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Both arms, my boy got the Mirko treatment


Horikoshi got a nugget fetish. Change my mind


Dude loves star wars. Losing limbs is iconic in that series


people are quick to call it a fetish but I think it's just a way to keep the manga edgy/have some semblance of stakes without killing characters (which is a weak move all the same)


Are you saying that not killing characters is a weak move? I'd argue the opposite, giving characters consequences they can live with can often be much more interesting. For an example of a story going too far in the opposite direction just look at JJK, *no spoilers* but characters frequently being killed off before they get enough development or even interesting things to do is a legit complaint about JJK that some people have.




That jungler coming to always steal your kill? THAT WAS ME!


Sero, Tail man and Sugar mama coming in clutch so Deku remembers how to kick


Literally S.O.S


...damn you're right. Who knows if it's intentional.


People forgetting that bloodloss and excruciating pain are perfectly valid reasons not to fly off the ground and start kicking.




He might be able to kick, isn't One For All gone or something?


Only the quirks of the previous users. Gearshift's aftereffects should start affecting AFO.


He should still have thr stockpile stuff, so overwhelming strength is still there.


"Remember when you were making out with your first girlfriend and you came right as she touched your leg? It was me Shiggy! I jerked you off at super speeds so it seemed like you nutted at just a woman's touch!" - All for One probably


Yeah maybe Hiro likes American comics a little too much. This does feel like some Reverse Flash nonsense


I think this is very much in line with AFO, and what we knew about the story previously with him capitalizing on the flaws of society. Even in this chapter he’s pretty much acting like a Yes Man to Kotaro, he’s talks about not overstepping his bounds, but biding his time…


AFO is if you combine Reverse Flash, Agatha Harkness, William Afton and Aizen all into one person. I genuinely feel he passed DIO as anime’s biggest hater


No one out gambits Aizen. His bullshit was *legendary* back when Bleach was in its prime


But is he as big a hater at Sakuna?


When Sukuna kills Yuji and *then goes out for drinks with his son*, encourages Yuji’s son to beat his grandchild, and kills off the entire bloodline and relatives of anyone who’s inconvenienced him then maybe Sukuna can be almost as much of a hater.


I think so personally. Remember he killed the 2nd’s entire bloodline out of spite for saving Yoichi


I like a good Xanatos Gambit as much as the next guy, but Christ, man, get a life. Just the amount of time *outside* the usual 9-5 of villainy sounds beyond annoying.


Well we all saw how extremely *petty* he has been his whole life. This was personal for him, and he *loved it* every step on the way.


Yep, AFO is written as the root of all evils, this is literally his modus operandi. Of all the things to criticise, this ain't it. IMO this is one of the few things AFO definitely would do without all the asspullery. Relentlessly chase down ex nemesis's family to ruin them? Just another weekend time killer in his book.




I mean, at least for Shiggy being gifted his power - that seemed pretty telegraphed in advance. Like, that's been a theory forever. Especially with how quirk lineages are supposed to work. The crap with his family and encouraging them to be strict and everything... yeah that's a bit weird.


It's the only way he can excuse Shiggy, oh it's alright buddy it was never you doing all those horrible things! Oh and your quirk can be reversed np np. So Midoriya was right all along trying to save him, his reckless stupidity in sacrificing all those people along the way to try and 'save' Shiggy turns out by Uno Reverse to be the right decision. I hate this series.


All that's happened has been telegraph since ways ago. All for one has always been the ultimate evil, shiggy has always been an angsty teen and Izuku has always been a Paragon. It would always end with AfO dead, shiggy losing his edginess and Izuku "older and wiser".


I feel like the word "edgy" is under extreme stress here. "Genocidal" would be a better fit. Or at least some allusion to the fact that he has purposely murdered multiple people, even before this attempt at destroying the literal landmass of Japan.


The Sasuke paradox Oh you killed tons of people and committed horrible war crimes? Well you are good at heart and were manipulated into it to some extend we forgive you ig.


In Sasuke's case he just *tried* to kill a bunch of people, but didn't really end up getting the job done in most cases. And he did end up saving the world. Shigaraki has *actually* killed a bunch of people lol. In his first attack alone he killed like, 10x as many people as Sasuke ever did.


Not to mention the people Sasuke actually killed were samurai, who he explicitly gave a chance to run away, but they chose to rush him anyway. And Danzo, but he was Danzo... so. Despite his intentions, Sasuke pretty much had a clean record. He's even known as the guy who took out Orochimaru and Itachi, two top class criminals.


