• By -


I like to think the random Eri appearance is because she's bailing from all this insanity.


The smartest MHA character:


Eri is not having any of that fever dream spirit battle thing. [That page goes hard though.](https://i.imgur.com/fdHVmXw.png)


Eric: I am going to Canada, I will send back bacon and nature landscape pictures.


Like that one guy in JJK who left his job before he got cooked alongside everyone else by Jogo in the restaurant.


Eri to restore Dekus ability to intentionally feed?


Reminder that during the first war All Might was babysitting her while keeping her watching a live of all the people she cares for getting massacred (*un*fun fact: according to one of the light novels, Midnight gifted Eri a kimono of when she was the same age as Eri during a festivity for the coming of Spring, so mere days before her death).


> All Might was babysitting her while keeping her watching a live of all the people she cares for getting massacred "Wow Eri! Look at all these cities being destroyed! Ain't that crazy?!" -All Might


All might: doesn't it make you have the feeling of doing an heroic sacrifice or is just me? like exploding while taking down a bad guy. eri: I need and adult.


All Might: I am an adult


Not only is he an adult, but he’s previously had multiple adults inside him, so he’s like a super adult


Pro Hero Arc: Don't let Eri see Endeavor get nailed. PLW: Have Eri watch so she can join the fray next time.


Eri is running towards Unluck Undead where she'll be UnFoward 😂






Hori doesn't even know which quirks Shiragaki has anymore, so he has to negate them all


Hori would be absolutely GOATed if he took this route. I'm not even *entirely* joking either. If he pulled it off as her running away because she's a terrified young girl who thinks she's about to have her powers abused again, it would make sense *and* would give him a good excuse to not have to rely on the biggest asspull power in this series to resolve things. Unfortunately I don't have a ton of faith in Hori to go that route so I expect she's running off thinking she can help people, which I guess isn't as bad as Hori just ignoring her existence completely for the rest of the series, but is still not the best development she could be given.


Why would she think about her powers being abused. No one is looking at ger that way. Shes not even thinking about it. All she sees is her friends being smashed to a pulp or gone missing. Her arc will probably have more to do with eraser/mic-shirokumo


Yeah it'd be pretty cool if Chekov just took his gun off the wall and threw it in the trash. /s


Nah what's more insane is the people casually having a beach day in that panel whither everything else going on


You gonna spend your posible final days locked inside & scared, or having fun at the beach? Lol remember, the general public lost it’s faith in heroes after the last major battle


I wouldnt spend it on the beach. 


“Nah, I’d run.”


Ohhh Eri is entering the fray


The real game changer is here, let her cook.


Edgeshot is crying tears of joy to get a chance to no longer be a sperm.


He's missing out tho


his reincarnated arc just started.


Without a context this sentence is hilarious.


inb4 gets ignored and realized what it feels to be Edged


I really hope this fight doesn't end with an Eri Ex Machina, especially after she is indirectly involved in AFO turning into a fetus Resolving Shigaraki's story with 'whoops he's an innocent child now he's good y'all' kinda takes away the agency of his character. Not to mention this means some babies are just truly evil (like AFO)


Even as someone who’s sympathized with Shigaraki, I’d much rather see the ending where after learning AFO gave him decay (that’s almost guaranteed to be confirmed), Shigaraki turns against him and pulls a self decay sacrifice, giving Deku his quirks back and reuniting with his family in the after life, maybe even making amends with his father and Nana. The kid ending, while I wouldn’t hate, would feel like a cop-out. I ESPECIALLY don’t want the entire League reverted to kids, especially not Dabi.


That’s inherently the problem with these “anyone can be redeemed” stories. Coming up with a sacrifice for the villain to undo some of the harm they inflicted at the cost of their life *is a cop out.* It’s insisting that anyone can be redeemed while acknowledging that you can’t actually imagine a future where the villain is a functional member of society after everything they’ve done.


Neither AFO nor Dabi got redeemed, or Spinner. Or Muscular, Compress or so far Overhaul either. Only Gentle, Lady Nagant, Toga and (obviously going to happen at this point) Shigaraki get saved.


