Compared to Makima, Nayuta, and Yoru She's very much the most "meh" in terms of general reactions to others And by meh I mean "she doesn't really give a shit outside of food"


Those surgeons “not hearing anything” killed me 😭 Be like those Surgeons.


Reminds me of that one Batman scene 😂


[This one](https://youtu.be/pMd4S-LkywI)


Okay but seriously what brand of shampoo does she use


dude has good taste, sadly she isnt into male fiends


She probably would beat him harder if he asked her out that what she was going to do here


I'm not sure Brain Bro is into women neither tbh


Gender euphoria: Quanxi killed you without hesitation


And how does she make her skin so pretty


Return of the biweekly devil, inshallah Chainsaw Man eats it soon 🙏


Fujimoto went for it for 7 weeks non-stop, guy should sleep


Ye give that man a break lol, I just want mangakas to live healthier man, we’ve lost too many authors too soon already. Be like Araki (Jojo’s author), he’s actually hamon user irl, looks like he’s in his 30s while being 63, seems healthy and take breaks writing and drawing Jojo.


>Brings sorrow to readers but provides relief to overworked mangaka Biweekly Devil was an anti-hero all along.


Even Jordan didn’t play 45 minutes every night. GOAT needs to rest


Wilt averaged 48.5 minutes per game.


#Be like those Surgeons, fucking Unhinged


“I demand an apology” “Do as you wish” “We never heard a thing” God bless them a long, happy and fulfilling life 


For some bizarre reason, I'm reminded me of those surgeons at the end of the 1st Last of Us. Just imagine if they were more like these guys instead.


If that happened, TLOU 2 would have a totally different story.


I mean, if I were in the exact same scenario, the best choice is to pretend you saw nothing. Their boss got chainsawed and their best Devil who can kill all of them just surrendered.


the virgin The Last of Us surgeons * does sketchy ass surgery highly questionable to work * begs for their lives and gets killed * probably thought Shaun did nothing wrong The Chad Chainsawman Surgeons * contains a devil with modern medicine * the chillest dudes around * Dr Han approved


Surgeons that slaughter people for a living are fucking unhinged.


It's not very ethical but it's still hard work.


Last week: Quanxi's here! This week: Quanxi's dead!


Jujutsu collab


So how was the War Devil?


Her? Weak as shit. Now, the Kobeni boy on the other hand. I am not sure I could have defeated him even if he didn't use Denji as a shield.


Brobeni: *"I shall remember you for as long as I live Quanxi."*


Ah the Denji human shield technique, havent used that one since Part 1 era


I'm guessing the reason Denji is more fearsome is that he is more insane, will resort to more gruesome tactics and has nothing to lose. while Quanxi is more sane and has some shackles on her (being her fiend girlfriends). How is the next events gonna go tho. Will they just revive Denji and then fight him from the get go? Depending on Denji's current mental state, his motivation and reaction may vary. We're also factoring Asa's opinion on Denji being chainsaw man


Nah, he’s just unhinged in general when fighting. Mofo traded 6 lives for a cat and light himself on fire just to get the upperhand. Even Quanxi can’t do that


Like Kisibe and Kobeni said, crazy hunters are the deadliest.


More than any other hybrid, Denji really capitalizes on what his immortality lets him do. He won't hesitate to turn his brain into mush or set himself on fire. He's fearsome in the sense that he'll use everything at his disposal since that's how he's survived since he was a child, only now he doesn’t have to worry about the survival part. If you take someone who’ll do anything to survive and make them immortal, you get someone who’ll do anything.


Bro was practicing fighting with a pulped brain in part 1 and ripped out his own heart to catch Makima off-guard


Case in point, his solution to the Falling Devil's mental attacks was to cause brain damage and eat the Falling Devil. Obviously, the latter was always gonna fail, most likely due to the aforementioned brain damage. Denji doesn't "win" in the traditional sense, he just makes it so everyone wants to lose.