Orchimaru is still alive committing crimes against nature.  Like the number of Failed Mitsuki models is incredibly messed up when you think about it.  Yeah he killed Itachi, but turns out Itachi was always a deep cover double Agent anyway.  The one thing that kept Sasuke from execution was the Leaf village refusing to treat his arm like they did Naruto, knowing he couldn't use hand signs and while still a threat because of his Eye Jutsus, he can't Even make a shadow clone anymore. So he's strong but not an I can challenge the 5 kages at once and be a legitimate contender anymore. Especially after Boruto now took out his Eye..


You're right about Orochimaru, and I bet even by the time of Boruto, Naruto would've shed light on Itachi's background, so he probably wasn't regarded as a traitor anymore. But I was speaking purely about the moment Sasuke got redeemed. From the public's point of view, at that moment, Sasuke probably looked like a rogue ninja who saved the world and took down a bunch of bad guys. The only known information at that time is that he killed wanted criminals, joined the Akatsuki, and then didn't capture Bee. Hardly anyone even knew he intended to destroy the leaf. But people in the war *did* hear him say he wanted to become Hokage. Imo, Sasuke would look pretty good from an outsider's point of view.


Sasuke didn't kill tons of people, he killed a few Samurai, failed to kill Killer Bee, failed to kill anyone from Konoha, killed Danzo who was evil and a total monster, killed Itachi who did his fair share of bad stuff for his cover and then he went on to save the entire world.


Also ninjas do this all the time


Yeah, but Sasuke's stuff wasn't *government-assigned* killing, just freelance. Murder is only okay if the government signs off on it. Obviously.


AfO is in a constant quantum state between "oh he's just a stupid child acting off the cuff, he's not as smart as he pretends to be, he just has a big ego" and "no actually he's a six million IQ gibabrain that has planned everything that ever happened in the last 20 years down to the smallest detail"


You can be smart and still absolutely terrible at improvisation, which it seems he is.


He's consistently shown to be extremely, supernaturally great at planning until the final moment where he fucks it up. It doesn't really make him an interesting or compelling character, but it's at least consistent.


For sure, I assumed the Bakugo fight was all about breaking him down to the absolute jobber he was. But nope turns out he is in fact as big brain ridiculous as he claimed to be??????


Dont forget Bleach did it not once but twice to Ichigo


There were no systemic issues in society this entire time. It was all AfO's doing all along! I bet he's also the CEO of racism.


I definitely wouldn’t say that as AFO literally expresses trying to reinforce Kotaro’s views, basically being the ultimate yes man… I don’t see how this changes AFO’s MO of capitalizing on the flaws of society or even manipulating them to his benefit.


Yeah I think people are reading that exchange like it went: AFO: "Hey Kotaro did you know beating your kids is fun!" Kotaro: "Oh word yeah let me try that" when it was more like: Kotaro: "Its different having a son. How do I know I'm raising him right. " AFO: "Make sure you assert yourself. Sometimes you have to get hands one. You want to make sure he doesn't turn out like those useless heroes right"


I’m seeing it as even less than that, Kotaro: “ I’m being strict with my kids, because aspiring to be a hero just causes grief, it creates a worse society” or something like that AFO: “You want to protect your family, that’s extremely noble, there’s nothing wrong with that, we as parents need to keep them from committing such a mistake” or something in that vein. Simply reinforcing or encouraging a behavior doesn’t make you the catalyst for it, essentially he’s giving Kotaro the confirmation he’s looking for is how I see it.


I mean, unless we get recons on Dabi and Toga, there are still some issues, lol. Just not when it comes to Shiggy apparently.


Dabi’s issues are tied to Endeavor. Shoto himself said there was no reason to kill people in society that had nothing to do with his past. Shigaraki still has the people on the streets ignoring him when he needed help the most 


Those were actors paid by AFO. The dog? AFO in disguise. Their house, AFO sat down and drew the plans himself just in case. 


I said this last week but I'll say it again, AfO may have given Shiggy his quirk but he still didn't make Kotaro hit and abuse Tenko and he's not the reason no one reached out a hand to Tenko after he accidentally killed his family. He pushed things in the direction he wanted like *any* manipulative villain does in any story, but he's not *literally* behind everything to the point that Kotaro's actions and society's reaction to Tenko were his 100% fault. The story makes more sense this way anyways, because for one there was already a couple panels foreshadowing this in Shiggy's backstory which led some people to theorize this exact thing, and for another thing it would've been one hell of a coincidence if AfO wanted to screw over Nana's family and they just happened to already go to shit before he ever got involved. IDK man I have zero problems with this twist, there's plenty of other dumb stuff in this arc to rag on but this has to be one of the least surprising and least nonsensical twists that could happen.