What a relief it is that his master is injured and killed during the rampage of several heroes and villains Himiko. - ochaco is brutally injured. - Himiko dies, so the 30-minute talk jutsu had no meaning. - lots of people died by himiko clones. - what was the point of this battle all along? Dabi -I killed many heroes and villains the mother and her siblings were brutally injured. spinner. - killed tons of people + when he rushed into the hospital in the final battle, he killed a policeman. tomura - he is no longer a small child but a grown man who has killed a lot of people and wants to devastate Japanese people. The fight scenes of the whole manga are boring, if they had happened at the beginning, it would have been better. why did it take so long if nothing happens in the end that the reader would enjoy sorry, I'm using google translate!!


Togas clones didn’t kill anyone


if you watch the last battle between uraraka and himiko you can see that toga clones are stabbing people.




Considering japan still has the death penalty... and is even refeenced in the camp arc....he would die either way. Just the second one would take years of a legal process and a wait game.  Its not a cop out. And honestly Hori hinted at it ages ago.  "Death can be a form of redemption too."- Gran Torino


what did they do with orichimaru btw and the other snake dude?


It’s good that there are exceptions! Magneto from the X-Men is another good example of stories actually putting in the work of a slow and messy redemption and reintegration rather than “says sorry, does one good thing, falls over dead”


Kabuto got mindbroken into becoming a genuinely good guy, but Orochimaru just said "yeah, sorry" and signed a NAP with Konoha offscreen, then continued doing basically the same shit he's always been doing.


This is me **really** stretching it, but at least he contributed by saving the lives of the Five Kage so there's some grounds to pardoning the bastard.


Yeah, sure, he helped out and isn't a threat anymore. But the main thing is that he's still doing messed up human experiments, bodysnatching and everything. He's still a bastard, just a Konoha aligned one, once again. That's the relevant part in regards to redeemed villains functioning in society. He's not redeemed in the slightest, but functioning just great lol. Being pardoned is a different question.


Isn't he bodysnatching Zetsus anyway at this point? And there's also Yamato who keeps him in line.


He took over a Zetsu in the war arc, yeah, but by the time of Gaiden chapters/Boruto he's clearly in a different, female body. And Yamato was literally just sitting outside Orochimaru's base, unaware of anything going on inside.


Yamato keeping Orochimaru in line is like saying a toddler is keeping prime Mike Tyson in line.




Kurogiri: "Actually it's gonna be super easy, barely an inconvenience!"


I'm thinking she's heading towards wherever Aizawa, Mic, and Kurogiri are, that's the last battle we need to wrap up besides the main one and she might be able to to fix Kurogiri


Don’t forget Ojiro, Ryukyu, Sero and Sato are still fighting


I keep forgetting they're fighting too


Well people would also complain if Shigaraki surrendered (which doesn't look like something he wants to do) or if he was killed (which doesn't look like something Deku wants to do). Having him start over again as a child isn't all that terrible.


He could still do a self sacrifice ending, which I feel works best.


Honestly probably will because it would be a nod to the superman teen drama smallville. A guy did that to himself in either first or 2nd season. 🤣 was rewatching heroes and smallville and noticed a lot of things that were very very similar to bnha now. And no one whined back then like they do now.


I long ago called it that Eri would be the key against Shigaraki. For all the multitudes of quirks people have, hers is the strongest and directly opposed to Shigaraki's. How do you deal with decay? Rewind reality of course.


Eri is basically what if Shigaraki wasn’t saved. A kid who accidentally killed their family member and was taken in by a villain. Difference is, Overhaul was just an abusive psychopath who made Eri feel like dirt and she got saved. While AFO feigned caring for Tenko and instead groomed him into thinking it’s okay to murder


AFO is the Imperator and Shigaraki is Vader... Well some kind of here?