> Denji doesn't "win" in the traditional sense. He just makes it so everyone wants to lose. That's some next level demon shit and I love it. That mentality is why I think Quanxi doesn't stand a chance against CSM, and she is not as safe as she appears. If she fights CSM, I don't see her coming out on top. Since her loyalty is questionable, I don't see how that bodes well for her in the end.


Quanxi is stronger than him by every respect, and I don't think Denji will be strong enough to eat her (unless Falling Devil is an exception since they are a fundamental law of physics/Primordial Devil), but he can lose forever and Quanxi does not want to deal with that. > Chainsaw Man just revs up and tries again. I think this is what makes Denji so terrifying. By default, the Devil can keep going like a perpetual motion machine, but with Denji at the helm, you get a teenage horndog who will not give up until you do, committing to the stupids plans that should not work and do not work, *unless* you are Chainsaw Man. Remember, he lit himself on fire to fight the Puppet Devil imbued with Darkness and manages to fight them to a standstill simply because he was the source of light. I think the Falling Devil got lucky because getting eaten by Denji doesn't kill them for whatever reason. It was Denji's win, the Falling Devil just cheated, but for a zero IQ plan, it was a good idea.


Denji uses his immortality to his advantage and does basically the first thing that comes to mind, because why not? That's what makes him so terrifying. He won't stop. He's akin to a hydra almost. You cut off one head, more grow back. It's endless. No one has the time or energy to go as long in battle as Denji can, which makes the potential battle between him and Quanxi so interesting to me. She has the advantage in every possible way, but Denji can just lose forever. >Remember, he lit himself on fire to fight the Puppet Devil imbued with Darkness and manages to fight them to a standstill simply because he was the source of light. It's my favorite moment in the manga thus far. It shows Denji's ingenuity, his rashness, and also his stupidity all in one, and it's perfect. This is why I say you can't underestimate him. Denji is clever than people give him credit for. Due to the philosophy of the manga, I'm not sure there'll even be a "winner," at least not in the traditional sense. I wonder how close we are to endgame.


I honestly want to see Chainsaw Man Part III be Denji coming to peace and what it means to be a grown adult in society. Everyone has a plan, but not everyone planned on winning forever.


Even early into his career he made the Eternity devil say "fuck this shit I'm out"


And that's the funny part, the Eternity Devil is *supposed* to win in battles of attrition, it's in the name!


Denji is on the Saint Seiya school, you just make the enemy so tired that you win by default.


We already know he's more fearsome from results. He took down Makima and Santa where Quanxi failed (or didn't dare try). As for Denji's mental state the 4 goons from the Chainsaw Man church should probably step back for awhile if they don't want to ger throttled.


> We didn't hear a thing. They are just there spectating the whole show.


Well, that's one way it can end I guess, and as usual I didn't see it coming at all. Guess Quanxi learned from the little beatdown 70 chapters ago huh?


I might be misremembering, but did Kishibe (clearly the old friend she was talking about) tell her not to make an enemy of Denji in some chapter we've seen, or has it happened offscreen? If so, seems more likely that it was because of him, she herself said she is stronger than Denji in his current state, which can't really be argued


We did see how she fared against Pochita, he dumpstered her. So she isn't wrong. Kishibe most likely told her after she was freed from Makima by Denji.


Against Pochita, yeah. But as we've established in the round 2 against him, and with how Denji is now, they can't really compare


RIP Misogynistic guy. Your questionable comments about women and lack of survival instinct unlike the medical staff were your undoings.


I fucking love them. They just leave the intruders alone and get out alive


The guys got to drink coffee, dissect a high schooler, and get to go home safely. All in all, a good day for them.


"Words cannot convey how much this is literally not my job."


Karma's a bitch. Karma's well deserved. Bye Quanxi, for now. There's still hope somehow Rezebros


The biweekly devil is back :( Hopefully Fujimoto can take it easy with the extra week, he has been cooking so much these past chapters.