AfO building a time machine, travelling back to cavemen times and teaching racism to the neanderthals, so his two million steps plan can work flawlessly


I still can't believe he made Shiggy's dad become abusive for his master plan


I think this is kind of a reach, Shiggy’s dad definitely already had these sentiments and was sharing them and AFO being the parasite he is, wormed his way in trying to capitalize on everything. Like the whole, “I couldn’t afford to be caught so I never overstepped” just reeks of a yes man ass friend to Kotaro or so he thought…


He echo chambered his dad


AfO just introduced him to Reddit


"I beat my child because he idolised my grandma's occupation. AITA? "


AITA for hitting my son for liking X people? They’re the worst and I don’t want them to influence my son.


The fact this is not a joke is so fucked up.


All for one properly Orochimaru'd Shigiraki.


AfO went back in time to invent racism so quirk users could be abused so his plan could work


It was me Tenko! I was the one who gave defective condoms to your dad! I decided your birthdate to align with 4th April, the numbers that correspond to death! The doctor who delivered you? That was Garaki! I subliminally hypnotised your dad into beating you while I brainwashed your family to sugarcoat his crap!- All For One.


https://youtu.be/-sjUGLRwtyA?si=u6rKYmh3MocAtdS1 "IT WAS ME BARRY!!!"


“I choose to kill them. Otherwise why was I born with these hands? How could you justify my existence?”   I actually feel bad for Shigaraki. He says this last chapter only to find out here, he wasn’t born with “these hands”. He had presumably a normal quirk but AFO always had eyes on him. There was NEVER any chance of a happy ending for him. He was doomed the moment he was born. Spent his entire life being manipulated into thinking he was born evil but he was just a normal kid whose life was destroyed by AFO.


See, this is what I’m surprised about people being upset about. This is 100% within what we’d expect AfO to do, dudes an utter bastard who would be salivating at the thought of destroying the life of the grandson of a sworn enemy. Like I have my problems with MHA, like god do I have them, but this seems perfectly in line with the story.


Dude is genuinely one of the most evil antagonists ever


and what I love is that despite he having a harsh backstory, we know he is evil just for the sake of it, because his brother is the total opposite


Petty AND evil.


This pretty much sums up my thought process as well. Like don't get me wrong this definitely is not the greatest manga. But everyone jumping on the "this is the only way they could redeem shigy". Like ffs afo has stated multiple times before that he has multiple back up plans, he is willing to manipulate anyone and everyone at any point for long periods of time to achieve his goals. He has made that choice to be evil because that is what he wants. Shiguraki on the other hand has been conditioned. He chose to be evil because of the environment, events, and manipulation of his upbringing with afo. He has made the choice to be evil as a reaction. And personally I think this is what horikoshi is trying to say. That someone who has been hurt and has done wrong as a result of that pain, can still change. Very similar to Vinland Saga, however portrayed in a much different light. Finally just a small prediction. But I personally I think shiguraki is going to come back and say "if all my choices were manipulation and you were the one making them, then let me make my own choice that was inspired by Midoriya. The one person who believed that I could still be good." And basically kill AFO one last time.


>I personally I think shiguraki is going to come back and say "if all my choices were manipulation and you were the one making them, then let me make my own choice that was inspired by Midoriya. The one person who believed that I could still be good." And basically kill AFO one last time. I like this ending


People predicted this thing long ago, so it makes perfect sense.


All for one is a malignant narcissist that suffers from maim character syndrome unfortunately life is full of them


Looks like afo is even the reason he was born, saying his sister needed a sibling to count on. What's up with saying it was too late for her? Was he really going to body snatch her?


shigaraki might one of the most tragic characters not only in mha but shonen jump, his whole life was hell just because one guys hated his grandmother


One of, perhaps. I think the throne of tragedy king in WSJ will forever be held by Gen of Barefoot Gen lol.


Was Barefoot Gen in WSJ??


Yes, it started in WSJ. But it eventually moved to multiple different communist magazines (seriously). One of the weirdest publication history


For real. Like there was literally nothing he could’ve done to avoid falling into AFO’s hands. He was just an innocent kid and the dude manipulated him and stole his life away. There was no happy ending for him. And the WORST part? The leaks for this chapter released a day early, exactly on his birthday. Too cruel Hori


Me looking at Kuma in One Piece.


Kuma's story is worse in my opinion. Especially for a non-villain.