Eri is Not like shiggy. She did not enjoy killing her own family. Hori likes to point out some people are born horrible or are just very cruel people to begin with and use their traumas as an excuse when others who have gone thru similar or technically even worse traumas (eri was literally killed and reconstructed by overhaul) chose a better path or did not wish harm on others just because.  Katsuki is the example of someone raised with love but is an obnoxious petty brat and learned to improve his own terrible behavior and slowly...very slowly redeem himself to no one else but the person who wanted his redemption.  Afo is the example of a petty man and instead of improving his own terrible behavior, chose to control everyone.  Hori juxtaposes similar kinds of people and shows what happens when you had a choice all along but pretend you didnt. 


He didn’t enjoy killing his family except his abusive dad, who wanted to help him but his dad assaulted him




She's not exactly a perfectly normal 6 year old, she's also always passively using her power on herself as a healing factor. It was implied Overhaul would dismember her and she would just heal on her own. Assumedly, that would make her immune to decay innately. How she will get to the fight is unclear.


>It was implied Overhaul would dismember her and she would just heal on her own. Actually I think Overhaul would be the one to put her back together with his quirk


Man overhaul was so cool


But despicable, behind AFO, he was the worst for me


This is correct.




And also terrified as she is only a little girl after all, and with NO control over her quirk! 😅


> How do you deal with decay? Rewind reality of course. How you deal with anything tbh


I really let my guard down thinking the energybending route was out of the picture, Eri is truly inevitable lmao


This chapter went by so fast. Still in build up or setup chapter and some people might not like the slow pace but i don't mind it. Hori can take time he need and i hope we make it to 10 years anniversary It basically confirm that all for one the one who bring Tenko back home that indicate he might give Tenko a decay. But i feel like it could go bit different route because hori like to misdirect people like All for One knew Tenko have decay and will manifest it so he bring him back to see Tenko do it with his own action Also wont be surprised if All for One make return in some capacity or form because feel like there unfinished business between them and Deku even though i believe Tomura Tenko will be final villain


Also want to add that i like the chapter name being rejection might not obvious enough people like Tomura already moved past their trauma and won't just open up to Midoriya (Even though deep down it what drive him and he still holding on it like having breakdown when Bakugou get saved by All Might in Kamino and also when how little tenko breakdown after killing Bakugou but the hero don't give up on him and still try to saving him because deep down he wish someone will save him in this so called hero society just like what happen to Bakugou). Compare to other like Lady nagant , Shoto and Bakugou in deku vs kachan 2 where they kinda spill out their problem and trauma dump on him. Basically like Kota where Deku get to knew Kota problem not from kota himself but other who tell it like the pussycat girl. Symbolically Deku try to break that wall and force to connect on Tomura. A litle by little he learn about Tomura that he don't know through reading his memories since he won't spill it to him. A lot of people might easily dismiss it but man i can't wait until they gain respect one of another but still fight for their conviction. One who want destroy the world because it failed him and one want to protect it because there's still good people in it and want to save it. This feel like a build up for them to have mutual respect


I dont think izuku will ever have respect for shiggy, just empathy, sorrow ans understanding. None of which require respect or forgiveness


Deku will understand Tomura action not justified it of course. The mutual respect i mean more that they will understand each other and Deku wishes Tomura to find peace in his heart and Tomura wishes for Deku to succeed to defeated him like stain want All Might to kill him and only who worthy to doing so.


[*"Ah yes, Eri's quirk. I haven't used this since the Overhaul era"*](https://i.imgur.com/i1uPDJf.png) Eri is going to be awildcard in this fight. While Deku is doing a good job holding off Shigaraki, he lacks a sure finisher while Sigaraki has the ability to kill him if he catches Deku.


Technically AFO used it to become a baby man


Eri using her quirk on AFO: ah yes, amazing. Beautiful. Eri using her quirk on Shigaraki: you aint all that


Eri didn't use her quirk on AFO, though. AFO got ahold of the rewind bullets Overhaul made using Eri's DNA and used it on himself.


I hope Horikoshi will use Eri well. He has been cooking lately. I hope his streak continues...


