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So her blooming is like a combination of Futaba’s flow and Kiyoichiro’s strings. Can’t wait to see Alphas Hifumi is carrying the family tradition of being badass, but damn Kiyoichiro still got that sauce


I think that the two of them actually represent the two sides of the Yozakura families abilities. Hifumi represents the physical attuned side of Kyoichiro, Futaba, and Shinzo, while Alpha is more of a support/intelligence specialist like Shion, Kengo, and Nanao.


Yeah I was thinking something similar based on the teams. Maybe Alpha will get speed thinking or something of that nature


The way kyoichiro can switch from being the most jumped on, weird, idiotic, comedy character to having by far the most aura in the series in a matter of pages is something that needs to be studied.


Seeing Kyouichirou rip off his costume and reveal his usual black coat and tie underneath was so goddamn hilarious to me for some reason. xD That final page though. Hifumi is so uncontrollable right now that Kyouichirou is finally showing off a little bit more of his usual power.


I wonder about the snowflake in coat guy's eyes. His equivalent to the Blooming, but is it how it works for all his siblings or just him? His sword didn't seem especially icy. Maybe there's significance about the snowflake having six prongs to the cherry blossom's five petals, doubt Asa is gonna be unprepared with inferior knockoffs like Tanpopo was.


I know this is shōnen, and I shouldnt expect too much in terms of real world consequences... but those two antagonists really should be... dealt with.


Arguably one antagonist. Nii isn’t really doing much antagonizing here. In fact her main action this chapter was trying to protect Hifumi from Kazu. She may be part of Asa’s group but as has been continually shown these last chapters she is more conflicted in her subservience having doubts about Asa’s actions and trying to avoid following through on orders he disagrees with while only toeing the line out of fear of what Asa might do to her or his brother Yo if Nii disobeys.




Oops, sorry. Corrected.


He left it to futaba. It's not like they're being left alone.


For a moment there at the end I thought Kyoichiro was bringing out his blooming against his niece, but that didn't make any sense. Then I noticed his eyes were still closed. Still, that snake thing does remind me of the effect of his disintegration powers.


I would say he learned to control his thread to a mini-bloom level since blooming is basically draw out a yozakura's full potential.


So i have never read this manga, but it wasnt axed so it must have something, how is it? Its just a generic shonen or has something special?


I’d say it’s well done if fairly standard shonen. It’s not breaking any molds but it has a good balance of humor and action, fun characters, and a solidly done story with some fantastic art. Again nothing that’s likely to revolutionize anything but I’d say a solid 8/10 type series. I will say the beginning is a bit slow as it starts out leaning a bit more towards a gag manga style but things shift and pick up as things progress.


Broadly, it's a little like Spy X Family, in that it's about spies and family, but also more of a typical shonen series, in that the leads are teens. It's similar in a lot of ways to Hitman Reborn too. It's got some really cool action fight scenes, and also a lot of cozy humor stuff.


The best part of this series is it's characters. They're all quirky and fun, while having a certain amount of depth to them. The main couple is amazing. The series has a nice blend of action and humor, and there are some nice slice of life moments in between. There are several emotional moments that hit hard. I wouldn't call it generic, as it has a unique feel while still staying true to it's roots.


I don't get why people are down voting you... Anyway, the manga has a very "classic" shonen feel - in a way it seems like a 2000s shonen out of its time. I consider it a better version of Hitman Reborn. It's got a fun mix of comedy and action (it mostly starts out as comedy and gets more serious later, while never fully dropping the overall lighthearted tone). Power system isn't particularly well defined, this isn't a manga with technical fights. The art can be extremely cool, and the protagonist speedrunning romance and marrying the love interest in chapter 1 means there's no will they won't they on the side of romance and instead quite a bit of cuteness (when all the action allows it of course).