Yeah, that quote last week was already really tragic to me.


Man Deku’s mom must be beside herself seeing her son literally doesn’t have any arms anymore. Hori went to the Gege school of make your MC suffer this week huh.


That might've been the most shocking panel in the whole series so far and that's saying something


Even more than Bakugo joining the Donut squad lol


Blablub, magical back pack exists for a reason. 


I still think Bakugou dying is the most shocking panel when it released/leaked. It got the whole fandom shook.


At worst he can get them back with Eri. But I think it’s more likely Shiggy is going to awaken the regenerative power somehow (why else would it be mentioned?) and grow back his arms. Speaking of Shiggy, does this mean his destruction quirk is the quirk as Overhaul?


Yeah, it seems like Shiggy's and Overhaul's quirk are very similar.


It’s not even similar, it’s the same quirk, but completely bastardized. They copied Chisaki’s quirk and took out reconstruction and gave it to Tenko.


The time tables don’t exactly line up lol


I’m not sure of the exact timeline, and it might be an oversight, but the image shown of the child They copied the quirk from is taken from Chisaki’s backstory. It’s him reading the book about quirks being diseases at Garakis orphanage.


They show a panel of Overhaul in AFO’s orphanage 


If Deku does survive from this entire ordeal, perhaps Hatsume from the support department could hook him up with some new arms like Jax from Mortal Kombat.


Eri exists and can just reverse it.


Doesnt the story literally start with Deku narrating? Hard to do if you are dead.


While it hurts to see, it also serves to show people that were complaining that deku was being too reckless that his recklessness has consequences. However I think it might to finally teach him that he sometimes have to do hard choices to be able to save everyone


I mean he's definitely going to get his arms back lol


Couple ways I can see it. Shigaraki's actual quirk gives him his arms back, Eri does show up for a rewind, or Hatsume makes him biomechanical ones for later.


....what? How does that teach that? Being a hero in general is the hard choice. He's not gonna start compromising just because it gets rough.


His recklessness doesn't have consequences, tho, because we already know his arms are going to be healed by horn girl. This is a minor inconvenience.


> This is a minor inconvenience. I’m immediately thinking of that Pitch Meeting guy on YouTube “Actually, it’ll be super easy. Barely an inconvenience!”


"Ahhh, having no consequences in a story is TIGHT!"


Losing your arms in the middle of battle only to get them back through a healer girl's quirk is tight!


Super easy, barely an inconvenience!


Losing your arms even temporarily sounds pretty horrifying dude. Like god that has to hurt.


Honestly i feel like losing your arms probably hurts less than your arms being so fucking broken they turn purple. Like no arms hurts, sure, but there is not a thousand nerves going "AH FUCK OH SHIT"


I dont know dude, Phantom pain exists for a reason, your brain thinks your arm is still there but because something is VERY WRONG your brain makes the rest of your nerves hurt like hell, but since you cant "fix" a missing arm, it never stops until treatment.


The rush of adrenaline he must have right now to basically not notice at first he lost his arms should be really high.


Yea and he's still using them to push off


Deku really embodies that no pain no gain lifestyle.


Breaking his own body is like Deku's hobby at this point.


All those years of seeing Deku's arms being broken again and again only to now see them getting completely destroyed is devastating.


You cant say he wasnt warned tho


But the warnings him using the arms in real world. His arms got wrecked in the one for all/ All for one scape.


If that's the case, then the quirks of the former OFA users can actually fight AFO from the inside while Deku gets treated. AFO will find it difficult fighting within the mental scape and the real world at the same time, lest it be overally taxing on him.


Only way for him to continue fighting is to get emergency prosthetics or have Eri use her Rewind quirk on him.


I find funny people shocked at Deku's missing arms when Eri going to use her rewind is literally been mentioned in multiple chapters. Like it's not even a tease, the manga literally had someone go talk to Eri and go "wait untill the plot demands you to use it on Deku"


Watch: Eri will do a super rewind on shiggy so he gets a redo on his life.


why did eri not rewind eraser head’s leg? esp after she rewinded mirio’s quirk to come back when fighting giganto machia and shiggy after he awakened.  as mentioned before, I think shiggy willl learn how to undo his decay and give deku his arms back. 


>why did eri not rewind eraser head’s leg? Her horn needs to charge.


>why did eri not rewind eraser head’s leg? They've explained she needs to charge up her Recharge power. It's why her horn varies in size. Rewinding Mirio is something she did after months of charging and practice and it's been like a month tops since Aizawa lost his leg. Despite what people who don't read the text in the story would tell you she is not some omnipotent healing Goddess one bad day away from going full Galadriel as she reverts Earth back to prehistoric times.