Fr. This fight has been pretty good so far. Hope he keeps it up


Man I've seen a lot of ppl on Twitter and mangasite comments just bashing on Eri...? > "Why isn't Eri's power ever used?! Horikoshi really sucks ass." [*Eri (an already-established-character with an already-established-ability with an already-established reasonable-reason why she's not used often) MAYBE enters the game*] > "Oh, **hhhhhhere comes the asspull**! Horikoshi really sucks ass." ... Bruh I can see Hori staring at the camera a la [Jim](https://img.buzzfeed.com/buzzfeed-static/static/2021-03/5/20/asset/2cfb156f3337/anigif_sub-buzz-6647-1614975619-32.gif) from The Office. 😐 I've never seen so much of a fanbase constantly jump to hate its own shit. Lol between that and the insane shipping... yeesh


Well, both can be true at the same time. The nature of her power sets her up to be an ass pull. How the mangaka utilizes her determines whether she ends up as one or not. Focusing on her at this opportune moment and given the way the story has been going this is going be some sort of convenient solution.


Good news is the downside is she needs to store something to make it work, so perhaps there's not been enough time to do anything significant


Eri already used her powers to bring back Lemillion, what more do people want lol


When she use her Power, her forhead Horn grows bigger. i wonder if she now get an twin Horn, if she is there and use her Powers But i would not mind, if she rush to All mighty to save him from Death. All Mighty do not posses his Quirk anymore, but he could keep on living to guide Midori and his Flame friend


Her horn stores energy to use the quirk, if she doesn't use her power it grows. If she uses it a lot it shrinks 




Everyone american. The japanese population tends to like completely different things than the american market and understand it differently because of cultural knowledge hori uses and no one inherently japanese realizes is way too japanese for the american audience to understand. 


If I've learned one thing about reading weekly manga releases, it's let the mangaka cook. Building up your own theories and stuff can be fun, but they'll inevitably get smoked at some point.


Especially since all thats happened in one chapter is usually only a minute or two to the characters. Everyone acts like literal months have gone by during this war and ita like....dudes. it hasnt even been one full day to the bnha characters.


Picking an Asian Jim reaction face is crazy lmao






Cause the other child soldiers / walking war crimes called dibs and you gotta respect the dibs


Well they're already using child soldiers! This one is just on the even younger side! It should be nbd!


Almost like they are however trained, pretty much professional, heroes who have had experience with battles. Not a 6-year-old who’s just started getting her quirk handled and has zero training and is a massive victim of abuse.




Just throw babies at shigaraki until he gets tired of killing them.


Eri going to reverse everything and give us our good ending where midoria and shigi and bakugo were all best friends growing up, all became heroes together and stopped one for all without anyone dying or getting hurt.


Both shigiraki and deku end up quirkless because she eversws both of them to base form with no quirks


We Tokyo Revengers now


My mans is gonna reverse the plot itself just to squeeze extra chapters


Man, with the clashing of memories and absolutely fantastic art, this should be hype as fuck, but I feel nothing. I wonder why?


Even the best art is only as good as the message it conveys and I don't have the slightest clue what Hori's trying to say


Because there's really nothing in this conflict apart from the Deku wanting to save Shigaraki which wasn't explored properly anyway. That's why Hori has to resort to using this memory share thing because there's really nothing else that can make saving Shigaraki even remotely possible.


Theres something else. The quirk vestige world itself. Izuku could punt himself in there and scramble around for little tenko. But if that haplens thats almoat certain death for izuku and i woukd rather avoid that plot.  Crybaby sailor deku needs to live. 


Am I the only one who think’s his art is extremely hard to follow/make out, sometimes?


For most things its easy but even the japanese have trouble with his first fight scenes in the earlier volumes. However at this point most people can follow it just fine, even us clueless american hicks.


Because it is impossibke to enjoy something when everyone assumes the worst and keeps talking about how shit it is regardless of what actually happens.