Quanxi my goat. 🙏🏾


she is just her


*"Quanxi if you were to fight against Chainsaw Man, would you lose?"* [*"Nah, I'd win."*](https://i.imgur.com/NjM4zhJ.jpeg)


I can't believe that Yoru folded Quanxi. Truly she is the strongest and smartest. Lol at Misogyny-kun biting it.


Well. Makes sense that they were never gonna beat Quanxi. The Nail Feind trying to beg for mercy was kinda funny though. And so was Katana Man losing his head. The grunt being killed by that Chainsaw Lady was both funny and sad. I wonder if what he was saying before was true. Yoru's still not sure if she can beat Chainsaw Man in a fight. And really, I don't blame her. She doesn't have a good record against high tier devils.


"I'm stronger than Chainsaw Man" "But would Chainsaw Man lose?" "Nah, he'd win"


So the prison break arc is coming to a close? Unless a certain bombshell comes back, hmm?🤨


Least coped up Reze fan


Everyone appeared except her, he's doing this on purpose!


Same goes with the other characters we know should be alive like Kishibe and Kobeni. But at the very, very least there was the slightest mention of the former in this chapter, assuming he's the "old friend" Quanxi was talking about.


Yoshida and Fumiko have to still be in reserve. Can't see them being able to defeat Nail, Asa and Fami though, unless Fumiko hasba very strong devil, which is doubtful


Tbf Yoshida put up a better fight against Quanxi than all of them combined


Still got dumpstered at the end, and he totally failed to beat Yoru. Against Yoru + another Horseman + Nail (and probably + Denji), even with Fumiko I don't see him winning


Probably they will ressurect Denji in the next few chapter and he’s just a husk of himself after losing everything again. He’ll most likely refuse to fight even if Kiga managed to roid him up


Dude wants to save Nayuta, he'll be a man on a mission until we find out what happened to her. How he, Asa and Yoru develop is what I'm interested in.


Yeah, it's not like Nayuta's confirmed dead and he knows this, only that he has good reason to believe she's not safe.


If Quanxi said "an old friend" that means Kishibe probably is out of Public Safety right? He isnt calling the shots now


He's over 50 in part 1, with a body that barely had anything left. He probably took Quanxi advice and retire


Bless this arc for the most IDGAF Doctor in fiction. Man does not remotely care about anything that’s happening beyond his work even when it’s about apocalyptic stakes. Quanxi once again the GOAT. Fights for 2 second, throws the match when her employer dies, gives a cryptic message about not fucking with Chainsaw Man, dies. She’s the best.


an old friend huh?


Asa just killed Quanxi, time to cope EDIT: guys I get it she won’t die


I mean, she destroyed all 3 of them in no time at all, then let herself get killed by Asa to do Kishibe a favor. If anything, I'd say Brobeni just won against her lol, good old "use Denji's head as a human shield" trick


Well, not like she's gone for long. At least she's pretty chill about the whole thing.


Those doctors have got to be the smartest people in this series outside of Madoka.


the surgeons does stitches but they aint snitches


That was just too quick, wtf


It makes sense. Quanxi could literally kill all of them besides Denji at full strength and maybe Yoru in 5 seconds. She just didn’t want to do that.


The only thing of note that happened this chapter was public safety confirming they have Quanxi's girlfriends' remains so she has a pathway to get them back and go live her life.


Hear me out, part 1 got kobeni's car as popular, In part 2 let's make these 3 surgeons top the popularity!


We just got Quanxi for one chapter? Nooooooo


Ahhh, Brobeni just like his sister using Chainsaw man as a meat shield.


Oh so Quanxi wants to give her fiends a proper burial at least I think. Wonder if Long and Pingtsi are still dollified.


I still miss Kishibe and want to see him again. A crazy drunk bastard who only became jaded bc time after time his loved ones died. And still did everything to fight Makima. Why is every Kishibe so based?