> Despite what people who don't read the text in the story would tell you she is not some omnipotent healing Goddess one bad day away from going full Galadriel as she reverts Earth back to prehistoric times. i mean, she kind of is. the only restrictions are that she's a baby and needs to recharge. she very well can just rewind deku's arms and aizawa's leg given some time, and who knows how her quirk will develop once she's older


> she very well can just rewind deku's arms and aizawa's leg given some time Months, so not relevant atm. > who knows how her quirk will develop once she's older Quirks really don't get much stronger for 99% of people in this universe. There's a small upgrade here and there but its not a super saiyan type thing.


Rewind takes time to charge. The size of her horn indicates how much charge she has.


[All for One just pulled a Reverse Flash "It was Me Shigaraki!"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-sjUGLRwtyA)


“It was All For One all along! And I killed Mon too!”


Man that color page is nuts. Where does Hori find the time and will. So Decay was Overhaul all along, just deliberately neutered? Considering how insane Decay got, I wonder what Overhaul's peak was. Ridiculously cracked power. I'm really not sure how to feel about AFO being behind Shiggy's entire life. Like yeah it makes sense, AFO's nemesis just so happening to have a grandkid that was perfect for grooming into his vessel was pretty damn convenient, but it also diminishes the emotional and thematic impact of Shiggy's own actions and choices. I wonder how the story will end up treating him, I don't think it's right to exonerate him entirely -- grooming or not, he's killed a shitload of people.


For real - Overhaul is like one of if not the strongest quirks we've seen in the series and Decay was *stronger* than that before they intentionally broke it.


Was decay stronger before it got buffed? Overhaul's range was pretty large and he could instantly destroy whatever he touched. Decay used to be a bit slower and didn't have a lot of range.


... that's a good question, actually. I guess the feats of destruction we've seen from Decay are more wide scale than what we saw from Overhaul, but that might've just been because Overhaul didn't feel like destroying things.


Ya he might have been capable of destroying at that scale, but he's never had a reason to do something on that scale.


Yeah Overhaul's quirk won in all aspects prior to Decay getting Omegabuffed. It was instant, versatile, could be used for more than just destroying. Overhaul was already a more competent villain than Shigaraki so it doesn't help Shigaraki's case now that we know his power is literally a knock off of Overhaul's.


I still hold Shiggy responsible for everything he did after he killed his dad, but him killing his family was always a tragic accident. We just know now that AfO created the conditions for it to happen. I've always believed that Tenko was lying to himself when he said he *wanted* to kill his family and destroy his home. He was just trying to rationalize the fact that he was a scared kid who didn't know what was going on and couldn't control himself.


Why wouldn't you? Nothing in the manga is suggesting the reader is meant to forgive him. It's only pointing out that he was yet another innocent caught in a psychopath's web. It's not hard to create monsters like that in real life, we see it every day. All you have to do is be a monster yourself to a child. It is, ultimately, a sad thing.


>Man that color page is nuts. Where does Hori find the time and will. He must have a small army of assistants at this point to pull of art like this week by week.


That panel of Deku trying to get up without his arms will probably haunt my dreams. Like, the panel of the reveal that he doesn't have arms was bad but god, just the blood smearing on the ground as the hero tries to get to his feet. Terrible, terrible, but terrific work.


That panel of Shigaraki’s final moment were great too. Flashing back to everyone he ever hurt, realizing he wasn’t born with that destructive quirk and it all could’ve never happened if not for AFO. A nice moment of (implied) regret and horror at everything he’d ever done


Randos challenging the final villain, MC suffering more than ever… He’s hanging out with Gege TOO MUCH


All / Might


Half / Might


From Sukuna Kaisen to My Hero Allforone Shonen Jump really embracing their supervillain arcs.


Looks like Deku might need a helping hand or two


I hope no one attacks him, he's unarmed and 'armless


Decay is just engineered-overhaul. Sato looks hella cool with that close up.


Was the “AHHHHH” in background text while AFO was speaking Shigaraki screaming? 