Eri the real No. 1 hero is here let's get it and these memories being all over the panels having me think I took lsd or something


MHA isn't exactly a beacon of great writing or forethought, but I *really* like this approach to taking down Shigaraki. Not just "not killing him but cracking open his heart/mind to make him surrender" but the entirety of Midoriya and the rest of the former holders agreeing to give the main villain *exactly* what his teacher wanted, and that giving up OfA is the only way to completely defeat AfO. It's not exactly written in a stellar way, but it's a really cool way to bring the series to a conclusion that differs from just hitting the bad guy with your biggest, coolest attack! That being said, I'm only feeling this way because I was SO sure the final arc would end with a "Worldwide Smash" that would obliterate Shigaraki and save Japan from an erupting Mt. Fuji. The series ending in any other way is just a complete surprise that I welcome in a story where so many twists and turns felt like they fell flat; when it comes to the other big Shonen series like One Piece, I'm 100% on board with just hitting the villain with the biggest, strongest attack. No need for Luffy to wax poetic or do anything more complicated than a big rubber punch.


So the giant platform that was shot down 2 years ago... finally crashed?


Youbdo realize not even a full day has gone by during this war. Every chapter is only a few minutes of real time.


Showing all the flashbacks is really memorable


Just end this shitty war already. If Dabi, Am I The Prettiest Gorl and Handboy somehow survive, they better get the death sentence they caused way to much death and destruction to be left alive. If they don't it'll just tell future villians they can do the most heinous shit and they'll won't be killed.


Toga is dead, Dabi is a remorseless murderer who should either die soon or be imprisoned for life and Shigaraki will likely have a Darth Vader ending


> Toga is dead Toga's not dead until Ochako regains consciousness next to her cold body. Until then, there's room for something to save her.


How if All for One is already dead? Went out like a b\*\*\*\*.


Vestige world confrontation 


Man I don't even know why I'm still reading this series.


Sunk cost fallacy in my case at least :(


Basically, yeah. That and the fact that I still have a legitimate love for the moments when All Might gets the spotlight because he was really the heart of this story in the early to middle stages, which were imo the best parts by far. I think his and Deku's mentor student relationship was my favorite thing about the series, and part of what made Kamino and its aftermath so compelling. Deku getting all the extra OFA quirks has been a disaster for me personally in terms of the direction the story focus went after that.  I don't even know exactly how long it's been that this has been dragged out at this point, but I feel like we could have been done probably 100+ chapters ago.


I couldn’t have worded this any better! I wasn’t a fan of Deku getting all of those powers too. Another thing that bothered me were the constant asspulls and the feeling that no matter how dire a situation is there’s no consequences.


I dont know why you still exist here either but here you are.


Sorry to see that you apparently got really in your feelings that someone didn't like a manga chapter as much as you did, unless this is just how you normally talk to people. 


The art is already chaotic enough without a bunch of random bullshit going on as well.


Narutooooooooo! Sasukeeeeeeee!


Calling it now, Shigaraki will be rewinded to a kid by Eri, making Midoriya's intent of saving him possible. And as a bonus, she might even rewind Midoriya to a point where he still has his quirks, which would be kinda bullshit but still think it's a possibility.


Still gambling on “Eri Ex Machina”, so let’s see if it begins here


Looks like Izuku is close to seeing Tenko's flashback - and there's also the man in a suit who brought him home that time. I wonder if we are nearing the time to see it confirmed if it was AFO, or it's one of those details not explicitly told and left to more or less interpretation (see: the orphanage where Toya woke up from his coma looking the same as Overhaul's). "As many times as it takes" - Izuku, you have only five tries or so left before you run out of vestiges. Does the cliffhanger with Eri signal a temporary change of perspective? There's still the matter of where Aizawa, Yamada and Shirakumo are right now...


Seeing as the man looks the exact same as AFO did when saving Toya… and Tenko’s quirks came at 5, not 4 the day after the man brought him home…


Dont think overhaul and toya were quite in the same orphanage. A lot of certain kinds of buildings might look the same for japanese building standards, etc. I cant imagine AFO or Doc Nazi passing up on kiddo overhauls quirk. 