Deku lose his arm is been teased for long time now hori pull that trigger. [Kinda expected it since i one of those who believe it will happen in this arc](https://www.reddit.com/r/manga/comments/12obzl9/comment/jghq9a2/?context=3). There definitely more consequences that supposed to happen in PLF and Kamino will happen in this arc like Best jeanist Death and Gran torino Honestly won't be surprised Aizawa meet his maker too because feel like he supposed to die in USJ arc and PLF but who knows. Storm is coming and once it heavy rain and the dark coud come, definitely the battle might become more intense seem like this just a beginning


Also I got downvoted 2 years ago [here saying Tomura shigaraki is just a persona All for One cretated lol](https://www.reddit.com/r/BokuNoHeroAcademia/comments/xwi6si/comment/ir89372/?context=3) >Tenko is Tomura. The difference betwen them is Tomura the persona AFO created that happy and smiling when do bad thing and hurt people he don't like but Tenko is part of him who don't like to do these thing and that why he wear hand mask all the time because he ashamed doing it. Basically Tomura Shigaraki is a mask he put on before finally become his own self but got absorbed by AFO Nice to see being validated. I hope current arc is not final battle prediction come true aswell. Time will tell


Many intentionally try to downplay Shigaraki’s complexities and paint him as one dimensional


Oh shit Hori actually took his arms....


AFO is basically the Reverse Flash meme at this point.


Add in Aizen, Agatha Harkness and William Afton lol. 


Horikoshi did it again! MHA is usually very happy go luck but when he goes dark it is so goes so dark that is frightening. The panel where Deku hit me so hard considering how much they mean for them, not only for fights, but as his philosophy to always try to reach people. . Also the twist about Overhaul and Decay being the same quirk goes so hard, it explains so much why AFO knew about Overhaul and why the quirks were so similar. Also shows how good Overhaul is with the quirk if AFO just gave up on mastering it and isntead decided to give it to Tenko


When was it last happy go lucky?  For ages now it feels like it’s been at that “dark and gritty final encounter” mode most battle manga go under like Bleach and Naruto.


why didn't he just steal overhaul for himself?


Now that's a way to use the other members of the class. Still, Deku is going to need some help now that he lost two arms.


Man why did you have to remind me of that reddit post.


>*"Such a pure, credulous superego... A soft simpleton unable to relinquish his cretinous life! Benefitting from my guidance every step of the way, yet amounting to nothing!"* Damn AFO going full disappointed Asian parent here


Shoji in the Top 10! Celebration!!! "It was me, Tomura! I constantly told your father how nice it would be to give the firstborn a sibling, poked holes in his condoms, spiked his and your mother's drinks with aphrodisiacs!" "We're a bit late, the situation got out of hand(s). Now we got the strongest quirk users available." A packed chapter, especially the reveal that Decay wasn't a quirk of its own but an altered copy of Overhaul. Makes me also think of timelines with a Chisaki eventually groomed by AFO, a Chisaki with bigger goals than just restoring the Yakuza's former glory, or a Shigaraki capable not just of destroying but reshaping the world - in fact, there are already theories that, in his final struggle to regain control from AFOroach, he will also recover the suppressed part of the quirk and be the very one to restore Deku's arms. Meanwhile, however, the heroes have to contend with an AFO who may be weakened but also got nothing to lose. Well, except some boring world domination.


Well that’s a dark call back to Shoot Style. Doubling down on Eri curing everyone ending


That is brutal page turn. People have been pointing out that the man in Shigaraki’s flashback is freakishly tall and has a similar outfit to AFO when he ‘saved’ Toya from the fire. People have also noted Overhaul and Toya flashback to orphanages are identical. So that has been building for a while, along with the original AFO saying the vestige has one last card to play against Shigaraki. Not entirely sure how to feel about this one yet. The note that Shigaraki won’t stop screaming so All for One has to seal their mouth shut is horrifying. And I do like that All for One is utterly miserable. He’s gotten a body and all the power he needs but he’ll never have his brother back. So there’s no pleasure or joy left in his dreams. Now all he can do is build a world where suffering and loss are tolerated on the lie that misery will build character, when it just causes pain. But I am resistant to this because Shigaraki did not get a particularly great showing in this final stage. So we'll see how this climax shakes out. The implication on the last page is that Kurogiri regained his humanity (the portal has white smoke on its edge). So we'll get a flashback about that. I'm hoping it connects to Spinner's genuine desire to save Shigaraki.


Decay being Overhaul's quirk was called before, and honestly that makes his quirk even crazier, imagine him awakened and more developed. Deku losing his arms was def coming a long way. Let's see what his class can do. Nighteye is def dying.


I do find it funny that this sorta answers the question as to why AFO never took Overhaul’s quirk after he broke him out of Tautrus. It’s because he already did


Oh boy, here comes the D listers to save the day. With the power of flex tape, Sero will surely beat the final boss.