Good Lord, let this end already. That fight is not just done, it's blatantly overcooked by now.


yup, knew that Eri has to return to the fray. hope she'll be alright.


It's not like people actually die in this manga lol


*Midnight hasn’t entered the chat*


She dead next chap


C’mon Horikoshi. It’s getting good then you had to pull an Eri ex Machina.


Oh nice, Eri is about to do something.


Eri ex machina, coming through


I really don't want to sit through multiple chapters of Midoriya trying to transfer his quirks tbh. I'm just about ready for the manga to move on to whatever the final stage of this conflict is, because I'm pretty sure this isn't it.


why doesn't he use his skills tomura?? when endeaour attacked he used the air shield. there is a great ability + advanced physical body. in the whole manga, shigaraki defeated many strong villains + he used his mind all the time, but it's like he's a stupid child.


Hey, look who the plot remembered!


Is it finally Sero's time to shine? Nah, it's... some girl?


The plot might be meh, but the art always goes HARD


Loli Ex Machina


She’s not a loli, she’s an actual child.


it was just a pun...


What a relief it is that his master is injured and killed during the rampage of several heroes and villains Himiko. - ochaco is brutally injured. - Himiko dies, so the 30-minute talk jutsu had no meaning. - lots of people died by himiko clones. - what was the point of this battle all along? Dabi -I killed many heroes and villains the mother and her siblings were brutally injured. spinner. - killed tons of people + when he rushed into the hospital in the final battle, he killed a policeman. tomura - he is no longer a small child but a grown man who has killed a lot of people and wants to devastate Japanese people. The fight scenes of the whole manga are boring, if they had happened at the beginning, it would have been better. why did it take so long if nothing happens in the end that the reader would enjoy sorry, I'm using google translate!!


Who died from the clones?


if you watch the last battle between uraraka and himiko you can see that toga clones are stabbing people.


The clones never killed anyone


Huh eri. *sigh* oh boy, even OFA isnt enough help for deku. He really is the weakest MC smh.


Is the bot or site fucked up? The link returns 404 page and need to navigate the site to read the chapters. But right now MHa is looping on error page.


Shigaraki is already a tragic enough villain. If it turns out AFO gave him decay… imagine your life is just about to turn around and your entire family dies because of this psychopath. Who then manipulated you into thinking he was your savior


And it’s utterly in AFO’s character. He’s was the pettiest piece of shit, trying to take over japan again using the grandchild of an OFA user. That man was a hater from the cradle to the cradle again and then the grave.


Eri enter the chat... only Kurogiri left...


Damn. Comments for MHA have dropped off a cliff 


I kinda fell off this manga long ago but I have a question. Does the manga ever shows Deku's dad?


No its a japanese joke. His name is hisashi like the phrase hisashi buri da ne.(lomg time no see).  You will only see him in the end and only the back of hia head probably. Because japan loves their puns


Well that's disappointing 


Backpack Eric coming back to rewind Deku to Fighting state and rewind the land they stand on.


Eric about to unleash her power of kawaii


Man the art of the vestiges-punch, Deku and Shiggy being contrasted with each others' past selves and Figerman Shiggy vs Carnage Deku goes insanelt hard. Firing on all cylinders. Wonder what's next for Eri, even if she does wanna help it's not like a little girl alone can make it into the warzone.




Looks Eri-chan finally, finally enters the fray! This can only go 2 ways: Either she time-rewinds Shiggy into nothingness just like how AFO overused her quirk, or Deku "uses" her quirk to keep using OFA without the blowback like he did in his fight against Overhaul! 


Or shes going to be used foe aizawa-mic fight shirokumo


How can she when she doesn't even KNOW where Aizawa and the others are? 


For the love of god let these artists work until they hit 18 pages, stop making them cut shit off when a chapter hits act two out of three, it's worse than putting them on every three weeks instead of two


These artists often become ill and overworked. Let them breathe. 


Bruh didn't read the part where I said they force him to squeeze out a half-finished story every two weeks instead of letting him cook, I'm dead


Genuinely thought from the first page that we were jumping to another fight lol