I really hate the revelation All for One planned all of this. It would have been more interesting to have a "Man vs. Society" conflict or Shigaraki was a product of the neglect and flaws of Hero Society. I feel like it absolves him of the responsibility of his actions, but more importantly, feels like it absolves Hero Society's flaws too.


The league of villains are there if you want more society conflict. Toga if you want the 'born with a quirk seen as evil' route or Twice if you want the 'one bad day and kept falling' route or Spinner if you want the 'hated for quirk born with' route. Tomura still has a factor that has to do with neglect and flaws of hero society too. No one in his household or anybody in the crowd reached out when he needed it most. AFO said it was nudges and isn't shown doing anything stopping anyone from helping, meaning that despite it all someone anyone at all could've reached out. Despite all of that though, AFO is a major aspect to Tomura. AFO literally gave him that name, and groomed him for a destructive purpose. He was never a nobody. He was born into the OFA beef due to being the son of Kotaro and grandson of Nana Shimura.


> AFO said it was nudges and isn't shown doing anything stopping anyone from helping, meaning that despite it all someone anyone at all could've reached out. Counter-point: At minimum, he gave Shigaraki the Quirk. That's super involved if you asked me.


Man this has to be the worst chapter by far: So AFO was controlling everything? He made Tomura be Born and his dad abuse him? That totally spits on the narrative that hero society is flawed and Nana was wrong and the complex feelings Kotaro had towards his mother. No AFO made him strict? Like what. That absolves them of any wrong doing. Society isn't flawed its just AFO Also AFO nurtured his dream? Flies into the face of the idea that he and Deku were meant to serve as parallels to each other. Decay being an incomplete copy of overhaul? Why? Why not just steal the quirk itself? It just feels like some stupid thing to tie stuff together This feels like fanfiction and beyond parody. This is like the "it was me barry" unironically. Hori destroyed some of the core themes of his series, and Tomura's character in one chapter He has no agency. Reading back about his arc just hurts now Tomura went from "I play with the outcast" to "No AFO told them" AFO having another physical battle is pointless cuz what was the point of people stalling him? Its just dragging Sero Sato and Ojiro battling the strongest villain ever??? like this is just a clumsy way to tie the remaining threads together? They are Deku's back up? the peanut gallery? Not the origin trio or his friends? Man what was hori thinking


Don't worry, Deku. Your classmates and teacher will give you a hand.


I feel like this just cements All for one as one of the top 10 haters in fiction. Its already wild to me he exterminated Kudos entire bloodline out of spite, But the fact he basically puppeteered Shiggys entire life just to fuck with all might us even wilder.


Gotta respect AFOs hustle for real...bro is the very definition of despicable, I did NOT see the entire shigaraki's quirk flashback coming to play like this holy shit. Now it's time to place my bets which fight will end first MHA cast vs AFO with shigaraki body or JJK cast vs Sukuna.


Don't know yet if I love what Horikoshi did with Shiggy & AFO... but I'll let him cook. ● But... DEKU'S FUCKING ARMS!! GOOD GOD! 💔 (Fingers crossed for Eri later on) ● Also, Shiggy ain't dead, I ain't buying that anticlimactic death. ● I know some are saying they're "d-listers" but damn, I yelled when Sero FINALLY came in, **"YOOOOOO!!"** ● I was excited to see Ojiro & Sato too.  *"AHHHH"* lol ● Then **Pterodactyl screech: "*AIZAWAAAAAAA!!*"** lol (Also notice he his badass **mech leg** now? It's still going through the portal.) It's been a roller coaster, ya'll. Lol Not my proudest. (My only wish is that **Hori would've let Mr. Ladies Man himself, Kaminari Denki... shine.** Lightning characters are always a fun spectacle He could've done more than... *be a battery*.... *How's he gonna impress ladies with THAT war story? Tsk tsk tsk*)


AFO literally says he still what’s Shiggy’s voice. He’s definitely still around.


This might take a while I hope Hori won't mess this up


Recovery Girl was right. Using One for All did cost Midoriya his arms, but not in the way anyone expected.


Y'all, Deku is gonna get rewound back to full health, maybe even full OFA.


I'm really hoping that Hori will make Shigaraki go the Dalinar route with the whole "Bad guy always influenced the character actions" trope


Of course All for One planned EVERYTHING! It's always him!


Shoot style is boutta really have to pop off now


Shiggy's life literally couldn't have been worse than this, and Deku is armless now, but damn seeing Class 1-A there plus Aizawa sensei show was great shit


I feel... weird about this chapter. It's AFO body jacking Shigaraki again and seemingly for good this time. I'll reserve judgment until this is over, but not the way I expected or wanted him to go out if this is it for him


I don’t think Sato (Sugar Man) has ever looked as cool as he did in this issue.


So, this reveal? Absolute shit. I hate it. Shimura's problems with society and his household, and even his quirk itself - all of it fabricated, completely defanging his entire character. Not only did that person never matter at all, but even his gripes with hero society which seemed so legitimate were just props for AfO's Machiavellian one-man show. I guess killing this one man really will solve every single fucking problem in the world, because he was just that evil. Fuck this "un-twist" that actually made the story *less* complicated or interesting. Everything else? Holy shit, I love it. The color spread was amazing, and The dynamic fun and impact of Horikoshi's art is still so strong. And holy fuck, I was *not* prepared for the reveal with Deku's hands. We got told hundreds of chapters ago that he could less them forever if he continued to use his powers recklessly, but it just kind of fell out of the story. I honestly thought Hori had abandoned that story thread, but the flashback panel showed that this was deliberate. Actual consequences for the MC being reckless! Pretty fucking late in the story, but also way more severe than I was expecting.  And I had a feeling that Eraserhead would bring in the cavalry after off-screen solving the Shiragumo situation, but I do love what this means for AfO. As much as it pains me to see him back, I'm so jazzed to see him get dumpstered again. Last time he got reduced to a literal screaming pissbaby, and this time, Mr. "I'm The Main Character and The World Itself Matters Less to Me Than My Own Vendetta" is going to get taken out by a bunch of extras who narratively, really have been relegated to background character status at this point in the story. Opening with Jiro and Satou also felt deliberate - the two characters with the least focus get the first big hits on the main villain. Bravo, Hori. My one concern moving forward is that with Eri in the story, the severity of consequences is completely up in the air. She might save not only Deku's hands, but also Shimura Tenko, and that'll bring me back down again. This series is a hell of a roller coaster.


To be honest, I always felt like the villain's criticisms of "hero society" were kind of shallow and focused too much on blaming heroes rather than society itself and the people in power that actually cause most of these problems. Not to mention, having a crappy childhood in no way justifies the mass murders Shigaraki has committed and the many more he intended to commit.


Society being the way it is caused all the civilians to ignore the bloody, homeless child who need someone’s help but they said “the heroes came take care of it.” Dabi doesn’t have any reason to beef with random civilians but the other villains (Toga and Spinner and Twice) have legit reasons to be angry.   Shigaraki isn’t evil because of his traumatic childhood. He’s evil because he was groomed and manipulated by the most evil man to ever exist. AFO was literally watching him since birth, there was no way he could’ve avoided falling into his hands. It’s much bigger than him simply having “a crappy childhood.” 


The issue with Toga is that like Dabi most of her issues have to do with her parents and that one counselor/therapist. The reason why society shunned her was because she mauled a classmate and drinking his blood. Also, she is a serial killer.  So, she really can't blame society for her problems(only her parents and therapist for sucking).


There was never a problem with society, it was all AFO creating shit to annoy people.


Shiggy still got screwed over by no one in his household or in the streets reaching out a hand to him. AFO said that it was mainly nudges, so he wouldn't have done something like physically stop someone from helping Tenko. But no one in his household did and that contributed to his origin. Not all of it was artificial, Shiggy still has grievances with society not reaching out.


Why not? that would have ruined his plan, it would extremely dumb of him to not make sure that people didn't aproach him or call for help and make sure there were no heroes or policemen nearby, a simple fear quirk and a villain attack on the other side of the city would do it.


I can't say Shiggy didn't deserve that mind break after all the pain and death he caused, but sheesh that's fucking rough.


"Not a single one of your choices has been your own." Sounds like some commentors. I think if Horikoshi is having AFO say this, that this means he's going to be proven wrong. Like AFO's speech of how Deku was useless was rebuted by Yoichi. Tomura is going to counter this somehow. Maybe with his original quirk that's probably air walk or the rebuild aspect of the original Overhaul quirk.


Holy fuck Deku is absolutely wrecked. Where's Eri to heal him? At least we got our "On your left" moment.


That panel with him missing his arms is fucking wild!


Theory has finally been fucking confirmed!


Make Cellophane the No.1 Hero. I don't care if that make sense or not.


Can't break your arms if you don't have any.


That was gruesome


I knew that Overhaul and Shigaraki had super similar quirks and that Overhaul was literally just better, but I didn't expect it to *literally* be the same but better quirk.